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March 08, 2008


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Welcome to the "real 3D world". As i suggested in that "other" blog that white haired pixel art is said to create, "real" ideas about virtual worlds/simulations/ and our culture/society/ are needed as the RT3d media type has finally come to the interest of the mass. And with it that of the greedy, the controling, the good, the bad and the ugly.;) This is all very real, and only those not yet made the "other" from those " who are" may not understand any of this at this time.

PS. I dont and wont blog, I believe it like the CB radio craze of the 1970's is not a core media change, but only a mass cheapener of the quality of ideas vomited outward into the ether. Ive said the most important 2 blogs were the first to open and the last one to close. I do believe that.:)

Most bloggers will tire and soon go back to another self satisfying activity and only those who crave the power and influence will continue to form the next "old media". I believe they are the ones to watch, listen too and challenge to each's own principles and ideals.

As to 3D, and Virtual worlds, i have a written and oral, pre blog online history that predates most of those "twittering" today , so maybe this post will stand and any thoughts i have to offer after spending 20 years examining the media will be allowed. I prefer to let my actual WORK and DEEDS involving RT3D media to speak for my intentions, not a two minute set up "typepad" application;) or a twitter account.

The reality of the power of realtime immersive 3d media( VR simulation) requires not twittering cute analysis, nor bombastic hyberbole, or limited points of view , or the temporary "play" of the dilitante celebrity tech investment. RT3D mediais becoming THE most important technology/media/tool for humanity to wrestle with since the last great mediator of humanities existance- the A BOMB. And the jury still is out as to how that "experiment" concludes;)

VR/3D RT media is the final extention of radio/television and Mcluhans realization that media is both the message and massage. Its how we use it, and then how it will use us.

We now seperate the mind from nature, or many will try to at the least, and we enter the new century with the ability not only to attempt to mediate our own kind within the first "worlds" without the wrapper of nature, but also attempting to create new races (the machine) and to willingly give them domain over us for the what might be the illusion of temporary control -money and fame, the two economic media of today's mass society.

Anyhow, i welcome your thoughts from the identity of the "old" reality, but find your need for "the blog-and false fame" as the standard of the new reality you suggest "matters" as one of the larger problems we will need to face in new reality we are making.


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