An anonymous Registani -- probably Nathan Hamm -- has made a parody account of me called Grumpy Catfitz. The pics aren't easy to "share" as they are gifs set not to copy easily, so you have to go read each Twitter post to see them.
Joshua Foust, Sarah Kendzior and Ethan Zuckerman have all eagerly followed the angry kitteh.
They take my tweets and grind them into a meme generator and they are hilarious -- I'll have to make some myself!
Why does suspicion fall on Nathan Hamm? Well, because the grumpy kitties started not long after this post about GooGoogsha's new awful video in which I mentioned Hamm's "strangely incoherent" piece about Karimova and Uzbek culture -- and that probably spurred him to do his usual anonymous drive-by swiping.
It's funny, in Second Life, the Woodbury goons, an offshoot of Anonymous/4chan sort of culture, have created elaborate artwork, griefing textures and objects, memes, catchphrases, etc. around my simple critique of them as Bolsheviks. They make detailed Stalin uniforms and boots, star pins, giant blimps, huge Stalin gothic palaces, Soviet flags, etc. and bombard me with them. Hamm hasn't approached anything near that creativity, but then, maybe they don't teach Photoshop in defense analyst school.
Yes, these adults at Registan stoop to the level of 4chan...
RL effigy of myself being gobbled alive by a Communist chicken in Second Life, by Woodbuy/Anonymous. My glasses have fallen off, like Piggy's.