by Catherine A. Fitzpatrick
Perhaps you've noticed that Lindsay Mills, Snowden's girlfriend, has started her LS Journey again on Flickr -- and it's public (the Instagram requires approval). See here as well, where there is more text.
From the latest pictures, I think it's fairly certain that she's in Moscow. Has she gone there for good? Does she go back and forth? Do the feds drill her when she does that? Who knows? No journalists ever show any curiosity about this because they're so mesmerized by the Snowden hoax -- still.
This photo dated May 12, 2015 sure looks like a Russian sauna -- although it could be a gym room in Snowden's own house/apartment/place inside a GRU compound/whatever. Snowden's house has wood paneling as we recall.
The exposed pipes say "Russia." So do the shelf brackets.
This very recent photo dated June 11, 2015 seems almost certain to be taken at the edge of the Moscow River, across from the Luzhniki Stadium, just past the bridge with the Vorobyov Hills stop up inside it (a unique architectural spot), about here on Google Maps. It could be Lindsay, or her friend (see below) or somebody else.
I'll walk you through my proof. First, think about it -- what water body in the world in an urban setting is going to have a pedestrian walkway right at the edge like that, with no fence or curb or anything? Only Moscow, where they aren't very safety-conscious. And what place has had a lot of rain and flooding in recent weeks, that would put the river level up high like that? Moscow.
So -- Moskva-Reka -- but where? Well, find a view that has a peculiar set of two buildings like that on the horizon -- one tall and thin one, one short and fat one.
How about here? This is across from Luzhniki.
But Lindsay's picture is right down at the river's edge. Is there a walkway along the Moscow river there that looks like that?
Yes, there is, as we find from this mommy blog:
And yes, it gets pretty eroded in places.
What about the other things in the scene? Just in case it's in some other city with identical skyscrapers. Well, there's that yellow bit -- to the left of the skyscrapers at the river's edge, next to the white boat?
You can see something yellow in this view of the Moscow River at this area by Luzhniki:
So then there's this other picture of Lindsay under what looks like a bridge with yellow pillars -- this is dated five days later, June 16, 2015 -- which means she has come here more than once, may come here often -- is she taking courses at MGU? Is Edward? Is he working there?
It makes sense that if she was sitting by the river's edge, she might also explore a bridge nearby, or visa versa -- and there is one, nearby. Note that her hair is in a bun in the same way as the picture in the chair, but the shirt is different (different day).
Here's a view from Google Street View:
In Lindsay's photo, from under the bridge, across the river, you can see a pink building that looks like a classic Russian pastel Rastrelli-type building, don't you agree?
The pink pastel for a building, the windows -- it's Russia, not the Netherlands, for sure. And if you turn to the right on Google Street View, you see there's also a pink building across the river, by the bridge.
So many of the elements in these scenes matching clinches it for me, especially the pink house and the edge of the river with the skyscrapers in the view and the yellow to the left. But what does the underneath of the bridge look like?
Here's Lindsay's photo again:
Well, here's one picture from Google by X3anus of this same view here on Google Maps:
Those pillars are tan-yellow just like in Lindsay's picture, but this view is on to the middle of the river, above which is the metro stop Vorobyov Hills, which is inside the bridge.
Or maybe it's the next bridge up?
She's also got another bridge photo -- but it's very different, and with rocks, not pavements by the edge, and taken May 14.
But it seems to be from the same opera. I think it's safe to say she's on the Moscow river by that metro stop. No Edward in sight. I don't think this is where they live, it's an outing.
Now here's a picture that looks like it could be a Moscow metro stop, too. But I couldn't match it anywhere. The graffiti looks like it could be "Mak" written in Russian script but for all we know, this is in California.
Here it is reversed:
She has a bunch of pictures in this strangely-constructed open-air modern-looking parking garage sort of thing.
Yasenevo Metro?
Well, I don't think so. My theory has always been that Edward is being kept in a safe house in Yasenevo, which is where the GRU is headquartered and where it has apartment complexes for its employees.
Here's Lindsay with Edward on a love swing. Inside some sort of compound -- doesn't it say "compound" to you? Those big towers on the other side -- they're like Gulag prison lights. But of course, this could just be a Moscow suburb somewhere. "Brief escape from an imposed reality," writes Lindsay on this photo.
This to me looks like a classic besedka or gazebo or playhouse in a Russian park. The bright colors, the architecture look Russian. But I couldn't find a match.
Lindsay on some steps. This could be also in the park. Or not even in Russia at all and taken earlier in Hawaii, but I just throw it in here.
Here's someone who looks like she could be Eurasian -- but it's Lindsay, it has to be, as it says "self-portait," and describes being sick, which she mentions in several photos.
Why do I think "Russian"? Hairstyle? Eyebrows? Glasses? Tea cup? But, she could be in California. I'm just saying my hunch.
Maybe she is looking more Russian, being in Russia. Here her hair seems darker than normal, and she has glasses. But judging from her staring eyes sometimes, I think she has contacts normally. Anyway, this proves she puts her hair in a bun, which then matches the woman in the river and bridge pictures.
Lindsay also writes that she went to the Oscars for CitizenFour -- Vanity Fair spotted her.
Sorry, I don't get it. You've invested all this work—stalking, really—just to prove that Ms. Mills is in Moscow. Since Glenn Greenwald reported at The Intercept in October 2014 that "EDWARD SNOWDEN'S GIRLFRIEND, LINDSAY MILLS, MOVED TO MOSCOW TO LIVE WITH HIM," has anyone seriously questioned that she is there? What you're doing here is creepy.
Posted by: Anon Ankle-biter | June 30, 2015 at 02:15 PM
I don't get it. She's in Moscow? So what?
Posted by: Aron Cikac | September 04, 2016 at 06:20 PM
I don't accept Edward Snowden's statements on *anything*, even what day it is (especially what day it is, given his chronic lies about being "stranded" when the State Department "pulled his passport in mid-air" when in fact it is reliably established that it was pulled THE DAY BEFORE the day he boarded a plane for Moscow.)
Nor do I accept anything said by his scribes and fanboyz. I like to find outside verification of the claims. I think this is pretty compelling information from my geolocation here that she visited Moscow; we don't know if she MOVED there.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva (@Prokofy) | September 13, 2016 at 01:57 PM
great work!
It's quite easy. Take it as a game. Snowden is hidding / hidden in Moscow. Who can localize him first?
Let me help you a bit. Update your work with the following information:
Lindsay is standing at this bridge:,37.5775926,3a,60y,328.16h,92.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCY7LSyL1G7X0ServgjRPmg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x46b54b7f3fa078f7:0x1d367cda2339e338!2sVorobyovy+gory!8m2!3d55.7115933!4d37.561049!3m4!1s0x46b54c65861c8b15:0xdd919056f6d7dd2c!8m2!3d55.7050671!4d37.5278445!6m1!1e1
Still close to where you point her out. As she is running, this photo might be further away from their apartment than the other photo near the stadium. Obviously there they went by feet. But maybe they simply photograph in specific distance from their apartment.
What would help your readers is a map of locations that you found snowden / his girlfriend. Then you can do the next step of logical assumptions / hypothesis. I leave this step up to you. Looking forward to see your updated report!
Posted by: Алексей | January 29, 2017 at 03:20 PM
@Aleksey - um, in the second photo, Lindsay is not "standing on a bridge," she's sitting on the edge of a river which would be under a bridge. That's what I started with the geolocate the buildings on the horizon.
The pink pastel building to the left of the bridge which I geolocate here is the exact same pink pastel building from the bridge you showed in Google Street View, which I looked at in getting these geolocations.
So there is nothing to "update" and you're just trying to be a smart-ass.
We don't know if this is near their apartment, and I didn't say it was. The only thing established here is that she was in Moscow. She may not even STILL be in Moscow but likely she is.
The apartment is heavily guarded by the GRU/FSB/whatever and is not something they will photograph.
I don't believe it is possible to locate Snowden given the information we had. I did spend a lot of time geolocating the curb, the shopping cart etc from that picture of him in the supermarket shopping lot. But it was imprecise. My guess is he is the GRU complex in a safe apartment there in the southwest of Moscow. But who knows.
There isn't any map and I'm not playing any game. Lindsay was geolocated. By the bridge you showed -- but she was not standing on it, she is in the picture SITTING on the edge of the river.
Posted by: Catherine Fitzpatrick | January 31, 2017 at 01:21 AM