Succulents from Kaerri
50L Friday is a Bust; Redeux is OK; Rewind Summer of Love has a Few Things; Midsummer Enchantment Disappointing

Commies -- And A Dark Avenging Angel Farmsteader -- and A Delightful Furniture Store Antiki-Taki


So I had to fly out to Marietta, which I usually have to do when these awful Communists (yes, there are still Communists in this day and age, despite everything!) attack my Memorial to the Victims of Communism there, which I deliberately stationed next to the PCI or whatever it is Communist Party from RL. No Pasaran, they say. Well, right back atcha, comrades.

This time, I found that in fact it was a civilian who was returning my trees that slightly encroached on what was previously abandoned land. Since he had a name like "darkangelXXX" (there being so many dark angels in SL!), I figured he was "with them". I think he's not, however, as he had a kind of newbie farmstead with no commie stuff.

When people return encroaching things to me without a comment (I always try to warn people that I'm doing this and send them a message so they don't feel insulted), I do the same thing right back. Usually it's never hard to do. I immediately found bunches of trees, grasses, fences, etc. etc. all encroaching on my land from his side, and returned them back, and kept returning them as he kept replacing them. I rearranged my signs that face the PCI camp. 

I then decided to fix up the flowers -- it's funny how you keep going through stages of flowers and ones you liked in the past you don't now, and especially if they were planar or just ugly, you need to replace them. So I did.

This newbie farmsteader was furiously now putting up big black walls all around his little plot, and putting photo-real scenes on them. Super sad! Well, that warrants a sign on Deadly Communism his way, on glow. Eventually this will go away. The Commies next door never do, however their once big empire on that sim is now dwindled to a small plot.

I was just reading how HORRIBLE the Italian Communist Party was today, and how they cooperated with the KGB extensively. Small wonder.

ANYWAY, all of this is by way of explaining this gem:

Trajan Hallard
Antiki-Taki Double Pair of Riesener Jewel Cabinets


That's the picture above. Must have! I think it was like $499. I will be back Yes, it is photo-real in its own right, i.e. a photo glued on to a prim. But still. It's great craftsmanship. It opens up. Then the back recedes. It's a gem! 

And yes, I will have to fetch the address. But go to Marietta, past the Commie and Anti-Commie stuff and the black walls, and you see this sort of pedestal, and a TP up to the sky. 


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