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Squeedoo Shirakawa

Ah.... (._.)

Prok, darling, what in the world was THAT? I mean, it seemed like they were trying to interview you and then it sort of disintegrated into a Howard Stern type of show...
Oh and you're rated #1 on ratemyav.com? I always knew you were sexy. XD

Prokofy Neva

TrannyPet Barmy claimed that I "ranted for hours" on his show, and characterized me as the problem on this show, so I thought I'd publish the transcript to illustrate that a) he was behaving like a loon b) others on the set were behaving like loons; c) I didn't rant, but just made a few obvious points, and what I did was response in brief to each and every question or point that Tranny gave to me, not "rant" for pages.

Kyrah Abattoir

well your performance was quite mild prok as you totally skipped the long moment where they where totally not interested by your buziness speech

Squeedoo Shirakawa

That's strange. Why in the world would they want to interview Prokofy if only to not pay attention to what he was saying?
Reading the chat log, Prokofy, I see you weren't the problem. It looked like you were trying to gasp for air in that flood of spam and catchphrases. It's too bad you weren't able to recieve a proper interview.

Prokofy Neva

I don't see any "long moment". And since they asked me what I did, I told them. I don't care about getting a "proper interview". I realized when I showed up there and saw it was a really zooey set, with cows on it and people taking out their Play Sexy attachments etc that it was stupid, juvenile, Howard Stern sort of stuff. I tried to roll with it a bit since the guy seemed to need to fill up the airtime *shrugs*. Like I said, I wasn't impressed. Next.

Timeless Prototype

Now THAT was funny! roflmao

Quality post, more like that please! hehehe

cat cotton

Well that interview sounds like it was done by a couple of 15 year olds. I could of done without all their "cool" talk. I might of been able to follow the interview. (slams head into desk)


yes its silly

how about you try growing some tomatoes instead? http://www.growingtomatoe.com/

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