AsterixLe Gall: WELL
AsterixLe Gall: WE GOT A GUEST
AsterixLe Gall: BUT
AsterixLe Gall: YUH
You: the Infamous Antagonist
AsterixLe Gall: ITS
You: was was
AsterixLe Gall: PROKOFY NEVA
You: yo superfox dude
You: where do I go
You: I'm supposed to go onthe cow?
No room to sit here, try another spot.
AsterixLe Gall: hahahahahahah filming the SLTV filming us
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: Here I am on the cow.
AsterixLe Gall: ok mans
AsterixLe Gall: that fines
You: How now.
AsterixLe Gall: that will do
AsterixLe Gall: we is can do back to back
You: but
AsterixLe Gall: something different for show mans
You: I not facing you
AsterixLe Gall: lmao
AsterixLe Gall: ut oh
You: Beheheh fun
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: hey this show is fun
AsterixLe Gall: hey prof
AsterixLe Gall: dun move man
AsterixLe Gall: i'll move its cool
You: well ok shoot dude
AsterixLe Gall: there you go mans
AsterixLe Gall: big up the prof massive
AsterixLe Gall: welcome to show mans
You: um great props dude
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: welcome to my world
You: : )
AsterixLe Gall: is one of Kis's that one
AsterixLe Gall: lol
AsterixLe Gall: wanna c sploding cow ?
You: sigh
You: dare I say no?
AsterixLe Gall: there it goes
AsterixLe Gall: one of Loups
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
You: oh dear
AsterixLe Gall: bye bye livestock
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahaha
You: this is like the Three Stooges, the slapstick approach
AsterixLe Gall: yuh nutting prepared
AsterixLe Gall: no scripts
AsterixLe Gall: i is know a little about you
AsterixLe Gall: has heard name
You: the exploding cow always is a good filler I find
AsterixLe Gall: and know is acheived like infamouy in forums
You: well I'm the Infamous Antagonist
You: the Eliminated Entity
AsterixLe Gall: lol
AsterixLe Gall: right mans
AsterixLe Gall: can you tell us some about that ?
You: He Who Dare Not BE Named
You: I'm permabanned from the forums.
AsterixLe Gall: like how is it come about that you got so INFAMOUS
AsterixLe Gall: yeah i heared that to
AsterixLe Gall: tell all man
AsterixLe Gall: how did it happen
You: Um, I called Aimee Weber's name "like a prom queen who dots her i's with a heart"?
You: well that and saying stuff like "Is SL Ready for Investment?"
AsterixLe Gall: why is that bad man ?
AsterixLe Gall: like why is bad to ask such a thing ?
You: well what happened is that I stepped on a lot of tails I guess
You: I invented the term Feted Inner Core to describe the elite of SL
You: and they got pissed and started abuse-reporting me
AsterixLe Gall: ok mans wait
AsterixLe Gall: Fetted Inner Core
AsterixLe Gall: as in FIC right mans ?
You: well you had to be there, the forums are a cesspool
You: FIC is feted as in celebrated yes
You: many confuse it with the word "fetid" but it is "feted"
AsterixLe Gall: so thats not really a like real thing then ? its a term you is invented
You: Oh it's a satire.
AsterixLe Gall: for like descibe certain elements of SLers ?
You: It's not like there's some real cabal in the basement plotting.
You: It's not like I have a tinfoil hat on or anything.
You: It's not a conspiracy, a lot of them are just lonely kids.
You: You know, they see the Lindens are their in parentis locus or whatsis
AsterixLe Gall: so is like reason is got banned then is cos you is encouraged peoples to is like see outside the box a little ?
You: you know, they need some kind of authority figures to suck up to I guess
You: well I'm not a tekkie and I poked fun at a lot of them
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: it's like the geeks rule the world here, the revenge of the nerds kinda thing
You: I invented another term called tekkie wiki to kinda poke fun at their self-importance
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: their idea that they are always helping the world by making all this free shit
You: that doesn't work half the time
AsterixLe Gall: so thats what alot of the freebie crap is about then mans ?
You: well I personally think there's too much of it and it saps newbie initiative
AsterixLe Gall: is like self promotions of the Fetted Inner Core of SL right ?
You: I mean I have all kindsa free crap in my inventory
You: some of it is helpful but some of it is just a loss leader
You: and you're supposed to be feel all tingly inside
AsterixLe Gall: me n mikey is got shit loads earlier mans
You: that some girl sandbagged you in the welcome area with her goodie bag for free
AsterixLe Gall: lol yuh
You: and you put on some ugly latex pants and then buy her $500 shirt later LOL
You: I dunno I just find a lot of self-important in here
AsterixLe Gall: like eternally greatful for L$1 worth of crap
Broc Nilsson: Mike??
You: I'm just on another polatnet
You: well I went around when I was new and right clicked on everything
You: you never know you get lucky and swipe something
AsterixLe Gall: lol yuh is gotta see what can steal
AsterixLe Gall: thats what edit there for man
You: but I think there's just too much of it that is out there and NOT modifiable
AsterixLe Gall: yuh ahahahahahaha
AsterixLe Gall: is good to see we is on same level man
AsterixLe Gall: if it aint nailed downz
AsterixLe Gall: is there for the theiving
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: well I believe that people should be paid for their work
You: I'm shocked sometimes at how low people charge for really hard work for really nice stuff
You: I think we need to value things more here and pay people what they are worth
AsterixLe Gall: yuh thing remember is tho i guess is like level of sales
You: I'm not an anarchist and not one of these kinda people moochying off others like a lot of the hippie utopianists
AsterixLe Gall: dude
You: well what happens is a newbie comes on the forums
AsterixLe Gall: the fots is biggest god damn moocher in sl
You: and he says look here's my house I made for $50 woot
AsterixLe Gall: is how show got started !!!!!
Broc Nilsson: Hows it hanging?
AsterixLe Gall: $50 is way cheep for house right ?
You: and everyone jumps on him and says "oh SL is for fun don't sell stuff" and "You're advertising your house in the wrong place" and shit like that
You: very
AsterixLe Gall: yuh good man
AsterixLe Gall: nice hat
You: but then it's just a box
AsterixLe Gall: lol
Broc Nilsson: thanks bro
You: w3ell yeah a lot of Internet things are cheap or free sure
You: but you get what you pay for mmm?
AsterixLe Gall: yuh mans has you seen Loups UberHouse yet ?
Broc Nilsson: Nice fox outfit
AsterixLe Gall: for free
AsterixLe Gall: Loup maked house
You: nope but Loups is fox in french right?
AsterixLe Gall: is for like living in a Mall
You: or something
AsterixLe Gall: dunno manz
You: Lysa in Russian
AsterixLe Gall: is only do foxese
AsterixLe Gall: nice
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: but i get loup for like send you uber house
You: there's a story about the dough boy that rolled around and the fox ate him
Broc Nilsson: Hey man thats a nice suit, stylish
AsterixLe Gall: is like for move into mall
AsterixLe Gall: is only like 5 prims
You: ok
AsterixLe Gall: so way inside of prim limit in mall space
You: well I got this suit from him Baccara Rhodes is it?
You: It's a long story
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: about someone who used to make me wear a suit or they wouldn't go out with me
Broc Nilsson: hhaha I bet
AsterixLe Gall: nah man is like try to get folks for like live in Malls
You: and it just got there in my inventory
AsterixLe Gall: cheaper rent instead of buy land
AsterixLe Gall: is good for newbies
Cindy Claveau is online
You: yeah well I'm a rentals man myself
AsterixLe Gall: is the suit is has on now man ?
Mike Geer: CHEES
Mike Geer: E
Mike Geer: MGOAG
Mike Geer: COW P
Mike Geer: IE
Mike Geer: MONKEYS!
You: that's my business
Broc Nilsson: dude this is one cool show
You: Fox now tell me, what will the Lindens do
AsterixLe Gall: aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahah fanz on set
You: if you got on here and started like I dunno calling on people to overthrow King Philip?
AsterixLe Gall: well prolly kik me liek they did at town hall meeting
You: I'm wondering what the limits are
AsterixLe Gall: for go on stage and dansing
Broc Nilsson: fanz? where not getting piad for being up here?
You: you were a nuisance at the town hall I recall
AsterixLe Gall: well
AsterixLe Gall: way i see it mans
Mike Geer: *rubs nippless*
AsterixLe Gall: is like
You: hey was that cool or WHAT when that girl landed
AsterixLe Gall: if is stay with in bounds of ToS
AsterixLe Gall: can is pretty muts do like what want
You: and she had like "PLay Sexy Clit I get Excited When you Touch Me"
You: and Phil was like "Whoah watch it with that thing iwill ya?"
Broc Nilsson: *pats suit man on the back*
AsterixLe Gall: lol
AsterixLe Gall: damnit
You: everybody was like whoah
AsterixLe Gall: i couldnt like see
You: that girl landed with her !@#$ on Phil
You: LOL
AsterixLe Gall: cos is camera look this way :(
AsterixLe Gall: got some nifty ass n titties shots tho earlier
AsterixLe Gall: )))Ass Titties Ass N Titties(((
You: did you get that moment on tape back then dude?
Broc Nilsson: Prokofy, ur hot
Mike Geer: wipes it out
You: I kknow
You: you know what is shocking?
You: I am no. 1 on
AsterixLe Gall: nah man is maybe like the other camera crue on set is mite has
* Play Sexy - Cock: Time to Play Sexy!
* Play Sexy - Cock whispers: I get Excited when you touch me!
You: I am making the FIC furious!
You: wow
AsterixLe Gall: hey is thinking could be time for demo
AsterixLe Gall: has any of fanz seen HoS ?
Broc Nilsson: woah Im not suprised, i wouldnt say no
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahahahahaha
You: who is ttaking out their hog there?
AsterixLe Gall: hog
Super Nerd is offline
Mike Geer: *starts to lay wiwith himeslf*
AsterixLe Gall: screw hog
AsterixLe Gall: is got hos here
Mike Geer: play*
AsterixLe Gall: right so hey mans
AsterixLe Gall: is like
Broc Nilsson: these fox avies are hot too
AsterixLe Gall: ya do rentals now to as well as has fun with forums ?
Mike Geer: *moans and rubs his nipples*
You: I'm permabanned from the forums
Broc Nilsson: I brought a new weewee today:)
You: SO I had to start a blog, well I had one anyway but I added to it
Mike Geer: *stats to kick astreizlke
You: Broc you're supposed to let girls buy em for you
You: I read it in the Herald
AsterixLe Gall: can we and fanz is like has address for ?
Broc Nilsson: really?
You: that way they have their names on it or whatever
Broc Nilsson: damn
You: yeah
AsterixLe Gall: he isnt does know what girls is man
AsterixLe Gall: he's a Varick
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahahahahaha
You: or boys
You: whatever you know partners
Mike Geer: my weewee is deforme now since i sat on this chicken
Broc Nilsson: well its still getting use *winkw*
Mike Geer: Broc can i have a ne weewee?
AsterixLe Gall: yuh n doesnt mean like barn dancing either dummy
You: I rent all kinds of houses, estates, land, docks, stores
Broc Nilsson: No
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahah is like they is gettin themselves off live on Super Fox TV
You: it's fun I get to meet a lot of people in the game.
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahahahah dummies
Mike Geer: WAAAAA!
Broc Nilsson: u fucked up ir weewee now live with it!!
AsterixLe Gall: right is demo something here
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: is fun
Broc Nilsson: NO WEEWEE
HoS whispers: Hand of Satan Ready ......
HoS whispers: use '/900 blastall' to invoke :), '/900 hoshelp' to display help msg
Mike Geer: Pro can i have a weewee?
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahahaha
You: Asterix is there a reason you adopted the same title as Phil Linden has on his game?
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
You: um get your own damn weewee freeloader
AsterixLe Gall: is was for like town hall meeting that fotsy called
AsterixLe Gall: DUMMIES
AsterixLe Gall: cos
AsterixLe Gall: like is for was for like has instead of Lindens at front of stage
Broc Nilsson: so what exactly is this show?
You: oh well people are such sheep Asterix
AsterixLe Gall: for like kik ppl off and stuff
Broc Nilsson: u talk and ppl watch?
AsterixLe Gall: HAS SS LINDENS
You: they don't know how to have a town hall unless Phil is there to paste stuff out to them
Mike Geer: Fuck Fuck Fuck
Mike Geer: Motha Motha Fuck
Mike Geer: Motha Motha Fuck Fuck
Mike Geer: Motha Fuck Motha Fuck
Mike Geer: Noise Noise Noise
AsterixLe Gall: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
SLBC Neurocam: ok please watch your language Mike
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: hey mans
Mike Geer: ops sowwy
AsterixLe Gall: did yer see me at the town hall meeting ?
AsterixLe Gall: hey wait up
AsterixLe Gall: fottsy not so dumb
Mike Geer: *cries* my family abuses me
AsterixLe Gall: SLTV is hired a pair of greifers
AsterixLe Gall: nice one guys
You: yeah like I said you ewre kinda nuisancing up the place
AsterixLe Gall: check this out pro
Broc Nilsson: I dont know this man *points at Mikw*
AsterixLe Gall: SLTV trying to nobble is like
Broc Nilsson: Mike
AsterixLe Gall: by invitign griefers along
AsterixLe Gall: well is time for leave griefers
SLBC Neurocam: we didn't invite anyone along
Mike Geer: NEWBIE!
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahahaha
AsterixLe Gall: yuh right onwards
AsterixLe Gall: sorry pro mans
Broc Nilsson shouts: sorry guys didnt mean to intrude, Im lagging bad!
AsterixLe Gall: isnt normally get griefer tards in show
AsterixLe Gall: but
SLBC Neurocam: sorry SuperFox, I assure you, we had nothing to do with that guy
AsterixLe Gall: yuh lets is carry on
AsterixLe Gall: rentals man
Broc Nilsson: huh griefer tards?, what have we done?
AsterixLe Gall: hows that business going ?
Hamlet Linden is offline
Broc Nilsson: Im sorry i was unaware this was a show, i thought u were just chatting
AsterixLe Gall: lol while prokofky doing summat
AsterixLe Gall: am gonna try summit out yuh yuh
You: I'm checking the events calendar
AsterixLe Gall: oh no back
You: it never works right
AsterixLe Gall: lol yuh is never let me list right co-ords right
AsterixLe Gall: and
AsterixLe Gall: is still cant activate camera account for on like show
AsterixLe Gall: is signed up account SL
AsterixLe Gall: and is cant get me 2k referral from activation
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahaha
AsterixLe Gall: SORT IT OUT MANS
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: yuh prok man
AsterixLe Gall: tell us bout rentals ?
AsterixLe Gall: like hows that going ?
AsterixLe Gall: and where do we is like if want rent some land
AsterixLe Gall: how is best way for go about ?
Hand of Satan -=ULTRA=-: Hand of Satan - --==[-ULTRA-]==--, Ready ......
Hand of Satan -=ULTRA=-: use '/900 blastall' to invoke push on all avatars with in 96m :), '/900 hoshelp' to display all commands
Hand of Satan -=ULTRA=-: [all commands will now also work on channel 0, ie; no need for '/900' prefix]
You: You get my notecard that has the communities where parcels are available
You: they have house son them or you can bring your own or build your own
You: I have like 9 or so different locations
Kalliope Thetan is online
AsterixLe Gall: cool
SLBC Neurocam: Fox, don't meant to interrupt, but i just got spammed with messages about "hand of satan"
AsterixLe Gall: is like zoned ?
You: I have them for different budgets, from $150 for PG or for newbies going up to like $2000 a week for a large estate
You: well I have some that are zoned but it is very hard to zone in here
AsterixLe Gall: like L$ mans ?
You: I don't have land on the private islands, I prefer the freedom and variety of the mainland
You: yes LL of course
You: I can take Paypal too
AsterixLe Gall: cools
You: but most people just pay their stipends
AsterixLe Gall: hows that going for you mans ?
You: and I let them edit and put in trees and music and so on
AsterixLe Gall: like is people still big on mainland ?
SLBC Neurocam: I want to make it VERY clear that this IS being recorded, if anyone griefs the SuperFox show we WILL have VIDEO EVIDENCE to give to the Lindens
You: well a lot of people go to the islands for awhile
You: then some of them come back
You: or some of them have a little place still on the mainland
You: where they don't hvae as many rules
You: see a lot of the islands have more rules about building etc
AsterixLe Gall: the zoning rules right ?
You: mostly you can build as you please on my lots as long as you don't put up like a big ugly purple twirling square
Cocoanut Koala is online
You: well zoning is a relative concept
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: like you can't enforce a zone on the mainland
You: you can say "I hereby say this sim is residential"
You: but if you set it for sale someone will come and do their thing
You: which might be a club or mall
Akim Phoenix is online
You: so I try to establish some areas just for houses
You: then I try to put the stores up by the road
You: to mix it up an dnot restrict it totally but keep it from going ugly
AsterixLe Gall: so its a similar thing
AsterixLe Gall: but in on mainland likes yuh ?
AsterixLe Gall: yuh i get the idea i thinks man
You: it's not enforceable to zone unless you have a private island
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: good idea
You: yeah I like the mainland
AsterixLe Gall: other thing is
You: because people fly by and meet each other
AsterixLe Gall: can is like has a bit of land on mainland
You: it's not surrounded by all this blackness and water like the Twilight Zone
AsterixLe Gall: and not has to commit to like premium account
AsterixLe Gall: cos is rentals right ?
You: and the geography is just more interesting
You: well the mainland was made by the Lindens and sometimes they make neat stuff
You: you know like a bridge or damn or beautiful waterfalls
AsterixLe Gall: like rocks
AsterixLe Gall: and m not futts about
You: the islands tend to be like all sandy beaches
AsterixLe Gall: i like rox
You: like somebody's idea of Club Med
AsterixLe Gall: serious when ever is see rox in SL
AsterixLe Gall: is has to go look
You: but there are some very well done islands like Anshe's Aksha Desert
You: I have some land out there
You: amazing dunes and stuff
You: it's what you make it really
AsterixLe Gall: hasnt looked yet
AsterixLe Gall: but is maybe fly up there for a foxtrot laters
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahah yuh manz
You: some people prefer the security of islands, some prefer the variety of the mainland
You: lol
You: well people make niches
You: you know like furries here or French there
Ursula Cinquetti is online
AsterixLe Gall: yuh or tinies
You: I think it's a challenge to see if you can get along withyour neighbours
You: and since people are such fucktards on here so often
AsterixLe Gall: no fordet the tinies mans
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahaha
You: it's a total challenge
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: i hear that quite a bit
AsterixLe Gall: but less no be too hard on DUMMIES
AsterixLe Gall: is like every one is has to learn is guess
Diabolique Diamond is offline
AsterixLe Gall: but just dun come on my show DUMMIES
AsterixLe Gall: IT SAYS ON SITE
AsterixLe Gall: DUN COME ON SHOW
AsterixLe Gall: GOT IT DUMMIES
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: sorry manz
AsterixLe Gall: is just get lil excited when like talk of dummies is happen
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: like alliance
AsterixLe Gall: what who is come on show yesterday
AsterixLe Gall: but is cryied and left earlier
SLBC Neurocam: this IS being recorded, so any and all griefers will have VIDEO EVIDENCE against them
AsterixLe Gall: is think was bed times or summat
AsterixLe Gall: mouldy assses
You: hmm
AsterixLe Gall: ok mans
You: well I duno about that
AsterixLe Gall: i dunno if wants to talk about this
AsterixLe Gall: and is can say none of fottsies god damn business if like
AsterixLe Gall: but
Alliez Mysterio is online
AsterixLe Gall: in forum recent
AsterixLe Gall: is like all reporter stuff about MJW
AsterixLe Gall: and is like lot of debate over what is got said
AsterixLe Gall: and is what is not got said
AsterixLe Gall: like get picture ?
AsterixLe Gall: you mind is at all if we is talk a lil about MJW ?
You: sure thing
AsterixLe Gall: oks tanx man
You: It was founded to promote justice in SL
AsterixLe Gall: first thing tho
AsterixLe Gall: is would really like to keep it is so like
AsterixLe Gall: since you was is there
AsterixLe Gall: is wat was all like REALLY said and agreed and stuff
Eggy Lippmann is online
AsterixLe Gall: know what mean ?
AsterixLe Gall: like straight from one of horses mouths
AsterixLe Gall: rather than a biassed bs'ing reporter
AsterixLe Gall: yuh yuh
AsterixLe Gall: sorry mans
You: Ok ask me a question
AsterixLe Gall: was gonna tell us what it is
You: I was there for most of it
You: I missed some bits waiting on customers
AsterixLe Gall: ok can first of all is like tell fanz what MJW is about ?
AsterixLe Gall: am a blow up a cow quick
AsterixLe Gall: god damn it
You: well the group was just formed and is still gelling
AsterixLe Gall: muh cow broked
April LeMay is offline
AsterixLe Gall: right is what way is Justice about man ?
You: well a group of us felt that there have been a lot of injustices lately
You: and that in general there is not a level playing field here
You: that the entire world is skewed and has no checks and balances
You: in real life you need all kind of watchdog groups
You: that keep a watch on power
You: and you need groups to watch the watchers
You: and the watchers of the watchers
AsterixLe Gall: like insider dealing type stuffs man ?
You: this is all normal
You: yes
You: some people will say they need justice from the very land barons in this group of ours
You: let them
You: we gathered our clout, such as it is, which represents some of the highest tier payers in this town
You: and we decided to use it to try to get a slate of issues raised with the Lindens
You: and seek a meeting with them
You: I didn't know if anybody had ever formally done that before
You: formally
AsterixLe Gall: this is on behalf of SLer's to right mans ?
You: I mean instead of all this kind of FIC friendly stuff
You: where old players who become Lindens then pal around with their old beta-test love-fest buddies
AsterixLe Gall: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
AsterixLe Gall: is see is what FIC mean now man
AsterixLe Gall: is get picture
You: well it's not like many think iti is
You: it's not some plot where they get together in a cellar
AsterixLe Gall: is needs some headshots ahahahahaha
Ursula Cinquetti is offline
AsterixLe Gall: but like a masons sort is thing yuh ?
You: but it is a group or a state of likemindedness, group think especially evident on the forums
You: no
Cocoanut Koala is offline
You: they just say that to be funny and ridicule me
You: but honestly, it's a satire of sorts to get people to see
AsterixLe Gall: no mans not the MJW
You: that they take themselves too seriously
AsterixLe Gall: is mean like FIC is like masons
You: no FIC isn't masons either
You: it's group think
You: ti's how people behave in groups
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahhaahaha fottsy is dummie ahahahahahahaha
You: mobs get formed and people behave in ways they wouldn't in RL
You: anyway we decided to come up with a few test cases
AsterixLe Gall: gots it now
AsterixLe Gall: like Alliance ?
You: things like Jeska Linden posing for SLBoutiques
You: is that right for her to do that?
You: I ask her to pose for me, she doesn't LOL
You: It's an issue of fiarness
SLBC Neurocam: For our viewers that don't know. FIC means "Fetid Inner Core" and refers to a conspiracy theory about Second Life politics
AsterixLe Gall: well isnt was right she didnt ask muh question at town hall meeting
You: fairness
You: well it is not a conspiracy theory
AsterixLe Gall: and then is like remove me for dancing
You: it's a description, an analysis of how the people who are both older players
You: and their new apprentices
You: feel they are entitled to a certain stature and privilege
You: you see it in things like their expenctation
You: that they can force people off the forums
You: get newbies streamed to their land in welcome programs
You: get Lindens to DJ at their events or pose in their ads
AsterixLe Gall: so MJW is promoting freedom of speaches to right mans ?
You: it's just an assumption
You: well we didn't get into the forums
You: we startled with simpler issues
Alliez Mysterio is offline
You: 1) code of ethics for Lindens
You: 2) how to end misuse of the abuse report system which is used to settle scores
You: 3) how to minimize conflict of interest and efforts to run residents out of business
Alliez Mysterio is online
You: you know the basic rules of the game
AsterixLe Gall: right is starting understand now man
You: it is not to promote our business interests
You: we have other groups for that
You: it's to get the Lindens to step up to the plate
AsterixLe Gall: is more for like promote like fair trading for all in SL right man /
You: to realize they aren't in Kansas anymore
You: like theyre' not in this little small town in America
You: now with their little friends and the town elders who clear on what people do or say
AsterixLe Gall: no one is can like cause some one is else like grief from in background
You: it's a big fucking place
AsterixLe Gall: yuh mans
AsterixLe Gall: too muts can is be hidden up easy now
You: there are huge numbers of creators in here
sandhya2 Patel is online
You: there are numerous people who have way more traffic on their lots than the forum FIC
Multi Gadget v1.33.1 by Timeless Prototype
You: there are new people who make vehicles, skins, avatars just as popular and just as kewl
You: so stop showing the same old FIC people on the website
Pathfinder Linden is offline
You: spread the wealth of attention around a little more
AsterixLe Gall: yeah manz agreed on that
AsterixLe Gall: FUTS TO FIX
You: and establish some guidelines for how Lindens throw business to poeople
You: like they gave as $17,000 US real-life dollar bid to a FIC group
You: that got people plenty pissed
You: it went to a secret sim by some RL bank that asked for builders
You: and people were like, hey, how come I'm a super builder and I couldn't put in a bid?
You: so now the Lindends have a Developers' Directory
AsterixLe Gall: cos not in FIC right ?
You: but you have to be like, already on their radar to get in it
You: well interview the FIC and get their side of it
AsterixLe Gall: that big sucks and smeslls is of like foxtrots
You: looks to me like same-old same-old
AsterixLe Gall: yuh mans that good idea
AsterixLe Gall: is think do that
You: they need to have a fair system
AsterixLe Gall: oi fic'ers
AsterixLe Gall: if any is watch muh show mans
AsterixLe Gall: want one of you is to come on is up here
AsterixLe Gall: and splain selves
AsterixLe Gall: is like why you think is get all business
You: the idea is not to have a plywood box equal to the Taj Mahal
You: we understand there are some people who are more talented than others
AsterixLe Gall: when is like other peoples like with mouths for to feed yuh yuh
You: but just have equal opporunity
You: lol
AsterixLe Gall: yuh is should be fairs man
AsterixLe Gall: totally
You: well and I think we need ethics or codes of conduct for Lidnens
AsterixLe Gall: and is like new idea for show
You: they have tremendous power over the world
AsterixLe Gall: you is gonna likes this one
You: they can't say hey it's a country with its own currency and you can start a business, and it's not a game
You: and then turn around and say well no my buddy gets the contract
You: that's like Russia or China
AsterixLe Gall: yuh is wouldnt get away with in RL
AsterixLe Gall: hey mans
AsterixLe Gall: one thing
AsterixLe Gall: one thing
AsterixLe Gall: is gotta ask before is carry on
You: well you wouldnl't in a democratic country with free press and justice
AsterixLe Gall: cos is like
AsterixLe Gall: well is say stuff and is not say it not true
AsterixLe Gall: but is can this all be found out ?
AsterixLe Gall: like so fanz can is see for selves ?
You: well you have to go and ask yourself
You: is it right for Jesk Linden to pose for SlBoutiques?
You: the big billboard is up in that telehub area by Kania
You: is it right for Shaun Linden to DJ events?
AsterixLe Gall: yuh fink is seen that
AsterixLe Gall: she look HOT
You: the issue not that he used the global PA system
You: we understand he said that was a mistake
You: I get a thing telling me to force-TP over to see Shaun Linden
You: WTF is that?
You: well he says that is a mistake
You: ok but what is he even DOING DJing for some resident's show?
You: like how come I don't get Shaun Linden to show off at my thing?
You: and sell my stuff?
You: and get my dwell?
You: it's just fairness
AsterixLe Gall: hey mans
AsterixLe Gall: dun worry
AsterixLe Gall: cos is got plans for yer mans
You: it's not a question of dumbing down quality to my level, like in Russia, the resentment of the talented
You: it's a question of like FAIRNESS
AsterixLe Gall: is like when you is want guest dj for is like sell stuff
AsterixLe Gall: im SUPER FOX mans
AsterixLe Gall: is come help you is out
You: well thanks
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You: I never have time to do stuff like that I should do more
You: I just give space to tenants who do their thing
AsterixLe Gall: count me up for a spot man for sure
AsterixLe Gall: yuh yuh
AsterixLe Gall: DJ FOX king of the grooves
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
You: well and you have to ask about this whole system
You: whereby an old player levels up and becomes a Linden
You: that's the heart of darkness IMHO
You: that's where a lot of the problems of unfairness start
AsterixLe Gall: perhaps is need some form of Lindoftel
You: if you are my best buddy
AsterixLe Gall: OfLind
You: and we had a business together
You: and then you get to become a Linden
You: and you then start throwing me contracts and stuff
You: well who checks on that?
You: I mean I couldn't have people in my various jobs in RL if they had a conflict of interest
AsterixLe Gall: yuh is like need 3rd party for is like monitor activity of lindens
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
You: and you have to sign a disclosure
AsterixLe Gall: but then is again man
You: and you have to recuse yourself from contracts and things like that
AsterixLe Gall: is LL like is floated on marke ?
AsterixLe Gall: is point is make is like
AsterixLe Gall: if not
AsterixLe Gall: is almost is still like private
AsterixLe Gall: and is like up for them is to do as please
AsterixLe Gall: but i guess
AsterixLe Gall: fing is
AsterixLe Gall: if some one doesnt is like form something like MJW
You: what's bothersome to me is that both Lindens and FIC see nothing arong with this
AsterixLe Gall: to stop unfairness and stuff
AsterixLe Gall: is like
You: they have this really fucking arrogant attitude
AsterixLe Gall: soon no one wanna play no more
You: like we're here we're the best fuck off
AsterixLe Gall: and like no more SL :(
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: zactly
You: well they have a conscious attitude
AsterixLe Gall: and fottsy is love SL
AsterixLe Gall: and if no more sl
AsterixLe Gall: is like now more FOX SHOW
You: which is let's only have the qulaity people make SL and keep out the riff-raff
You: and I think you can't do that
AsterixLe Gall: hey mans is like the idea of then mans ?
You: or you can't have a mllion people come through the door
You: they claim to want that
AsterixLe Gall: like cos independant
You: well you need an independent pres sin here badly
AsterixLe Gall: and is open for any one and every one for is come on and say what like
You: to cover events from an independent perspectgive sure
AsterixLe Gall: long as no slanders
SLBC Neurocam: SLTV isn't supposed to opin anything politically... so I'm going to try to keep this as impartial as possible.
You: the challenge is how to make it fair and balanced
You: well you 'd have to investigate whether something is slander
AsterixLe Gall: hang on a sec prof
SLBC Neurocam: SLTV is hosted by the lindens and run by residents both old and new.
Fox Diller: Yes.
AsterixLe Gall: IF NOT
AsterixLe Gall: DO UNDERSTAND ?
Fox Diller: Yes.
SLBC Neurocam: fine, then we'll go... I'm not sure we really want to be bashed whenwe're airing your stuff live
AsterixLe Gall: right
AsterixLe Gall: sorry mans
AsterixLe Gall: that was really start to piss off fottsy
You: didn't see it
AsterixLe Gall: yuh is cant cos is wrong side of is camera
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: hey mans
You: it's hard to do things in here without griefing
AsterixLe Gall: gonna ask the usual final 3 questions now
AsterixLe Gall: yuh is say again man
You: I think that's one of the reasons why we didn't have an open meeting as such
AsterixLe Gall: n when is like independant only is like no griefing
You: but it was covered by the press anyway
You: you cannot keep the press out in SL
You: and I'm all for the press
AsterixLe Gall: is like only gweefing dummies is come tonite
You: I work freelance for the Herald myself
AsterixLe Gall: cools mans
You: yeah well I get really tired of it
You: it's hard to function
AsterixLe Gall: top quality rag mans, is read now n again
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
Twiggy Lawson: You function just well with me Prokofy
You: it's partly the Lindens could never see their way clear to dissseminate some culture of better behaviour
AsterixLe Gall: i see is use that now for is like instead of forums yuh
AsterixLe Gall: yuh well is all just stupid for dummies
AsterixLe Gall: like is do stupid chit
You: Hi Twiggy
AsterixLe Gall: when fottsy is like doing enuff stupid shit already
You: how's the trailer biz
Twiggy Lawson: Hi Baby!!!
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahahah
AsterixLe Gall: lol
Twiggy Lawson: got out of it
You: wow this is like Oprha
AsterixLe Gall: like talk in foxese like a stupid futts for starters
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: it has an an audience
AsterixLe Gall: cept oprah is crap
You: let them ask some questions fox dude
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahaha
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: good ideas man
You: yeah I left the sleezy too but I couldn't spend the time there
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AsterixLe Gall: lets has 3 questions from audience
You: I loved that place but too busy
AsterixLe Gall: n then i is got 3 questions
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: who first ?
You: wow Rosa Parks
You: great name for an av
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Rosa Parks: thank you
You: I'll bet not one in ten even recognize the name? or do they?
Rosa Parks: not very many comment on it
AsterixLe Gall: hey man if they dun
AsterixLe Gall: it cool
AsterixLe Gall: cos is got 3
AsterixLe Gall: easy ones yuh
Rosa Parks: i think your percentage guess is accurate
You: ok questions?
You: well shoot Ast
AsterixLe Gall: yuh m a have a quick nuzzle in like crotch
AsterixLe Gall: whilst is like wait for q's
AsterixLe Gall: they duns now man ?
You: dunno
You: gals?
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahaha bunts of dummies
AsterixLe Gall: otays man
AsterixLe Gall: futs em
AsterixLe Gall: is like 3 q's what is get asked to like all guests man
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AsterixLe Gall: first one is
AsterixLe Gall: what is coolest thing is seed in SL ?
You: Hmmm
Rosa Parks: Sleezywood!!!
You: There are so many cool things I want to think for a moment.
Rosa Parks: The brothel in Sleezywood!!!
You: I guess I would say the build that Foolish Frost did for me in FREE TIBET
Twiggy Lawson: Rosa Shut the FUCK UP
You: it is a fusion of East and West Asian stuff -- a spa, waterfalls, lodge, cabin
Rosa Parks: You shut up ho!!
AsterixLe Gall: was cools then yuh ?
You: it's just awesome to me
Twiggy Lawson: I'll come over there and kick your ASS
You: but there are things like the Tubes of Saturn in Tethys the Lindens made
AsterixLe Gall: mind if is drop by and takes look later mans ?
Rosa Parks: Like last time? I wooped you good
You: or the Volcano they used to have
You: sure thing
You: it's in Wakeley outside of the Wixom telehub a bit
You: or like the island called Barbados
Twiggy Lawson: And stay off my BF's
You: Tyra Valkyrie's island with builds and stuff to do
Rosa Parks: He's cute -- did you really give him a BJ??
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahaha is thought you is said BASTADOS for a minute
AsterixLe Gall: ahahahahahahaha lol
You: or like this brand-new builder Desmon Shang just made these builds to rez out of a rock
You: Barbados lol
You: I just seel cool things all day long
You: I'm going to start up my Top Picks again on Ross
AsterixLe Gall: oh chit
You: I had them all saved up they're hard to keep picking so many!
AsterixLe Gall: sorry SLTV
AsterixLe Gall: well is good list there
AsterixLe Gall: for like new SLers to go and is loook at for sure mans
AsterixLe Gall: get your botties on down there FANZ !!!!!
AsterixLe Gall: otays is like
AsterixLe Gall: next one is
AsterixLe Gall: of all stuff in SL
AsterixLe Gall: what most STUPIDEST fing is of all ?
You: I'm afraid the first thing that comes to mind is that Linden cabin in the atoll sims
AsterixLe Gall: Linden cabin ?
You: it knocks your around inside, you can't see when you walk in the door
AsterixLe Gall: lol
AsterixLe Gall: poor build yuh ?
You: you wonder why would they make all these cabins and have them not work?
You: but that's just not the stupidest maybe
AsterixLe Gall: lol
You: I guess the stupidest thing I find in the game itself
You: every time you try to edit something
AsterixLe Gall: i is has to go up for take snapshots now for site for sure
AsterixLe Gall: yuh yuh
You: it rocks your whole av into seeing way above the roof
You: so you can't see the thing y ou're editing
You: now what's up with that?
AsterixLe Gall: yeah mans that pisses me off to
AsterixLe Gall: specially is when just got new prims with me L$50 pckets money
AsterixLe Gall: n then is like making different size
AsterixLe Gall: and is cant see them
AsterixLe Gall: n then
AsterixLe Gall: is like move them with arrow
AsterixLe Gall: n is like go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
AsterixLe Gall: and like disappear is off screen
AsterixLe Gall: that is ultra sucks for is like SL
AsterixLe Gall: yuh yuh
AsterixLe Gall: ooops ahahahah stop ranting fottsy ahahahahaha
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: otays
AsterixLe Gall: n like final one man
AsterixLe Gall: what is most cutest thing is ever seen in SL ?
You: hehehe
You: I wno't say lol
Rosa Parks: That ho Twiggy at the Sleezywood brothel!!!
AsterixLe Gall: lol is chix mans ?
Twiggy Lawson: my shaved PUSSY !!!
You: but they'll know who they are lol
Ekim Bienenstich: that poodle on a stick is pretty hot
AsterixLe Gall: woah big up the massive posse for is like Prof's chix
AsterixLe Gall: who ever is like yuh yuh
You: : )
AsterixLe Gall: right prof
AsterixLe Gall: it seriously been pleasuer is have on show for tonite
You: kk any time
You: and like I said go out and get all sides of the story
AsterixLe Gall: and massive respets for like come on at short notice man
AsterixLe Gall: is saved the day
You: triangulate triangulate
You: that's how we will get the truth in this complex world
AsterixLe Gall: yuh mans you is right
You: hear everybody out
You: meet with everybody
AsterixLe Gall: so like FIC fanz, is want one of is you for is come up on show
You: ok gl dude
AsterixLe Gall: and respond
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: thanks again mans
AsterixLe Gall: keep tuned, is will do as say
AsterixLe Gall: and get a FICer up man
You: yeah go do all the sides and we can have a point counterpoint
You: LOL
You: ok gnight
AsterixLe Gall: :)
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AsterixLe Gall: ty again mans
AsterixLe Gall: right is want to explains sumting here
Rosa Parks: yay!! good show!!
AsterixLe Gall: this what independant tv all about
AsterixLe Gall: is like want to hear all sides for fottsy
AsterixLe Gall: hey mikey how that stool going man ?
AsterixLe Gall: is building yet ?
Ekim Bienenstich: doin good
AsterixLe Gall: for those who isnt know
AsterixLe Gall: Mikey down there sat on the stool jar
AsterixLe Gall: is doing foxtrots
AsterixLe Gall: for collection
Ekim Bienenstich: yuh yuh
AsterixLe Gall: as can see
AsterixLe Gall: is not got a bad doodoo going on already mans
AsterixLe Gall: what we is gonna name the stool mans ?
AsterixLe Gall: we gotta has name for the stool
Ekim Bienenstich: ekims dooks
AsterixLe Gall: that the way mans
AsterixLe Gall: so yuh that what Mikey is doodoo down there
AsterixLe Gall: for those who is need know
AsterixLe Gall: he building up collection of dook
AsterixLe Gall: which
AsterixLe Gall: is going for power
AsterixLe Gall: super foxtrots generator
Ekim Bienenstich: hahaha ya
AsterixLe Gall: to ppower for like website
AsterixLe Gall: yuh
AsterixLe Gall: turd burning
AsterixLe Gall: yaahahahahahahahahahah lol
Ekim Bienenstich: ya my duke burn good
AsterixLe Gall: right yuh
AsterixLe Gall: is was talk about independant tv
AsterixLe Gall: that what it about here at super fox show
AsterixLe Gall: independant
AsterixLe Gall: and neutral yuh
AsterixLe Gall: so like prof said
AsterixLe Gall: is want now for liek FIC to come on show at some point
AsterixLe Gall: and is like
AsterixLe Gall: say something for in reply
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Ah.... (._.)
Prok, darling, what in the world was THAT? I mean, it seemed like they were trying to interview you and then it sort of disintegrated into a Howard Stern type of show...
Oh and you're rated #1 on I always knew you were sexy. XD
Posted by: Squeedoo Shirakawa | 02/01/2006 at 01:11 AM
TrannyPet Barmy claimed that I "ranted for hours" on his show, and characterized me as the problem on this show, so I thought I'd publish the transcript to illustrate that a) he was behaving like a loon b) others on the set were behaving like loons; c) I didn't rant, but just made a few obvious points, and what I did was response in brief to each and every question or point that Tranny gave to me, not "rant" for pages.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 02/01/2006 at 01:07 PM
well your performance was quite mild prok as you totally skipped the long moment where they where totally not interested by your buziness speech
Posted by: Kyrah Abattoir | 02/01/2006 at 03:39 PM
That's strange. Why in the world would they want to interview Prokofy if only to not pay attention to what he was saying?
Reading the chat log, Prokofy, I see you weren't the problem. It looked like you were trying to gasp for air in that flood of spam and catchphrases. It's too bad you weren't able to recieve a proper interview.
Posted by: Squeedoo Shirakawa | 02/01/2006 at 05:38 PM
I don't see any "long moment". And since they asked me what I did, I told them. I don't care about getting a "proper interview". I realized when I showed up there and saw it was a really zooey set, with cows on it and people taking out their Play Sexy attachments etc that it was stupid, juvenile, Howard Stern sort of stuff. I tried to roll with it a bit since the guy seemed to need to fill up the airtime *shrugs*. Like I said, I wasn't impressed. Next.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 02/01/2006 at 08:44 PM
Now THAT was funny! roflmao
Quality post, more like that please! hehehe
Posted by: Timeless Prototype | 02/02/2006 at 11:22 AM
Well that interview sounds like it was done by a couple of 15 year olds. I could of done without all their "cool" talk. I might of been able to follow the interview. (slams head into desk)
Posted by: cat cotton | 02/02/2006 at 09:05 PM
yes its silly
how about you try growing some tomatoes instead?
Posted by: Craig | 10/11/2006 at 04:05 AM