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Squeedoo Shirakawa

Haha, I saw the InfoNUT (XD) while visiting your seafood restaurant. It is very useful...plus the name makes me laugh. :)

Cienna Rand

Welcome to the club, man.

Prokofy Neva

Um, which club is that, Cienna? Well, the name SHOULD make you laugh, it's a bit of a parody of InfoNet.

Kyrah Abattoir

hehe yeah, so subtle from you PN

Prokofy Neva

Gosh, what's hilarious, Kyrah is that you all think you are laughing and riduling me and being oh-so-clever but you're not getting the half of it yourselves : )

Squeedoo Shirakawa

Alright, now, folks, let's not get snippish...
Besides, I like the "Weather" part of the InfoNUT. I can see whether I should build that day or not. Thank you, Prokofy.

Kyrah Abattoir

"Gosh, what's hilarious, Kyrah is that you all think you are laughing and riduling me and being oh-so-clever but you're not getting the half of it yourselves : )"

you are just pathetic PN, its bad to laugh from pathetic peoples


Ooogie woogie

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