Below you can see the transcript that TrannyPet Barmy (the Fox guy on Fox TV) claims has me ranting for hours -- you can easily see him talking shite and him ranting in Foxese for hours lol.
Next, the wierd attempt by SLTV to reprimand me. Neither Fox TV nor SLTV exists anymore...
Lucca Kitty: wanna talk about conflict of interest? try the fact that the Lindens are paying SLTV to show what we want to show... we have a couple people accused of being "FIC" and we were all unanimously agreeing "YEah, lets go film the Superfox show"
Lucca Kitty: our entire premise is that the entire community of SL should be responsible for the content of SLTV, both new and old residents alike... and you go bashing the very people trying to turn things around
Lucca Kitty: it's sick man, SICK!
Prokofy Neva: ? I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, you aren't making sense
Prokofy Neva: which people?
Lucca Kitty: well, Ice Brodie for one is doing a lot to help us out in getting everything going
Lucca Kitty: and here you are bashing the Lindens when we're working WITH them to get all of SL involved, and we're unbiased and want to promote the ENTIRE community of SL to come together for the better
Prokofy Neva: I dno't get what you are going on about? huh? I'm supopsed to censor myself on Fox TV here so you can do your little dance with the Lindens? Huh????
Lucca Kitty: no
Lucca Kitty: I'm saying
Prokofy Neva: I have no idea what you are about
Lucca Kitty: that the Lindens are perfectly fine with you airing this stuff
Lucca Kitty: I'm saying on a personal level that I'm insulted at your own conflict of interest
Prokofy Neva: I don't run Fox TV that's this guy's thing I'm just a guest on it
Prokofy Neva: ? what conflict of interest?
Lucca Kitty: I'm saying that the very people you are bashing
Lucca Kitty: WANT you to be able to say what you have to say
Lucca Kitty: well maybe except for a few of the more unscrupulous ones like Anshe... but we're NOT going to be airing Anshe ads or anything
Lucca Kitty: please just keep in mind that the Lindens realize about the FIC and that's partly why SLTV was turned over to the SLBC, because the SLBC is working its BUTT off to get impartial programming and even the playing field
Prokofy Neva: Well I support that, I'm not like the FIC on the forums who trashed the Lindens bidding out TV and trashed the concept anyone could do it
Prokofy Neva: and I was the first to tell Jesse Linden that he shoudl find Europeans
Prokofy Neva: who would understand how to do this world better than Americans
Prokofy Neva: because TV works differnt in Europe and has more tolerance for long talks shows and long wallpaper and stuff that American TV
Lucca Kitty: I'm not aware of any europeans within the SLBC, but our two head people are Canadian
Prokofy Neva: which is more slickly and briefly produced in segments can do
Prokofy Neva: well Canadian is very differnt, I used to work for CBC myself
Lucca Kitty: and even all the americans in SLBC are highly against the usual lack of journalistic integrity in American news
Prokofy Neva: but I don't get what you're going on and on about
Prokofy Neva: depends on the program
Prokofy Neva: but what is your beef? I don't see any conflict of interest here
Prokofy Neva: this guy asked me to be on his show
Prokofy Neva: He asked me about this group we started
Lucca Kitty: he isn't withus
Prokofy Neva: *shrugs*
Lucca Kitty: we're independant from him
Prokofy Neva: well you're filming him filming me or something
Prokofy Neva: but so what? interview me yourself? or whatever?
Prokofy Neva: I mean what is the issue?
Lucca Kitty: I was sent to film SuperFox
Prokofy Neva: by?
Lucca Kitty: by SLTV
Lucca Kitty: SLTV has no issue, nor do the Lindens... like I said, I'm just personally insulted by some of the things you're saying
Lucca Kitty: I mean you bashed the lindens in a general sense when I asked the Lindens if they're ok with this being aired and they said yes
Lucca Kitty: basically they said "Go for it, film it, don't censor it" and you're bashing the people giving you a voice, why?
Lucca Kitty: I just want to know why you're bashing the people who're giving you a voice that goes out to all of SL
Prokofy Neva: excuse me, but I have a critique of the Lindenes
Prokofy Neva: I don't turn it off when I'm on an independent tv
Prokofy Neva: I don't try to please somebody doing some project?
Lucca Kitty: I understand that, I'm not alking about that
Prokofy Neva: I don't get what you mean then
Lucca Kitty: I'm saying that you bash them in a general sense
Lucca Kitty: when in a general sense they're giving you a voice
Prokofy Neva: yes I do and I can't change that
Lucca Kitty: to me it wreaks of conflict of interest
Prokofy Neva: well they have permabanned me from the forums
Prokofy Neva: um where is the conflict hon?
Prokofy Neva: you make no sense
Prokofy Neva: they have a conflict of interest
Prokofy Neva: they encourage business then bash business themselves lol
Lucca Kitty: and so do you apparently...
Prokofy Neva: try to make sense please
Prokofy Neva: where is the conflict? I live in SL and I criticzie it/
Prokofy Neva: I live in American and I criticize Bush too
Prokofy Neva: is that ok with you?
Prokofy Neva: or do I need to shut that off when I go on tV?
Prokofy Neva: why do you get all precious about Lindens?
Lucca Kitty: Ilive in America and I'm oriignally Texan and I hate Bush's guts
Lucca Kitty: I'm not, I think the Lindens have issues
Prokofy Neva: so why am I supposed to behave different here?
Lucca Kitty: and I agree that they need checks and balances
Lucca Kitty: I'm not asking you to nbehave differently
Prokofy Neva: then what is your point?
Prokofy Neva: I haven't said anyting false or nasty
Lucca Kitty: my point is that you're attacking people who are giving you a voice
Prokofy Neva: I've said Jeska Linden shouldn't pose in resident ads
Prokofy Neva: full stop
Prokofy Neva: that's right and you know it
Prokofy Neva: well that's how life is hon
Prokofy Neva: you have to do that
Lucca Kitty: yeah it is right
Lucca Kitty: but what I mean is
Lucca Kitty: that you bash them in a general sense
Prokofy Neva: I signed the group letter raising these issues with the Lindens and we met them to present it formally
Prokofy Neva: yes that's the right thing to do
Prokofy Neva: I criticize them because thre's a lot that is not right with this world
Prokofy Neva: and thank God I do that
Prokofy Neva: it's necessary in any democratic and free society
Prokofy Neva: or we get totalitarianism
Lucca Kitty: so you'd bash Jesse Linden too?
Prokofy Neva: you seem to think I'm suppose to be sucking up on TV?
Prokofy Neva: Jesse should not be in SLTV
Lucca Kitty: you'd bash... say... the director of NASA Because Bush is being a disckhead?
Prokofy Neva: He's an ok guy but he should not be there
Prokofy Neva: if the director of NASA did something I felt wsa wrong sure
Prokofy Neva: and Jesse should bug out of SLTV if it is to be perceived as independent
Prokofy Neva: he can be designated as the helper on the staff for you to talk to
Prokofy Neva: he should not be in your organizations
Prokofy Neva: that's normal
Lucca Kitty: notice he's a member
Prokofy Neva: NBC doesn't have Elliott Abrams from the White House in it
Prokofy Neva: yo should not have Lindens
Prokofy Neva: that is a conflict of interest
Prokofy Neva: Lindens need to step back
Prokofy Neva: stop running this like Russia
Lucca Kitty: how is it a conflict of interest if they're hosting our bandwidth?
Prokofy Neva: the federal government leases or auctions satelites too
Prokofy Neva: they do not join the staff
Prokofy Neva: even public TV on the taxpayer's dollar
Lucca Kitty: he's not staff
Prokofy Neva: does not have the White House in the group
Prokofy Neva: he's a member
Prokofy Neva: he does not belong there
Lucca Kitty: he's there so that he can recieve updates from us
Prokofy Neva: do you get what an independent media is?
Lucca Kitty: not the othe rway around
Prokofy Neva: they exercise subtle control that way
Prokofy Neva: as you will see
Lucca Kitty: the FCC still pays attention to the internal goings on of tv stations
Prokofy Neva: however helpful and cheerful they are
Lucca Kitty: cheerful?
Prokofy Neva: they don't join the frigging station
Prokofy Neva: you don't get it
Prokofy Neva: they are nice people
Prokofy Neva: but they don't belong in our groups
Prokofy Neva: they're the government, we're the people
Lucca Kitty: just this afternoon he was talking about how we're being lazy
Prokofy Neva: that's how it should be
Prokofy Neva: that's the problem
Prokofy Neva: what the hell does he know?
Prokofy Neva: making TV is hard fucking work I used to do it
Lucca Kitty: because the stream was offline
Prokofy Neva: it's hard to find stuff in here moving
Prokofy Neva: Please don't accuse me of conflict of interest merely because I live in the world and invest in the world and criticize Lindens
Prokofy Neva: when you have a Linden looking over your shoulder like that
Prokofy Neva: maybe it's like Russia
Prokofy Neva: but then don't pretend otherwise
Lucca Kitty: they're hosting and paying us
Lucca Kitty: we can't afford the bandwidth on our own
Lucca Kitty: so don't even pretend like this is FIC bullshit
Prokofy Neva: I realize it is Kremlin TV
Lucca Kitty: it's more like trying to set things right
Prokofy Neva: and that maybe is how you do it
Prokofy Neva: but then don't criticize ME for being free
Prokofy Neva: make an editorial judgement not to cover me
Prokofy Neva: let the other tv be the free one and you be the Kremlin TV
Prokofy Neva: Kremlin TV has a purpose too and can be useful
Prokofy Neva: maybe that's all you get to do here
Prokofy Neva: then do it well
Prokofy Neva: but don't criticize me for ruining your change to make it LOOK LIKE you are independent by showin gME
Prokofy Neva: and trying to ge tme to BEHAVE
Prokofy Neva: that's just fucking ridiculous
Prokofy Neva: go cover some happy newbie being helped by some happy Linden greeter or something
Lucca Kitty: you know what's rediculous?
Prokofy Neva: I dn't get why you are trying to censor me? it's absurd
Lucca Kitty: the cockamamy conspiracy theories of some asshole who wants to think someone's out to get him?
Prokofy Neva: no one asks you to cover me or this fox guy
Lucca Kitty: we're not trying to sensor you
Lucca Kitty: censor
Prokofy Neva: *shrugs*
Lucca Kitty: if we were trying to censor you, we wouldn't be airing it live
Prokofy Neva: Lucca, what's your take on Jeska posing for Flipper's SL Boutique?
Prokofy Neva: well nobody asked you?
Lucca Kitty: and we would be getting the SLTV execs going "Go ahead, keep it open, the Lindens are fine with this content"
Prokofy Neva: and the Lindens could shut you down for that possible, but hey, it's your judgement
Prokofy Neva: I didn't say anyting that violates the TOS on the forums even under those rather heavy restraints there
Prokofy Neva: I state my opinions and I do not make personal attacks
Prokofy Neva: You are not supposed to discuss your banning or anyone's banning on the forums, which is silly, but hey
Prokofy Neva: too bad, it's something I as asked about
Lucca Kitty: you know man... concidering I happen to agree with most of what you say
Lucca Kitty: you attacking me like this
Prokofy Neva: um Lucca,k you are on drugs
Lucca Kitty: makes me wonder
Prokofy Neva: you started haranguing me
Prokofy Neva: not me you
Prokofy Neva: I merely fend off your silly attempts to change what I say
Prokofy Neva: and try to presuade you that your illusions of being independent are just that illusions
Lucca Kitty: goodbye
Prokofy Neva: I didn't start haranguing you
Prokofy Neva: well by and welcome to my blog baby
And as I sit here, stroking my cat like a tired Dr. Evil, I read this stuff.
That is the strangest transcript I've ever read. So, they were trying to get you censor yourself, eh? That's a shame.
It is our right to tell the Lindens when they're doing wrong. Same way we write to other companies when we have a complaint about their products or services.
Maybe I'm just tired.
Posted by: Squeedoo Shirakawa | 02/01/2006 at 01:22 AM
It was more complicated than that, and it's why ultimately why I felt it should be published. First, LL claims they aren't going to censor the TV. They let Fox TV at it. Then they have SLTV filming Fox TV on Fox TV's set. There's something wierd about THAT of course to begin with...what, they were um "challenged" in coming up with their OWN programming? They could have their OWN set and guests, without stuff like the "Hand of Satan" and people taking out their Play Sexy's etc (that wasn't MY idea!) They could be "framing" the news/views as they see fit. Instead, like lazy journalists the world over, trying to fill in copy and air time, they kibbutz on somebody else's show.
THEN, after doing that, mindful that the Lindens have given us this "enabling permission to be free blah blah" they then get into the "more correct than thou" mode and whip me for "hurting us all" and "banging on the Lindens" instead of praising them for letting us be free. That is, I was supposed to understand the following: the Lindens are letting us be free, therefore I need to shut up and make sure that I don't bash the Lindens.
Well, first of all, as Lindens themselves will tell you, they don't mind if you bash LL or Lindens or their policies. They actually seem to have more tolerance for that on the forums than their own fanboyz, and they have more tolerance for your critiquing this or that policy of theirs (except for contesting banning itself) than they have for you criticizing their best fanboyz and mascots and stuff.
But what this woman from SLTV expected me to do "for all of us, for the community" was to STFU and be *sure* if I'm given freedom, not to "abuse" it and bash Lindens.
Well, first of all, I don't believe that when people confer freedom on you, or give it as a gift they control, it's really freedom -- you're just beholden to them.
Second, I don't believe I bashed them. Where's the bashing of the Lindens? Referring to that hilarious and wildly significant moment when the girl landed on Philip's head with the "Play Sexy" thing going full blast and he said "watch it with that thing". That was one of those SL moments that we shall always cherish ROFL.
Talking about my banning and saying it's unjust? Well, so? That's not "bashing the Lindens" really, it's just expressing my opinion that the handling of my case was unjust.
The idea that an estate in society, a class, will set itself up to control expression in their peers, to "make it possible for all of us to keep our freedom" is absolutely repugnant and none of us should ever be taking part in such a charade.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 02/01/2006 at 01:16 PM
why did you got banned PN?
Posted by: Kyrah Abattoir | 02/01/2006 at 01:40 PM
Many points to make here. Too many to actually enumerate. Obviously most of the people commenting here have as poor reading comprehension, or as high a state of paranoia as Prokofy does.
I never agreed to have this chat log posted. I am not a Linden and never was. SLTV was not Linden run. We had one linden in the entire SLTV group and only because he was the mouthpiece. The fact is that we mostly just bitched at Jesse Linden for being an incompetant idiot and a liar.
We were not supposed to come up with our own programming. We were supposed to exposition what everyone else came up with.
We were a bunch of residents who got hand picked by the lindens due to our various talents. They promised us so much money to compensate us for the waste of time that SLTV was. They never paid us. More specifically, they never paid me because I was the only one doing anything tangible for SLTV. I was skipping meals and spending $1800 a month for those assholes just so they could have some free advertising and renig on their promises.
Lastly, I would like to point out that Profoky is one of the Something Awful goons. And infact, I've seen Profoky actually claim that you can't judge him/her/it/whatever because they're from Something Awful, the philosophy seems to be "Don't judge an individual based on their associations." And here we have a clear cut example of just such an occurance, coming from the other direction.
And before anyone says anything about me being a furry, I am not a furry, at least not anymore. I got so sick of all the bullshit and drama coming from the furry community after being in it for over 10 years that I now have no desire to be a part of it.
Last thing: Don't bother repsonding to my post, I'm not going to be checking up again. This entire page, as far as I'm concerned, is too corrupt to pay attention to. Posting private chat logs... tsk tsk, I could press legal charges. Not going to because it's not worth it, but the thought is there.
Posted by: Lucca Kitty | 09/08/2006 at 12:36 AM
>I never agreed to have this chat log posted.
No, and I don't care, frankly. I feel that when there are certain matters of national importance -- matters in the public interest, that are affecting all our lives, not personal disputes, or private matters, that journalists and chroniclers of Second Life can and must publish chat logs. This chat took place as the result of a public event which was: YOU deciding to film ME without my consent (LOL!) -- something that didn't bother me, but was some wacky idea that you cooked up with that fake fox, who was just TrannyPet Barmy's alt. That happened because you didn't have the make your own show or interview me on your own, for whatever wierd reason.
YOU attacked me for somehow "jeopardizing" some "limited" or "managed" freedoms that you thought the Lindens were magnanimously bestowing upon us, and that I should have been more grateful for.
Hell, no!
And I sure as HELL publish, criticize, and protest when somebody gets up to shit like that. Hell, yeah.
>I am not a Linden and never was.
Nobody says you were?
>SLTV was not Linden run.
Nobody said you were, but the contract to run SLTV was advertised by LL.
>We had one linden in the entire SLTV group and only because he was the mouthpiece. The fact is that we mostly just bitched at Jesse Linden for being an incompetant idiot and a liar.
Yep, I realize that. He didn't really have any business being in an independent TV group. But I've never found him to be an incompetent idiot or a liar. He always seemed fairly smart, thoughtful, and reasonable to me. That is, he's a fairly young guy who is probably in his first or second big job in life and trying to keep it. He doesn't seem to me to be like a guy who will depart from the company line. So he may have been wedged between the company's whims and whatever previous promise they laid out -- I don't know the details. Jesse is immaterial to this story, really, and your sucking up to your imagination of what you think LL wanted is worse than trying to pin the role of censor on him LOL.
>We were not supposed to come up with our own programming. We were supposed to exposition what everyone else came up with.
Now THAT is lame!
>We were a bunch of residents who got hand picked by the lindens due to our various talents.
Yeah, that's how they do stuff, it's stupid, and...they get what they get *cough*.
>They promised us so much money to compensate us for the waste of time that SLTV was. They never paid us. More specifically, they never paid me because I was the only one doing anything tangible for SLTV. I was skipping meals and spending $1800 a month for those assholes just so they could have some free advertising and renig on their promises.
Hmm. Well, this is quite the story! quite the revelation! What on earth in SL could cost $1800 a month tho? I mean, besides like 12 sims worth of tier lol. ? Does making machinima stuff really cost that much? I'm not following this. But...I wasn't there, don't know their deal, and can only say: this is stupid. They should have had a genuine bid out to do TV. They shouldn't have let assholes in the peanut gallery who think they are big deals in RL with knowledge of TV like Siggy Romulus scarify them in the forums with pessimism.
Even state TV, even somewhat lame and dull and politically correct tv, would be a great civilizing and communicating force in SL, they need it, given the wildness and the badlands. Even four hours a day of bland but useful spot news, weather on the ones, Oprah talk show stuff, and maybe comedy and some old World War II movies and somebody lip syncing badly in a disco, like Russian TV, would be great.
>Lastly, I would like to point out that Profoky is one of the Something Awful goons. And infact, I've seen Profoky actually claim that you can't judge him/her/it/whatever because they're from Something Awful, the philosophy seems to be "Don't judge an individual based on their associations."
This part I don't get. I have nothing to do with Something Awful. I've never even been on their forums. You're mixing me up with someone else.
>And here we have a clear cut example of just such an occurance, coming from the other direction.
>And before anyone says anything about me being a furry, I am not a furry, at least not anymore. I got so sick of all the bullshit and drama coming from the furry community after being in it for over 10 years that I now have no desire to be a part of it.
Wow.! I! I have no comment.
>Last thing: Don't bother repsonding to my post, I'm not going to be checking up again. This entire page, as far as I'm concerned, is too corrupt to pay attention to. Posting private chat logs... tsk tsk, I could press legal charges. Not going to because it's not worth it, but the thought is there.
Go ahead and press legal charges, it will be rather hard to make something like that stick, out of a game, involving anonymous avatars. In any event, I stand by my decision to post what I felt was a vital matter in the public interest.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 09/08/2006 at 01:02 AM
>They promised us so much money to compensate us for the waste of time that SLTV was. They never paid us.
You know, as I think about this, it occurred to me that maybe there's all kinds of other stuff just like this that the Lindens have done. That they might have a dozen things like this, all of them paid, or promised to be paid, and signing NDAs.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 09/08/2006 at 01:06 AM
Old thread. But anyway . . .
The group I was in (when we were putting in for the bid to do this) came up with programming.
The guy running it (his name escapes me now - Whitmore or something) had one of those boards with the time slots up.
I came up (totally on the spur of the moment, when asked to) with a show of my own I was looking forward SO much to doing.
I wrote it up and did a logo for it and everything, all in about 15 minutes (I was pressed for time at the time).
It was to be called "Welcome Home!" In it, I would go to various people's houses, one per show, and they would show me around their houses. We'd chat, talk about where they got their things, a bit about themselves, they'd give their building and decorating tips, and so forth.
This would have been terrific, because (a) I'm a terrific interviewer and (b) just think of all the homes and people you could get to know this way!
God, it would have been good. Makes me sad now to think it never happened.
I do believe, though, that the Lindens weren't interested in the talent (a word for on-air people, such as interviewers, someone with an aerobics program, actors, etc.) or the content.
The things that came from them were mostly about the techology of it. They were looking for technology more than talent or content, I think. Though we were expected to come up with the programming, I don't think they really paid much attention to that, but paid more attention to who could talk the tech talk best.
I could not have done any of the techy stuff. But others in the group could, so I suppose our group just didn't impress as much with that. And I got the distinct impression that the talent and content were pretty much irrelevant to the Lindens. Anyway, the other group was chosen, then the whole thing just sort of petered out.
At the same time, yes, we were battling Siggy and others on the forums who kept insisting it couldn't be done. We were perfectly ready and capable and willing and ENTHUSIASTIC to do it.
But, I guess Siggy et. al were right; it couldn't be done. But not because it couldn't be done (and would have been great!), but because people thought it couldn't, and I guess the Lindens at last agreed.
I still wish I could do that show. I was going to have it at like 10 a.m. on certain mornings, and I would have enjoyed it SOOOOO much.
Dang, aren't the Lindens good at just throwing away talent and desire, right and left?
So they didn't get any TV; well, they didn't deserve it, I guess.
Posted by: Cocoanut | 09/08/2006 at 02:02 PM
They were looking for technology more than talent or content, I think
Yeah, that about sums it up.
There is no technical reason on earth this couldn't be done.
They set too ambitious an agenda trying to slickly produce 4 hours of TV-like TV.
They should have made it more like raw feed reality TV even if they had to, or very short 30-second spots of PSA's, tips, short interviews, entertainment, etc.
It is very, very doable. Even typing/talking heads would be fine. People will watch it, at least for awhile.
I think it probably was a mismatch of expectations or something.
What needs to happen is for the people who have servers and are good at machinima to get a TV working on a third-party site, and then wrestle the Lindens to get more audience access, I guess, or even skip over the Lindens and just put a "cable TV in every home" by figuring out how to sell TVS with the URL in them so people can just get that URL pasted in their parcels. This is just waiting to be done. It really should be done. Hopefully, there will be people competing.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 09/08/2006 at 02:21 PM
Boy that would be cute, to have a Linden TV in every home!
I'd love to do my show on it.
Posted by: Cocoanut | 09/08/2006 at 05:06 PM
done. It really should be done. Hopefully, there will be people competing.
Posted by: dofus kamas | 06/12/2010 at 09:43 AM