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"Of course, there's the land glut -- the Lindens just put out way too much land, but they do that because in fact, the old land on the mainland is pretty much all owned, even if that means people are waiting months and months to sell their land to get off it, or barons are spending months with it on their tier."

I know it isn't the point and I'm not seeing the big picture and all but this quote caught my attention because it's true; and the truth is dangerous to our perception of the health of The Grid All Hail The Central Grid.

The Lindens don't care if the entire map is covered in yellow because it means that the land is owned, for sale yes; but someone is paying the monthly tier. I've often said that we don't have to worry about the model imploding until we see public land. I've been wrong.

LL are simply absorbing what would otherwise be public land. It's transparent to us because they don't publish the figures. Examine, for instance, the number of sub-sim auctions that are completing without a single bid. That land just stays Governor-owned. How quickly is the rate of increase in gubernatorial holdings progressing? Does anybody know? Are the Lindens, as concerned owners of the mainland estate, even bothering to monitor it?

To the point, to some degree, I'm still convinced that Second Life is nothing more than a cutting edge beta project being used to determine reasonable methods for coding and maintaining synthetic worlds. Silly aspects of its operations, such as retaining old telehub land and using it to meddle with inworld socialogical factors, make perfect, logical sense when you step out and look at the big picture.

Prokofy Neva

Khamon, didn't you get the memo? There is no All Hail the Central Hail the Grid Hail Holy any more. There's just...this thingie called Governor Linden's Big Estate. We're the land groups deeded on it to use portions of the land -- at best. At worst, we're in the serfs' newbie firstland swamp. Haven't you noticed the big swathe of private islands and BulkAuction Sims up north and to the east and south? This is Mainland 2.0 and 3.0. Mainland 1.0 is SO last year. And there's no holy thingie anymore. Or at least, the new holy of holies is the Coveted Covenanted Cove. So move there before it's too late.

I asked them what they're going to do about this very permanent case of chicken pox -- land all over the place for sale, and sitting there. Little pieces of it, from 16m2 to 2048m2 for the most part. And I think they'll do nothing because it is going to go away soon -- they'll make it go away.

Some of it gets liquidated. Some of it trades between land barons, one of whom sells it for 4.6 to another who puts it out at 5...and then puts it down to 4.6 again and waits...

Eventually either land barons or regular people abandon it. I don't know if you've noticed another phenom -- lots and lots of abandoned land -- lots more red and purple springing up all over. Even accounting for this assiduous Linden effort a few months ago to round up publicked land and make sure it went out as first land as a cheaper solution than making new sims -- still, there's lots and lots more of it.

Why? Because when people leave the game out of frustration or boredom, they just tier down to a basic and forget about their land, or just back out and let the premium expire, and then the Lindens eventually get that land. Or they get all fired up to go buy either a whole sim or a private island, they need to get rid of that mainland stuff QUICK and the Lindens take it that way. A 512 here or there on the crappy Mainland 1.0 when you're about to spend $1000 and $195 seems like a nothing, so you just press abandon.

Actually, Governor Linden has had to eat a lot more of those for breakfast lately, some of them sit there for ages -- I saw entire sims under Colin Linden's name sit there for weeks and weeks. Finally they make some of it first land...and it sits there for even MORE weeks -- would YOU buy a first land on a cliff in the snow in Cottonwood next to the Bush Guy's signs? What, are they NUTS? So this stuff festers...and pretty soon they're going to say, "Ok, everybody out of the pool. If you are a big enough landowner, we'll give you a trade to BulkAuction No. 89995, or to a private island if we really like you and your builds are cool. The rest of you can rent or buy from the others."

When I complained mildly about the bulkauction sims putting the Mainland 1.0 out of business, a senior Linden said blandly, well, you can just buy a quarter or half sim from those people for your rentals. Well, sure, if I like cookie cutter equal-sized islands put in a giant boxed sim...with another one right next to it with a different theme and landscape, but also equal-sized islands -- as far as the eye can see...

Khamon, as much as you hate the All Hail Holy Grid, trust me, Eric Linden's terraforming and trees and Ben's dams and roads are going to start looking a LOT better to you in time. These will be priced like fine, aged wine...except the Lindens will pour all of us green dots off it because it will be too hard for them to manage all that stuff.

So the game as I see it in the next few weeks/months/year is to try to get ahold of whole sims by buying up all that liquidated land on a sim where you already own a lot, or, in conjunction with good neighbours, pooling your efforts to take over good sims with good Linden landscaping and infrastructure, and then digging in and hoping the Lindens claim that "the Mainland isn't going anywhere" isn't the most profound sort of double entendre we've heard.

So, yes, the gubernatorial ownings are increasing -- and I think by leaps and bounds. And pretty soon the Gubernatorial Commission will just start to gently -- and then less gently -- push people off those old servers and say they have to be taken down for "maintenance". If people don't get the message and sell out or trade out, they will be like any slumlords and just shut off the lights -- the sim will go "down" and disappear from the map...permanently. You can't expect a server to last forever! What, is this real life or something with like the Grand Canyon *always there*??? Of course it's not going to be *always there*.

If they are going to meddle and do social engineering I just wish they would name a group of Lindens something like the Social Engineering Corps, the Linden Corps of Social Engineers, give them names like "PositiveReinforcement Linden" and "NegativeReinforcement Linden" and "SocialCues Linden" so we could transparently know what they are up to, and then let them tinker. Let the land where they tinker be much cheaper though or even free.

Kyrah Abattoir

PN you should stop sewing together packs of worlds that you do not understand fully, it makes reading you difficult, wich is only worse due to your monolithic writing style.


How ever many estate sims and continents there are, they all exist on one and only one Grid All Hail The Central Grid that is serviced by one and only one overburdened, about to implode, Asset Server All Hail The Central Asset Server. The fact that the Lindens have finally confessed to considering the mainland their personal version of an estate doesn't change the fact that every av, every texture, every prim, every script, every thing in Second Life has to be processed by one server farm.

Concerning this wise observation:

"There's just...this thingie called Governor Linden's Big Estate. We're the land groups deeded on it to use portions of the land -- at best."

I've argued that point with people when they've been all up in arms about estate owners claiming to "sell" land to people when they really don't. No they really don't. Neither do LL; we only rent from them as well. No NO NOOOOO I'm told, LL SELLS us land111 Yeah right whatever.

I don't know what to believe about displacement. The current mainland has always been my prefered location. Eric's trees and Ben's damns suit me fine. I've no interest in other continents or fine estate living unless I can operate a sim on my own server with the freedom to link it to my own (yes my personal preferential) friends' sims on our own cliquish grid of group minded souls that has nothing more to do with LL than paying an annual licening fee.

If they do plan to offer transfers and buyouts, I hope they wait until the shrinkwrap is shippable. If they just start displacing land owners by letting the old mainland fall off the map, they'll be the first estate owning land barons I know of to perpetrate such a scam as described by so many panic-ridden forum posters.

Prokofy Neva

Re: "serviced by one and only one overburdened, about to implode, Asset Server All Hail The Central Asset Server."

Right...I hear you. I've been reading about that. I suspect they'll need to do something drastic, like make texture uploads $25 (they won't fool around saying make them 512 only, etc., or make 512 free and the rest way more expensive). I hope they cap inventories too. I'm at 10,000 even when I try to keep eliminating and sometimes spend hours sorting. It's insane. I'd be happy to see a storage business grow and I could rent storage space on land.

I agree that we don't sell...and the private islands don't sell...except that it's easier to keep the fiction in your mind of Governor Linden, this impersonal Linden who never appears (have you ever seen him? I once doubted his existence out loud, and he even IM'd me and said He was saddened by my doubt...but still...have you ever SEEN him???). And buying and selling from him seems more stable than buying and selling elsewhere...except...did you know that there is actually an incredibly brisk market of people buying and selling in Ansheland. If you own there and are on the group IMs, you see stuff going at very good prices, i.e. advantageous to the seller, and sometimes advantageous to the buyer. Large parcels, $39999 etc. They buy and sell at a fair pace. It's an internal economy that is interesting and not recorded. People feel like they own this land, and since they can return the prims on it and dig on it and get traffic on it, and the only problem is not being able to sell it with a for-sale ad on the for-sale list, they don't mind...as they increasingly can sell it on the internal IM list of Dreamland Citizens. There are hundreds of people on this list now -- 500 easily.

"they'll be the first estate owning land barons I know of to perpetrate such a scam as described by so many panic-ridden forum posters."

Yep. That's how it will work. Only it will be wrapped up in some kind of Newspeak. They will "upgrade" us...to somewhere.

Torley Linden


Thanx for the list of landmarks too, I've been to some of them before... will check the rest out!

Fantastique that you blogged about this to weigh in your ideas, some of them I was wondering about the other day too like the (128, 128) stuff. It's kinda weird still we have to consciously think about flying around corners of squares sims.

Anyhoo, what I put up were ideas, just a scattershot, like some hyperdelic anime character running down the way up. None of it's been committed to (yet) so no worries, it was more done to jog the minds and see MORE ideas flourish...... but again, thanx for writing about this to explain more about what you mean. ^_^

Prokofy Neva

The 128/128 is something the Lindens don't believe in, at least, some of the more tech-wed ideological ones. I keep explaining until I'm blue in the face that people don't use the map, they use the pull down list and type in names, and if anything, are mad that there isn't a list of sim names anymore. Well, this is why I have a blue avatar, being blue often and having to stay blue. They don't get it, I don't know how to make them get it, I try all kinds of methods, well maybe they'll get it when it is too late.

They could fix the 128/128 just by making all list-type-ins lead not to 128/128, but to infohubs for that, and then a vector.

With the most "egregious" telehub malls that used to trap avatars gone, maybe this experience will be less onerous.

Why substitute mall av-trapping with 128/128 trapping which happens now on a good many sims, either in somebody's store, or in their home, or in a wall somewhere?

As a second-best, the Lindens could at least leave 128/128 at the infohubs on those sims that where the infohubs are located.

If people don't like vectoring, they can pinprick on the map better.

They don't want to think about this stuff because they just don't want to take fresh information about *what people really do* in this game which is use the maps or bug people to TP them.

They think 10 people warbling about "exploring interesting features and builds" using the maps = mass habits and practices.

Now, Torley, I know that saying stuff like "hyperdelic anime character running down the way up" creates all kinds of warm and fuzzy bonding experiences with FICy tekkie types because you all watch anime and follow all the anime developments and stuff. But guess what, not everybody does. Gosh, I stopped reading science fiction in my 20s. Probably a lot of people do. I know the trend is to gear SL to youth/geek/groovay culture (or what they imagine it to be) but not everyone will identify.

If most SL players are 30-something females, what are the chances that they, in their masses, are going to be anime-proficient?

Anime is a thing that teenage boys like and then stick with if they are geek boys in their 20s. Geek girls (a minority) aspiring to be like geek boys or fit in with them are also going to collect these cultural cues.

But..not everybody! So you have to ask...yes, bonding with these cultural cues will help you get it on and get down with the peeps for a certain minority of forums readers and posters. But...others?

I can only say, Torley, what is this? Is this like "Up the Down Staircase?" or what? Now, I don't insist on having cultural references to, I dunno, "My Three Sons" or "Gilligan's Island" or something, but I merely point out that geeky bonding gets you only so far.

I take it that your point is that you "just put the idea of renting the infohubs out there".

Now I react swiftly to those kind of Linden thingies that they just put out there because 99 percent of the time, what their "just putting out there" is about is them softening the public for another whammy.

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