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Fix this, Prok, so I can tell who is saying what.


Prokofy Neva

Hi, it's as fixed as it can get, unfortunately, with typepad persistently not making paragraphs, a frequent problem.

Lordfly is in regular typeface, my comments are in bold, maybe when I get home I can put the whole thing in LF or PN format.

The Eels

Somehow I don't think a discredited, hot-headed, and winded technical writer from NYC has any more knowledge of a virtual economy than a 23 year old, sarcastic kid.

But that's just me.

Prokofy Neva

Um, I'm not a "technical writer" I don't believe lol. And discredited by whom? A handful of assholes on the SL forums? That's no advertisement -- that might even be a recommendation lol. I think you meant to say "long-winded" and not "winded" but...the fact is, I think I have quite a lot of knowledge about this economy *having lived it*. It's really valuable to see it up close and personal. What's your SL name, Eels?

The Eels

Discredited by mundane Google searches, certainly.

And you've "lived" in the virtual economy? Stunning! Perhaps you could sign up to become one of LLab's economic advisors then, I'm sure they would just love to have you on their board of advisors.

You have no more "knowledge" about game economies than any other moron on the forums.

Cienna Rand

Where's your data about the accounts being all basics or non-annual premium?

Kyrah Abattoir

there we go she censored me ^^

Prokofy Neva

Cienna, um, google searches? And...what's that bout again? You're still not catching up on the FIC chatterbox and discovering that this infamous google witch-hunting of my RL name is turning up some poor unfortunat with the same name in another city charged and fired for plagiarism, which isn't me and has nothing to do with me? Or...what ARE you going on about, Cienna? Do tell.

As for living the economy, yeah, I live it. I work in it. I know it. Which is more than can be said about you, sticking your vendors out and logging off. Tell us about your investments in the world of SL, Cienna? Do you ever hire labour? Do you ever commission jobs? Do you ever give to charity? Do you do ANYTHING except extract wealth from this game from your eyeglasses in a world where people don't need them to see? Geez.

As for your claims that there are annual subscriptions, you have GOT to be kidding. The Lindens themselves gave us the figures of only 9000 premiums back when the population was 40,000. This was a particular bugabear of mine and I pestered them until they gave us this figure, and the additional figure of 6000 out of the 9000 are landowners. Amazing, eh? But true. And that is the facts. So do the math, hon. Extrapolate. Even at a phenomenal rate, it couldn't increase to anything near the impact that LF and others claim. There is absolutely no proof that there is some vast amount or even significant number of annual subscriptions. Indeed, the challenge on YOU is to prove there are ANY. Go and poll your friends, as I have polled not only friends but random customers and strangers. Look at the world. Most people are on basics. There are a LOT of new landowners -- hundreds, maybe thousands. They aren't on annuals.

For you to ask an obdurate, stubborn-ass question like "where's your data about the accounts being all basic or all non-premium" shows you didn't even glance at what I wrote, in which I said, duh, 9000 out of the 40,000 were premiums. 22 percent. That's not 22 percent annual prescriptions, either.

Kyrah, you are talking shit as usual. Nobody "censored" you or touched your post. Don't be an ass. If you post here with your SL name you can post unmolested. It's another matter that you'll be ignored if you are an ass, which you are.

Cienna Rand

So, you have no data on the number of annual premiums. Thanks for answering my question promptly!

Prokofy Neva

Um, pay attention, Cienna, and stop being a condescending asshole and a tekkie literalist about a number, as an excuse to lose sight of the larger picture staring you in the face.

The challenge is to you, to come up with a figure for annualized subscriptions such as to prove your utter, fallacious, and idiotic claim that this tiny handful of subscriptions are inflating the Linden dollar. It can't possibly be what is inflating it -- we all know that it is the land glut, telehub buybacks, camp chairs, and other factors inflating it -- NOT the $361-priced Linden/USD rate. Please. Try to exercise a little intelligence.

Even if you yourself have an annual subscription and think, obtusely, that everyone is like you, you could just fly around the world, ask people, talk to Lindens, and find out: there just aren't that many annual subscriptions.

I know, because I don't have one, and I have accounts. I also have found a single person in my friends' list who has an annual subscription. There is no -- repeat no -- significant number of annual subscriptions that anyone can see anywhere -- except in your imagination, and the imagination of the other group-thinkers on the forums.

As I said, we have the data from the number of premiums period: When there were 40,000 members, of these, only 9000 were premiums, and of these 9000, only 6000 used their 512s up.

Now, we have 130,000. So allowing for the same percentages, i.e. 22 percent, we could reasonable assume that we have AT LEAST 28,600 premiums -- probably not more, just eyeballing the world and the auctions and the land-owners. Um, you DO fly around and eyeball the world from time to time, don't you? Hmm...I thought not! Well, I do, and let me tell you, if there are more than 28,600 premiums, i.e. people with 512 AND people who use them, I'll eat my hat.

Now, if there are ONLY 28,600 premiums and we know for an absolute fact that dozens (me and my friends) are not annualized, EVEN if we say that in fact 28,000 are all annualized -- which we're not saying -- we'd have to reason that this figure just wouldn't be enough -- in the sea of 130,000 subscriptions -- to explain any kind of inflationary factor, or to develop any kind of figure of $361 as a value that the Linden "should" plummet to. Geez, when it doesn't plummet to that figure, you look stupid, no?

Let's go over it again:

o most subscriptions are basics
o basics don't buy annual subscriptons
o only a percentage -- 22? -- of subscriptions are even on premium
o only a smaller percentage of that use their 512, i.e. spend time in the game such that they might be willing to buy an annual prescription.
o only a relatively small percentage of accounts -- a figure out of that 22 percent -- are annuals. It's just not the factor you imagine.

All of this is logical reasoning. It's not a number, but it's logical reasoning and reasonable observations to keep making the point: you are absolutely incorrect to make any claim that there are any significant number of annual subscriptions such as to pull the value of the Linden down.

Any one of the other factors I've mentioned -- land glut, telehub buyback, camp chair/dwellopers' - has a far greater impact.

I'm still trying to understand the zeal with which you people defend the concept of the $361 "inevitable" Linden, which is really ultimately about not even proving it exists, but defending your overweening and unseemly need to remove the $500 stipend.

It's really one of the most unattractive features of the creator-fascist class, this really ugly desire to strip their fellow residents of a measly $500 a week that they get for paying $9.95.

In fact, the basics can get their $2000 a month, should they wish it, by paying just $7.00 these days, $1000 is worth only $3.50 USD. Those of us paying $9.95 a month to get the same $2000 are getting ripped off, eh?

And I can only come back to the understanding of how creator-fascism works.

You only have to sell one or two pair of eyeglasses, which you may have spent a few hours to make -- months -- years ago -- in order to make $500 a week.

Therefore the concept of having to put in $500 to someone of "free money" seems absurd and even unfair to you -- even though it might appear pretty absurd to us that you can just keep selling copies of your creations endlessly, even without land, off Slexchange.com, with hardly any cost (a commission on SLEX not being that much). Endlessly, without labour, just sitting on your ass, after only an hour's work, after you took an image of the Internet half the time and slapped it on a prim.

Meanwhile, compare the labour of the people you wish to screw. Those person getting the $500 may staff a store and wear themselves out waiting on cranky customers, organize an event and struggle with griefers and laggy sims, run themselves ragged deeding videos in a rentals group -- and think of the $500 as their hard-earned money doing the job of Second Life.

Just like in RL, you made $500 just falling off a log, like a rich person earning their dividends without lifting a finger. Oh, to be sure, you had that original bright idea and that original skill to make the eyeglasses. But after making 10 pairs, you stick, them out in a vendor, and sit back and watch the cash roll in without ever having to even design a new line for this season -- new people churn and keep buying.

The person washing dishes in the kitchen of the fancy restaurant where you left the $100 tip doesn't even make that in a day, and appreciates its value more.

So I can only say, fuck you, Cienna, and try to understand the labouring, toiling, working lower and middle classes of Second Life. Leave them alone. Sell another pair of glasses and shut up.

And it's in pondering these inequities that I really have an insight into the heart of the creator-fascist class: they don't really have to work for a living and the alienation from their own product is one of their own making, because new copies of it roll off endlessly with no cost or labour to keep them connected to the world.

Yes, as I think of it, this is really the heart of the destructiveness and evil of this kind of world. People able to spend a little bit of time to create things -- and have loads of leisure time. They are able to exploit the masses who don't have the time or talent or land needed for doing or sustaining the creations. Those people have to pay an arm and a leg for the content, and have their heads chopped off if they try to have a yardsale with it, to resell it, or copy it with a cheaper knock-off.

Meanwhile, because the creator-fascists don't invest in the world -- we don't even seem to see their names featured with any kind of philanthropy to speak off -- people can't get jobs or income. They toil away, mainly paid by those with the $500 from the premiums.

It's actually a very telling thing that some of the top creators brag about being on basics and not even investing in LL or the world enough to buy the 512s.

Honestly, it's a wonder we don't all run screaming from this world.

Cienna Rand

I really don't give two cents about the value of play money, or your incessant moaning about things. SL is entertainment.

But if you're going to claim that there are only a miniscule amount of annual premiums compared to other premiums -- and I'm fully aware that the vast majority of the accounts are basic -- then you need more than anecdotal evidence. Like most of your claims, you have no data other than "I talked to my friends." Well, I talked to my friends, and everyone on my calling card list with a premium pays annually because it makes fiscal sense!

Prokofy Neva

Well, Cienna, your FIC friends -- that is...neo-FIC? Late-era FIC/SIC? Well, those Electric Sheep Peeps, think otherwise. They say SL is a job. A kewl, tekkie, groovay Internet job. Not entertainment. Of course, at that age, a job *is* entertainment, not only because of its low wages but because of all the partying and socializing you do. Still, they probably don't get as many checks from Mom and Dad as a result! So what's not to like!

Your handful of friends on your cards from the FIC with the free 4096s and such have annual accounts with good reason, especially if it made them charter members with free 4096s for life! Geez. That's no indicator. Annual accounts are in a very distinct minority. So are premiums. Deal with it. You're wrong, and thinking otherwise reveals you to be insular and pig-headed : )

Nobody Fugazi

Heh. I went googling for information and I find this - which has lots of keywords but no information.

Oh, but look where I am.

Prokofy Neva

Lordfly couldn't have been more wrong about his prediction that we were going to "$361 or bust". We never got there lol.

I was absolutely right on all accounts:

"They were able to scream loud, long, and hard about gouging land barons and scare the Lindens out of doing something they should have done -- let land find its value naturally, stop producing it like pancakes, and let demand of barons and individual buyers trigger land manufacturing and not visa versa. They were afraid to do it -- and still are, despite their avowed claim of only having "on-demand" $1000 auctions now."

We're still at that situation, only now it is complicated by a) Supply Linden selling millions of empty, printed millions lowering Linden dollar value; and b) the Lindens selling servers as fixed-price islands to meet island-order demand, meaning that scarce servers aren't sent to the mainland auctions, where the Lindens prefer the "market" (the oligarchy distribution and market-share allocation system) sell one sim for $3400 instead of two sims for $1700.

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