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Nimrod Yaffle

If someone asks what time it was, why not find a clock and look at it? Obviously they have internet access and go to www.whattimeisit.com or something like that.

nimrod yaffle

*Can go to ;-)

Kyrah Aattoir

you forget to say the time teller was called prokofy neva, aka public enemy N°1 and peoples champion

it give all the reasons to bash the "time teller"

Schwartz Guillaume

This is the second post in so many days that just cuts off in mid sentence.

It's a little weird.

Red Mars

Actually the newbies response to you was well reasoned and very true Prok.

or to paraphrase you .."If you want a really quick and revealing snapshot of what's wrong with ==Prokofy Neva==, look at this seemingly innocuous and ordinary tech help thread called "Nuts & Bolts* at Second Citizen"

Sorry, but he's right, sometimes you just won't shut up. You have a huge tendency to make a small situation a HUGE problem. You rant at the smallest excuse.

Prokofy Neva

Yeah, I think this was a good one to pick to rant and rave and illustrate what's wrong with the world.

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