Oh, dear. Can you believe this? IP-Tracker Cristiano Midnight is pwning the search.
Here I was busy keeping a weather eye on Forseti and others at ESC that I thought might pwn the search, but Cristiano and his little friends at sldevelopers.com have pwned it while no one was looking.
Of course, whoever wins the SEARCH wins Second Life. SL is so unsearchable, atomized, Balkanized, broken up, split across 4000 servers. It's like the vaste steppes of Siberia and Central Asia. How to get something to every little village? Yaks?
The search has been broken so much in the past weeks that the Lindens didn't even bill for it one week. 60-80 percent of sales come from SEARCH from the anecdotal reports of many people. The problem hasn't lasted long enough to show up as a LindEx issue -- but it will, next month, as more and more people make the decision to tier down or not stay in business because they can't get their goods to market. It's like the problem of private farms that began after the Soviet era in Russia -- you could have all the private farms you like, but the state had not set up the basic infrastructure of a free market, i.e. roads, savings & loans, stores for sale of seeds, etc.
So...in true FIC fashion (why are we not surprised), Cristiano has made a SEARCH site to control SL better. Well, what could be wrong with that, at one level? Anyone can "suggest a link" (although it is damn hard to find the instructions to do so -- it's not on the home page or main page, you must first click a category, then go up to the right-hand upper page, and figure out that "Suggest a Link" isn't just a sort of optional thing, but the way you ADD a link). Well, it would be a good thing in general, except...
...the reason he calls it "suggest" is that you have to clear his editorial judgement on each and every link.
Imagine, the Internet, for God's sake! Web 2.0. The place where you and I are voted Persons of the Year! The freedom! the social software!
And Cristiano is playing perlustrator!
Of course, he sneers at my concerns, saying that he is trying to keep out the Viagra ads.
Of course people who set themselves up as editorial watchdogs on a big community project like this have a big Viagra problem already of their own.
Cristiano sneers further that my complaint about him mounting this ridiculous exercise will only drive traffic. Right! So drive on over!
OVERWHELM Cristiano with requests and bang on his door until he realizes the folly of trying to edit all that stuff and hold people up and try to control people's searching, exploring, buying and selling, and LET IT GO. This is supposed to be a PUBLIC SERVICE.
There's a simple thing Cristiano could do to get rid of both the spam Viagra ads and his own personal Viagra attack: have people register at the site and then be free to post links whenever, as they are at any other SL-related site.
He's already got many people registered for Snapzilla.
No doubt Cristiano is assuring people that he will clear them and it won't be a problem. But imagine if people who made the Yellow Pages didn't draw them up as a service including everybody, but made everyone submit their own to an editorial judgement. Huh?
I'm all for editorial judgement; Wikipedia is one of those things that suffers from the lack of it.
But a directory for search to replace the Lindens' breaking search has to be a public SERVICE. That means gatekeepers like Cristiano have to get out of the way.
BTW, they were also talking on the forums about getting Eventful to somehow turn loose their feed from LL of the events list. Not sure LL will do this. But one thing you can be sure of is that the FIC will figure out how to turn the feed of events into a filtered, controlled thing too.
This picture you are painting is rather amusing, but you left out an important part of the story for your dear readers. Here is the entire sequence of events:
You are ranting and raving about censorship, yet this very site is included. How exactly does that work again?
By all means, innundate the directory with links - that is what I want. The more content, the better. As long as they are SL related, they go into the directory, the spam gets deleted.
Thank you as always for the obsessive attention. You only ever tell part of the story, the one that suits whatever lie you want to tell. Keep at it - it helps drive traffic and content to the site, which makes it more useful, even with this bottomfeeding crap blog included.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 18, 2006 at 03:23 AM
Because...you look at each one personally and decide at your personal discretion whether they can go in or not? And you didn't *dare* not put my site in because I asked you why the hell you were using discretionary, real-time judgement on all these sites.
I'm telling the full story here, Cristiano, and you are just plain blind to the problem.
It's obvious that what is needed is a system that enables people with RL names or SL names to register and fill out the usual forms to prevent spam, as you would on any forums -- like the existing registration system you have -- duh?
Then they can freely post whenever the mood hits them, instead of queuing everything up to one Geek-in-the-Manger like yourself who will control content.
It doesn't *matter* if you will be "good" and not block anyone -- the system itself is discretionary and therefore sucks for this purpose.
So inundate Cristiano until his system breaks and he puts in another one -- or skip over this skimpy and heavily controlled search.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 03:32 AM
Don't you have something better to do with your life?
God I hope I don't grow up to be like you.
Posted by: Ayu Sura | December 18, 2006 at 03:45 AM
I'm sorry, but this is the first (and only) time I shall use this: LMAO!
Comedy Gold, Pruella! Thank you, dear. I was feeling a bit cross from no sleep. :>
Posted by: Squeedoo S. | December 18, 2006 at 03:59 AM
Wow, it just gets harder and harder to remember to be pleasant to you.
Cristiano's site is FREE. It's HIS to do with as he sees fit, when you make your own, you can do it your way.
Cristiano's site is mostly links to web pages, very few links to stores so far. Although ty, you've reminded me I've been meaning to add my own and now with this new publicity you've given him I'm sure there will be several more.
On his site we can search for interesting blogs, other resident's websites and stores all in one place. Is there anywhere inside SL that we can do that?
>"Of course, whoever wins the SEARCH wins Second Life."
Frankly anyone who spends the time and goes to all the hard work to give us something that's better than what we already have (or may soon not have) has every right to be proud of it and to even profit from it if they choose to. That's called taking initiative, having an entrepreneurial spirit. Those are the kinds of people we WANT to have around.
Prokofy, there is no FIC. You made it up, it exists only in your mind.
There is no such word as tekkie, tekki-wiki, tekkiwikinista (or whatever) either.
Cristiano isn't "pwning" anything. By the way, pwn is not a word either and it's more than a bit over used. You might want to check out this link.
You left out something your readers might think is relevant. Cristiano was kind enough to check with you to be sure that the text YOU submitted when YOU ASKED TO BE PLACED ON HIS SEARCH LIST was accurate.... and your way of returning his diligence was to blast him with this post.
So very thoughtful of you.
If you hate what he's doing with his site so much, why do you want to be one of the links on it?
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 18, 2006 at 03:59 AM
>"It's obvious that what is needed is a system that enables people with RL names or SL names to register and fill out the usual forms to prevent spam, as you would on any forums -- like the existing registration system you have -- duh?"
If it's left open to anyone to register it would be harder to ensure that all the sites are Second Life related I imagine.
Or is that too logical?
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 18, 2006 at 04:01 AM
Cristiano's troops in formation!
Sound off, Squeedoo! Sir, yes, Sir!
Sound off, Alana! Sir, yes, Sir!
Um, Alana, have you ever heard of the concept of PUBLIC service. It's called SERVING the public.
When a company like, I dunno, Verizon or Bell Atlantic makes a yellow pages, they include everybody. THEY figure out how to include. They offer paid ads for those who want bigger listings. But they don't editorialize or make people clear an editorial board of submissions. That would be absurd. It will move at a glacial pace then.
This has been so fascinating to watch -- the belief of the FIC that they can go on filtering and funnelling as they did on the forums and inworld. This will be blown apart, thank God.
Cristiano will get blast after blast from me.
There's no kindness in Cristiano -- there is only the desire for power and reputation enhancement.
Ugh, so unattractive!
You don't get points for letting someone list their blog in a master, public community directory. After all, it's not his personal blog roll, but a PUBLIC service.
If any discretionary activity is to go into a site, it should be at the level of deciding if the names are SL names. This is achieved by having the avatar register at a kiosk with his key -- this is done by Foolish Frost with his forums, for example.
Cristiano knows this perfectly well, but he just wants his paws on the content.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 04:28 AM
who says it is a public service?
is google a public service?
is yahoo?
is MSN?
gimme a fucking break, retard, you STILL dont understand how search engines and indexes work
you are playing aol 3.0, knock it off with the web 2.0, you still dont appear to know in the least what you are talking about ever since the little ISP IPS fiasco that got you booted from SL forums (as you never did understand what the fuck you were talking about)
seriously, it is his site, yahoo charges $200 just to look at your site, AND, that doesnt even assure inclusion in the index... he isnt asking for a penny and is just ensuring it is SL content
i have offerd cris and flipper adviced based on several years of intimate knowledge of how internet search works
they have both declined to listen
my offer still stands to whoever wants to do it right AND make themselves some cash off of it in a manner (much like SL classifieds) people are more than willing to accept
i will help anyone serious about this
well, anyone but you, prok, you arrogent, insane greasey windbag
you used up your good graces long ago
now you are a joke, a chew toy to kick around when i get bored... some revolutionary you turned out to be...
anyway, it is a private endevour... before you start windbagging about public service, is the public paying for access or helping him fund this?
or has cris invested the time and labor and resources to making this happen... and therefore should be encourage to thrive in the capitalistic system you claim to endorse... but lack understanding in how it functions
i didnt think so, he can omit what he wants for whatever reason he wants... frankly that is none of your bizness
he chose to even let you link your insane ranting
hes a far better person than me, i woulda used the site to mock you and your insantity
if you think you can do it better, no one is stopping you, except the overwelming number of people who hate you for your lies and blatent attacks and attempts to undermine credibilty that people have spent time working up... deserved, unlike you, who does nothing to help anyone but the sick little portion of your brain that thrives on causing trouble
oh yeah, and your inablity to do anything creative, even your entire SL rental system is bastardized... except maye your land tier pyramid scam
and your ability to understand the medium and the technology and limitations/advantages behind them
you are just a couple paces from wearing a box on your head... you couldnt make a search if you tried and no one will help you because you have spit on anyone who came near you
you are a sad, pathetic, worthless excuse for a person who doesnt have a good thing to say about anyone
this is a direct result of the intense nonsense you spread everywhere, you are an impotent, failure in anything not related to russiona history... you are irrelevant to the "metardverse," web 2.0., and and anything less complicated to programming your vcr... and this is how you react to failing so strongly
i pity you and the lonely life you must lead... but i understand this is the life you have chosen
get help
Posted by: Mulch Maker | December 18, 2006 at 04:33 AM
>"Um, Alana, have you ever heard of the concept of PUBLIC service. It's called SERVING the public."
Did you miss the part where he's doing it for free and paying to host the site out of his own pocket?
>"They offer paid ads for those who want bigger listings. But they don't editorialize or make people clear an editorial board of submissions."
Actually yes they do. I worked for a phone company for a few years. They checked and rechecked every ad for not just accuracy but content as well.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 18, 2006 at 04:53 AM
It IS a public service, and this "Mr. Lee's Hong Kong" bullshit you have imbided from Snowcrash sure doesn't fly with me. I don't pay to put my blog in Google. But it shows up? Hello?
What kind of windbaggery are you subjecting us to here, Mulch? It's pathetic. Go back to trying to fool people into pressing links to pictures of scrotums or something, Mulch, you are not a serious interlocutor because you are a pathologically manipulative asshole.
I am not interested in making a search. I'm interested merely as one of many thousands of businesses merely adding links to the search -- and possibly buying an ad or something. I can think of a number of people in SL simply more qualified to do this the right way, less controversial, less FIC, more business-like. That is what is needed.
I don't get at ALL what Cristiano once again donning his white robes and spreading out his arms to be worshipped by the masses for his self-sacrifices has to do with the public need and the public service of getting s search.
Cristiano gets O praise from me for doing something for free. Indeed, the demands of the public whom he claims to altruistically serve for free became that much greater.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 05:04 AM
I find it hilarious that YOU called Mulch a windbag. LMAO. Seriously Prok, you've really astounded me now. Nothing further from you will ever cause my jaw to drop again. Yes this is a public service, but no, Cris has no obligation to include everybody, esepecially people who have no capacity to appreciate it. Have a nice holiday season.
Posted by: Lecktor Hannibal | December 18, 2006 at 08:27 AM
I'm so glad you posted this. SL Search is a great resource and I'll make sure to put up entries for all my clients. Thanks Prok! I never would have known about this had you not gone off the deep end again. That's really swell :)
Posted by: Vivianne Draper | December 18, 2006 at 09:12 AM
Vivianne, yes, try to love-bomb your buddy Cristiano with a million links so he will be forced to move to an avatar key registration system and stop these monkeyshines of his.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 09:45 AM
Clearly Cristiano must be stopped. Prokofy, let's get together and discuss making competitions to slsearch!
Stop worrying about the size of your d_i_c_k.
fAST Length Pro puts the power of enlargement in your hands.
Posted by: Joshua Nightshade | December 18, 2006 at 10:10 AM
Cristiano's site is more of a link directory than a "search" site.
It takes time and dedication to build a good search service. Right now, I think the thought leader in (non-LL) SL search is Damek Tretiak's SLQuery.com
SLQuery has a website, in-world stores and kiosks, and an in-world HUD that connects to the website. Damek continues to add new features and content.
Second411.om used to look promising, but then it got sold and the new owners forgot they bought it. (The founder of Second411.com is now running fabjectory.com)
Posted by: Troy McLuhan | December 18, 2006 at 12:24 PM
Posted by: siggy | December 18, 2006 at 01:08 PM
Second411.com -- they beat me to it, and it looks far more promising than SearchSL.com
Posted by: Leam Cunningham | December 18, 2006 at 01:49 PM
I agree with you - the SLQuery site is excellent and has a totally different focus. SearchSL.com was created as an alternative to Pathfinder Linden's obsession with del.icio.us and the pointless way it works, not as any kind of search replacement. Prokofy is the only one who tried to elevate this into something else because she is a psychotic fruitcake. SLQuery.com is trying to be a comprehensive search tool, and I applaud that - that is not my focus at all.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 18, 2006 at 01:54 PM
I have to agree with Vivianne, I had no idea that SearchSL existed... do you take advertising? Heh.
Posted by: Eric Rice | December 18, 2006 at 01:57 PM
Is there a point to this blog? By the time I got to the end of the post I'd nodded off so I may have missed it.
Oh yes, I see it now... chest thumping, head swelling and masturbating with a thesaurus. Got it.
Posted by: Grey Marquette | December 18, 2006 at 01:57 PM
Congrats on leveling up, Cris!
Posted by: moo Money | December 18, 2006 at 02:38 PM
There's enough abnormal psychology in evidence in this post, and this blog, to provide study material for an entire conference.
Posted by: Sean Clancy | December 18, 2006 at 02:39 PM
You clearly have never done business with the Yellow Pages. There are standards and specifications that must be met. Names of businesses are verified - even for the free line listings. This is done prevent or at least curb abuse of a free service (if you try to list your business as AAAAAAAAAAAAAbomb, you better have your business name registered that way, or it doesn't go).
Paid ads? You just can't put whatever you want to in them. You can't say that you can cure cancer if you run a cancer treatment center... you can't be vulgar... that sort of thing.
I just don't see how Cris did anything bad by verifying that it was you who had sent the link in.
Posted by: Joy Honey | December 18, 2006 at 02:55 PM
I sure have done business with the yellow pages. And your notions are drawn from some other sort of restrictive country, perhaps, not America? It's hard to know *what* you are talking about.
People so often think they are experts on RL, and very selectively and falsely apply their RL experience to SL in silly ways.
Trust me, the Yellow Pages is not run like Cristiano's SL Search. There is not one dragon serving as gatekeeper and clearing on each person's link personally -- instead, they have a set of criteria, if you meet it, you are included *automatically*.
You seem not to grasp the subtleties here. There are two kinds of systems. One is "registrational". In the registrational system, the people create a set of generic criteria. ANYONE who meets them is let in. For example, the way the volunteers system was done in SL because Jeska added in the discretionary element. A discretionary system is run differently -- they have criteria, but they put in *discretionary judgement* which can and is in the SL situation often biased and skewed.
If a registrational approach were used, there would be a notice: register at this site through our kiosk inworld to verify your SL name, and post links. Rules for posting: no non-SL related posts, no profanity.
But that's not what we have. What we have is Cristiano sitting like Scylla and Charibdis passing on each and every link. If he indeed DOES pass on most links, we can't see what he does. He has posted no criteria. And we know he is happy to ban people like me when pressured by people like Weedy. I do hope that any bystander seeing his really nasty posts on the Herald about viral marketing -- and indeed most of his posts on the forums and elsewhere -- can simply see what a controlling ass Cristiano is.
This is not the kind of person you can have in an open society, and that's why I oppose him vigorously.
See, Eric Rice didn't even hear about this until I started publicizing it so that there could be a wider actual community bearing down on Cristiano and making it possible for him not to populate this things with his special friends, who will have weeks to work their way up to all the ratings (it also apparently has a gameable ratings system).
And Eric, you should know better, shame on you. You know perfectly well that the way all the social software that you're supposed to be an expert on works is not by some dick sitting at the gate clearing on each link live and in real time and with very real prejudices. That's just fucking ABSURD.
The way it works is that criteria is made for registration, if you fit that grid of criteria, you post. It's impartial, and non discretionary.
And Joy, do note the distinction between the Yellow Page's inclusion of ALL businesses merely on the strength of them having working phone numbers and the more stricter criteria for a paid ad. But again, it is nothing like having one very baised editor. To compare the two is ridiculous.
It just lets me know that when "your own" are at stake you will completely stretch the truth.
I agree that SLQuery seems to be better and more open. 411 was promising but then you're absolutely right, neglected by its new owners.
Hey, I get more of my sales -- and do most of my shopping -- from the Linden search. And all I have to do is check off the box "SEARCH" and pay $30 to be in -- no Jeskas, no Cristianos. Works for me!
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 06:25 PM
Talk about someone who never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Cris, knowing that you have had trouble with griefers in the past, wanted to make sure the request to add your site was from you rather than an antagonist. You had to choose a response Your choice? Was it:
a. To say, "Yes, it's legit" and let the matter drop
b. To thank Cris for looking out for you
c. To go batshit crazy
I know you'll see what I'm about to say in the wrong light, but that's OK, as I sincerely believe the only thing that keeps you going is a bloated sense of self-righteousness and the warm glow of a martyr complex run amok. So here it is: Seek help. Your problems are getting in the way of your enjoyment of life (and yes, there is more to enjoy in life than being miserable while trying to make everyone else miserable). There's no reason why you should settle for this kind of an existence. And there's no reason that others should be subjected to it.
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 18, 2006 at 06:28 PM
Prok, you just can't STAND it that Cristiano is getting this off the ground .... and you're not.
I've come to believe after the last couple of years drama from you about the FIC, ESC etc, that the real problem you have isn't that these people are popular or have the Lindens ear or whatever ... it's that you DON'T!
And it eats you alive that you aren't at the center of everything with people telling you how wonderful you are.
Jealousy is an ugly master isn't it?
Posted by: Jellin Pico | December 18, 2006 at 06:46 PM
You don't understand the facts of this story or the sequence of this *at all* Lorelei, because you always defend these people uncriticially and are prepared to launch a completely silly and inflated diatribe without even grasping the issues and facts at stake. So Second Life!
1. When I went to Cristiano's site after reading him touting it in the forums, the first VERY MAJOR problem I saw was that there was simply no good, visible, realistic way to add a link. That's because I thought it would work like any other site that would let you add a link, and would err on the side of inclusion to make the search grow and be useful, using basic registrational methods with letters, and spam filters, rather than become a bottleneck on the side of discretionary EXclusion.
2. I IM'd three people, 2 of whom simply couldn't figure out either how you even added a link. I thought, hmm, surely this isn't due to me being banned from the forums? So I asked Suezanne Baskerville, who was also writing about this on the forums, and she sent me a notecard explaining that you have to go to SUGGEST A SITE, in the upper right-hand corner, which isn't just a sort of add-on that is optional but IS the way you add links. If it had said ADD YOUR LINK HERE I *might* have noticed it better.
And she explained that it isn't visible on the home page (it should be) or any obvious place, but tucked inside the categories (it surely has to be in both -- INSTRUCTIONS for how to add sites is MISSING ENTIRELY).
3. Once I saw that the word was SUGGEST I knew that it was discretionary, and that Cristiano was personally clearing this, or perhaps with his little friends from the FIC, but most likely, being anal-retentive as he is, by himself. Sure enough, if you added a link, it went directly to Cristiano. So I immediately IM'd him about that.
4. So my problem with this site is generic, and has nothing to do with the way Cristiano then proceeded to handle my link -- can you grasp that??! I knew perfectly well that Cristiano would include my link. Why wouldn't he? He's included Second Citizen. You could hardly include the foul-mouthed, disgusting, scatalogical and vicious SC and not then include my blog, which has none of those features. What I didn't know was that Cristiano would build a martyr-like drama into his handling of my suggested link.
5. What happened next was interesting but not for the reasons you are claiming. He then asked if my link was really from me, because he had just received a libsecondlife link and wondered if something was "up"? This was a mere coincidence and there wasn't anything "up" -- but this revealed perfectly the dimensions of the problem: Cristiano, sitting there in his majestic white robes and serving judgement, uses as his criteria everything from gossip to scandals to press reports to whatever Cloud of Unknowing he lives in from his keyhole view.
So just because I'm critical of libsecondlife, my link is held up merely for accidently coming in right next to theirs -- a fluke. Cristiano actually has the TIME to see stuff coming in and start his judgement machine in that fashion!
And Cristiano then goes into overdrive to query me -- and time goes by.
At that rate, this list will have about 117 things in it, and no more lol. I do have to chuckle. That's why I hope he is totally overwhelmed, flooded, and pressured incredibly. That's the only way to deal with silly discretionary systems like this.
6. So now you can see how your prejudices are showing, Lorelei, and see that I don't owe Cristiano a thing, I don't have to thank him for shit -- he's not looking out for me or watching my back, he's using clouds of gossip in his "discretion" which is totally amateur and fanboyish.
So, any bloated sense of self-righteousness and martyrdom, as you can see now, is on Cristiano's part, and your part, and not mine.
My sense of right comes with just knowing how RL works and how SL *should* work. To populate a useful search list, there needs to be a massive sign-up exercise that has in place tools to filter spam.
The easiest and proven way to do that is to register with the avatar key, use filters for words, and err on the side of letting in everything in, then later using discretion to pick out the Viagras that might slip in, rather than one-by-one handle each and every link. So flood away, until this silly system is broken by stress.
So seek help yourself, Lorelei. Not only are you wasting hours on a game, you're wasting hours in completely skewed and hysterical interpretations about what someone has written.
Cristiano's system is too controlling for the massive community of SL. If I made a search system with myself as sole editor and gate-keeper, imagine the howling from these camp-followers of the FIC? Eh, Spin Martin?
So I don't worry about this because either a) Cristiano's system will be overwhelmed and he will be forced to chaneg it or b) someone who is smarter and less anal-retentive and discretionary will come along. For example, even just making a prototype searcher, Clubside Granville was simply head and shoulders above Cristiano.
I surely thought Spin was smart enough to grasp the principles at stake here.
With 411, for example, you registered with the avatar key and a HUD and place an object inworld. The guy doesn't make you submit the link to him, you simply sign up and he sees your key. He doesn't say, hmm, are you really Prokofy Neva *especially when he gets a live email from your known correct email address* (see, Lorelai? The idea that someone will spoof my email AND post right at the same time of libsecondlife AND do this...why? for...what? is something that never entered your peabrain).
Furthermore, I had already IM'd Cristiano before even sending the link asking him where the instructions were, why it wasn't obvious, and then later why he was using discretion.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 06:48 PM
Could have ten times the links if he just pawed though the sl del.icio.us collection.....
Posted by: Baba | December 18, 2006 at 06:53 PM
Gosh, Jellin, are you full of shit or what? First of all, your credibility as an oldbie FIC and apparently W-HAT type in your methods, is at minus 1000. Accusing people falsely as you are doing in the Ban-Happy thread in a provocative and stupid way only harms YOUR reputation.
And this isn't about "jealousy" -- which is what rules YOUR world and is how you can think in these terms.
If SL is supposed to be "the Internet" and be an open system, how can we have Cristiano run it??? Huh??? Hell, no.
There's nothing "eating" me -- my critique is a normal, everyday, sort of critique that has nothing whatsoever to do with any desire for Linden proximity or glory. Hell, no. Why? I'm not a tekkie-wiki, I'm just an average person who has a real estate company and a blog.
In SL since 2003, with every benefit and perk -- and what have YOU accomplished, Jellin?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 07:00 PM
"You could hardly include the foul-mouthed, disgusting, scatalogical and vicious SC and not then include my blog, which has none of those features."
You have another blog? Link please?
Posted by: David D | December 18, 2006 at 07:01 PM
You never sent me any such IM asking where the instructions were - that is a blatant lie. Of course, so is most of what you say all the time, so it doesn't surprise me. Get help, seriously, your already tenuous grasp on reality has slipped even further. You make stuff up so readily, and are proven to be a liar over and over again, that I don't know why you bother, except for obvious mental illness and a sad need for attention.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 18, 2006 at 07:02 PM
From Prok:
"So seek help yourself, Lorelei. Not only are you wasting hours on a game, you're wasting hours in completely skewed and hysterical interpretations about what someone has written."
Hi, Mr. Pot!
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 18, 2006 at 07:17 PM
In case it was missed before, Prokofy lies about the sequence of events and IMs... the truth is at this link:
>"And we know he is happy to ban people like me when pressured by people like Weedy."
Another lie.
>"first VERY MAJOR problem I saw was that there was simply no good, visible, realistic way to add a link."
Hmm took me about 5 seconds.
>"So just because I'm critical of libsecondlife, my link is held up merely for accidently coming in right next to theirs "
And if his suspicions had been correct and it was a griefer joke and he had gone ahead and posted it, how much would you have screamed then?
>"To populate a useful search list, there needs to be a massive sign-up exercise that has in place tools to filter spam."
So make one.
>"If SL is supposed to be "the Internet" and be an open system, how can we have Cristiano run it??? Huh??? Hell, no."
Christiano is running all of second life now? Good for him!
Bottom line Prok, if you're not paying him for the privelage of posting your link on his site, then you don't get to tell him how to run the site.
You never answered my question. If you hate what he's doing so much, why did you request to have your link included?
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 18, 2006 at 07:22 PM
>>>In SL since 2003, with every benefit and perk -- and what have YOU accomplished, Jellin?<<<
What have I accomplished? Hmmmm ...
Oh! I log in and have fun. I spend my time playing with friends, just having a good time.
Oh, and I try not to step all over people and shit on them for imagined ills they've done me.
You on the other hand have single-handedly become one of the most loathed people in the SL forum world by doing JUST that. You seem to go way waaaay out of your way to be as unpleasant as inhumanly possible to everyone who crosses your path. That is -your- reputation.
Now THAT really is an accomplishment to be proud of.
... yeah, you sure showed me!
Posted by: Jellin Pico | December 18, 2006 at 07:52 PM
>>>Accusing people falsely as you are doing in the Ban-Happy thread in a provocative and stupid way only harms YOUR reputation.<<<
Almost forgot this bit ... My post was obviously a joke ... fully at your expense, true, but nontheless a joke as I'm sure anyone else in the world would recognize.
Posted by: Jellin Pico | December 18, 2006 at 07:56 PM
Bottom line Prok, if you're not paying him for the privelage of posting your link on his site, then you don't get to tell him how to run the site.
This concept works really well in RL, with the yellow pages and most public goods. Like, Verizon or Bell would really get business if they acted this way in RL. Like, it would be normal for any company offering directory services on the Internet to play this kind of fucked-up Second Life game.
You know, I'm starting to think this "SL goes Internet" stuff will be the best thing for SL if it means that fucked-up concepts like this that come from the creator-fascist walled-garden of SL will be subjected to the most severe whack.
The concept of public responsibility is -- and always has been -- completely lost on SL's feted little hothouse businesses run by amateurish little fascistic controlling dweebs.
But...just wait til the world grows!
I don't make searches. But others will! Thank God! OR like I said, for now, go and love-bomb Cristiano with zillions of links. Especially now I've overcome his tekkie-wiki clunky interface for you and explained that SUGGEST A LINK is INSIDE the category can be used.
I hope Cristiano has 1,000 emails to read tonight.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 18, 2006 at 08:46 PM
So when it becomes commonly accepted among society that anyone who offers a service FOR FREE must then tolerate having that service picked apart, ridiculed, and even the motives behind it insulted.... how many people do you think will bother to subject themselves to such treatment with no profit?
>"I don't make searches. But others will!"
And those others just might choose to charge money for the service. Given the headaches involved, who could blame them?
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 18, 2006 at 09:10 PM
Ya know...
They say that when a couple at least is still arguing that there is salvageable passion remaining in the relationship
Its when indifference sets in - you know the whole "meh" thing - is when you hafta worry.
Keep on showing the LOVE to Prokofy, yall :)
mrowr pffft mrowr! I can feeeel tha LURVE! purrrrsss :D
Posted by: Brace | December 19, 2006 at 10:43 AM
So when it becomes commonly accepted among society that anyone who offers a service FOR FREE must then tolerate having that service picked apart, ridiculed, and even the motives behind it insulted.... how many people do you think will bother to subject themselves to such treatment with no profit?
Oh, this is a good thing. People who offer things for free always style themselves as saviours of mankind. They need to be picked apart. Free stuff is often junk; they often offer it to posture as newbie-helpers when all they want is loss leaders. I'm all for picking apart this stuff. Especially when a freebie is ideological, to destroy business just because somebody is a socialist hater.
So yeah, it's a very good process. If someone is discouraged by facing a phalanx of "haters," good! One less freebie inflicter on the economy.
And those who innovate and the people who praise them also face a phalanx of haters too, as you can see from the Elemental thread at the Herald -- Cristiano raging like a rabid junkyard dog.
I appreciate your metaphors, Brace, but there isn't any love lost for me and these people. There's no secret crush. I view them as objective enemies to freedom and progress who must be fought. That's fine. I'm sure they view me as the same way. Life is not about making everybody get along and hold hands and sing "Kumbayah".
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 19, 2006 at 11:26 AM
Wow, Baba is right. All this drama and still completely missed the point that there already is such a directory, in del.icio.us!
Posted by: Donnagh McDonnagh | December 19, 2006 at 09:34 PM
"Oh, this is a good thing. People who offer things for free always style themselves as saviours of mankind. They need to be picked apart. Free stuff is often junk; they often offer it to posture as newbie-helpers when all they want is loss leaders." - Prokofy
When I first read this my thinking was a parody of political activists posing as saviours of the uneducated masses of little people. Conspiracy theories are often junk, but they effectively bait people into arguing to the point that the pseudopolitician gains enough publicity start making the talk circuits...
But then I realized you would never admit the similarity. You really are fighting to protect us aren't you. Thank Heaven you're here to clarify it all cause I obviously ain't got no understandin of this here wora'uld as I've never seen a difference in your vision and Philip's.
Posted by: Khamon | December 20, 2006 at 01:47 AM
You're a reasonable, intelligent, sophisticated, computer-savvy adult who even specializes in computer software and networks.
Try to get off your jag about suspecting me of evil take-over plots and malicious desires to protect you against your will -- and artificially respirate the dying "w'urald'".
Try to focus on the common-sense thing I'm pointing out here.
A social web site that should run on the principle of "the more the merrier" has a bottleneck.
Instead of using a system that maximalizes contributions by figuring out how to register lots of eager people who will then populate the list, using a tried-and-true method of registering avatar keys in world, the site master is setting himself up as gatekeeper.
He's actually willing to sit and manually process thousands or more links for the sake of control. He's justified this by tales of Viagra ads. But it's not about that, because Viagra ads can be taken care of in other ways.
If you encountered this in RL, or in someone other than in your SL class of FIC, with someone other than me protesting, you'd say, oh, right, yeah, let's change that.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 03:32 AM
>"You're a reasonable, intelligent, sophisticated, computer-savvy adult who even specializes in computer software and networks."
You mean a tekkie!? o.O
>"If you encountered this in RL, or in someone other than in your SL class of FIC, with someone other than me protesting, you'd say, oh, right, yeah, let's change that."
Nope because it would still belong to someone else and you don't get to demand someone make changes to something that belongs to them.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 20, 2006 at 03:49 AM
Allana, what you are having trouble with, because you are sequestered in RL, no doubt, with little useful experience, and in SL, you live in the hothouse, sequestered and suffocating world of BDSM, that in an open society, a person who takes on a function like a PUBLIC directory is not able to act like a little vicious swine, and an entitlement-happy dog in the manger.
He is supposed to be SERVING the public by helping them SEARCH. Not just search for his animations shop and his FIC friends' shops, but all shops.
Now, sure, he can make a little feted sequestered gilded FIC shops list, in which case everyone should ignore him.
But he pretends to be serving the public. This is an archaic concept, evidently, but still relevant -- SERVING means SERVICE. It means finding ways to make it easier, not setting yourself up as gatekeeper.
You don't get to keep haranguing people with how you own a site and pay for it when you are open to the public, ostensibly providing a big public service.
That's certainly not how big corporations behave in real life. They understand they have a certain obligation to the public when they take on public functions. It's called "social responsibility" and this isn't a socialist notion, in the way Nobody Fugazi flogs it, or imagines that someone like me doesn't value if I am a "capitalist", but a normal democratic function.
Honestly, people like Cristiano in SL without any real grasp of how the real world works need to be paper-trained. If they can't understand the first few times they are knocked on the head with a rolled up newspaper, people will just go around them. There's always another puppy wetting on the carpet who is more easily trained to the realities of the marketplace.
People in the hothouse, sequestered fetid world of the feted imagine that I am outlandish, a kook, wearing a tinfoil hat, bent on world domination, in need of psychiatric care, etc.
All I am is a normal member of the public with normal consumer demands who just happened to com along early to this ridiculously feted set-up in SL. Many more will be along soon. The collective pressure of common sense they bring to this awful world will be a good thing for all of us.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 04:54 AM
"A social web site that should run on the principle of "the more the merrier" has a bottleneck." - Prokofy
Yeah that's my point when arguing that we should be able to host our own asset servers and enter those URLs in the texture tab when editing an object.
"Instead of using a system that maximalizes contributions by figuring out how to register lots of eager people who will then populate the list, using a tried-and-true method of registering avatar keys in world, the site master is setting himself up as gatekeeper. He's actually willing to sit and manually process thousands or more links for the sake of control." - Prokofy
Yeah that's my point when arguing that we should be able to host our own grids rather than having to use Governor Linden's.
"The collective pressure of common sense they bring to this awful world will be a good thing for all of us." - Prokofy
Honestly, do you believe the collective pressure of common sense is going to have any effect on LL employees and the way they operate the world?
Posted by: Khamon | December 20, 2006 at 09:51 AM
The problem is, Khamon, SL is a world, not a texture. You keep wanting to take SL and put it in a bottle and make an element of your website. But it's a world.
And just because nobody is giving your proprietary software for free, or for some low-cost amount for your school to have free of sex clubs and blingtards doesn't mean that there isn't a viable model here for the Metaverse.
Governor Linden doesn't use discretion to judge whether I get a plot of land or not. I fit the criteria with credit card information, I pay, I'm in. She does not sit there processing my application. So, no, your analogy doesn't hold.
Yes, I think Cristiano will be blown away by either the pressure of users and have to change, or like a river just going around a rock, someone else will do it.
And if what you say about how "everyone" wants not a world but just a website as you imagine (people other than tekkies) then the stampede will overwhelm LL, too. But...I don't think you're right about that.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 10:06 AM
I think the only thing at issue here is the presentation of the issue.
I think it was made clear enough that some kind of autoregistration feature would be desirable by Christiano and that it was simply not a feature that had been implemented yet. "I am hardly an idiot. I read exactly what you wrote, and responded to it. As far as your suggestion on registration, it is something I am considering but have not implemented yet."
So why all the fuss? Well, it seems to stem from your general philosophy on life Prokofy. "Life is not about making everybody get along and hold hands and sing "Kumbayah"."
I think your observation is very reasonable. However, your presentation stinks. Is this really a hot story you have to EXPOSE? Or is this merely an improvement you would like to suggest to Christiano? Why not be a positive influence and ask in a friendly manner?
I believe I solidly disagree with your negative philosophy on interaction with certain people. "I view them as objective enemies to freedom and progress who must be fought." I am human and subject to anger and negativity, but do not consider anyone my enemy.
It's simply illogical. A negative philosophy reflected to the infinite degree of the universe would eventually cause the universe to destroy itself. I can't imagine that this is the point of life, as that would suggest the model of something becoming nothing. And if the goal for the universe were for it to become nothing, then why would there have been something in the first place?
No, I find that the goal must be of a positive nature, as the universe seems to be expanding, chaos seems to generate into order, and life seems to evolve into better things. And while my personal choice for songs wouldn't necessarilly be Kumbayah, I can't see that it would be a bad thing if we all learned to get along with our human family members.
So c'mon there buddy. I've got faith in you. You're a creative and talented individual. Let's see your positive side. I know you can do it. Make that your resolution for 2007.
And I encourage all the Prok haters as well. Make a positive space in your mind. Imagine the best possible outcome and hope it to be true. One day I see that Prokofy will indeed find a way to shine as a positive influence for the future of humanity, despite all of the negativity and conflict found in our collective growing pains. Who's with me on this?
Posted by: Pyutaros Achterbahn | December 20, 2006 at 11:06 AM
"He's actually willing to sit and manually process thousands or more links for the sake of control. He's justified this by tales of Viagra ads. But it's not about that, because Viagra ads can be taken care of in other ways."
You know, there's something to be said for removing the log in your own eye before complaining about the mote in another's. http://prokofyneva.s10.forumsplace.com/
Maybe Cris just didn't want his own website to end up looking like that one.
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 20, 2006 at 12:58 PM
Lorelei, are you stupid?
First, that site, which is a free PHP site, is spammed a lot and I've put on registration of members and wiped it (in case you haven't looked lately). I've just decided it's not a priority to fix now -- one problem is the purveyors of this free software never answer questions, send you to a complicated and stupid user-driven forums, and I would definitely not recommend it.
Secondly, it's a forums where many people wish to grief me personally, and do.
Thirdly, there is no comparison, because the way that you fix a forums spamming problem like I *used* to have (and any forums were if they didn't delete spam 10 times a day) is by having an AVATAR REGISTRATION BY KEY.
That's what I keep saying. THEN anyone who registers easily merely by touching a kiosk inworld and activating it on the site then has the right, any time, in any amount, to put up links.
That way, Cristiano signs up many many people at once effortlessly, and each one can generate then hundreds of links if not thousands that he won't have to clear, except now and then.
In fact, he himself has said he may do this!
What will you do when he *does* do that as a solution to the growth of the site? Huh? Will you then bleat, OMG, you are wrong Cristiano merely because he did something I suggested (which many site operators opt for, whether SL Drama or other SL forums or even SLB or SLEX -- key-registration.
My God, your desire to play gotcha and try to get some short-term glee and gloating absolutely blinds you to the truth here. Are you done yet and able to see reality? No, because as long as I've seen your posts on SL-related forums, they have ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE carried water for the FIC.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 02:13 PM
Pyutaros, blow it out your ass. That's really all I can say to little soppy Pollyannas who are in fact vindictive griefing fanboyz.
Re: "I think your observation is very reasonable. However, your presentation stinks. Is this really a hot story you have to EXPOSE?"
Too bad?
Cristiano didn't do this at the beginning, and make a registration system that made posting links EASIER?
Instead, he made one that causes links to queue up and puts himself as a gatekeeper.
Cristiano is a condescending, stubborn, and arrogant ass. ALL he can understand is force. If he never got any forceful criticism from me, he'd never get any at all -- anyone who ventures out and tries to take him on quickly finds themselvs intimidated.
Remember how Phaylen Fairchild was bullied and driven into the ground, her IP chased and matched and witch-hunted?
So perhaps, by calling attention to this site, getting more people to add to the links so that it isn't just a little FIC directory, and overwhelming Cristiano's bottleneck, eventually, it may be fixed and become more fair and open.
There really is no other way.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 02:17 PM
C'mon now Prokofy. Is that really your best response here? "He started it so I'm gonna be a big meanie too?"* Rise above my friend. Find your true potential. You can be the Aunt Polly to my Pollyanna.
Really, you think I am a vindictive griefing fanboy? I think not dear friend. I praise your literary insights, though disagree with your philosophy. I respect your right to free expression, and chime in on your public blog with my skewed observations.
If I am a fan of anyone Prokofy, it is you. Do not hate me because I wish to be the yang to your yin. Surely the universe cannot exist without us both.
And so hence it is ever my destiny to ask you to celebrate your strengths with me, as it may seemingly ever be yours to have it blown out my ass.
But I do not hate you for it. You are no enemy of mine. You are a well of untapped potential. And perhaps one day you will nay see me as threat, but as a balancing force for your victory. Until then, I wish you well Prokofy.
*Actual quote referred to "Cristiano didn't do this at the beginning,"
Posted by: Pyutaros Achterbahn | December 20, 2006 at 03:16 PM
Touchy much, Prok?
Matter of fact, I did check into your forum just a moment before posting what I did. I don't see you getting griefed much, unless purveyors of office furniture and vitamin supplements and Viagra and the like really have it out for you. And no, it is not cleaned up. Spam has been sitting there for many days.
So I repeat, get your own house in order before you start nattering about how someone else runs their Website. Yours is a mess.
And, no, I'm not stupid, thank you for asking. Are you?
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 20, 2006 at 03:17 PM
Yes, you *are* stupid for trying to play gotcha on this one, it really is as lame as a three-legged goat.
Um perhaps you didn't look at it weeks ago when it WAS griefed?
If it has spam now, it's because it doesn't have an anal-retentive editor like Cristiano -- but then, I am not intending to keep this site, it's going to be replaced with a better software.
The only way a free site like this can be controlled is by having the owner clear on registrations -- which I do. But THAT is not enough because many bots have figured out how to get around even their registration plan which requires email confirmation from the owner.
To get around the hacks, you need to fiddle with various elaborate widgets the fans of that service themselves have created -- which I don't have time for.
If my little, inactive site's spam soils your eyes and gives you fainting spells over the thought of pumped-up penises, then don't look?
And none of that obviates the point about Cristiano's site: he could be using *avatar keys* from registrations *inworld* which are frankly, more layers of filter than this free forums mail-confirmation registration -- duh.
I don't need to get any "house" in order -- this is some little site that doesn't make any claims about anything. I don't advertise it. I ran it for awhile quietly with good participation, but then as soon as a link was put up on the list of residents forums on the SL site, it began to collect loads of vicious griefing and then spam. And not even because most people even bother to
In fact, the only 2 or 3 people who have noticed this site are the obsessives gotcha gang from the toxic SC, not any normal people. Are you proud of yourself for being in that company?
My little site -- not advertised -- for which I make no claims -- cannot be compared to Cristiano's hugely publicized and visible effort. Try to understand the scale and magnitude here. If I behaved like Cristiano, anally-retentively, I would have a cleaner little forums so that the 7 people who might visit it would not get fainting spells like yourself.
However, if Cristiano were to do what I suggested, which others do, and which he himself said he'd consider, and use avatar key registration -- combined with application of his anal retentiveness in the other direction of cleaning up Viagra rather than policing legitimate residents' content -- it would be a more successful site.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 03:41 PM
I think once again, the point really is that Christiano was thinking about doing what you're talking about BEFORE you said anything to him, not because you pointed it out. And moreover, if all you wanted to do was suggest a feature, why all the ruckus? You say there's no other way to get through to him, but he was ALREADY thinking about doing what you were suggesting. So what's the issue here? What exactly were we talking about again?
Posted by: Pyutaros Achterbahn | December 20, 2006 at 03:56 PM
Prok, as long as you don't feel the need to take care of your own site, you have no basis to tell others how to take care of theirs. Mind your own business for a change.
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 20, 2006 at 04:46 PM
My site is as dinky little site, not advertised, with about 7 visitors?
THIS is the site I take care of, and it is almost always free of the spam that ALL OF US deal with.
Could you get off your little gotcha hobby horse?
I don't "mind my own business" when someone puts out a public project that they don't really open up to the public, and then begin to whine about viagra ads.
And...what exactly are YOU talking about Pyutaros? Honestly, you make no sense. If you weren't just dying to fit in, you'd have a clearer mind here.
Cristiano will say he thought this up long ago, after he does it ROFL.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 05:51 PM
Yeah, dinky site with seven visitors, and still you can't keep it under control. Yet you tell others what to do with their sites. Those who can do, do. Those who can't do, blog.
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 20, 2006 at 06:59 PM
I think the person who can't keep themselves under control is YOU Lorelei. Imagine, the sick obsession required to go keeping staring at my little unused site. It takes a special obsessive-compulsive mind to do that. Let it go, it's not important.
Blogging *is* doing -- or were you going to suggest that only making avatar animations and letting people upload a zillion screenshots of themselves in their hottubs on a site you have to pay for yourself is *doing*? huh?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 07:04 PM
You are nothing if not amusing, Prokofy. But I'll take your jab about sick obsessions to heart, you being the expert at such things.
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 20, 2006 at 07:44 PM
Um, I don't obsessively look at things that are sick like SC? That would make me upset every time I look at them? so if you can't control your urges and revulsion looking at my little site...um...don't? Meanwhile, all my points stand, and you are just huffing and puffing trying to cook up something that fits.
Cristiano needs to move to key registration like a lot of other sites. Let's hope he is man enough to step up.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 09:44 PM
>"Allana ... you are sequestered in RL, no doubt, with little useful experience, and in SL, you live in the hothouse, sequestered and suffocating world of BDSM"
*laughing* Thanks I needed the chuckle moment. God I wish for some quiet sequestering.
>"Cristiano needs to move to key registration like a lot of other sites. Let's hope he is man enough to step up."
If he chooses to, it will be because it was something he was already considering (as he stated) not because YOU told him to. At the start (the site is still new) he decided to give it a more personal touch instead I imagine.
If you want to give someone suggestions about their site, there is a nice way to do that without needing to try to rip apart their work.
I really am at a loss to understand why you think you can tell other people how things "should" be done.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 20, 2006 at 10:12 PM
>"sequestered and suffocating world of BDSM"
For the record once again, there is no "world of BDSM". It is my relationship style/preference, not the focus of my life.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 20, 2006 at 10:14 PM
>"sequestered and suffocating world of BDSM"
For the record once again, there is no "world of BDSM". It is my relationship style/preference, not the focus of my life.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 20, 2006 at 10:15 PM
Allana, I'm at a loss at how you could be so blind as a bat as to see that YOU and your big pal Cristiano are the ones telling people how they should be doing things -- with collars that can't come off, and with websites where you have to clear a dog in the manger to get a goddamn link up.
I mean, urging that barriers to more freedom and cooperation and equality be removed is hardly telling people what to do -- it's asserting my point of view about how to make this fucking little snowglobe of yours more open.
Oh, well, back you go to your dark caves...
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 20, 2006 at 10:58 PM
Wow, the hyperbole's getting a bit rich, even for you, Prokofy. You act like anyone has had to jump through hoops to get a link in the site. They submitted it, and within a few minutes usually it is there. You don't urge anything, you mad cow. You bash people with your big fat head with imaginary crimes because of whatever inadequacies you've got going on (namely, the lack of a dick that you so desperately crave). Obsess over something else - all your whining here did was get a bunch of new links added to the directory and more impressions for my advertisers. Sorry your grass roots effort to flood the site failed so miserably. It's because this is only an issue in your own mind. So sad that didn't work out for you, old girl.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 20, 2006 at 11:32 PM
>"collars that can't come off"
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 21, 2006 at 12:04 AM
Cristiano, can you grasp the concept of what you are doing? Clearing? On each and every link? Instead of enabling people the freedom to put up their own links?
I suppose your bat-shit blind on this score.
One hardly needs to have a dick, a lack of a dick, or a complex about absence of a dick, to state the obvious: YOU are clearing on each and every link personally, manually, and idiotically in some old-fashioned medieval way, completely contrary to the spirit -- and technical capacity for registration through trust mechanisms and filtering -- that is enabled everywhere completely unlike what you are doing.
Oh, I hope it does flood! Flooding might break the bottleneck.
Keep up these rabid posts, though, Cristiano, it's good for the public to see your true nature in the number of insults, personal attacks, and name-calling gambits you indulge in -- of the wildest kind -- in a dispute like this.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 12:09 AM
I have no problem stating publicly what a lunatic I think you are, Prokofy - and you are hardly one to make any claims about name calling What I am really curious about is what you are concerned about. It certainly is not my work load - and it certainly isn't about links not being included. Every single SL related link that has been submitted has been included - I simply verify that it is not a general non-SL site (of which most submissions are) and then activate the link. Many, many, many directories do this, especially if they themed. You clearly have no clue a lot of search directories work.
If there were censorship going on, you would have something to whine about, but there is none. Ultimately, even if I do add self-link editing, link submission will remain moderated. Registration has not stopped my forums from being flooded by spam either - I normally delete several spam posts a day. If you do not like how the directory is run, you are both free to create your own and to not participate in it. You can also continue to bash me all you want, it isn't for any valid reason, just your usual, sick, sad obsession. Anyway, thanks for the extra traffic.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 12:19 AM
Cristiano, I'm hardly a lunatic, but you are an anal-retentive little pathetic DWEEB. You are sitting, like a dog on a manger (you ARE familiar with this imagine?!), bottlenecking a system. Trying to own it, control it, stamp your imprint on it.
Why? It cannot succeed that way. You were able to create the FIC and maintain the FIC and the forums dominion in your little clique on Second Life, but goddamn, Cristiano, it's so much bigger now. Will you ever let go?
You are bat-shit blind as a bat. Your inclusion of a site is not the issue. THAT you are making discretionary passes on each and every link is the issue, your dipshit.
Are you truly not capable of grasping this? Well, I guess someone else will be along eventually who will, and go around you.
It's not about censorship, dumbass. It's about clearance. A clearance systems is wrong for this sort of public exercise that needs ease of use, not bottlenecking.
AND as always, you are the LEAST credible in running a clearance on things since you have bullied Phaylen, me, and any other legitimate critic hysterically for years.
Directories do NOT in RL or in SL, rely on this sort of manual, human clearance. Indeed, 411 and other search engines functioning around SL don't use this method AT ALL. Don't be fucking ridiculous!
I can only hope this high-schoolish game of yours at least gives you some smug satisfaction to warm yourself with in the cold of your basic inadequacies, Cristiano. It really is fucking ridiculous.
You can't seem to grasp that you could have many more links (you'd have them from me, for example, and many others put off by the unappetizing thought of having EVERY LINK scrutinized and passed on). And the few spam that you are getting now, you may get even after avatar keys, but you will simply delete them -- like you do now.
You don't, for the sake of a few spams, bork an entire system.
What's awful about this is that you are incapable of even grasping the issue intellectually. You keep hysterically pounding the same drum of self-righteousness.
that's among the greatest trials for me, that the FIC are not only greedy and graspy about SL all the time, but that they are just plain stupid a lot of the time.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 12:36 AM
> Directories do NOT in RL or in SL,
> rely on this sort of manual, human
> clearance.
You techno-illiterate moron, this is exactly how Yahoo! and DMOZ work. So, yes, they rely on it in RL; they also rely on it in SL. Otherwise, you end up with a wholly useless system like the Events Calendar.
Posted by: Andrew Burton, aka Jarod Godel | December 21, 2006 at 12:50 AM
Yeah, Jarod, um, sure, somebody sits in Yahoo, and manually waits for each and every link discoverable in Yahoo to come in?
Are you on drugs???
Like, I want my site to get searchable in Yahoo and Google so I bundle it up and send it in a manual email to a Cristiano-like watch-dog who sits and decides should it go in or not?
Are you completely insane?
You're off on some completely irrelevant tangent.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 01:01 AM
You really, really should not comment on things you don't know about, it just makes you look really stupid, especially when you cling to your stupidity like a security blanket for dear life.
First of all, you didn't email me anything - you submitted your site through a web page. Note, there is also a Suggest a Link button right on Yahoo. You don't register for Yahoo and can't edit your links there or just automatically put them in. Imagine that! That is exactly how Yahoo works, and how search engines and directory sites like DMOZ always have worked, but you wouldn't know that. There are also all kinds of services that will submit your links to various directory sites because your links just aren't just magically there, and most don't just let you add them without the sites being reviewed. Very few let you edit them. Yahoo and Google use spider programs to index linked pages, so often a site will end up in the directory because it is linked to a page that has been submitted. The ignorance you continue to show because you read the word Web 2.0 somewhere and now think you are an expert is absolutely fucking hilarious. Try leaving things to people who know about them and go back to babbling about Russia. Have at it, your manifesto is not going to write itself.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 01:13 AM
Your head-up-ass literalism here will really be the death of you.
Whether I submit through a template that coverts to a message or email to you, or an actual email, who the fuck cares?
The point of my critique is that I send something TO YOU and YOU clear on it.
I mean, are you fucking stupid???
You're the one clinging to your white robes of self-righteousness.
I shouldn't HAVE to clear links through YOU; you should have avatar keys for sign up, and after that, I put up as many links as I wish without you commenting on every single one with your actual eye balls and judgement.
Can you grasp that or is your head too far up your ass?
I'm talking about really basic stuff here.
Yahoo is not built by having millions of people individually submit links reviewed in real time by live people.
Crawlers get the links -- the links are not MANUALLY processed as you are trying to insinuate. No directly in the universe is made that way, Cristiano, do not be fucking ridiculous.
>Yahoo and Google use spider programs to index linked pages
The days when people had to remember to send their new web pages to various engines manually are behind us by about 10 years. And even when that happened, there were filters and templates used that didn't involve one little dickhead sitting there clearing on each one personally. We would have no Internet if that were true.
You're the clueless asshole here, Cristiano, you don't get the most basic principle of my critique. Just as I critiqued the problem of YOU getting my private email address by me being FORCED to use your service if I wanted to get my photo out of Second Life to a pubilc page. Robin Linden conceded that at the time, and you even spent all kinds of time doubletalking and scrambling around to make good to show that you didn't keep people's email addresses (we have no guarantee of that, of course).
You raged and raged like a total ass over this, bringing up every single tangential issue to the core issue: you shouldn't have to get people's emails, period.
if I wanted to show up on the Lindens' page, just because they had hog-tied to you doesn't mean I should HAVE to put "[email protected]" just to get my photo up on the Linden site -- and then have no control over it afterward as it went on to you, and got rated, commented. You were deeply fucked up then in never be able to grasp this simple issue not only of privacy, but of FREE WILL.
You were also deeply fucked up about the issue of IP grabbing, trying to distract from that issue in a million and one ways.
And now -- surprise, surprise -- you are being just as deeply fucked about admitting that you are running a clearance operation. You try to raise every other extraneous issue when I've ALREADY CAUGHT you in the act of DISCRETIONARY CLEARANCE.
You've already MANIFESTED how you operate by intruding and making up a story or hypothesis about libsecond life and decising you had to be a busy-body holier-than-thou asswipe about this, and busily email me -- because of course this template is attacked to *e-mail* DUH -- and intrude with this fake concern, for which your little fangirlz have been set up to try to prompt me to be grateful for.
When will you get it Cristiano? You are such a *fucking* disaster.
Make a goddamn directory site and don't park your fucking self-righteous wimp ass in the middle of the portal. Let it go -- let it be automatic and use keys like the SL 411 and other sites did. It will have more people participating and be more diverse and not involve YOU being in everybody's hair and everybody's business.
Oh, but you wouldn't like that sort of freedom, would you, because you wouldnt' get to have your little spasm of superiority and sense of power.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 01:31 AM
I am not deeply fucked, Prokofy, but as usual, you seriously need to be. All that rage is really not healthy, find a release. The thing that is so laughable is that if you hate my site so much, then just ignore it. You can't do that though, you have to participate in something and complain. I knew you would cling to your stupidity and dredge up a bunch of unrelated shit. What other people like to refer to as the truth and facts, you claim is just someone being literal. Well, you are literally the most ridiculous person I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. I don't have to change anything about my site - people will either use it, or they won't. End of story. I certainly don't let some clueless technophobe with the worst case of penis envy I have ever seen dictate anything about my life. The ultimate in freedom is to decide to use something, or to not use it. Even your pigheaded self can grasp that one.
BTW, check out this text from Yahoo, since you still don't get it:
Yahoo! Directory Submission
Yahoo! Directory Submit:
- Submit your site for review and inclusion in the Yahoo! Directory.
- Editorial review of your pages.
- Intuitive categorization of your site in the Yahoo! Directory.
Yahoo! Standard:
- Submit your non commercial site for review and inclusion in the Yahoo! Directory.
Now, go back to using Web 2.0 as your new buzzword.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 01:42 AM
PS - the hilarious part is if I had not checked with you and the "SL agitator" description had been faked, you would have screamed bloody murder about that too. I decided what the hell, I would err on the side of discretion and check with you, and look where it got me? Oh well, I ended up with a bunch of new listings and traffic, so thanks for that. Your negative attention always helps any site.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 01:44 AM
Everyone has always referred to me as a noted SL agitator -- I've never complained even once, don't be ridiculous.
I was just looking at DMOZ btw, I remember ages ago bothering to follow it. Try to imagine each person signing up for your site with their info as being an editor for DMOZ. Each of us becomes our own little editor. We then edit...our own links. We put them in. We use our brains to find others. We contact friends. We say, oh, can I put this in for you. It's more informal than DMOZ because the material is Second Life and dresses and shoes, not rocket science, but the principles is the same:
o clearance on an individual
o then he is free to do the clearance himself on that category and clear others.
This way you have not one dog sitting on the pile like yourself, but many dogs actively clearing, posting, suggesting.
DMOZ works not because ONE person like Cristiano Midnight the Magnificent sits atop its throne and clears on every single link.
DMOZ works because it enables thousands of experts to sign up using a basic grid, then *themselves* be the clearing-houses.
I don't get why this is so FUCKING hard to understand.
I'm not using Web 2.0 as a new buzzword.
I'm pointing out that Digg, delic.ious and many things out there function on the principle that each person can post a link or save a link of their choice for others to view. THEY decide -- NOT you. That's what social software is about -- society, not one editor atop it.
You're still failing to get it, and your blindness and gleeful vindictiveness in trying to play gotcha on me is, as usualy, blinkering your site.
I don't submit my site to Yahoo. Yet, if you type "Prokofy Neva" into Yahoo, guess what? My site comes up in the SEARCH ENGINE.
This is, after all a SEARCH we are talking about. Not just a static A-Z list or directory that people sign up for like on the SL webpage.
It's a SEARCH. Not just the 5 star restaurants in Zagat.
You're just not grasping the principle at stake here and I can only throw up my hands at the idiocy of someone as fucking STUPID as you being at the helm of something like Second Life.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:06 AM
THAT'S what I don't get you're having trouble with.
He doesn't HAVE to let you use it. He's under no obligation WHAT SO EVER to have any part of Prokofy Neva's vile vagina stench on his page.
You're an ungrateful skank.
Posted by: Joshua Nightshade | December 21, 2006 at 02:09 AM
BTW, I don't dispute that Yahoo has a directory. But Yahoo doesn't have Cristiano, anal asstard, sitting at its helm.
I never disputed the directory submission -- I'm trying to get you to see that what is needed is freedom and a registrational rather than discretionary approach, more akin to DMOZ making anyone who fits some very basic grid able to be an editor, who them himself suggests and clears. Or like delicious saving a site you like and suggesting it instantly, then and there, not waiting for an editor. Or like SL 411, where you rez a cube and then type in hundreds of entries if you have the stamina.
Your arguing that something like Yahoo's directory exists; when I don't -- and never did! -- argue that this format exists.
My argument is two-fold:
1. When it exists, it doesn't have anal fucktards like you at the helm, but ordinary people with criteria they apply usually fairly if they take on a public thing like Yahoo
2. It doesn't HAVE to be the method for directories and is NOT the method on manythings as I've just explained about delici.ous and SL 411.
I don't know what more college you need to grasp these fine points, but you might want to pick up a night school class in basic English literature and learn to read.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:09 AM
Yes, just the sort of public-mindedness and fairness we've come to expect from this gang -- keep it up, you're the best exposure of your own bullshit I could dream of.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:10 AM
Suck my balls bitch, and like it.
Posted by: Joshua Nightshade | December 21, 2006 at 02:13 AM
>"The days when people had to remember to send their new web pages to various engines manually are behind us by about 10 years."
Ah ok I see. See Prok you're a little confused about the difference between a search engine and a link directory.
But it doesn't matter, the bottom line is still the bottom line. It's not your business to tell other people how they "should" do things.
Right when he was responsible enough to make sure your link was legit and not someone out to grief you.
Dam you and your sense of responsibility Cristiano! *insert eye roll here*
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 21, 2006 at 02:14 AM
Um, I'm not "confused," the SL community is going to use this as a SEARCH using search terms. To replace the badly functioning search inworld? Hello?
So this is ONE way to replace it -- and a very shabby way because Cristiano insists on making it into a little fascist circle-jerk for himself and his friends.
Are you familiar with delic.ious.? I don't care for it much, but it works on a different principle than having an Asshole of the Universe clear on links. You join the site with very basic info, then you save pages you are interested in using tags. A tag like SL can get developed and then somebody like Tao Takashi can make a blog roll that endlessly covers what people tag -- and it does it freely, without them or him having to be cleared somewhere in the Metaverse by some jerk like Cristiano.
Of course, it's gamed, and that's what I don't like about it.
Still, it functions enough to get a more diverse picture of what's happening than you had only Tao Takashi's picks. It enables him also not to be busy clearning picks.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:21 AM
>"I don't submit my site to Yahoo. Yet, if you type "Prokofy Neva" into Yahoo, guess what? My site comes up in the SEARCH ENGINE."
Right, search engine...not link directory. You want to use a link directory, you submit a link and yes they do review it for content.
>"1. When it exists, it doesn't have anal fucktards like you at the helm, but ordinary people with criteria they apply usually fairly if they take on a public thing like Yahoo."
They're called employees.
Yahoo charges you money to submit a link to their directory. If you like them better, pull your link from Cristiano's site and go pay them.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 21, 2006 at 02:22 AM
>"Of course, it's gamed, and that's what I don't like about it.
Still, it functions enough to get a more diverse picture of what's happening than you had only Tao Takashi's picks. It enables him also not to be busy clearning picks."
Then go use it. I still don't understand your problem. It's not a publicly owned site, it's not public domain. It's owned by one guy so one guy gets to run it.
You know I'm sure there is someone who has looked at your site and said "I can do this better". Would that give them the right to tell you how you should do it and throw fits when you refuse?
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 21, 2006 at 02:26 AM
Cristiano has an opportunity to make something bigger than FIC's Picks. He is missing the moment. So are you. Your literalism blinds you.
Nobody asked Cristiano to be a weenie little snivelling martyr and do his thing for free. Others might successful make a pay-model that just works better than his lame-ass thing.
And btw, think up 10 more or 20 more arguments and you will still be wrong about this and I will still be right.
Why? Because as in every blog, and every debate, I'm interested in higher principles. I'm interested in trying to create systems that make for an open society with the most freedoms as well as checks and balances. These are higher principles above me, and not dependent on me.
You, however, are constantly arguing merely to protect your own personal reputation, your tribe, or your turf. Huge difference. You never argue from principles, nor does Cristiano. You only dream up this "gotcha" or that "gotcha" because for you, it's merely a little power struggle.
A fan of this blog pointed this out to me, and I can see it more clearly now.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:26 AM
This is how you see the entire world of SL, and the Metaverse. Mr. Lee's Hong Kong. Elites running the Black Sun.
And that's why you must be defeated.
People who go and take over what should be public utilities like bridges and scream that it's their private property are called trolls.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:28 AM
>"I'm interested in trying to create systems that make for an open society with the most freedoms as well as checks and balances."
Ok so do it. Why insist that everyone else do it your way?
Actually at this point I'm arguing from sheer confusion as to why this even matters to you.
Forget it.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 21, 2006 at 02:29 AM
>"People who go and take over what should be public utilities like bridges and scream that it's their private property are called trolls."
Couldn't not address this, sorry.
What public utility? It's a privately owned site. Nothing was taken over, it was created.
Posted by: Allana Dion | December 21, 2006 at 02:32 AM
Allana, it's one of your deep illusions -- because you're wired that way -- that I am insisting "everyone do it my way".
The way I'm outlining isn't "mine", for one. It's the way many sites work in SL and in RL on the Internet.
It's the way in which a system is MORE open and less bottlenecked and discretionary.
This is to be seen logically. It's not personal.
Furthermore, I merely use logic, rhetoric, and perusasion to defend my view. I don't insist that this view be taken.
I don't use the methods of the FIC and the SC and say that someone should be expelled from SL unless I get my way; that someone should take medications because they don't like my view; or that someone is a hysterical old bag lady because they don't like my way.
I merely assert my opinion. Asserting an opinion is something you can't bear. It always stuns you as it shows that somewhere, someone isn't bowing down to your group-think.
When you take on the function of providing a search or directory or something like a Snapzilla photo holder, you take on a public mission. You aren't some family collecting photos, or some internal company planning their own business, you are a public site. It doesn't matter if you are a privately-owned business. You are open TO THE PUBLIC. That means you must SERVE the public.
The notion of public service is completely lost on this generation of little entitlement happy assholes, but it's still one worth reminding them of periodically so the Metaverse doesn't turn into more of a hell than it already is.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 08:16 AM
Again, all of this ranting and raving would be valid if a single person who had submitted their SL site to the directory had been excluded, but they have not. This is not about any principles at all, Prokofy, as you completely lack them. This is about you not liking me, and as usual inventing some imaginary crime to wail about like a stuffed pig.
There is no censorship or favoritism going on. I took the time to check with you about your listing and you bit my hand like a rabid dog, when any normal, non-lunatic would have simply said "that is my listing" and be done with it. You instead used it as a platform to attack me. The funny part is you keep shifting the argument. You are the one trying to play a ridiculous game of gotcha because you can't make things stick any other way.
It is completely transparent. You can attack and demean me all you want, Prokofy - your opinion is meaningless, and certainly is not going to acocmplish anything except the death of a lot of hard drive space. Oh well, whatever turns you on.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 10:32 AM
Hello this is really cool day overnight!Thank you!
Posted by: payday loan | December 21, 2006 at 11:14 AM
"The funny part is you keep shifting the argument. You are the one trying to play a ridiculous game of gotcha because you can't make things stick any other way. It is completely transparent. "- Cris
It's not polite to point this out so blatantly.
"You can attack and demean me all you want, Prokofy - your opinion is meaningless, and certainly is not going to acocmplish anything except the death of a lot of hard drive space." - Cris
This is not true. Journalists gain their reputation by publishing reams and reams and reams until someone takes note of an article and syndicates it. Prokofy is just doing his job. The fact that it's masked in the notion of griefing us to protect us from those who would fain to protect us but are really griefing us just makes it easy to bounce around and argue the aspects from multiple facets so that contradiction isn't readily apparent.
Can we call that transgriefing?
Posted by: Khamon | December 21, 2006 at 11:15 AM
"I merely assert my opinion. Asserting an opinion is something you can't bear."
No. You seem to try your hardest to be hurtful. That's what so many of us can't bear.
Posted by: lorelei patel | December 21, 2006 at 11:21 AM
The notion that we have to wait for a victim of this silly system to prove that it is invalid is just plain ridiculous. What we've proved in spades here is that you sit like the King of Siam on the links. You wish us all to be *grateful* merely that you've passed on our links, even as you lord it over us and send signals that if you don't like something, you'll hold it up, get bureaucratic about it, and get whiney and pissy about it.
Your literalism about not understanding the meta-issues and abstract issues surrounding your weeny little system is really shocking and troublesome. It's what we'll be facing a lot more of in the years to come from the Metaverse Myrmidons.
I'm not shifting anything. You're the one that advertised your "search" -- which is really a discretionary directory like a Zagat, not a SEARCH.
As for notions that this is attacking or griefing or hurting, let's go over again all the vicious comments, slanderous statements, and names that Cristiano called me in this thread, shall we?
"You are ranting and raving:
"You only ever tell part of the story, the one that suits whatever lie you want to tell"
"Prokofy is the only one who tried to elevate this into something else because she is a psychotic fruitcake."
"he ignorance you continue to show because you read the word Web 2.0 somewhere and now think you are an expert is absolutely fucking hilarious. Try leaving things to people who know about them and go back to babbling about Russia."
etc. etc. -- in fact in my posts, Cristiano isn't done until he's called me old bag, a hag, a windbag, a whatever -- over and over again -- and of course for good measure, calling me "she," and also introducing some completely specious crap about "my cock" etc.
Troy got it right; Leam got it right; there are better search sites. And this one is merely a link directory that Cristiano is trying to pwn as a search -- pawn off AND pwn.
The irony of all this is that I'm the one who first began battling Pathfinder's delici.o.us idiocy. I steadily kept up a battle for months -- here on this blog, and in many places. I pointed out the glaringly obvious fact, that when Pathfinder wanted the hordes of "fans" to put up "fan sites" because he didn't have the time to work on a script, or work manually, on sorting links, he let delic.io.us do the work, and it is a broken, stupid system.
But by God, when he and other Lindens needed to make a list of their favourite fashion designers, or a list of the developers that cleared their fine filter, they made a normal, visible, alphabetical list, with of course "Aimee Weber Studios" in the "A" position, not buried 7 pages back on the date she linked her site.
Khamon, I would think you'd be more intelligent than this, but you aren't, so I'll wait for the smart people to come along : )
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 11:59 AM
And like clockwork, we have Prokofy attacking anyone who does not agree with her as being unintelligent, because she is always right about EVERYTHING. Set your watches, people.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 01:21 PM
Khamon *is* intelligent. He's surely capable of grasping the meta issues here and the larger abstractions about freedom. He himself doggedly makes these points in SL constantly to me about the whole issue of All Hail the Holy Central Grid, etc.
But he's being petulant and whiney here and just piling on because he sees and opening. People want so terribly to belong.
Set your own watch, Cristiano, the alarming alarm of your self-righteousness dings every five minutes.
Khamon can disagree all he likes; I don't force my views. But he can't pretend he doesn't understand the larger issue of clearance and freedom. He could reply, using logic and rhetoric, well, yes, Cristiano is a clearance obstacle and a possible bottleneck but it's a system that works more or less, like a group where you keep it open but weed out griefers, and that's as good as it gets in SL for now.
But now, he pretends that I'm guilty of the heinous crime of imposing a way on people.
I'm sure when people understand this way I'm outlining, they will naturally see it is better.
What prohibits them from reaching this understanding?
Pride, greed, fear, and comformism. These are not things I suffer from.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 01:55 PM
i feel so pwned
Posted by: Khamon | December 21, 2006 at 02:03 PM
well Khamon, see if I abstract it to another sort of analogy if you can concede it.
Let's say a monkey -- a big ape -- is sitting in a tree with a lot of bananas or fruits in it.
Other monkeys come to him. He can do two kinds of things.
He can smear his feces on each of the other apes, thus transferring his scent to them, and then they swing from any branch in his tree, eating any banana.
Or, he can smear his feces on each and every branch and each and every banana, so that the other monkeys have to eat shit and slip on shit as they swing from the branches.
Which system do you think efficient Mother Nature would develop, in the interest of the continuation of the species?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 02:43 PM
This entire thing could have been handled differently, that is the main point. You could have simply said "I think you should add self-registration", to which I would have replied "I would love to add that, this directory software did not include that feauture so it is something that will have to be developed". That is not what happened though. You came out the gate accusing me of controlling things and just being an all around complete and utter asshole. That is the difference between having a rational discussion about something, and you just beating up on people. You attribute all kinds of motives to people and rant and rave and write screeds, instead of just talking to someone. The entire sequence of events here involved you being a heinous bitch from the get go, and that is the only problem here. Thankfully it is crystal clear - you are an immature bully chasing imaginary evils that only you care about. Keep on fighting the fight, everyone else is just going on doing what they do and not caring.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 04:04 PM
Are you a monkey, Cristiano?
Because you are just repeating nonsense again.
I do nothing that you hysterically imagine. People like you only understand force and forceful criticism -- as you have only the goal of driving for power. Only other people in a position to be your competitors can spend you into the ground or do end-runs around you using sheer power of cash.
Others concerned about your overweening power can only use criticism. And so I do. It's well-deserved.
You don't get to chose the terms of debate when someone forcefully criticizes you.
You *are* an all-around utter asshole, Cristiano, and have proven it once again. Good luck with your banana tree!
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 05:45 PM
Cris, you're totally discounting the weeks and months worth of hours Prokofy has devoted to researching Second Life related blog entries, forum posts and websites, not to mention what must be a solid year's worth of time inworld slaving to serve thousands of tenets and new residents.
I venture to say he's devoted as much time to Second Life as any Linden hired around mid-2004. He has to believe that all that adds up to something worthwhile. So return thou to thy evil empire and leave the critical analysis to the intellectual journalists who see and know all.
Posted by: Khamon | December 21, 2006 at 06:22 PM
Nice try there, Khamon, I guess you're willing to eat the shit as you struggle to swing from the branches?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 06:24 PM
"Or, he can smear his feces on each and every branch and each and every banana, so that the other monkeys have to eat shit and slip on shit as they swing from the branches."
I think it's very telling that Prokofy wrote this. As far as I can tell, that's been his MO from the get-go. But why he wants to fill the world up with shit, that part I will never understand.
Posted by: Lorelei Patel | December 21, 2006 at 06:36 PM
You've now resorted to calling people monkeys, Prokofy? Nice. So much for adult behavior. You know nothing of my goals, you just have your imagined dragons to keep on trying to slay. Never mind the truth - there is just what Prokofy thinks. Get help, honestly - you are reaching new lows, even for you, which is difficult.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 07:37 PM
I asked if you were a monkey? I didn't call you a monkey. It's just an analogy. If the shoe fits...
And Cristiano, get help yourself in some other way than tormenting others on an online world, it's really beneath you.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 11:20 PM
Tormenting you? You started all of this by being a complete fucktard when all I did was check with you to make sure you were not being griefed by someone. Do you even get that? All of this was totally unnecessary. It certainly didn't require all the drama that you have stirred up. Unfortunately, you can't see beyond your cancerous world view where it is Prokofy against everyone else. I honestly do believe that you think the only way people will listen is by being rude and abrasive to them and smacking them. Yet, have I ever once listened to you? Nope - certainly not an effective method. You are a loud, rude, abusive bully. Now pipe down, you are slowing down the Internet with all this crap.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 21, 2006 at 11:37 PM
I began writing this blog about your search takeover attempt the minute I saw you flogging the site on the forums. That was WELL BEFORE I even sent you any link.
I had no expectation whatsoever that you might deny that link to be published because I know that you are not THAT stupid.
But you are cunning and you did exploit the occasion of getting these 2 URLs to make hay over it and let me know in your little subtle manipulative way that you DO clear and watch and control EVERYTHING.
But that was AFTER this blog was written and if I'm not mistaken, even AFTER it was published. It was merely an add-on.
You keep erroneously assuming that I'm making a blog and a criticism over your hold-up of the URL over libsecondlife having a URL in at the same time. But that's just fucking riculous.
The blog is written aptly because it's about the PRINCIPLE at stake of having clearance by controlling bastards like you.
If you were a normal, non-controlling, non-bastard person, you wouldn't be on this blog now overheating and fulminating in yet another round.
That lets me know that we have a winner here. I've made my point successfully.
I certain don't plan to "pipe down" now or forever. Absolutely not. You've more than demonstrated in ways I couldn't have imagined were possible how necessary it is to go on fighting you hammer and tong.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 21, 2006 at 11:48 PM
Wow, Prokofy, I have never, ever seen you lie so blatantly before. This blog entry came later that night - I even started a thread at SC detailing the whole thing. To now claim that you wrote all this before is hysterical. Thank you for the laugh - that has to be your most blatant lie yet.
Posted by: Cristiano Midnight | December 22, 2006 at 12:04 AM
I did write it before, Cristiano, seriously. My testing the waters was part of the writing. I have no reason to lie about this. It wasn't that first I sent you a link, then you ranted about libsl then I sat down to write. I had already examined the site, looked at all the stuff on it, struggled to find a link, and contacted Suezanne Baskerville about how to post a link to the damn thing.
I had the story, but I wanted to be able to see if a link would go through, and critique how it was hard.
So the date-stamped correspondence with Suezanne, if it can be unearthed from offline emails, will sequentially fall before your communication and perhaps prove to you that I was "on this" BEFORE you wrote back. Duh.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | January 10, 2007 at 04:08 PM
We Review the Top Breast Enhancing Pills & tell you what really works.
Posted by: Breast Enlargement | April 16, 2007 at 03:17 AM
Glad you found my blog, Breast. I don't recall Enlargement being an SL last name, but they just named a sim "Oddjob" so I suppose anything is possible.
Did you follow a link from Cristiano's search? Good! Now we know he didn't really pwn it, eh lol?
Funny to look back to a time when search was broken because it was actually *broken* i.e. not working right, not "broken" in that arrogant tekkie=wiki philosophical mode that people use to mean "we don't like it and want to replace it with something that will be even more hard for you to work".
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | April 16, 2007 at 04:15 AM
Cristiano ... Oh wow...what memories from Slate and on to Stanford to Kaminari as my neighbor.
He and his gang had a great party but finally the Lindens had to break it up because it was disturbing the neighbors. Good Times =D
Posted by: Crissy Crossing | 04/23/2017 at 04:51 AM