One of the interesting things I've discovered from owning an island, which is, of course, an education, is the menus that Governor Linden has -- and doesn't use -- on the mainland! Ever wonder why?
I mean the list of "top scripts" and "top colliders". I'll be honest and admit I am not really sure what a "collider" is or does. I picture car wrecks from Nissans dueling Elementals or something. "Colliders" on physics are things that Lindens like Phoenix Linden would tell me must explain why this or that sim I was bitching about was lagging. I rarely, if ever, found this to be the case (though crashed helicopters bring sims to their knees) and figured it was just the standard blow-off.
But "top scripts" is something that everyone who has ever lived on SL land for five minutes is aware of.
Looking at the master menu of my island now which is at full occupancy (see, 13 more of these and I could be on the night shift with Des at Smugburghers!), I can see a huge, long list of scripts owned and operated by tenants which are scripts I had never even thought of before. Nothing is lagging, and the sim is working well (*throws salt over shoulder*) but I do have to wonder -- if I wanted to somehow optimalize all this, what would I do? I have rules about laggy scripts, and that means no security orbs (which I ban for their weapon-like functions anyway) and no avatar greeters/listeners, and I would feel ifI saw a script that was eating up the script time in huge ways that I could IM the person and say, look, this is lagging the entire sim, can you put it in inventory when you aren't here?. So...why can't Governor Linden find and do the same thing?
I've long known, like all sim owners and renters from Governor Linden, that there are basic scripts that lag the hell out of sims:
o dirty listening scripts -- i.e. scripts made badly to listen all the time if a given avatar is online or not rather than being scripted in a more clean fashion not to be doing that (I recall Buster Peel worked a great deal to make listening cleaner)
o vehicles like the helicopters with rotating blades -- it may not be the rotating blades, since everyone claims rotation script isn't laggy (I call it "the appearance of lag," however and a spinning sign is akin to the "broken windows" problem). Or it may be physics, but crashed vehicles are often culprits of sim paralysis, and sometimes you can find them in the sky or deep in the water or even pushed into the ground, which you'll need to use debug menu to find
o various animated pose balls, yes, this means sexual poses, or swimming animations -- but these are more likely to lag because there are a lot of different ones out, not due to any one script being particularly laggy
o various weapons
...and lots more -- doors that open or notecard givers aren't laggy in themselves, but you would be surprised when you look at the list of them all just how many there are -- a house with a door and window shades and a rental box and poseballs can be a little lag bomb.
I always tell tenants, "Lag begins at home." I chuckle when I am summoned to the scene of a laggy sim and find someone in a rocking chair on their porch (those things are really laggy) with a swingset working in the yard, with poseballs, avatar listeners, security orbs, weapons, and many other things ablaze. Remove half of this, the most laggy half -- the sim perks up like a dream.
Of course, we all know the concept of the Perfect Socialist Distributive Lee Linden TD and Sim FPS (TM). This is the political decision the Lindens made sometime in 2005 to change the way sim FPS was handled and measured. Sims were deliberately set to 99 Time Delation and 45 FPS so that in theory, all that happens is that scripts work more slowly when the sim is lagged, not that the sim itself lags. If you have ever gone to Refugio and tried to click on the teleporter or the rental boxes while Barbie Club has 40 guests on the sim, you'll understand how Lee's concept works -- make doors or teleporters work at about 500 percent slower rate, i.e. not work at all for most people, in order to prove that technically, yeah, the sim isn't 'lagging'.
Avatars are the largest creation of lag; any more than 15-20 and any sim really feels it; 30-40 is often a recipe for paralysis. The dance pads or camp-chairs that keep them riveted to a sim is particularly outrageous, because otherwise, the natural flow of traffic might be that more tolerable 15-20. That's one of the idiocies of Second Life. People pay for that extra 10 deathly-lagging customer packet ostensibly to boost their traffic numbers, which will fake out vendors into thinking vendors will do well there, and draw more people to buy from those vendors.
But a) they spend more on camp-chair payouts than they take in from vendors; b) would-be buyers are discouraged from coming to laggy sims and don't buy c) if a vendor doesn't make sales he leaves anyway. Oh, to be sure, these clubs get *enough* vendors staying to keep the whole sick mess going -- the only way to stop it would be for the Lindens to remove "popular places" and I don't think they should do that. I think "popular places" should simply be diluted with a top list of 1000, not 20 so people can browse down to the next levels of stuff with more intellectual and social value like NCE or Svarga or even Prok's Seafood (where you can endlessly contemplate the mysteries of the Missing Diver) -- instead of rewarding the camp-chair kinds with the self-fulfilling prophecy of getting traffic because...they already have traffic because...they paid for it through camping.
But the greatest mystery to me about all this is that now that I see how this land panel works, I can't for the life of me get why Governor Linden, in her wisdom, can't respond more effectively when you summon her minions, the Linden liaisons. to your sim, and point out that it is paralyzed at 3 FPS. Why can't they open up their panel, like I'm doing right now on my island, and say, "OMG, little Heathers' 100 poseballs and scripted dildos are eating up this entire sims' FPS!" or "OMG, there's jay1234's crashed helicopter crashed in the SW on that parcel of that idiot who never logs in!"
They NEVER EVER do this. They mumble inanities. They mouth platitudes. They are completely silent. They do nothing. They say "they will check it" or "have gridmonkeys check it" -- and never do. Heathers' fantastic sexual gyrations, Jay's Interesting TryMe Virus Adventure in Second Life is left to wreck the sim for all time.
Now, do you see why?
They aren't willing to finger little Heather. They aren't willing to finger jay1234's crashed helicopter -- let alone remove it, although the 512 parcel owner last appeared in 2005 in SL merely to buy an annual subscription and never return. They just won't Judge. They are hippies, remember, and judgement is so backward and oppressive.
If the community could see that the problem is Heather and Jay, they might at least IM them politely. "Heather, in between your capacious orgasms, could you put away some of that...stuff?"etc. They might even prevail on the Gov to remove Jay's Amazing Helicopter of No-Show Sheila's land which will be seized by the Governor at year's end *anyway*.
When I went to a Linden recently to try to really get a bead on what was and wasn't laggy (I do this periodically as I hear different things from different Lindens), I got one of those very studied, very political LL answers:
This might be laggy...but really, it's all in how you look at it....and what the residents determine is of value.
That might not be laggy... but if you have a lot of them -- and who is to judge? -- then it might be lag...but I cannot say.
I can only Be....Be Here Now....*sharp intake on fatty*.
See what I mean?
It's a Cloud of Unknowing based on a very political concept of the school of Fuck-You Hedonism -- that FPS is endlessly in the eye of the beholder; that anyone can grab FPS -- victory goes to the strong. FPS is eminently shareable, therefore eminently stealable by any one club on a 1024 or casino on a 2048. The rest of the sim can suffer. And...who is to judge? You think your teleporter working is more important than Heather's orgasms?
I remember first encountering this theory in the early days of my battles with the FIC in 2004 and early 2005, on a water sim where a resident who designed submarines felt it was completely within her rights on her small water plot not only to physically block access others had to their waterfront on 3 sides, but could also completely drag the sims to 10 or 3 FPS with absolutely no repercussions. All kinds of actions against this person only led to the banning of those trying to protest.
A person who had invested in nearly half the sim and had some nice house rentals and boating had his business destroyed and was forced to sell and leave because this arrogant asshole submariner couldn't grasp that she was in a community where the FPS was a scarce and shared good.
That's why Philip's constant bleating about how there are no scarce resources in SL is utterly fake -- FPS is exactly that shared resource as are other features dependent on CPU and server performance -- it is the air and water of our virtual world).
And the way to solve this perennial nagging SL problem is only to band together and confront Governor Linden about her land panel. To make information about top lagging scripts PUBLIC or at least ACTED UPON. So join Mainlanders today, my lobbying group for Governor Linden's tenants, and let's get the old gal to stop huffing fatties and look at the facts of our lagging sims.
I noticed on Resident Answers and Lindens Answers, several new people, some of them savvy programmers, have also plaintively asked this question: why can't you give us a list of laggy scripts to police in the community?
The Lindens will never give this. But what we can do is politically respond to their political actions by asking them to charge for CPU draw the way they charge for tier. Jay's mom will not be happy at the bill that comes in after 90 days of Jay's helicopter. Nor will Heather make her orgasm-dependent equipment stay out of inventory during the weeks she's getting some on her alt.
Charge for CPU. It's the only way.
Posted by: Desmond Shang | December 19, 2006 at 03:19 AM
Yes, I've seen the images issues. And you can mitigate that by having a rule on a mall, say, that no textures can be over 512.
But there is no easy way to determine with inworld tools within the client or made as some kind of gadget, what the size/pixels of a given texture is.
So you can't police someone to take down their 1024 m2 texture, only suspect something is up and ask them to remove it.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 19, 2006 at 03:25 AM
Poseballs aren't laggy.
When Celestia was a club on a rented pancake and I was just a friend of the owners, they mentioned how the poseballs were a concern due to the high ms times- it looked like the poseballs were lagging.
When I joined in and we got the island, and I had access to the estate tools, I had a lot of time to check scripts etc while the sim was empty as I was building. The poseballs barely registered.
What happens (and I'm 99% sure this is right) is that any scripted object, when sat on by an avatar, inherits the avatar's script times for reporting.
You can try this really easy:
Load up with your channel 0 listening AO and bling, your scripted BDSM collar and your psitec/protec so you're a walking lagmonster. (Then go to a four corners music event and ruin it for everyone- lol just kidding :D )
Rez a fresh cube, name it "omglag" and click the "make new script" in the contents or whatever it's called. The one that makes it say "Hello avatar" when you click it.
Sit on it, and check your sim script times.
You'll see that poseballs don't lag sims- avatars on poseballs lag sims. Same as avatars on cubes, or standing around. It's just the avatar load is hidden unless they sit on something scripted- then it gets added to that object's number and you can see it.
You can make it a game- rez the cube-of-lag-shame and get your friends to sit on it. I'm pretty sure the numbers will be very close to if you go to a void sim alone and check there in the debug stuff on screen.
Right now in the new sim I'm building in (Deco) there's two xmas trees eating as much ms time as four typical avatars, though. :)
So yes, when poseballs are showing way up the top of your lists (like 0.3+) it's because your tenants are making hay.
Posted by: Ace Albion | December 19, 2006 at 06:03 AM
Sorry, I reread and saw Desmond mentioned the "sit on something" thing. I'm fairly sure it has to be scripted though, and the fresh cube clicky script won't inflate the number hardly any.
Posted by: Ace Albion | December 19, 2006 at 08:20 AM
Ack sorry for spamming-
Image sizes... I don't know if this works with other people's stuff, but if you edit something (maybe even if all the edit boxes are greyed out I don't know) and choose "select texture", click on a face and do shift+ctrl+alt+T (it might only be some of those keys- I mash them all) it will say the face number and the texture size.
Posted by: Ace Albion | December 19, 2006 at 08:24 AM
>>Yes, I've seen the images issues. And you can mitigate that by having a rule on a mall, say, that no textures can be over 512.
Even with textures limited to 512x512 pixels, or even 256x256 pixels, there can still be an issue.
The problem is this:
Let's take a hypothetically extreme case, where the 15,000 prims of a sim are all cubes, each with a unique texture on one side. 6 sides x 15,000 is 90,000 textures. Even at 256x256, a graphics card and the image cache is in deep trouble in such a situation.
Now, nobody does that. But some sims *do* have more textures than can be decently handled.
Best as I can tell, these sims will fall into image cache troubles very quickly, sometimes after just a handful of avatars visit. The only way I know how to get out of trouble like that is to somehow get the numbers and sizes of textures in the sim back down.
Posted by: Desmond Shang | December 19, 2006 at 09:14 AM
Ok, avatars ON poseballs lag sims then. I'm recalling a time when Cristiano used to lament about somebody with scripted dildoes on a sim that he felt was lagging the sim to death. Living on that sim, I didn't see what he meant, but perhaps I was on a different time zone.
I *am* puzzled by this claim though, because even when I have been alone on a sim with nobody on it, I still see the scripts using up 3??? What could be up with this? Is it because once set runnin, even if no one is actually not on them, they keep running for awhile?
Desmond, FlipperPA used to obsess about texture uploads on the forums, and he swore by this rule for malls reducing from 1024 to 512, so talk to him about your claims of deep lag from many facets.
Ace, the problem with your idea is that it only works on my own object I can edit. If I am a mall manager going around trying to cut down lag in tenants, I can't click and see the texture size of someone else's object. I don't see how to do that.
My experience is that LOTS of textures, like in a texture store, REALLY lag a sim. Put avatars in flipping vendors or objects looking at textures loading all the time, and it's a slide show.
Again, as I'm thinking about this, I see that Desmond is merely following the Lindens and other tekkies in relativizing all this and making it seem like its merely a quantity and a time problem, not an inherent nature problem.
And I'd have to disagree. A rocking chair or a helicopter significantly lag sims. Remove them, and the FPS jumps up. If you get rid of mailboxes constantly available to say "Hi I'm online," especially multiple boxes, you can also dramatically improve FPS.
This isn't about numbers of items, but an inherent lagginess. And that's why I don't understand some judgements can be made using real field data. If we all know that mailboxes and rocking chairs lag tremendously, they should be put on a list to avoid.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 19, 2006 at 09:44 AM
It is all of them Ace and Thank You for that information.
Posted by: Khamon | December 19, 2006 at 09:44 AM
"Ace, the problem with your idea is that it only works on my own object I can edit. If I am a mall manager going around trying to cut down lag in tenants, I can't click and see the texture size of someone else's object. I don't see how to do that."
ctrl-alt-shift-T works on when editing other people's objects. Be sure to select just the texture that you're testing.
Posted by: Khamon | December 19, 2006 at 09:52 AM
Thanks, Khamon- it was just a hopeful guess I admit. And still a pain as you have to fly around clicking, but at least you have proof for an argument. Then you find that the 1024x1024 texture on all those boxes is the same one using offsets so not any worse than seperate textures (You see this in some stores where 4 pictures rez at once). No easy solution I guess.
Prokofy, scripts doing basically nothing do sit there using like 0.003 or something, I can only guess this is just "overheads". An actual scripter probably knows the details.
Posted by: Ace Albion | December 19, 2006 at 10:34 AM
> Charge for CPU. It's the only
> way.
I hope they follow through with your idea, because it'll give me something else to laugh at about yours and Philip's and BoingBoing's vision of the future virtual reality world of 1982. As for me and the Pirates, we'll be in our basements using our own paid-for, kick ass processors; we'll be communicating and innovating on cell phones along with the rest of the world; we geeks will happily leave you to your world where where only the rich can perform calculations.
Posted by: Andrew Burton, aka Jarod Godel | December 19, 2006 at 12:05 PM
Well is it better to put three 1024px textures in a 256px screen vendor to display a dozen products or to use twelve 256px textures?
Posted by: Khamon | December 19, 2006 at 12:05 PM
No Jardon, they already charge us for LAND usage! Prim allocations tied to square meters owned in a sim has worked wonderfully. Is it only in my warped Underverse that guest av and scripting allocations can be similarly, fairly distributed?
If someone wants to operate a club with a steady attendance of thirty-five patrons, they *should* have to own enough land in the sim to accomodate that percentage of the maximum. If someone wants to operate scripts that knock the overall clock down a notch, they *should* be required to own enough land in the sim to do so.
Obviously the scripting limitations wouldn't be enforced in sandboxes or "public areas." And I'm not sure how Nancy Drews scipted silks will blow up her nose when she's on somebody else's land. Mayhaps you have some contructive suggestions along that line?
Posted by: Khamon | December 19, 2006 at 12:10 PM
Jarod, if you can measure CPU, if you can trace a script using CPU back to its owner, you can charge for it *shrugs*.
Very simple. No special math required. Like a square meter of server *space* or emulation of space, so CPU time can also be measured; anything that can be measured can be metered.
Of course, this puts an end to your script-kiddie idyll of beging able to hog all the CPU on a sim even if you paid for only 512 m2; it deprives you of your veto on other people's FPS. But that's ok, time to grow up and pay.
If your basement pirates have faster processors, so? You will still have a draw on them. I'm looking forward to the time when you own and operate servers drawn upon by thousands of people, and you grow up and behave like a mature adult instead of a kid endlessly dipping into entitlement wells.
And what Khamon said. Khamon is certified tekkie-wikki (R) and I hope that will convince you.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 19, 2006 at 12:22 PM
You misunderstand me, Prok. I hope they do this. I'm not arguing that it's not possible, not feasible, or even difficult; I believe it's exactly the business plan Linden Lab needs to follow.
Posted by: Andrew Burton, aka Jarod Godel | December 19, 2006 at 12:25 PM
Lemme clarify, charging against an av's account for CPU cycles used around the grid is not a bad idea except for the fact that it will crash The Database All Hail The Central Database. I just think the charges should be applied against a balance generated as a function of the tier that av is paying each month plus a default.
So if I'm basic then yeah charge me for script cycles over default amount. If I'm paying $125/month tier, charge me the default plus some extra. If I'm paying $2925/month tier, charge me the default plus a lot extra.
Then, in a case such as rentals, I need to be able to distribute those cycles I'm paying for to other avs, somehow.
Posted by: Khamon | December 19, 2006 at 12:30 PM
I don't care how it is done; I care THAT it is done. And I'm not talking about a wallet for an avatar's draw as he flies all over the grid; I'm talking about an account on owned land.
And I don't fear it as applied to landowners with script-happy tenants, as I think a large landowner will be able to use rules to keep scripts tamed.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 19, 2006 at 12:50 PM
Overall, I agree that the mainland has long deserved tools to see top scripts and colliders. It's ridiculous that land owners can't know what's going on.
Also, let's get technical about the causes (*yayyy* waves little flag)!
Script performance in general varies depending on how well scripts are coded, but the fact is that every script takes up a minute amount of script time even if it's doing absolutely nothing. Even if all that script does is set a value upon being dropped into a prim, even if that script NEVER has the possibility of raising any events again, it's STILL polled constantly. I think it takes up 0.009ms or something? I forget what it is.
This means that poseballs, dildos, bling, and you name it all take up fractions of that precious 25.0ms of script time, just by existing. The problem is just COMPOUNDED by poor scripting practices. I once saw this pair of wings with 170 prims (can't remember if that was PER WING or not). This particular item changed color or hid itself by having one script on EVERY PRIM. So whenever the owner touched them, these suckers would make the sim, currently doing like 16,000 iterations per second, jump to about 400,000. Hadn't checked how that was affecting script time, but it was pretty horrid in general.
Avatar attachments do tend to be what lags a lot. You don't have to be able to see the script time they're using to know they suck, though. For example, I live in a new sim on a new class 5 server, relatively clean, with a very small build on it currently. We know exactly what is in our sim and what is using our script time. I can say offhand how many scripts are running in the sim, generally. It's also not currently very public, so we don't get visitors very often. This one time, a girl TPs in (not sure how she even found the completely unadvertised island while looking for products that are sold at the main store) and asks about something we sell. I make a note, as she leaves, that she is wearing 535 scripts on her person. Generally, this sort of thing comes from hideous bling attachments with a script on every one of their 500 prims, some silly orbiters, or whatever other poorly scripted devices. It really KILLS just by being there, and you don't even need to do the math to see it, knowing that all scripts take up time by default.
Lastly, 'colliders' really are a big deal, but this tends to be more of a short-term issue than long-term. What I mean by that is while scripts existing generally causes problems by becoming cumulative (even though single items can wreck the sim too, like those damn wings), collision problems aren't so cumulative, major issues tend to spring up instantly and can be easily resolved IF you find out where the hell they're happening. They really do bring sims to their knees, because the Havok engine sucks and because sims aren't programmed to deal with collision handling like they do with scripts (the scheduler). Everything that is physical causes collisions; even your avatar polls more than 5 collisions per second or so just by moving. When physical objects get 'stuck' in each other sometimes, it ends up polling as fast as the sim can handle, and everything else suffers since it can't schedule the collisions or cap their effect on overall performance. I once saw a gun someone made that fired out a little ball, which in turn made about 100 more little balls, and they all just clumped together and kept bumping into each other, causing the physics engine to overwhelm everything else that was happening. Immediately after being launched, this brought the sim to 0.01 time dilation. Everyone was just floating in mid-air, and while we could still talk to each other, no one could do shit. The fact that this sort of thing is still possible is absurd. Scripts got handed down a scheduler to keep one thing from overwhelming the rest or the performance of the sim, even though it's not perfect. Why can't the physics engine, which is notably crappier and more outdated than LSL, also have something like that? Just a thought.
Posted by: Tyken Hightower | December 19, 2006 at 01:24 PM
that she is wearing 535 scripts on her person.
Welcome to Ravenglass Rentals, where Lag Begins At Home.
I often gasp at the hair with 1,000 strands, all moving in flex; the bling, the jewelry, the scripted high-heels, the X-cite parts -- all humming and lagging as the gal puts out a dinette set for 8 which uses 1,500 prims alone.
Can you give more info on what does collide? I don't allow weapons. SO other than billiard balls, what collides?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | December 19, 2006 at 02:25 PM
Prims don't have to be physical to cause collisions. Avatars literally collide with the ground mesh when we walk, with prims when we bump into them, in other words, all movement requires examination and facilitation by the physics engine.
A collision even has to be calculated to zero when we encounter a phantom prim. We can move through it, yes, but Havoc still "knows" (is calculating) that we are colliding with the object. Looking at the wora'uld through those eyes boggles the mind.
Posted by: Khamon | December 19, 2006 at 03:06 PM
Things don't have to be physical to cause collisions, but something has to move to collide with them. Avatars cause collisions, and anything in the world that is marked 'physical' can potentially bring apocalypse to bear upon your sim - it's just that most things aren't SUPPOSED to do so. And yes, phantom-physical things do cause collision events to be generated, but the physics engine doesn't have to work nearly as hard to deal with them, so it's much less of an issues. Also, being phantom, they don't get 'stuck' like regular physical prims do, so they don't do that horribly evil thing where they bounce around a million times per second and halt the sim. Sure, everyday collisions like you and I walking around or someone driving their Shadow won't stop the sim, but it's really sad how quickly physical objects can cause negative effects in total. Go to a sandbox where not much is happening, where time dilation is 1.00 or 0.99 and not fluctuating, and drop 20 physical balls (I have rezzing tools to do crazy stuff like this). You'll probably notice dilation cry as they all hit the ground. Make them all fly out in random directions in a crowded area, and no one will be able to move for a couple seconds as all the collisions are processed. Sad.
Posted by: Tyken Hightower | December 19, 2006 at 04:24 PM
On another note, there's a special way you can torture a torus, such that when you make it physical and put it out, this ONE PRIM literally brings the sim to a halt. Just by existing or hitting anything, one little torus will completely decimate your sim. Ask a Linden or someone else about it, it's even sold as a projectile weapon in some popular gadgets. Sick.
Posted by: Tyken Hightower | December 19, 2006 at 04:26 PM
Khamon, from what I understand, in your example of 3 1024 textures vs 12 256 textures, you'd be better off with the 3 1024 textures, with clever offsetting of the texture to show each of the four products (one in each corner). The real hit from excessive textures comes in the networking system of streaming, I believe. Because each texture is compressed into a jpg2000 format, they're already pretty close size-wise when it comes to kbs of data -- but they're all given a header as well during the streaming process, which your client requests from the server. Lots of requests typically = slower response overall, even if the textures are smaller in comparison. While it's true that smaller textures is less data to transfer to the client, it's more the overall number of requests that slows down the system.
Also, once the 3 textures are rezzed -- in your example, possibly within the first three vendor slots -- all the other 9 products will have their textures already rezzed for you.
Posted by: Rez | December 19, 2006 at 07:33 PM
>>Desmond, FlipperPA used to obsess about texture uploads on the forums, and he swore by this rule for malls reducing from 1024 to 512, so talk to him about your claims of deep lag from many facets.
It's not the many facets - that's pretty harmless, especially with cubes.
In my example, the point was that there were a lot of *unique* textures, one per face. I.e. too many textures overall, just like a texture vendor rotating images. All those unique textures really lag a sim.
Rez is correct about the 3 large textures being less trouble than 12 smaller ones.
Posted by: Desmond Shang | December 19, 2006 at 08:26 PM
I have always been frustrated that we are not given the tools or information needed for craftsman-like scripting. I count milliseconds in RL development, it is completely unnatural to me to have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE as to what the real costs of any particular code are. SL internal architecture (although astonishingly brilliant in many ways) is surprisingly crude when it comes to resource allocation. It is extremely frustrating that those of us who strive for elegance in coding (because we think that's fun in itself) cannot. We just have to guess. And I, for one, do not like that. If I wanted to play a guessing game and repetitively try out different things repetitively [redundant redundancy intentional] I would buy a Nintendo.
Posted by: Buster Peel | December 20, 2006 at 01:29 PM
On a random note, related to CLIENT FPS, not sim related at all, I LOATHE THESE PEOPLE:
Posted by: Tyken Hightower | December 21, 2006 at 08:32 AM
>>Nothing is lagging, and the sim is working well (*throws salt over shoulder*) but I do have to wonder -- if I wanted to somehow optimalize all this, what would I do?
When scripting resources are eaten up, all scripts in a sim start to 'slow down' but there aren't many other effects that I'm aware of. "Listeners" don't listen as frequently, scripted moving objects may move more slowly. But avatars will nowadays generally move around okay without 'lag' in spite of script-related lag and script slowdowns.
Often, 'top script time' items aren't the real issue. The top script may be, say, 1.0 out of a total 22.3 msec allotment. Yet someone unclever might have set out 100 vendor servers, each taking only .05 each but collectively taking 5.0.
Scripts on avatars aren't reported in the estate menu. Yet, avatar scripts do lag a sim like other scripts. Only way to tell by how much is by having an avatar sit down on a named prim. Then look up the prim's name in 'top scripts.'
Theoretically (it's practically really tough) you could set aside X percent of a sim's total 22.3 msec of script time for each parcel, avatars included.
Most (97% maybe) of the server-side lag that I've seen in the last few months comes from image cache issues. Caused by lots of textures x lots of visitors looking at them. This is the real devil that lags avatars; if you look at the sim statistics you can see a tight correlation between images time (ms) and time dilation when images time exceeds say, 5.0. Generally curable by sim restart.