With the Dog Days of August upon us, and SLCC right on the horizon, enemies will find this an opportune time to GET OFF MY ENEMIES' LIST!
In an excess of good will and bonhomie, I've decided to review my enemies list in light of my Rule No. 2 (do not incite or cause RL or SL damage to me) and REMOVE Andrew Linden (yah, Andrew!)!!! Yes, while Andrew has publicly attacked me a number of times in ways that only reveal the Lab's insecurity, and has crossed the street even to violate Lab protocol and attack a resident in a forum (they're supposed to only be cheery like Torley on third-party blogs), he hasn't actually caused damage. He even apologized, after a fashion, though I can't find the link now (I know it's out there). WOOT Andrew!
Now...who's next?
Here's all you have to do to get off the shortest -- but most notorious -- enemies list in SL. 1) Unban me from your blog and/or land in SL; 2) write a note saying you're sorry and while you dislike me and don't agree with me, you will no longer incite SL or RL harm, i.e. you won't urge for me to be expelled from SL, to die a nasty death, lonely surrounded by 62 cats and 4,297 cardboard boxes filled with coupons; or be sentenced to fines or imprisonment for libel or defamation. It's really so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't do it long ago!
But act now, the window of opportunity closes August 31!st
Offer void where prohibited. You must be 18 or over to play. Members of w/hat/b/tard/v5 and their families and factions are exempted from this offer. You must supply an SL or SL name.
Oh dam I am not on the list (or anybodies that I know of for that matter). But it sounds like fun to be unbanned.
Maybe I can do something to break rule #2 and then apologize right after so you can ban then unban me?
On second though that sounds like too much work, so I'll just stay at my current status.
Will be interesting to see how many take you up on the offer though.
Posted by: Reg Baxter | 08/17/2007 at 08:21 PM
Second Life without you would be like Pho without hot peppers. :D
Posted by: Storm Thunders | 08/17/2007 at 08:41 PM
I lol'd
I'm not on the list (I don't think) but I am afraid I must say... YOU FIRST :) or at the very least you too..
{This has been a public service announcement, no animals or sporks were harmed during the making of this announcement. Thank you and have a lovely day...}
Posted by: Fox Stirling | 08/17/2007 at 09:00 PM
This is such an exciting offer, I wish I was on this Enemies List! It would be easy for me to get off since I haven't done 1, 2 or 3! But neither have some other people on the List.
The more I think about this... the more I fear there is a catch. :(
Posted by: Io Zeno | 08/17/2007 at 09:39 PM
Once again, a most thought-provoking post.
In addition to this, maybe you should also provide the opportunity for new people to become your enemy. Bring in such "fresh blood," as it were.
Unless you like to clarify further, I take it the requirements are to:
1. Land ban
2. Blog/Forum ban
3. Speak for your expulsion from SL
4. Wish RL bad things upon you.
Being a member of one of the internet groups such as PN,/b/, is an obvious immediate 'in', which just takes all the challenge out of being worthy of your personal hate. That all being said:
1) I'll go ahead and add you to my Orb list.
2) I don't have mod rights at any SL related blogs or forums, sadly.
3) Darn you, get out of our SL.
4) While I rarely wish death anyone, maybe I'll just wish upon you a rather nasty cold sore that lasts through the SLCC event.
If there's anything further I can do to foster the growth of our budding enmity, please do let me know.
Posted by: Beezle W. | 08/18/2007 at 07:25 AM
I sincerely wish you, on this the grand occasion of my 38th birthday, a flood of fanboyz and -girlz, FIC, Thinkers and Mentors in your infohub, joyfully singing the Internationale for your enjoyment, and waving the Glorious Red Banners of Revolution.
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
And, for good measure, another old favourite:
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
May the FIC be with you, Mr. Neva.
Posted by: Laetizia Coronet | 08/18/2007 at 07:43 AM
That's idiotic, Prok. I'm not sure the people who are on that list give two shits to be OFF of that list.
Posted by: Tenshi Vielle | 08/18/2007 at 02:57 PM
What do I have to do to get ON your enemy list?
Posted by: Jellin Pico | 08/18/2007 at 03:35 PM
It takes two to make a friend or an enemy. Why dont you become the bigger person.
Why dont you be the first to offer an apology - an olive branch to those persons on your list. While they may have hurt you in someway in the past - its possible, feasible, that you could have hurt them as well.
You would stun the entire interweb, it would be a new chapter in your life, it could chart a new and better course for you. Think of the headlines and the articles. Doors would reopen, everyone would want to hear from the new Prok. Handshakes and well wishes would poor in. . . just imagine if only someone could be the better person and say Im sorry.
Posted by: Tang Lightcloud | 08/18/2007 at 11:10 PM
No, this isn't "about me". People who make me their enemy by causing objecting harm, and/or banning me from their blogs can hardly be the subjective of some kind of "reconciliation" or "forgive and forget" exercise. They've objectively done damage.
I have nothing to apologize for. Apologize for being critical in my blog? But there's nothing wrong with that. That's the normal activity. What the abnormal activity is, is banning/blocking/inciting hatred and damages. Those are the offensive acts; a critical blog is something that's necessary to a free society.
If I were to do some fake "apology," that would imply that criticism isn't right and necessary -- and it is. What's wrong and unnecessary is not only banning but inciting harm -- wishing or causing harm, like expulsion from SL, or harassing at home on a RL number.
Your fanciful notion that I've done something wrong is merely part of your profile as a member of the SC tribe and blind supporter of some of these people.
To be sure, I do review my actions to see if they're correct. And looking over the list, I could see that Andrew Linden didn't belong on it. That's because while attempting to publicly humiliate me and cross the street to criticize me in Clickable Culture, which isn't a nice thing, he didn't incite damages to be done. He didn't threaten me with permabanning from SL, or call me at home or something.
Someone publicly making a slam on you, especially with the force of Lindenhood, is mean, but it's not the damages that I outline in my Rule No. 2. So I could see he didn't belong on there, and removed him.
As far as I can tell, the rest are all properly listed under my Rule No. 2.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 08/18/2007 at 11:31 PM
I kept an enemies list once.
Then I entered junior high and outgrew it.
Posted by: Hiro | 08/19/2007 at 06:16 PM
Good! Glad it worked out for you. but this is an adult enemies' list, it's different. It's meant as a public service. It's meant to show a) it's short b) people get on it for very specific reasons, inciting or doing harm c) their writings and statements then are biased, given their enemy status.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 08/19/2007 at 06:43 PM
Posted by: Sansarya | 08/20/2007 at 02:50 AM
daw I'd be exempt from this fantastic offer anyway ;_;
Posted by: Kerian Bunin | 08/20/2007 at 07:19 PM
[Your fanciful notion that I've done something wrong is merely part of your profile as a member of the SC tribe and blind supporter of some of these people.]
I have told you before, I will repeat again, and again, and again. Im not a member of SC, I have never posted there, to include that I dont know any of them by which I dont support any of them. I dont know how to make that any more clear. If you must know - I met you a long time ago in Alphaville and have just followed your writings in the Alphaville Herald, the SL Hearld, the SL forums and here. My only motive is just common curiosity. I have never known any other person in my lifetime quite like you. Im just a reader who scratches her head once in awhile in various stages of awe and disbelief.
Posted by: Tang Lightcloud | 08/22/2007 at 06:43 PM
Oh, ok. Well, you belong there, surely! Why not join? You'll find many people just like yourself there!
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 08/22/2007 at 08:54 PM
Must... not... get back... on... the List!
Our posts and comments on forums and blogs are the record by which we are judged. Chose your words carefully.
The link to the ClickableCulture post and my aforementioned comments is below:
Posted by: Andrew Linden | 08/23/2007 at 07:59 PM
Hilarious !!!
Now you really got me confused..
Is Prokofy Neva just a bad practical Dadaist joke that went out of control???
Damn Prok, next to you even Monthy Python and their spin-offs look like mere amateurs..
Posted by: Veronique Kaminski | 09/21/2007 at 05:52 AM