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Prokofy Neva

What was great about SLNN's comments is that when Nightshade made that comment, somebody stood up to him. You never get that at the Herald. And that made me start to have faith in newspapering again, and wish to start a new newspaper. Somebody named Sari I've never heard of stood up to him, said it was hateful, and when he tried to beligerently stick up for himself and say "it's not hateful, it's a diagnosis" (gosh, how clever), this Sari used the argument Uri has used -- if you're a real doctor, you wouldn't make diagnoses online; if you had made such a diagnosis in RL, you wouldn't use it to try to humiliate someone in a forums and best them. Great!

He then lies baldfacedly and says all he did was "take a picture of a bust that wasn't his". ROFL. What he did was make 2 busts in a pose where they were disgustingly French-kissing, as if to say, oh, Prok is in love with himself -- or some such sick thing. The busts are ugly and stupid. He then took a picture of this obscene defacement of an already obscene defacement and posted. Even for him, it caused a guilty conscience and he took it down later. Sick, sick, sick.

Maybe he imagines himself to be a rapist for doing sick shit like this; whatever. The fact is, he's back to whitewashing the story again. Sick!

Solar Legion

"Posting" is any sort of response to any part of any thread, as well as any comment made to any system which appears to either the public or general membership of a forum or blog.

I should know, I used to run a forum.

Prokofy Neva

Did you now, Solar, that must have made you feel *special*. Yes, I do realize that "posting" means putting any sort of comment on a forums in the literalist sense, but generally, when people of think of blogs and forums that are on their bookmarks or RSS feeders that they visit regularly, and they talk about "posting," they mean their contribution of material, opening of threads, answering substantively in discussions, etc.

Merely coming back to set the record and rebut attacks isn't meaningful contribution. It's not participation, it's not being in the community, it's not significant. While technically a "post," it doesn't sum up what people mean when they talk about posts and posting.

If it's important to someone to play gotcha, they'll do it regardless. Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of tiny minds.

Solar Legion

There is nothing 'literalist' about what I have said Prokofy. If you type up a response and hit the send button, you're posting.

Yes, 'responding to an attack' is participating in a thread. It adds another thought to be discussed, refuted or any number of responses.

Who is this elusive 'they' you mention? who are the people that take such a laid back view of 'posting'? Are they people who wish to distance themselves from a Forum? Are they people who need an excuse to keep coming back after they've left?

I've dealt with such people before Prokofy. My personal response has always been the same: You said you were leaving and no longer posting - If you cannot hold true to that then you'll have the ability to post removed.

Of course, when someone left my old forum, the rules stated that no one was allowed to talk about them at all - not even masked in any possible way.

Your sarcasm is not appreciated Prokofy: If you have a beef with me, put it on the record.

Dimitrio Lewis

I've never met Joshua in real life but I *know* that deep down he is a good guy. That's a view shared by his friends and people who know him a lot better than I do. It might not always be evident online, particularly on forums and particularly when you're the topic of discussion, but it's something I genuinely believe. When I first started posting at Second Citizen I was attacked by him mercilessly, ridiculed and harassed across dozens of pages when I wasn't even responding, and called the most serious of names (which I later discovered was based on false information he'd been given). Despite it all we were eventually able to talk things through and became friends.

I know that you and Joshua will never be friends, and if I'd been subjected to some of the things you mention above I would find it very difficult to think anything but negative. However deeply you hate him though, and in spite of everything that's happened on Second Citizen, please consider that he might not be the "psychopath" you've pegged him to be. For whatever it's worth, I don't believe that he took that picture of your door, and I do believe that he gave it to Coco because he was genuinely concerned for your safety and thought it was the best way to warn you that somebody else was posing a threat to you. Can you blame him for assuming that you would not be willing to discuss it with him rationally based on your past exchanges? My opinion may not carry a lot of weight, but I am absolutely confident that his intentions then were good and honest.

Whatever you think of me, I hope that you would at least consider me to be level-headed. I've had a lot of negative experiences with Joshua in the past, and you may even have witnessed some of them, but it's the positive experiences that really outweigh it all and assure me that underneath it all he's not a bad person or a threat, to you or to anyone else. It's the discussions we've had about real life that gave me a glimpse of who he really is, putting Second Life and everything else out of mind. Whatever you think of him, remember that behind the internet persona is a human being, someone who cares about the well being of other human beings, including you. I wish I could demonstrate how strongly I feel about this. I can only hope that these words convey an honesty and sincerity deep enough for you to reconsider your beliefs and open your mind to the possibility that in reality he may just be a regular, polite, and compassionate person like anyone else, as presumably are you.

Take care.

Prokofy Neva

Dmitrio, sorry, I just don't buy it. Stalkers often do this counterintuitive thing, and suddenly pretend to be terribly concerned about their prey -- it's merely another form of manipulation. Whether Joshua is lying about this business of the door picture or not, it's immaterial; the point is, he is trying to *manipulate* and trying to *control people's reactions*. It's not helpful, it's manipulative. That's the main goal of someone who is psychopathic in this way, to get reactions, to keep goading and goading and get at least some negative relationship hooked into someone, since he can't form normal relationships.

I'm not interested in playing. He continues to lie -- and lie more pathologically each time he tells the story.

He's no mute, and I don't accept inventory, so his sending it to Coco isn't some brillian maneuver, it's just a manipulative attempt to enlist a friend into worrying, agitating, getting Lindens involved, etc. Trust me, they see right through this.

I'm not interested in remembering that behind the Internet is a real person; not when they use the Internet as part of their pathology to try to manipulate and harm people. Again, I'm not interested in playing. You've obviuosly been hooked in, and you're now part of the apologists' corner.

He's not a regular and compassionate person; he's a sick kid doing sick crap on the Internet. Normal people don't do that. It's demonstrable. Again, no sale.

Ace Albion

"There is nothing 'literalist' about what I have said Prokofy. If you type up a response and hit the send button, you're posting."

That's exactly a literalist thing to say.

I think Prokofy can say he doesn't post at SC in the same way I can say I don't watch TV. Not that I shut my eyes in panic when the idiot lantern happens to be lit for one or two programmes in a week.

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