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Cocoanut Koala

"Robin Linden: If you'd like to b considered for SL Views, please let Iridium Linden know."

Well this is good news! You can ask to be considered, at least, rather than simply wait to be asked!


Ace Albion

There is now an "Age Verification" link on my SL account page, as per the email I just got.

So, soon is now I guess.

Dylan Klebold

Robin freaks me the hell out. Her "deer-in-the-headlights" look betrays the constant terror and cocaine-level of paranoia dancing in her brain. She pulls something out of her ass sideways and in the next sentence tries to cover it over like a dog in a sandbox. Everything she tries to clarify is just further obfuscated and opens even more Pandora's Boxes in the effort.

Gestapo White Lists of games that you are allowed to enjoy, only in places you're allowed to go to, decorated with things you are allowed to see, ideas you are allowed to express - anything else - DAS IST VERBOTEN!

If you want to be very afraid of the future of SL - just look into her eyes. I see a real heavy emotional disturbance in there. She gets my vote for "Most Likely To Come In To Work One Day And Shoot The Place Up".

And if she does - don't go around saying she got the idea from me, fercrissakes!

Prokofy Neva

Dylan, I think you're projecting much. Robin doesn't at all come across as deer-in-the-headlines in SL or RL. She's actually pretty attractive. Maybe she's one of those people whose contacts don't quite fit, that can make you stare.

Basically, gambling is outlawed. So all that these people are doing here are trying to find some exception for this or that, trying to push the envelope and say "But Mooommmmmmm can't I stay up 15 minutes more?" and she's saying, no, it's bed time. It's pretty simple.

I don't think she'll shoot up the place at all, I think she's one of the few adults in charge there and if anything will surprise everyone by retiring with a bundle when the time is right.

Khamon Fate

Robin is the patron saint of adults on the grid and makes me feel like the only person in her world when we're talking. People on SC are debating the critical exodus markers after Philip's SLCC speech and news.com interview; but they're skipping Robin's migration to the next platform and drawing a good chunk of us with her.

The SC thread is here for anyone interested in reading it:


Prokofy Neva

The gist of that thread seems to be that because Adam Zaius, favoured son of LL and FIC extraordinaire, managed to reverse-engineer SL and get an open sim to work on a server, we suddenly need to see this as competition. But it doesn't connect to anything. The Lindens will continue to sell the hook up to the most dense array of content and land, that will probably be cheaper than elsewhere, which will have its own start-up glitches.

I'm just not persuaded that there is another thing like SL out there, even remotely. However, nothing is inexpendable, and it stands to reason some company is feverishly working on it now.

It's true that Robin used to be at Maxis/Ea.com, then left for SL before TSO launched. So we need to keep an eye on here and see if she goes to some other platform lol that will be succeeding. She does use the title "Linden Lifer," however.


The thread did devolve into competition smack, but started, to me, as expressed frustration from oldbies who finally have realized that LL...come to think, oldbies seem to be frustrated to the point of madness as often as LL claims The Grid All Hail The Het Grid is scalable.

Yet very few of us are ever willing to sell our land and abandon the project. By "abandon" I don't mean never log into Second Lag (was it Cocoanut that coined that term?) again; but divert the time and effort expended trying to aid its success into something that's actually productive to our lives.

You're right and so are the Sc posters and so are LL, where are we gonna go?

Cocoanut Koala

No, it wasn't me who coined that.

For me, viable competition would have to include: (a) I can make anything I want and (b) I can sell that to others, either for real money (preferably) or for some sort of game tokens.



For me it has to include: (a) I can create and host the whole environment and (b) invite others to log in and share the space.

Second Life imposes too many restrictions on environment creation, especially on the Mainland. Then they force me to host that space on the wholly unreliable Grid All Hail The Central Grid.

Being able to buy and sell is not worth having to be connected to everything and everybody all the time while trusting (God what a word) LL to maintain a level of service, honesty, and support that ranks just above nil.

Prokofy Neva

Khamon, you should just buy an island.

Khamon Fate

Have you listened to estate owners over the past year? They've no better time of it than us. Those sims share RAM and network access with up to three others hosting Heaven knows how many avatars and resource demanding scripts. They're just as susceptible to inventory loss, grid crashes, and wandering prims as we are.

What problem is me owning an island going to solve?

Prokofy Neva

You know, knock wood, I've never had any problems on my island that weren't caused either by griefers or the inhabitants putting out excessive scripts. It runs great. I never restart it. I never have these problems everyone talks about. I try to keep an eye on the collisions and scripts and I never restart it.


So, I should just buy *your* island.

Ciaran Laval

I think Robin is wonderful, I don't see the deer in the headlights issue with her and she always tries to make me feel like she's listening to what I say even when I am giving her a hard time.

The trust questions had been going on for a couple of weeks at office hours, now I know why as it's the cornerstone of how their selling id verification.

The new search though, I don't like some of the things she's suggesting there and I wonder if there's going to be any point in classifieds without categories.

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