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Prokofy Neva

Just to comment on this website, where comments aren't allowed:

I couldn't disagree with your approach more, as I've said in office hours, and my alt, Random Unsung, has told you repeatedly as you kept haranguing him in IMs.


And under no circumstances should you be trying to get the Lindens to stop delivering newbies to these hubs. We WANT them to do that! That was in fact part of the original agreement made with landowners, that we could forego the compensation and buyout of the land, and if we kept it, develop it as infohubs and the Lindens would drop off newbies -- otherwise, it makes little sense.

Your problems are on one sim: keep them there. Stop globalizing this issue and work on the strategies that work, like holding classes.

economic mip

Well one strategy that works reasonably is the "Optimal Newbie Distribution System". It really helps me get the I'm bored and there is nothing to see here crowd off my doorstep and onto public spaces and private areas who really want the traffic.

Prokofy Neva

I'm so glad you found use for my Optimal Newbie Distribution System lol. I wish the Lindens did. They keep jamming on their Random Newbie Distribution System instead of Optimal (Serial) Distribution System.

I would put one with all the WAs and IHs on OI, and then once they landed in one of those spots, I'd have the resident driven one, where anyone can add a landmark. I go through and remove duplicates from time to time for those who try to pack their store in. You could even make themed ones. I think this is the way to go.

I would load it up with all kinds of landmarks and there could be more variety.


User retention is highest when people make friends within their first experience in SL, something that can be achieved by merely "chatting" with others. You do have a good point though the Favorite list by Pathfinder from 2006 is probably past due time to update.

~:~ Viva la Bear Infohub ~:~

Cheers! *passes out bumper stickers* Our infohub kicks your infohubs ass!

Jesse Rangel

Beautiful WIngtips here not only is this lady Lias bullying people but Ryan Radio and her have started making zombie boxes in the air filled with 20 or so robots to boost their traffic and lag up the sim for all the new residents Ryan Radio's shop is one giant copyright infringement and I hope he gets what he deserves for being so mean to everyone that calls Bear info hub home.

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