Second Life Urban Distressed Uniform and Soviet Cement-Workers' Stadium School Nestled in a Utopian Lilith Heart Woods -- and All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace.
Dear God, have you seen how lame the CNN Second Life page is?! Think "Metaversed Messenger Meets Linden Office Hour" and you won't be far off.
So far, it's filled with lovely little stories about Great Masters of Art and NPR in Second Life and Pathfinder Linden in a circle with his fanz. My God, could it really get this bad?! Little retarded NPR science events and sitting in a circle and holding hands with Pathfinder...Pathfinder?! and talking about music in SL? As if there haven't been terribly anguished music listserve debates about this nobody has covered yet? As if sitting with Pathfinder is going to fix it?
I was at first well disposed to this project and still hold out some hope for it. I thought it was a good thing if CNN came in and published blog-like reporting from residents. What not? I noticed the Blingsider and some others were instantly dissing it -- likely because it was American, old media, and involved a news chain that they wouldn't be infiltrating hehe. That's not a reason to dislike it, of course, but it's disconcerting that CNN is both relenquishing old-style intelligent news-room editorial judgement and infantilizing news-gathering by turning it over to non-paid "i-Reporters".
I'm still happy to go and sit in whatever retarded little training session they have...but I do have to wonder why this isn't asynchronous and requires scheduling in a multi-time-zone world where people have real and second lives.
Of course, CNN could just shrug about the lame news copy and say, but that's what our resident i-Reporters posted, we can only post what people find newsworthy! Guess nobody found your nasty cynical reports about the Lindens allowing the PNs to paralyze the grid again this weekend very interesting! People are so TIRED of cynical news media, Prok!
Of course, CNN could have played this very differently. They could have come in to Second Life and reported on it themselves. You *do* have to wonder why CNN couldn't go a little bolder in this game-like virtual world, when in real life, Wolf Blitz can scrutinize the White House day after day without having to sit in a circle with Bushies and talk blandly about music. Or if another intrepid CNN reporter could face down Pakistani military goons, to try to interview our colleague, Asma Jahangir, a lawyer who is under house arrest -- before being frog-marched away by said goons, with Asma calling out sanely through the walls about the travesty of fighting terrorism by fighting the peaceful human rights advocates and free media. Where's the CNN reporter or "i-reporter" (gag) challenging Michael Linden's nonsense at his office hour? Of course, that sort of behaviour would require CNN to stand up to the Lindens and the corporations in Second Life in ways they likely aren't comfortable with yet.
They could have also reached out to the existing inworld media and asked them to be paid stringers. Of course, paying journalists, even in Linden chump change, isn't likely what they want to be doing. Remember, they're here in our world because they are losing advertising and viewers, and are besides themselves trying to figure out what to do next?
So they figured out that they can get reporters for free, get eyeballs for free, because we're all such good little fanz, why pay? What's more, they get to do -- finally! -- what they've always dreamed: