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Jane2 McMahon

I am a mentor. Love it. I do it because I believe that personal human contact is a critical retention factor in an often-confusing and off-putting introduction to SL for a lot of folks. I want them to discover and enjoy SL as much as I do...as they say about crack, the first hit's free!

Are other people helpful in SL? Of course they are...you don't have to be "officially" sanctioned to do great work with new people. For example, Mag and the rest of the folks at Gaia are my gods and goddesses for their work with francophones. The Brazilian orientation sponsored by Kaizen Games is wonderful. I run into people every day who are making the SL experience better for others...heck, I know one person who was handing out avatar kits within a couple of days of joining herself.

Is griefing a real and persistent problem? Yes. Are there ongoing server issues that may disrupt SL enjoyment? Yes. However, is reassuring a new person that griefing can't harm them or their computers a bad thing? Or telling people, yes Linden Labs is having server issues so it's LL and not their computer a bad thing?

I can't speak for everyone, but the self-importance factor doesn't exist in my tiny corner of SL. I don't push people around, I don't boast about how many Lindens I "know" (that would be one, and not a member of the VTeam), I don't push my own or my friends' commercial activities. The only avatars who see my mentor tag are usually 0 to 15 minutes old, so I'm not going to get a lot of swag from that! I do push "the", not "my" full potential of SL...bad wording can be misinterpreted, I agree.

Does that make me a Pollyanna marching in lock-step with the Lindens? No. In fact, I have your rentals listed as newbie-friendly on one of my (non-official) personal notecards :).

Prokofy Neva

Jane2, you've highlighted a major problem with the entire Linden-run volunteer thing I'd forgotten about -- the failure to integrate with existing independently run projects, and the self-isolation and preferential treatment given to those officially approved through the biased and unaccountable volunteer selection system.

By focusing on strengthening only their own sprawling and unaccountable empire, the Volunteers don't in fact leverage the other programs independently run, or even care what they are doing *as a system* -- there are only the occasional people like yourself who perhaps appreciate a Brazilian WA or something and work individually with them.

The corporate sponsored WAs are another tale of woe, without the statistics of traffic and retention to back up all the feting and special newbie streams they've received.

I fail to see how recommending my rentals somehow exonerates you from the charge of a Polyannish take on the volunteer system -- it 's an unrelated issue. I don't need any special recommendations, and if someone does make a recommendation, that's their call.

The problem, ultimately, with your happy take on all of this is that you are in a bubble. Most people in business in SL in one way or another are in fact newbie-helpers, too, because merely to get people to buy and sell, you have to teach them the basics of even getting stuff out of a box or paying an object. It's an endless learning curve.

Ultimately, the Linden system produces retention of only one in ten tries. I'm not aware that this has improved. Those statistics speak for themselves.

In real life, to make an imperfect and rough analogy, when you have masses of migrants or immigrants, there is really only one reliable way to integrate people successfully and more quickly: home-stays. That is, someone has to receive the new person personally into their home and teach them one on one and integrate them into the community with assistance, jobs, interpretation, etc. Queuing people up in holding areas, refugee camps, etc. doesn't work as well.

Ultimately, Jane2, everything you say reinforces rather than counters my point: you are doing this because it pleases you, and you are doing it because you love feeling needed.


"That is, you can treat newbies like children (a silly concept for other adults with DSL lines, high-end graphic cards and expensive computers, and disposable income and discretional time, eh?)" - Prokofy

You've hit the nail on the head here and really needn't say any more. LL don't have to treat us like children; but they always have and, I imagine, always will. Lindens firmly believe that we need their guidance and protection as evidenced from the very beginning with assigned last names and worship of The Sacred Holiness of The Divine Anonymity. If you play your card right, you'll be accepted as a volunteer, further indoctrinated as an employee, and ultimately ranked as a manager. Only in the final stage are you confirmed as an adult in the world of Linden Lab.


I agree with your comments regarding independently-run projects..I think that there's a real opportunity to integrate and cooperate with them on an equal basis. Localization is the name of the game..I don't have to do everything or be everything to everyone. I just need to be able to take or send them to the appropriate place. I wonder how much localization would improve the rentention rate?

I also agree with your comments re home stays...probably the closest thing to that I've seen (other than individuals who take people in) is the Shelter and places like that. I see it a lot with people who don't have sufficient English..if I contact, say the Hungarian or Chinese or Hebrew communities in SL, a new avatar will be whisked away into that community to learn the SL ropes. Certainly francophones are thrilled to get to Gaia..yes, I can speak French, but it's not "my" culture or my natural language.

I even agree with your comments re businesses as helpers. If it weren't for some great store and club owners, I'd still be Ruth today.

My "bubble" as you put it is confined to SL Orientation Islands which is chiefly where I choose to volunteer,and I couldn't do that without belonging to the group. Does it please me? Sure..I'm not in SL to do things that do not make me happy. For example,from a selfish standpoint, I love linguistics, and because of my role, I'm learning to say some basic things in several languages, always a good skill. And I've met some amazing people in their Ruth shape!

Do I need to feel needed? Not particularly...I'm happy to pass them on and out to others. I'd rather pass on my love of SL than be a social worker.

And I recommend your rentals (among some others) because your'e a good landlord and they're good deals for new people. Pretty practical, no?

Desmond Shang


Prokofy, just curious - ever consider making a good independently run welcome area of your own?

I have for a long time, however concerns about 'doing it right' scared me off. At least for now.

A clear side-benefit would be visibility for the hosting regions and businesses.

There are definitely issues to be considered there, although it seems sponsorship has been generally accepted, even if perhaps not stamped 'approved' by society at large.

Prokofy Neva

Desmond, as I've said before, I did in fact commission a build for a Linden infohub and have filled it with orientation content and constantly work it. SO I do this. It's not 'independently' run, but it's good enough.

I also spent a lot of time converting another area across from another infohub, Hyles, into more of a newbie area with low-cost rental cabins, rides, dancing, freebies, TV to watch, some orientation stuff, a money tree, etc. It's nothing special, but it's what I can do.

I also have the SL Public Land Preserve and dozens of other public spaces with freebies, hangout areas, stuff to do, orientation. I spend a lot of my time in SL orienting in fact.

I don't care a whit about what "society" says, by which you mean the forums 2 percent. They imagine you cannot linke commerce and newbies management. But of course you can. In fact, it's the fake altruism and tacky human potential crap that is far more offensive than simply getting paid for what you do well, and providing loss leaders to other rentals. Seriously, it's majorly fucked to suggest otherwise.

It's never the people in my low-cost rentals, or using my free sandboxes, or my public land preserve for which lots of support has been gained from a few dedicated tier-payers and many public donations, or my other public spaces, with free content, infohub stuff, etc. who complain about any of this being tied to a business.

It's only the tiny percentage of sectarian socialist faux altruistic types who bitch, and I ignore them.

Nina Andrews

I don't have a clue about your psychoanalysis and social/political ideas but I was a mentor. Most were fucking idiots. They seemed to think they were a Linden police force instead of being there to help. Most of the time they wanted to know how to punish rather than help. I had to leave. Now I help people in an unofficial and friendly way. I think people rather talk to normal residents than anything official.

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