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Untameable Wildcat

Why, thank you, Prok. Nice to know there's a bit of me reflected in you, even if it is only in daemon form...


Prof; read CS's letters with Arthur C Clark - that'll inform you better.

Also, if you want to know more about who is and isn't gloating - it's not secularists who are, or care, but instead fringe Catholics and Christian groups.

(search google for 'wiki Arthur Clark CS Lewis' and 'Golden Compass evil' and you'll find it.)

Just remember to research these things first, pretty please? ^-^;

Prokofy Neva

I'm well aware of the Clarke letters -- and these were among many logical positivists and secular humanist types that C.S. Lewis wrote reams of good rebuttals too.

The cranking about Golden Compass isn't limited to only a few Catholic fringe groups or born-again Focus on Family types -- there are plenty of gloaters out in the blogosphere, and I guess you didn't press on a single link provided here, including the Guardian article quoting Pullman directly. Oh well, don't let the facts stand in your way lol. Aren't you one of those religion-haters showing up on the forums all the time with rants?

I fail to see why I'd have to go scrounging around to read one more secular humanist on C.S. Lewis, even a famous one, to somehow change my views. I won't be changing them, as I've pondered them probably for more years than you've been alive.

Here's another blog:

which makes the point that whatever anti-religion agenda Pullman had, it was dumbed down by Hollywood anyway.

Wayne Porter

Here I thought it was all an allegorical Paradise Lost kinda thing.

I read the books and loved them.

Daemon or Demon- we actually had that argument the other day and my only insight was that I thought Daemons were under a geas...

As for the religous entities being upset- I can only hope...I hope they protest it like crazy...maybe thy will burn some books.

It will ensure far more readership.


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