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IYan Writer

Great post! And spot-on re business in SL - still a looong way to go on platform reliability before LL's promises (including the loading notice) come true.


"that is all going to be overtaken in about five minutes by all these other worlds that will make being for or against the powers of One World be utterly obsolete" - Prokofy

No, I expect that all these other worlds will have no effect on Second Life's wora'uld whatsoever. The people building and using these other worlds will simply be utilizing the virtual world software for their own purposes rather than participating in Linden Lab's social experiment.

They may have economies or not, real estate or not, allow furry avatars or not, grant everyone building rights or not; they certainly will be more focused than trying to be everything to everybody all the time. One has to admire Linden Lab for supporting such an effort; but it's not practical for most of the groups that will be operating grids to offer practical solutions to viable organizations.

Birthday celebrations are nice and it really is okay that Philip and M said nothing; that's to be expected at a festive occasion. I fully expect the ending keynote speaker to say nothing as well, at least nothing notable or newsworthy.

BTW, I logged in just now to drop you a Fairytale Slot Machine but couldn't get your profile loaded. Perhaps it'll work tomorrow if I bother trying to logging in to try again. ha ha ha I just said "try" twice in the same sentence ha ha ha

Ann Otoole

M said something. He alluded to having to deal with laws of other countries. Homosexuality is illegal in Iran and carries the death penalty there. Will LL be banning gays from SL to adhere to all laws? Will females be required to wear muslim bags over their heads? It is just stupid to even consider enforcing laws outside the country your company is in unless you are going to physically go to those countries. LL still needs a real business management team and a new CEO.

Dirk Talamasca

+50 points for the Firesign Theater reference.

Cocoanut Koala

NO000000000 to those people complaining about how Philip looked!

When I saw your piece, and the picture of Philip, my first response was of comfort: "Well, at least he's still wearing his codpiece."

That is just so sort of soothing, ya know? I really wouldn't want to see Philip all suited up, or even in much of anything different.

Seems to me his original look was the perfect choice for this shindig.


Tammy Nowotny

Ann speculated: "M said something. He alluded to having to deal with laws of other countries. Homosexuality is illegal in Iran and carries the death penalty there. Will LL be banning gays from SL to adhere to all laws?"

What he probably means is having to deal with the laws of those countries which are significant sources of SL players. That means the USA, Canada, Western & Central Europe, Japan, Australia/New Zealand and (perhaps) Korea, Israel and Brazil and a few other random countries. That is actually a relatively homogenous set of societies with similar values and laws (and that set actually covers just about all of the world's major economic powers with the obvious exceptions of China, Russia, India and Pakistan) but there are some differences from country to country.

I think the rest of the world will have to just go ahead and ban SL if they don't like what we are doing.

If Iran blocks us because we are un-islamic, that only eliminates a few dozen players. If Germany blocked us for (hypotethetically) banning Nazi paraphernalia (which is in fact banned from the grid and is rarely seen), then a German ban would eliminate hundreds of thousands of players.

Prokofy Neva

Tammy, I think you're right that he obviously didn't mean Iran and Afghanistan. What he does also mean though, as we've heard before from Philip and Ginsu, is that their goal is to have SL play on local servers in countries that are under those country's laws. That might mean there are sections of the grid -- that SL Grid that nobody is quite sure how it is defined -- that will be behind a government firewall.

That there will be a Russian grid subject to SSORM, a Chinese grid subject to the "Great Firewall of China" or whatever.

Then the Russians can remove a Chechen group or the Chinese can erased dissident writings -- or whatever they need to do. They might not even have to bother, as the more privileged people who access a thing like SL on DSL anyway may tend to self-censor and be the sort that know how to hang on to privileges instinctively -- or else have the relatives with clout who can bail them out.

Yumi Murakami

I don't know, Prok. The horizons feel kinda empty to me.

I have just been teleporting around places looking for people and as usual, the only places available with people in are generic clubs, sex builds, camps, and role-play that is either sex or White Wolf or both. And that includes SL5B - the only events with major attendance are, surprise surprise, the dance parties - ie clubs.

I even managed to build something that I'd wanted for a while tonight but then felt that I'd wasted my time because, since I couldn't use it in a club, I'd probably never use it.

Second Life is drowning in beer like many real towns are, too. The perils of capitalising social behaviour..

Prokofy Neva

Um, Yumi, it's not about "capitalizing social behaviour," that's simply silly. Have you ever been to a communist country? I can think of a lot of villages in communist and trying-to-transit-out-of-communism villages that are drowning in beer or vodka too in real life. You seem to think there is something inherently evil in capitalism and social media that makes a profit that causes the human being to degenerate.

The human being was degenerate before entering the technology or the social system; he can be made to degenerate more or less, but to imagine that social systems make better or worse people isn't proven by any real examination of anything real.

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