Photo by Nimrod Yaffle from Clickable Culture.
I heard a delicious rumour that I hasten to publish in the hope that, as Uri used to say at the Herald, "the true story will come out in the comments".
Apparently Gareth Nelson, the nuisance case here on my blog nipping at my heels 10 times a day, got into some hot water with the Lindens. Could it be that Gareth is sitting on the tractor as we speak, watching that bad boys reform movie cycle endlessly in the twilight, waiting for the Children of the Damned to come out and zombify him?
I had a strange IM from Garrulous Gareth the other day which I studiously ignored. He said he was going to try this new teleport experiment, where he was going to try to go from his opensim-like thing, which has a name like Lite Sim, over to real Second Life, or was it visa versa? Does this thing run only in one direction?
He wrote something like: although it seemed counterintuitive, and you'd think I'd be the last person to come on this junket, he wanted me to come on this TP with him. It sounded like trouble to me, and finding that Gareth is a total tar baby, I wanted NOTHING to do with it. I ignored him.
Come to find out tonight that the scuttle in the AWGroupies is that Gareth got in trouble for somehow accessing agni. Now agni, for those of you never follow the tech talk, is the name of the Lindens' main server. If you look up at the top of your game screen, and pull down HELP and pick ABOUT SECOND LIFE you will find a URL for your own server location with "" as part of the address. So that's where all the inventory and whatnot is held.
It seems that somehow, Gareth got access to this agni during his TP misadventures, and got a look-see into the entire world's inventory and chat. Yes, your inventory and chat. Apparently this was a "read only" kind of thing, but still spooky to the Lindens.
Now, what will happen to Gareth? Probably nothing. We know how the Lindens love their gimps, said my source, far less politically-correct than I. Yes, the aspies in SL are always "high-functioning" just like all the children are above average in Lake Wobegone.
You know, I always said that once you punch a whole in this thing, the stuff will leak out. Just doing all this interop stuff, and letting goofs like Gareth near it, you will definitely put the world at risk. We saw this time and again with the way LL libsecondlife run around and griefed people as they fabulously found bugs and reverse-engineered. (BTW, they've renamed themselves now due to the "in SL" trademark thing, forget what they call themselves now but I think it's "virtual" something).
Well, what do you make of all this? And what do you know?