I guess I'll be missing the town hall -- except it's not even being called that. It's sad that Philip can't simply have a "first come, first served" attitude toward this event, and pass around relay radios to have it play on other sims, as they used to do. Instead, it's a lottery, which I suppose is hyper "fair," but it just takes the fun out of it, because then you just don't want to bother -- I've never won a single Linden lottery in five years, of all sorts. To be sure, you can watch it on Treet TV -- well, whatever, I 'll watch it later.
And ugh, all the posturing and preening going around to fandance before Philip. For that reason alone one would want to give it a pass.
Bring me my barf bag -- all the smarminess. For example, take a look at Crap Mariner, first implying in true fanboyz fashion (I guess he's a fanboy at heart) that people who are "negative" shouldn't get heeded and only "positive and constructive" suggestions should be collated.
Then he over-praises Snicker Doodles list of rants about Xstreet -- and in fact misstates what she is doing, which is in fact protesting and expressing a decided negative reaction to a chronic, deepset problem of Second Life -- which is the FIC. And that's ok!
I'm really tired of people stamping on legitimate dissent -- which has to be persistent, stubborn, and negative in RL as in SL -- and implying it is illegitimate, even "crazy" and "chaff".
Next thing we'll be hearing that we're feebs and choads.
That is, Crap may now be viewing everything through such a scrim these days of pro-geekitude that he may not realize that essentially, she is making a deepseated and negative complaint, and thinks she's just listing "positive constructive points" like all the good little geekies in the office hour or JIRA or forums or town hall are supopsed to do, jammed into whatever social-engineering template the Lindens find useful.
Yet like me -- exactly like me, although she wouldn't make the analogy, either -- she's getting at the fundamental problems of Second Life:
o the Lindens do not care about what their mass of customers want -- what Ann Otoole calls "customer requirements" -- they just don't.
o they want to do what they want to do, and are even insular and sullen about it with a vast sense of entitlement and victimhood
o the Lindens always pick their favourites from among residents, i.e. large merchants of things they like, or certain landlords, or certain public figures, and they privilege them, sometimes in outrageous ways, and are belligerently defensive of doing this.
And...you think people like that are going to change? In any way except by enormous force?
Snickers basically lays that out how messed up the SL Marketplace plans are, even dropping the freebies roadmap. To me, it looks like this: Pink (who is gone) and Collossus Linden (who is still here) basically said snottily "We need to drag the merchants into the 21st century and have them move to a website like ebay and have storefronts like we think they should have, get rid of their tacky low-class freebies and loss leaders and Myspacey fonts and inexpedient different sized pictures, and make this site look modern and slick and sell more in spite of these tacky people."
But, if anything, I'd say back to them, we need to drag these Lindens into the 21st century so they drop these 20th century web ideas like "ebay" and realize that we're more revolutionary here with variety, individualism, and connections to inworld stores and options like updatable products that aren't possible on ebay.
Snickers moans how the Lindens picked out a few big merchants and let them dictate what the freebies policy should be, which was a combination of jealous spleen over anyone competing with them (they never loose their insecurity, these prim divas) and just a geeky obsession about tidying up what they (wrongly) see as cluttered data bases. Some of the big merchants are geeks themselves, so they fit with the Lindens culturally; those that aren't originally geeks begin to imbibe some of the same culture through the platform.
What Snickers is saying is not fixable without tremendous changes -- stopping the arrogant attitude, redirecting the motivation for the software (not 'building our dream" but "serving our customers," and stopping the favouritism). Any or all of these three things will be very, very hard for the Lindens to change, as they are deeply ingrained in their culture. People complaining about the way they are, aren't the negative, whiney ones. They're reporting on a very intractable, savagely vicious situation with people that will claw you to death rather than change, that's how much they believe they are right -- it's a cult.
And yet Crap, being a little smarmy suck-up these days for reasons that remain completely opaque to me, styles Snickers narrative -- no different than mine or 1,000 others on the forums -- as somehow special and "constructive". Baloney. It exposes the deep, deep problems with the Lindens -- and the "constructive" proposals are only bandaids that would mask those deep problems -- because it's not about photo aspects.
If the Lindens were different -- not arrogant, not insular, not elitist, etc. -- they would say, OMG, we didn't realize how important the photos and bbcode issue was to you. What other system could we buy or code here? Do we really need to standardize it this way? What's so hard about having it the other way? etc.
(What the hell is always the issue with the bbcode anyway? Is it a security issue? They were this adamant about the forums ever putting back bbcode as well. I had to wonder what the big fucking deal was, as forums with that code operate all over the place seemingly without the security problems LL says. What am I missing here?)
Coming back to what Crap was smarming about -- there's this notion that there's this impossible list of proposals and ideas and complaints that Philip couldn't possibly get through. Oh, bullshit. There's like...387. That's about the number of people who have emailed or blogged or written on the forums. Not like it's thousands. And these are easy to skim through, and they batch in themes -- broken search is a big one.
But not a word has been said about the broken search. No explanations. No apologies for breaking certain key words terribly. Nothing. Silence of the Lambs.
And that's just what exasperates me about Philip -- and why I keep my distance these days. There was a time when I would enthusiastically write to him with ideas and suggestions and criticism, and he would answer about one out of every 50 times lol. But then I stopped. Because I found that if you said something he didn't like or thought was "too negative" or whatever -- he just tuned you out. Literally shut you out. I suppose "great geniuses" get a certain amount of work done by just tuning out all the negativity and criticism and just doing their thing. I know *I'm* that way : )
So -- whatever. You do get tired and you do go away soon enough. I even find writing an open letter a chore -- were it not for a sense of civic duty -- certain things just have to be said, over and over again:
o the Lindens vandalized search. Deliberately. Their attitude is fucking outrageous. It needs to stop. Make it stop, admit you were wrong, and start over. Take the people whose attitudes remain on the victim/arrogance meter OFF the job (Sea Linden).
o the Lindens are not doing what many customers want on the SL Marketplace. Yes, we realize they no longer view it as a resident marketplace, but view it as "theirs" which is why they are breaking it, being peremptory and arrogant and filling it with ads for themselves. But even here, they could switch course and put some things back.
o the Lindens' vision for 7 years is that they only want to work with the FIC. Their favourites. The powerful and politically correct. OK, well, then if their business model is to go on working with elites and shitting on the masses, then I guess people can either be masochists or leave -- but maybe with the ecnomy doing badly and the sign-ups flat-lining they could change. This would mean changing an attitude about so many things -- advertising in sign-up areas, building an SL for what's actually on sale at Best Buy as lower end computers, etc.
Here's Mr. Know-it-all shining on with the old brisk and knowier-than-though geekitude:
The fewer staffers there are, the more valuable their time is. Would you rather they waste that time on being their own secretary and filters, or someone dedicated to that and sorting the wheat and the chaff for them so that time is spent on projects and solutions?
One two three... show of hands here... five six... yeah, looks like people really want a focus on projects and solutions instead of glorified inefficient punching-bags too confused to code and fix issues, right?
See, I think my hunch is write -- that Crap essentially identifies with the Lindens *as a tribe* and as a class of geeks, and he is overprotective of them. He implies that Lindens become "punching bags" if everyone yells at them at once -- except, given their arrogance, insularity, and absolutely astounding unwillingness to listen to what everybody is saying for six months about broken search, they need more punching, not less, and there is no fucking way you can "constructivize" the "fix the broken search, fuckfaces".
Strangely, Ann Otoole keeps saying the search is getting better and it works, while admitting it is badly and even deliberatley broken on certain key words. I'm finding it hard to imagine how Lindens get up in the morning and hold meetings and pull up HTML pages and say, "How can we fuck over the rentals key word today?" -- yet in fact, that literally seems to be what they are doing.
It's very odd that neither Sea nor Philip nor any of the other major or minor Lindens have anything to say about why they are breaking search. And I can only conclude that it's because for them, Google is a religion, and they can't stop believing.
Crap also imagines -- crazily -- that "the competition" is picking through the cornucopia of complaints from users and figuring out what they'll do differently. Oh, stop it. There isn't any competition. What, Blue Mars? Huh? Twinity? You think Twinity execs are pawing through the SL forums (they'd have to make a fake alt with fake products to get into Commerce where some of the serious bitching is) and making lists of how they'll do it all differently? Please. They truly seem to be on their own wavelength doing their own thing -- and none of these other worlds seem to advertise by saying, "Tired of inworld search being broken? Come to our world". Um, I guess because the other worlds don't have any search at all? Nope, I don't hear the siren call of some *other* virtual world crying, "Unhappy at picture aspects on your marketplace where you sell your user-generated content connected to inworld stores? Give us a call"
Honestly, people are *freaks*. They have no perspective.
And Crap's fictional notion that Wallace Linden is culling through responses and packing them for the company executives to digest. Huh? Is he truly on drugs? Because Wallace's comms are outgoing, not incoming. He's there to "have a conversation" as in "all markets are conversations" and spout the product and steer people into tidy channels, not collate their complaints like an ombudsman.
In fact, I've often wished there was an ombudsman who was a Linden, or part of a Linden, or a panel of 2 Lindens and one resident rotating, or...something. As in RL, this ombudsman would be entitled to go to a prosecutor or a president and say, why are you doing this? What's this all about? Why have you done this bad thing? etc. And get answers.
But what really made me retch was this suck-up by Grace -- why are we not surprised? Comparing Philip to Indiana Jones, and even making a Photoshopped picture of Indiana Jones with Philip's face and talking about him fitting the big hat. Sigh.
I could write for an hour and explain what's vacuous and annoying and even detrimental about that post -- but figure it out for yourself.
I like the Indiana Jones movies, but this was just -- well. You know something? They're out of buttermilk in the store, so I can't first coat my stomach and then go back and look and write more about all the density of sickly sweet suck-up on her page. Like so many others, she is trying to be seen, fanning the peacock plumage, hoping to be noticed, saying a lot of nothing and trying to be "constructive".
I realized something. Neither Grace nor Crap try to make any living of any sort in this world. Whatever tips Grace picks up are merely chump change to her high RL salary. Crap may not have such a RL salary, but it's a good one, and for him -- as I suddenly see, tumblers clicking -- SL is just a hobby. He has no reason to REAAAAALY care if something is broken because there's no bottom line.
I'm little more than a hobbyist myself. But I'm enough of a go-getter trying to make a buck that I get the difference between the idle rich class in SL, going to art shows and Plurking about how evil Prok is and preening before Philip, and those desperate to pay tier with their stores sinking in search.
"We are bound by the laws of reality. We are customers of a software company. The End."
--Eric Rice
"There isn't any competition."
regardless of their size, there is competition
in the competition for where i spend my time virtually, SL lost me . . .
purely from my perspective and solely my point of view (what other viewpoint could i have?)
well written post and the rich are indeed rich - philip lives in a 4,600 square foot home near golden gate park - that is rich!
Posted by: twitter.com/iliveisl | 07/27/2010 at 01:48 AM
Lets do a serious comparison:
Oh my yes, the new marketplace looks terrible. The lack of BBCODE a death knell to commerce as we know it.
Shame on LL for creating such a terrible looking marketplace.
Btw, the above is sarcasm. Sometimes people do need 'dragged into the 21st century'. If people would actually be objective about it, they would realize the new marketplace is pretty darn nice. Does it have bugs? yes, it's beta.
I give LL hell for a lot of things, but the marketplace overhaul is a long time coming.
There are legitimate things to be complaining about, like the whole Viewer 2 bullshit. The Marketplace fuss is just 2 or 3 people who constantly stir the pot, for no other reason than they aren't getting their way. Sure, they are free to complain all they want. But we're all free to sigh and shake our head just as well.
Reminds me of when kids fight, kick, and scream when you try to give them a bath. It's not hurting them, it's for their own good, but they are too immature and stubborn to realize it. You just have to criinge and move forward. And next thing you and they know, they are having the time of their life, splashing and laughing. Because the root of it all was fear of the new, and the unknown. Once they see it's not so bad as their imagination built it up to be, the tension leaves.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | 07/27/2010 at 02:24 AM
Darien, what other, total, raging, bullshit.
It isn't just two or three. It's hundreds. Read the damn forums. My God, you're terrible. How dare you say there's only two spoiled brats?! You're the spoiled brat, thinking you can get *your* way and back this outrageous mess-up.
The new marketplace, however "sleek" it looks is a sinister driving of the paying public away from resident properties to Linden properties. It completely neuters many of the things people used to make their pages unique and liked and fun. There is no good reason provided for that neutering other than some fussy geeky sense of conformity.
Fear? Fuck no. It's hatred of something because it's stupid and doesn't serve the public, the paying public that has to use it.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/27/2010 at 02:33 AM
There is one unavoidably fundamental way to understand what is happening on the grid, which is powerfully predictive.
Look at value and equity.
Linden Research sold its foreseeable future when it overprinted land and $L.
Whatever happens next, it's either going to a) strip even more value and equity out of customers (a seriously risky endeavour at this point) or b) restore some of it, which will be painful to the parent company but good in the long run.
The expression used when the recent disaster occurred was something to the effect of "the company is safe" ~ and for short term profits, sure, that's true.
But it's about like saying "By eating this seed corn, we won't go hungry!" The value and equity for residents has to be safe *first* or there isn't any safety for Linden Research.
The good news is, this is correctable. It's a microeconomy and thus highly sensitive to changes.
An effective Search is a no brainer, it has to be sufficiently functional or the world is toast. That point, and all others like it, is not even worth discussing further.
As for the rest ~ the economy can be fixed fairly quickly. Here's how.
a) Not return a single scrap of abandoned mainland to the market until land valuation breaks $L 5/meter. Instead it needs trees planted, or something sufficiently non~vile done with it in the interim.
b) Not sell another private region again, until the *secondhand valuation* of standard regions crests 1000 USD each, for resident~to~resident sales. And yes, we'll need a LandeX market functioning like the LindeX, to accomplish that.
c) Linden Research needs to sell $L again, to peg its currency. But in moderation, so it doesn't flood the money supply and crash the market again. How to do that safely? Via larger 'levers' on the economy, more coarse than Supply Linden, allowing the market to return to equity and value. Again, the LandeX would solve that function more coarsely by varying fees, limiting market velocity and so forth. Eventually, once equity has returned to the market, abandoned land can be sold for X/meter to provide for a significant $L sink.
I don't think they will have the guts to do more than that.
Posted by: Desmond Shang | 07/27/2010 at 03:09 AM
""We are bound by the laws of reality. We are customers of a software company. The End."
well, almost there...:)
but Erics not there quite at the end either.... the reality is that the cult was already funded, it never concerned itself with anyone who wasn't "of the body" and has an endgame of virtual valuations that never needed any of the machinations within the "software product" by any "customers".
The system, the machine of power and value is completely virtual within itself and its components.
there was never any real "there" there. but that was the intent.:)
Posted by: c3 | 07/27/2010 at 03:48 AM
To understand what I mean about "search works but is broken" you have to separate the actual search engine devices (GSAv6) from the data they are fed.
The (very expensive) GSA units work. They do exactly what they are programmed to do and do an exemplary job of it. What matters is the way they are configured and the data they are fed. It is, perhaps, the ultimate case example of garbage in garbage out.
Up until a few weeks ago we were unable to make any sense out of the results because of them defects LL did choose to correct. Now we can actually analyze the data. There remains a very debilitating defect that none of us blindfolded residents can figure out that results in parcels just vanishing from seach for periods at a time which results in them not having any clicks which further erodes any chance for them to be seen. But we might have a clue about that. More on that later.
One very major problem with the search today is there is a condition none of us nor LL could have anticipated. The problem is formally declared and identified to LL at http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-20320 which continues to be unacknowledged.
To understand this issue perhaps it is good to do a little in world exercise. Do a search on "REAL GRASS" and look at how much of that stuff is all over the grid set to search not for sale in parcels. All with links that point to a dead merchant account on xstreet that belongs to a resident no longer found in sl search. Go to a few locations and load the web page for the parcel. Look for the grasses and teleport to it and edit them and look at the name and descriptions.
It is really amazing. Every one of those locations that come up have the same stuff with the same url to a dead account and it is all created by different accounts. Apparently this stuff is being imported to SL and the object name and description being left as is after import. "import" of content you did not create seems to be a disallowed action lol.
When you run a search that is affected by this particular "stuff" the results for a G and M are undesirable and somewhat bizarre. Which means the GSA has probably incorrectly learned a huge amount of false relationships.
So, just for the "GRASS" with the dead merchant "In Bound Link (IBL - GSA loves these critters)" there are at least around a thousand disparate locations that are now all learned by the GSA to have a strong association not only to one another but to a dead resident account (so the 6 degrees of geekdom separation kick in). And, in a case of horrific irony, it all looks related to copybot.
Oh it gets worse.
To fix this requires the indexers to no longer look at anything not set to sale (previously discussed) but since the GSA already learned millions of utter crap relationships the entire thing has to be hard reset and the GSA start all over once again like they had to do because one resident got associated with Nazis.
What will be the next reason LL has to wipe out "relationships"? And start all over again. And then the next one and the next until there is nothing left but a no relations search based on names and descriptions.
And these GSA units are like a multi million dollar per year thing.
Oh wait it looks like part of the issue might be LL rented a cheapie and it can't even handle the number of resident pages in SL much less the amount of content that must be indexed. You see the GSA units are licensed as per the number of pages they can index. (see post at http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/318932#318932 ) To handle SL's data volume LL would have to have licensed an array of GSA GB9009 units at a cost of over half a million each. My gut estimate is LL would need more than 2 so they would likely have had to pay 2 million dollars or more just so residents can hunt for prim hair and whatever other items and activities people in SL wish to find. Since I doubt LL spent that much money on search my bet is the number of pages (everything in SL search has a page or is on a page so to speak) vastly exceeds the license. Speculate away on how LL might be trying to get around the document number limitations. So, if LL did not pay the ferryman for the correct level of capability then, depending on what you look for, a chunk of SL will never be in the data considered to develop the 1000 results that are ultimately presented in response to a search. Relevant or not. Which is probably why some locations are never indexed and probably why some disappear from search for random periods of time.
But the GSA units do work. And they do a damn good job and do it really fast. The problem is what the GSA units are fed. So call it what you want but there is the actual situation.
I'm burned out on search related data analysis now tyvm. Knowing LL probably will not acknowledge these core issues because LL would "lose face" pretty much means it is likely to remain this way until LL has to close because everyone quit and stopped paying tier because of LL's manner of attention to customer requirements.
Posted by: Ann Otoole InSL | 07/27/2010 at 07:58 AM
"Because I found that if you said something he didn't like or thought was "too negative" or whatever -- he just tuned you out."
It's a shame that your would choose to stop talking to Phillip rather than modify they way you talk to him. Framing your thoughts in a positive and respectful way does not automatically make people a "suck up". Yes, you and Snickers say some of the same things but with very, very different tone, demeanor and level of respect for the Lab.
Posted by: Eli Schlegal | 07/27/2010 at 10:21 AM
Eli, thing is, respect goes both ways.
I've meticulously planned an estate across years, only to have 50 USD/month regions turned into 95/month regions. Linden Research essentially took my margins... because they could.
My land equity was destroyed, even the value of $L has been devalued (just *try* raising $L rates on residents these days, see what happens) and Linden Homes has pulled 30,000 small parcel residents away from everyone.
And that business with Search ~ it's a past tense thing now; essentially the damage has already been done to tens of thousands of resident businesses. Merchants quit over this. They aren't coming back.
Hey, civility is a wonderful thing. I'll be the first person to say very, very good things when I have reason to.
Posted by: Desmond Shang | 07/27/2010 at 11:05 AM
lots of stuff here ill assume needs a better look.. but...
the overall storyline seems accurate.
are what we eat.
Posted by: cube3 | 07/27/2010 at 12:38 PM
It seems like we read different Crap posts, but look; Crap took 415 words to make a point. You are not entitled to 2350 to reply. It just fucks with my head. Please stop.
Hey Des, how about a disclaimer when you dis Second Life land that you happen to sell Blue Mars land? We all know, but it helps me suppress a giggle. In fact, just put **ADVERTISEMENT** at the top.
Posted by: Adric Antfarm | 07/27/2010 at 12:44 PM
"The new marketplace, however "sleek" it looks is a sinister driving of the paying public away from resident properties to Linden properties. It completely neuters many of the things people used to make their pages unique and liked and fun. There is no good reason provided for that neutering other than some fussy geeky sense of conformity."
Can you explain this? Because as far as I know, the businesses in the new marketplace are exactly the same businesses in the old marketplace. They are all resident businesses. Nobody is driving people anywhere else. And if you mean the few placeholder ads at the bottom, that's just filler LL put there until residents are able to buy ads there, just like they can in the old marketplace.
"Fear? Fuck no. It's hatred of something because it's stupid and doesn't serve the public, the paying public that has to use it."
You'll have to explain that too, because, it gives people all the same tools they have now. So if it doesn't serve the public, then neither did the old XStreet.
"It isn't just two or three. It's hundreds. Read the damn forums. My God, you're terrible. How dare you say there's only two spoiled brats?! You're the spoiled brat, thinking you can get *your* way and back this outrageous mess-up."
I read the forums. And I see the same two people starting all the threads. Ab Vanmoar, and Pamela Galli. They are the two main instigators. Everyone else are either chronic complainers latching on to yet another thing they can complain about, or people getting wrapped up in the fear and rhetoric. Sure they may honestly feel they are somehow being 'wronged', but it's all on Ab and Pamela's say so. And of course, there is a healthy helping of sock-puppetry going on as well.
No sane person would be against the new marketplace. And in one of *my* many discussions with these people in the forums about it, it became clear the reasons for their 'displeasure'. Ab even directly admitted his main beef was the fact that he would have to 'do work' and redo his listings. Cry me a river. That is part of being a merchant, you have to do work.
You may not agree with my conclusions, but I don't really care. I take up valid causes, theirs isn't valid.
Posted by: Darienn Caldwell | 07/27/2010 at 01:06 PM
It's always the case that rebutting people's points, if line-by-line and with complex and nuanced points, that they take up more space than the original item. That's what polemics is all about. That's why it's boring and people don't like it. But I don't care, it's about making a record and about pushing back when people like Crap do shit like that. He's merely positioning the Grace O'Clocks in their usual not-so-subtle effort to grab mindshare and power over public opinion in SL, deciding what the "culture" will be and even deciding what forms "political opposition" will take -- and only within their channels. I will take as many or as little words as I need to take to slam that shit.
Um, Darien? Go and look on the new beta. It's all white space where resident stuff used to be, and Linden Homes and other Linden ads where resident stuff used to be. I don't think it takes huge analytical ability to see what's up there.
People don't have the same tools when they cannot upload pictures of the size they wish, of the size that -- guess what! -- SL itself makes, or rather, what you get after you turn a bmp into a jpeg. So it's creating an additional nuisance making that sizing. Even I have found that and I don't have much to sell.
Are you daft? Pamela Galli is definitely not one of my favourite people and is constantly pushing her own agenda there, but the post by Snickers which Crap so praises as "positive" and "constructive" *raises exactly all these same issues* that you claim "only 2" are saying on the forums.
I have a lot of respect for ab. He makes good products and has good customer service and also helps other merchants to sell in his malls. So I pay attention when he has something to say.
Of course sane people are against the new marketplace. I'm sane, and I see what's up with it -- a blatant Linden sanitziation and power grab over residents, with a privileging of a minority of big merchants who benefit.
Um, what are you selling on there Darien that you benefit from this change? Hello?
Do work? The doing of work will cost thousands of items to have to be done -- the big merchants in fact will be most inconvenienced. There is plenty on the forums about this from a wide variety of sources. But obviously you have some vested interest yourself. What was it you sell again?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/27/2010 at 01:14 PM
Actually the new marketplace is privileging anyone willing to undergo the effort required to leverage the way it functions. Assuming they deliver on certain promised functionality. Yes it will require effort. And yes to do well you will also add marketing and brand presentation to the resume. And yes there are insane issues with it like no link outs and being expected to load probable trojan laden pdf files for more information. However for those capable of producing a branded store on the platform that works and knows how to use the imagery correctly will do well. And it is not limited to LL buddies.
As for the gigantic ads for LL? That just makes LL look stupid and I wish they would fix that. But it won't change anything about how some will be winners nor will it cause anyone to buy something from LL.
IMHO anyway
Posted by: Ann Otoole InSL | 07/27/2010 at 02:02 PM
enough already..just let LL sell this crap off to the scientologists in LA... at least theyll allow mass media money around it to be made by many.;)
these bozos cant even be a good cult...;)
Posted by: cube inada | 07/27/2010 at 02:18 PM
The Market Place works well for the consumer. After trying it a few times, I prefer it over Xstreet. It's easier to use.
Hopefully LL will allow resident merchants to purchase the sponsored links but we shouldn't be surprised they are advertising their own services. Why would they buy the two biggest web based marketplaces unless they planned to leverage them to drive business to themselves? I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, just predictable.
If Ann is right and LL's google appliance does not have enough capacity, then the removal of Picks from search makes some sense. Removing Picks was just a way to reduce the amount of data going through the appliance and had nothing to do with the relevance the information.
Posted by: Amanda Dallin | 07/27/2010 at 03:32 PM
"then the removal of Picks from search makes some sense. Removing Picks was just a way to reduce the amount of data going through the appliance and had nothing to do with the relevance the information."
ah perfect logic from the machines POV.
the problem with the iphone wasnt the iphone...it was all those human hands...lol --- and they now believe it.
btw- why is JEEP -sponsoring all those ABC world news ipad app commercials ? are they advocating driving and using ipads at the same time? just kinda odd...eh?
Posted by: cube3 | 07/27/2010 at 04:56 PM
>>"Hey Des, how about a disclaimer when you dis Second Life land that you happen to sell Blue Mars land? We all know, but it helps me suppress a giggle. In fact, just put **ADVERTISEMENT** at the top."
WTF? Adric, are you on drugs?
~ I didn't bring up Blue Mars *at all*, you did.
~ You've clearly been reading Prokofy too much. I've seen the statements too, that I've "fled to Blue Mars" and so forth... erm... that's fairly amazing, insofar as we donated over $L 1 million to SL RFL 2010, I have a gateway which incidentally now has more classes than NCI does, and 50 regions are very much in my name. I don't even bother respond to such claims.
~ Fact is, I'm about as close to a permanent fixture in both worlds as you'll find. Through excellence and business success, not blind trust. I have no plans to vacate SL. Or Mars. It's called diversification, which allows the platforms to compete for my business, rather than leave me a helpless pawn of just one. Of course, this isn't something you would have to think about much, at your scale of activity.
~ Damn straight I'll call it as I see it, wherever and however. Few are as financially involved as deeply in SL as I am; far less than 1% of everybody. I've got clear interests to *not* mess up a 50 region estate, yet I still call it as I see it. There are plenty of suckup estate owners who never say a dissenting word. That's not me.
Full Clarification: this is a clear advertisement of your lack of insight, Adric.
Posted by: Desmond Shang | 07/27/2010 at 10:36 PM
"What was it you sell again?"
Well since you ask...
"LOGOS cards™ is an exciting new cyberpunk themed Collectible Card game which takes all of the fun and excitement of traditional games and brings it into the collaborative virtual world known as Second Life®. Collect your scifi cards, build your ultimate deck, then be prepared to go head-to-head with your adversaries, in a no holds barred battle for universal domination! Mount your attacks using the Logos Cards in combination with the advanced HUD (Head-up display). All actions are projected onto the the players avatar using visual effects, animations, and sound effects, for a truly fun and immersive battle experience.
The aim of the Logos Cards team is to provide a professional, engaging, and dare we say, fun gaming experience inside the world of Second Life® that takes full advantage of many key aspects of the medium, including a heavy focus on social interaction, user generated content and unrestricted maneuverability. The game was first conceptualized by Oni Horan in 2008. Development began in earnest early 2009 with the addition of Darien Caldwell to the creative team. The full game was released on July 1st 2010."
Check us out at http://www.logos-cards.com
: )
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | 07/27/2010 at 11:09 PM
Ive spent the past 3 years of my life building up Metaverse TV as a media company in SL, and we have sent several emails to Philip about broadcasting his town hall meetings do the 30 people that can enter a damn sim out of the supposedly 2 million SL viewers can see the damn thing, we get no response and not only that they say they are partnering with a media company in world and the rest of us can enter a lotto. I might as well go out of business right now or leave SL behind. What the hell?
Posted by: Robustus Hax | 07/28/2010 at 01:34 AM
That's truly fucked, Robustus. Why they can't be grownups and let ANY media that wants to bother to come and stream this to come, like you would in real life, is beyond me. It's only in their interests to foster more plurality of media reaching different audiences with more advertising space that helps the economy. It's insane that they pick only one media streamer. There's no reason for that.
One year when the Lindens were holding a town hall (they used to hold them constantly practically every month), there were so many unsolved issues and so much outrageously awful problems that I called for a boycott of it, and I called for people to hold their own town hall in opposition to Philip's. We did get at least some small following. Maybe you should try that.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/28/2010 at 01:46 AM
LL should be buying up last names in .tel & offering them as an active account add on.
Which adds to your in world search relevance.
Which are searchable in every search engine which residents now have to resort to!
And use the DNS data for mobile apps, give the resident a global avatar/inventory based under it, that they can use in 3D facebook games e.t.c. or other VR worlds.
Posted by: Steam Bunjie | 07/28/2010 at 12:07 PM
If they must pick a single media outlet to provide the video stream they should make it like a press pool camera where the stream available to other media outlets. The SL media, video and bloggers, should get together and form a Press Pool and demand equal access.
Posted by: Amanda Dallin | 07/28/2010 at 01:53 PM
well i guess once found out--
i was expected to suck up ..and take a e-meter weekend-- the "destination pick" given to the SKY CINEMA FLYIN 2 weeks ago...has been revoked...lol
seems its no longer listed? in the destination guide....
i wonder why?
anyhow--- which anonymous letter of the alphabet should i blame.?
reference the "capture" in the blog linker..lol it was there...lol
more of a shame for Kilandra, whose parcel it resides at and who was finally making a little in sales percentage of stuff sold there..enough to help pay for the parcel... oh well... pay for the cult i guess....
Posted by: cube3 | 07/28/2010 at 06:45 PM
My thanks to Ann OToole's excellent explanation of *why* Search is broken down, and why it's also so hard to fix it (without resetting everything) — thus also explaining why LL is taking so long.
Yes, I know it was a rather technical comment. But up to today, I had no idea on *what* was wrong with Search, just that it was "broken" — which obviously covers a lot of possibilities.
Now I think I understood the issue, and probably believe that LL won't ever be able to fix it completely — just "patch" it with unpredictable results. It's thus more likely that Search will get worse, not better. :(
Posted by: Gwyneth Llewelyn | 07/28/2010 at 06:47 PM
"the "destination pick" given to the SKY CINEMA FLYIN 2 weeks ago...has been revoked"
It's still there Cube. It's been moved under "Editor's Picks", just like LOGOS Cards was. We started out under Games and Sports.
Posted by: Darien Caldwell | 07/28/2010 at 10:08 PM