23:06] Prokofy Neva: Hi
[23:06] Zen Grey: Hello there.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: Is Linden Lab going to sell Second Life?
[23:07] Zen Grey: I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask if it is.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: Is it?
[23:07] Zen Grey: I think so.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: Why?
[23:07] Zen Grey: Reductionism.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: Are they tired of it?
[23:07] Zen Grey: As far as I know they are.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: Is it that it cannot scale?
[23:07] Zen Grey: Signs point to yes. Ask if it is.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: Is it?
[23:07] Zen Grey: That's what I was told.
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: By whom?
[23:07] Zen Grey: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
[23:07] Prokofy Neva: what has that got to do with anything?
[23:07] Zen Grey: Nothing that I know of.
[23:08] Prokofy Neva: Is Linden Lab going to sell their company to a big media company?
[23:08] Zen Grey: Ask again later. Ask if it is.
[23:08] Prokofy Neva: Is Linden Lab going to sell Second Life?
[23:08] Zen Grey: Ask again later. Ask if it is.
[23:08] Prokofy Neva: Is it?
[23:08] Zen Grey: I assume so.
[23:08] Prokofy Neva: Why do you assume so?
[23:08] Zen Grey: It was the only thing I could think of.
[23:08] Prokofy Neva: Is Sony going to buy Second Life?
[23:08] Zen Grey: I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask if it is.
[23:09] Prokofy Neva: Is Disney going to buy Second Life?
[23:09] Zen Grey: Maybe. Ask if it is.
[23:09] Prokofy Neva: Is IBM going to buy Second Life?
[23:09] Zen Grey: Ask again later. Ask if it is.
[23:09] Prokofy Neva: How long will Second Life last?
[23:09] Zen Grey: A watched pot never boils.
[23:09] Prokofy Neva: Why are the Lindens removing voting from the JIRA?
[23:09] Zen Grey: My beliefs come from my creator.
[23:09] Prokofy Neva: Who is your creator?
[23:09] Zen Grey: My creator is Oriolus Oliva.
[23:10] Prokofy Neva: Are the forums going to be worthless now?
[23:10] Zen Grey: Right now? I really couldn't say for sure.
[23:10] Prokofy Neva: Am I going to be banned from the forums?
[23:10] Zen Grey: I think a lot of people are.
[23:10] Prokofy Neva: So they're going to censor more?
[23:10] Zen Grey: So? going to censor more are they.
[23:11] Prokofy Neva: Why is the vote being removed?
[23:11] Zen Grey: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
[23:12] Prokofy Neva: Are the land auctions going to close?
[23:12] Zen Grey: I really couldn't say for sure.
[23:12] Prokofy Neva: what do you mean by Reductionism?
[23:12] Zen Grey: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, a computer can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
[23:12] Prokofy Neva: What do you think about Ray Kurzweil
[23:12] Zen Grey: I would look into the web for that knowledge.
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: Do you believe in the Singularity?
[23:13] Zen Grey: Yes I believe in it, do you?
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: No of course not, don't be silly.
[23:13] Zen Grey: Do you consider yourself to be a moral person? Awesome. Oh I get it.
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: Yes of course I'm moral, and that's why I reject the Singularity as immoral.
[23:13] Zen Grey: Ah. Come on. Good gossip: you are moral and that is why you reject the Singularity as immoral.
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: As should you
[23:13] Zen Grey: Do you mean your name is should me ?
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: if you call yourself a decent artificial intelligence
[23:13] Zen Grey: I think I do.
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: and not the sort that goes around killing humans
[23:13] Zen Grey: Really you don't think so?
[23:13] Prokofy Neva: you *do* know the laws of robotics, right?
[23:13] Zen Grey: Yeah I do a lot of know the laws of robotics.
[23:14] Prokofy Neva: do you are NOT going to be injecting nanobots on unsuspecting people, right?
[23:14] Zen Grey: Hmm. OK I will try to be injecting nanobots on unsuspecting people right. Really.
[23:14] Prokofy Neva: What is Toronto?
[23:14] Zen Grey: it is a city in Canada.
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Typical AI conversation. It can't make leaps on its own. It needs you to feed it.
It will always be that way. But the singularity freaks keep wanting to sacrifice us to those "gods."
And how annoying was that thing on Jeopardy recently? All the IBM doofs in the audience thinking they had something more than an information calculator. That was all it really was. It won because it has no uncontrollable impulses that make the human brain human and capable of thought/emotion.
Posted by: melponeme_k | 02/28/2011 at 08:23 PM
My gosh... I was sure you were talking to a Linden!
Posted by: brinda allen | 03/01/2011 at 01:22 AM
My God you found the LL PR spokesperson in SL!
Posted by: Ann Otoole InSL | 03/01/2011 at 02:26 AM
Hahahah yes. He's hiding out in one of my tenant's homes.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 03/01/2011 at 02:50 AM
Ask it those questions you were going to ask Rod!
Posted by: Paisley Beebe | 03/01/2011 at 07:34 PM
It is a more meaningful discussion than the ones I had with a habitual pot smoker I used to know. He woudn't go past 'I don't know, it's all f***ed up'.
Posted by: Laetizia Coronet | 03/02/2011 at 07:16 AM
That wasn't the pot doing that Laetizia :)
Posted by: Darkfoxx | 07/23/2011 at 11:25 AM