National Geographic Taboo
Many people turning into the saga of Stroker Serpentine, his somewhat public meltdown, and his dramatic departure (ostensibly) from Second Life by scrubbing his islands and leaving out his famous Sex Gen bed -- the subject of lawsuits over unlawful copying in SL -- on all perms for the masses to seize -- well, the small circle of people who might have heard about it on and the Herald.
Both the Herald and have hyped up the Stroker story as somehow being a function of the vindictiveness of Jumpman Lane, and his stalking and goading Stroker into despair. Jumpman himself is the biggest propagator of this theory -- and it's a line some seem to buy. Jumpman himself has of course agitated mightily to make the curious tweets by Stroker come to light -- I wouldn't have noticed them although I may be following Stroker on Twitter if Jumpman hadn't showed up in my spam files on this blog, which I do try to check daily.
By then, the tweets were some 20 hours old, and Jumpman's warning -- or gloating -- that he may have contemplated or even attempted suicide was coming very late, possibly too late.
Looking at the tweets, as I noted, I was alarmed, and decided to err on the side of caution. I filed a Twitter ticket immediately -- I didn't have anything to go on. I Googled Stroker and found his RL name and city -- he always linked those, and it was on his SL profile. I first tried contacting the Tampa police -- I was asked for a district -- I had no idea. I went trying to find that -- someone suggested doing a whois -- I hadn't thought of that, and once I got that information, I went then to the sheriff at the suggestion of someone else who thought that was more appropriate. The sherrif's office told me to go back to my own NYPD to start there -- evidently that way I myself could be somehow verified. I called the NYPD -- they explained that they didn't handle such out of state complaints and I had to go back to the sheriff's. I went back there -- and it went nowhere, so I left the information on an online form.
Meanwhile, someone calling themselves a friend of Stroker's kept IMing me and asking if I was making progress. This person would not call the police supposedly because of a bad past history where they would not listen and hang up. Odd, that. This person then said they had contacts at the federal level and would use them to get the local police to get moving. I couldn't really argue with any effort to get this welfare check -- as police call it -- to happen, but I did find it...strange. I appealed on my blog and Twitter for anyone in the Tampa area to try to file the complaint, maybe they'd get further.
Of course was abuzz but then Baccara Rhodes appeared, said she had heard from Stroker, he was alright, but going through some tough times, and she asked that he be left alone with his family to work things out. Cristiano then closed the thread as if a curtain had to be closed on the privacy of Stroker and anyone questioning anything about this further was somehow as offensive as the JLU, and supposedly stalking people. Much 15-minutes-of-hate ensued against Jumpman, supposedly the cause of all this horror for Stroker.
Sorry, but Stroker is a very public figure -- a public avatar and a public human being. He's deliberately put himself in the news. He has sued Linden Lab and been the subject of numerous articles and even students' term papers. Why does National Geographic get to discuss Stroker, yet the citizens of Second Life don't? That makes no sense.
But if anyone simply watches the movie above -- they will understand that this is not really about Jumpman. Go to about 8:34 to hear Stroker talk frankly about his online fantasies and his sex-bed empire, and how he has virtual sex with his online "daughters" -- acknowledging that this is taboo.
So when you read Stroker's tweets to Jumpman lamenting about how awful it was that somebody was talking to his children asking about ageplay, you can see that this isn't merely Jumpman spreading rumours, this is Stroker himself, bringing it on himself, on national TV.
Now, roll through the tape more slowly. Stroker isn't stumbling, halting, talking spontaneously, blurting something out maybe he didn't intend to say. He is making a very piercing, calm, sophisticated -- even wise-sounding -- presentation. In part, it's that machismo patina over what I have sometimes called his state of being "aggressively undereducated" -- but it is a patter that is a very knowledgeable patter -- a sales pitch, not a stuttering and ashamed confession.
Stroker has spent so many years in SL doing this, he has been online so much with his "daughters" -- consenting adults apparently -- that he has become densensitized. He has stopped seeing it as wrong. He has ceased to *feel*. It is like Mayakovsky's people who lived without their feet every touching the ground, their voices scarcely heard at 10 paces...
He talks about it so frankly and matter-factly because the shock value or the disapproval has long seen ceased to resonate. He could have chosen another word. He could have said "my harem" -- and that would have only encouraged sign-ups, not condemnation.
When Stroker talked about his daughters like this -- he lost friends inworld. And maybe customers. People felt it was really wrong. They thought it was one thing to have cybersex and one thing to have sexbeds, but pretending to have sex with one's own children -- that was beyond the pale, even if they were unrelated adults. Everyone knows about the "families" that people have in SL. But it's often the case that people don't have sex within those families. And engaging in anything that resembles a child avatar in a sexual act, even if the person behind the avatar is actually an adult of 18 age or over is against the TOS and grounds for banning.
What was Stroker thinking? Films like this aren't the 5:00 o'clock news. They aren't made and put up within 4 hours as spot news. They are edited and re-edited and cut and spliced thousands of times during production, that can take weeks or months. He may have even had several takes as he gave the interview. At any time, he could have had second thoughts -- during the interview, while the camera crew was there, or later.
He didn't.
Because he was desensitized. That is what the depravity of some forms of Second Life do to people.
For me, the most painful thing about this movie is to hear his wife. She is clearly a woman in pain, masking pain and doubt. She is trying to convince herself -- perhaps this entire fandago with NatGeo is trying to convince themselves in their folie a deux. She says that if for one minute she thought her husband was making porn, she couldn't live with it -- so she tells herself that he isn't. That it's only that avatar. That the avatar isn't him. That it is only pixels.
The pain emanating from her expression tells us otherwise about her own heart. She isn't happy with her husband's philandering online -- what wife would be? It's always the cheating spouse that thinks the cheated spouse is somehow cool with it -- if the cheated one tells us it's all good and actually strengthening the marriage, you need to ask what they're smoking.
Apparently Stroker was smoking something -- he makes a reference to using again.
Now, this entire show didn't fit the image I had of Stroker. Stroker was always "vanilla," from what I could tell in SL for years. He sold sex beds, but they were sort of ordinary sex beds for couples. They weren't that kinky. They weren't in a lurid BDSM context. They were in stores that contained cuddle couches and ordinary furniture as well (I remember seeing them early in SL). Maybe I hadn't tuned into SL in his later iterations. But I never saw any blogs, ads, articles, chat, whatever that implied that he had this incest thing going. Maybe it was kept private. Then...why put out for consumption on national TV?!
The show is named "Taboo" -- and this old dead-tree magazines, desperate to reinvent itself with the modern-day version of the African tribal women with the naked breasts so beloved by teenage boys of the 1960s has now upped the ante. Now it has to really go to the edge -- and it egged Stroker on.
The producer has creepy music in the background as the world of SL is described -- which isn't creepy and is creative and isn't pervy the way the announcer makes it out to be -- unless you go looking for it, like porn anywhere on the Internet. Then there is Stroker's strange admission, and then long pans on him driving his daughter to school and helping his son doing his homework and appearing as a family man. Seeing his family -- an ordinary, nice-looking middle-class family with sweet kids and a nice house -- your heart will contract that somehow it has been disturbed or even destroyed by this virtuality that Stroker has invoked. Just selling the sex-beds might be bad enough, but sex with the virtual daughters? Ugh.
Trying to understand this entire story, you wonder if somehow this was in fact a deliberate sabotage, a very methodical time bomb lobbed at Linden Lab and the world of Second Life to compromise it because Stroker was intent on leaving all along and starting a competitive world (he has talked about this).
Stroker was in a long litigation with LL -- he tried to blame them for the fact that his beds were stolen. LL had the "safe harbour" argumentation to mount, of course, but Stroker's defense, as far as I understood it, tried to mount a notion that because LL would get commission fees from sales of stolen beds on SLM or would get currency fees from people buying currency and then buying beds in world, it had a stake in the looting and stealing of Stroker's content.
The argumentation didn't seem to be getting anywhere -- but they settled. For an unknown amount. That did not seem terribly large, but who knows. Stroker is described as having a "million dollar business" in SL and a remodelled home with an office, mo-cap equipment and a kidney-shaped pool and all the rest of it before the settlement. In any event, this settlement did not involve having Stroker agree to leave SL. The Lindens seem not to do that with their settlements. Bragg was permitted to stay after all the negative publicity he brought them. Others have stayed. He wasn't told to far as we know, and we don't.
Pixeleen, ever the griefer enabler and sleuther along the most scurrilous lines in SL, has decided to buy Jumpman's line that he was a "hired gun," sicced on Stroker by the Lindens in a "black ops".
That seems like a very tall story indeed -- the Lindens didn't have to do a damn thing but let nature take its course on NatGeo TV -- Stroker did himself in and griefed himself -- and less he black-opsed himself in some larger caper we can't follow.
The claim was that Blondin Linden informally, possibly with backing, possibly freelancing, went to Jumpman and basically told him to go after Stroker. Jumpman was already going after Stroker and needed no encouragement (he has some tangled vendetta having to do with a girlfriend, ripped skins, her being banned, blah blah). But what he needed was impunity, some pledge that he could go after Stroker but not suffer for it. Or perhaps the Lindens had intel (supposedly).
This story got legs for the Herald because Blondin was abruptly let go from SL earlier this year, for reasons unknown, although there was speculation, including by me. No Linden would explain what it was about, citing privacy. He himself said he couldn't tell you. The usual post-Linden story.
I contacted Blondin today and he vigorously denied that he was engaged in any black ops set up by LL involving Jumpman to force Stroker from SL. He hadn't even seen the Herald story, and went off to look at it.
Do the Lindens engage in black ops on their customers? Naturally I wonder that, given how griefed I was for four long years, and given how I was often told certain high-placed Lindens wanted to get rid of me. Meif Ling has now confessed that he was the one who chalked the "Ban Prok!" on the office wall of Linden Lab -- something that happened because Lindens there at the time let it be chalked. We've seen bad Lindens involved with griefers like Rodney come and go.
But...I basically find this theory of the Linden black ops as not holding water. That's because Lindens don't need black ops. They have "any reason or no reason". They can find an infraction or a payment information out of order or whatever they want and dump you, and are not required to explain why. Every day, they do this to hundreds of people, some of whom are just , say, poor Spanish-speaking newbies who can't make their case and get wrongly accused. It happens. And they can make it happen for people they find just are not welcome anymore as they violate community standards. When I was banned from the forums for a time (I'm no longer banned), a Linden told me very frankly that I had not violated the TOS, but that it was a "business decision" because "the community wanted it".
The "commuuuuunity" are the awful people like Hiro Pendragon and the old FIC; like Cristiano and -- Lindens look at their content creation class, they look at their high tier payers, and if they need to, they suppress trouble makers.
So naturally one wonders why Jumpman was not booted. After all, he dissed Torley, the Saint of Second Life, over something stupid, on the wiki, and got suspended. He has probably been suspended for other things, including from the forums, he's a total asshole. So...why was he able to persist?
That's how the story of the Linden "siccing him" on Stroker fits.
But as I've endeavoured to illustrate here, Stroker needed no Lindens, no siccing, no nothing. He griefed himself.
Was this a cry for help?
When Stroker called me back that day, he left me a message. He said the police and the FBI *had* come to his house to check on him. So the phone calls worked. He said "you were right about that little douchebag" -- but he didn't make clear *which* douchebag. He wouldn't be saying I was right about Jumpman, because both of us already thought Jumpman was a provocateur and an asshole. Did he mean Tizzers? or? Stroker told me I should get out of SL, there are bad people there. He said the Lindens were still involved in gambling in PG -- a sort of cryptic message that was later repeated to me by another friend of his. That sort of story is above my pay grade. I poked around the old teen grid and I didn't see any huge pile of green dots that would be expected if there was a gambling operation in the sky. While I was there, that awful Angel Leviathan lobbed me with a $1 payment. Ugh. That creature is still on the grid. And there?
I can only say that if Stroker has people hounding him, if he has allegations to make, he should lawyer up and make them with district attorneys or at least on his blog -- I can't pursue it.
As for Jumpman, gloating and hooting and hollering and carrying on, is he really a hired gun? For LL? Or for whom?
We'll have to go on wondering, but meanwhile, a chatlog that Kalel sent me sheds a bit of light on this -- and opens up the question of whether Jumpman was a hired gun for the JLU. As you can see, Jumpman ran to Kalel to make the claims about CheerGirl -- whom he was already gunning for. CheerGirl I've discussed here and here, and her group The Bimbo Cheerleaders, is in Stroker's group. But would the JLU, unilaterally, or in cahoots once egged on by Jumpman, decide to go after Stroker in revenge over the NatGeo thing? I think that hardly unlikely. For one, it's not in any leaked wiki. It doesn't come out in the chatlog below. No one has ever mentioned it. There are some -- especially on Sharia-Slun -- who'd like to believe that the JLU simply "goes after people it doesn't like" or "all kinds of people". But the JLU doesn't police the sex bed industry and who is on the pose balls, that I've ever heard of -- they go after griefers. Who has ever disputed that? Only CheerGirl...and whomever she whips up in a thread that has steadily lost readership.
Jumpman's claims came from someone else, however. That second source I mentioned before and saw no reason to mention. But I think given the need to establish the story about who really hired Jumpman or whether he was freelancing, we should look at this anew. The source is Corsi Mousehold, ostensibly an enemy of the JLU (see the Herald's long-featured story on the front page) and supposedly at least enough of a friend to be selling Stroker's bed in Furville.
A key element that comes out of the other sensational Herald story screaming that the sex bed industry is now in chaos is that Corsi can no longer sell the Sex Gen to pay Fur Nation's tier. Boo hoo, of course. I had no idea that Stroker had sort of "outsourced" the bed like that. I've learned of one other person who had the full-perms bed before it was let out in the wild. There may be more. Perhaps Stroker knew Corsi was ratting on him to the JLU. Perhaps that full-perm release was lobbed at him?
[16:47] Jumpman Lane: here's a lil tip
[16:47] Jumpman Lane: cheergirl was in ur jlu under another avi
[16:47] Jumpman Lane: apparently yall ousted her
[16:48] Jumpman Lane: just a lil tip thatll give u some perspective
[16:48] Jumpman Lane: cya!
[16:52] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Aha.
[16:52] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Jumpman, you're my hero.
[16:52] Jumpman Lane: lol
[16:52] Jumpman Lane: i wanna drive stroker cheer and that whole set off sl
[16:52] Jumpman Lane: hope that helps
[16:53] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): How'd you learn of this? Â Usually they boast about it.
[16:53] Jumpman Lane: no wasnt a mole
[16:53] Jumpman Lane: someone told me
[16:54] Jumpman Lane: another former friend of cheergirls now her enemy
[16:54] Jumpman Lane: cprsi mousehold
[16:54] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Oh, boy.
[16:54] Jumpman Lane: they were all partners in the sex bed industry
[16:54] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I'll say this for Second Life, it's an incestuous little community.
[16:54] Jumpman Lane: well corsi and stroker at any rate
[16:55] Jumpman Lane: yus lol
[16:55] Jumpman Lane: they're enemies now so oh well
[16:55] Jumpman Lane: but i wondered why cheergirl cared what u guys were up to one way or another so i asked
[16:56] Jumpman Lane: corsi would have no reason to lie to me about it
[16:56] Jumpman Lane: i met gle once but i dont know u
[16:57] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I have a feeling I know who the alt was.
[16:57] Jumpman Lane: dont like the jlu but  HATE chhergirl
[16:57] Jumpman Lane: so those r my motives
[16:57] Jumpman Lane: if its true and it helps im glad caws it hurts cheergirl
[16:58] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): It does really help, and it makes a lot of puzzle pieces fit.
[16:58] Jumpman Lane: i intend on burying them
[16:58] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): We're still missing a couple of pieces, but things make more sense now.
[16:58] Jumpman Lane: good caws i wondered why she'd care otherwise
[16:58] Jumpman Lane: not her particular brand of crusade\
[16:58] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): No.
[16:59] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Not really so as you'd notice, no.
[16:59] Jumpman Lane: realloy didnt fit with what i knew of her
[16:59] Jumpman Lane: not to the poin5t  of dragging it from forum to forum
[16:59] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): It's amazing what we think we know about people.
[17:00] Jumpman Lane: well i dont know what to tell u but sl is one bit drama
[17:00] Jumpman Lane: like i said i hope it helps
[17:00] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): And it's amazing how whenever there's trouble, it always comes down to about the same dozen people.
[17:00] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Thank you, Jumpman.
[17:01] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I'd offer you free advertising on Krypton Radio if it wasn't a G-rated station.
[17:01] Jumpman Lane: np and good luck caws if it helps u in this it'll hurt her then im happy lol
[17:01] Jumpman Lane: hehehehe well were alla bout porn
[17:01] Jumpman Lane: let me know if i can help u though in any way in this
[17:02] Jumpman Lane: those saps let me know tons of their dirty little secrects when we were palks
[17:02] Jumpman Lane: whick im gonna use to bury them
[17:02] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Thank you.  I'll keep that in mind - we're really honestly and truly  trying to make the world a better place to live in.
[17:02] Jumpman Lane: stroker cheergirl chelsea malibu et al
[17:02] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): We may screw up sometimes.
[17:02] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): But we're trying to do the right thing.
[17:03] Jumpman Lane: well i always thought u guys were sanctimonius bergs to keep it very real with u
[17:03] Jumpman Lane: but i never supported sim crashes and such
[17:03] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): That's "sanctimonious burks".
[17:03] Jumpman Lane: we've but i saw it in a superman comic once lol
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): That's okay - I always considered you a little abrasive and brash.
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Doesn't mean you're a bad guy.
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Just means you're not my style.
[17:04] Jumpman Lane: wello thanks lol though im sure we never met
[17:04] Jumpman Lane: met gle once or twice thats it
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): We did, though.
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Remember when the G-Team was holding meetings on that little island with the lighthouse/
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): ?
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): You used to attend them.
[17:04] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): 2008.
[17:05] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I remember you.
[17:05] Jumpman Lane: hope it turns out ok for ya caws pixeleen is not playing 100%vsquare wih you
[17:05] Jumpman Lane: oh yeah i remeber zaras and socrates meetings
[17:05] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): We know Pixeleen has a guiding hand in this.
[17:06] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): A reporter joins a group and talks to people.
[17:06] Jumpman Lane: pixellen and cheerigirl are pals so herald interviews with he3r are a set up lol
[17:06] Jumpman Lane: well good
[17:06] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): But she's joined every group they had for years.
[17:06] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): She's not visiting.
[17:06] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): She lives there.
[17:06] Jumpman Lane: gle walked into an ambushe of sorts
[17:06] Jumpman Lane: caws they are good copy lol
[17:06] Jumpman Lane: thats why they pal around with them
[17:07] Jumpman Lane: wouldnt say pix is a griefer or griefs with them but they are good copy
[17:07] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): GLE finally figured that out.
[17:07] Jumpman Lane: the heralds bresad and butter
[17:07] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Took him long enough.
[17:07] Jumpman Lane: well good lol
[17:08] Jumpman Lane: u guys will get a fairer shake with [prok wh o has just as much reach
[17:08] Jumpman Lane: same with the slu they are all their lil minions so dont fall into the trap of combstin them there
[17:08] Jumpman Lane: second citizen either
[17:08] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Actually, i compared Prok's reach with the Herald's using
[17:08] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Prok's got 5x the reach the Herald does.
[17:08] Jumpman Lane: yup?
[17:09] Jumpman Lane: didnt know that lol
[17:09] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Krypton Radio started out with 1/30th the reach the Herald has.
[17:09] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Now we're at about half.
[17:09] Jumpman Lane: well my main point is to warn ya that cheergirl might just know where jlu buried a few bodies so bear that in mind
[17:10] Jumpman Lane: never heard of it till i started readin this crap on second thoughs and in the herald
[17:10] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): She just might. Â But now that I know who that was, we can fire back if we need to.
[17:10] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): The same person was involved with the Bronyville fiasco.
[17:10] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): The collapse of Red Square and Revolution is tied to that.
[17:10] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): It's all interconnected.
[17:11] Jumpman Lane: good i dont want her to win at all
[17:11] Jumpman Lane: period or point blank
[17:13] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): You've been very helpful, Jumpman.
[17:13] Jumpman Lane: dude just fire back on that sap cheergirl
[17:13] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): We'll do our best, or my name isn't Sanctimoniousman.
[17:13] Jumpman Lane: good and u dont have to let the fool know it was me in public but do si in privqate lol
[17:13] Jumpman Lane: hehehe
[17:14] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Would anybody else have had access to the information you just gave me?
[17:14] Jumpman Lane: i'd love for her to know it was me that helped twist the knife
[17:14] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I don't want to mess you up.
[17:14] Jumpman Lane: well corsi gave it to me
[17:14] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): So Corsi could easily have told others.
[17:14] Jumpman Lane: and i asked her the name of her jlu avi on the herald but they are modding my comments and may not poist it
[17:15] Jumpman Lane: oh i dont care
[17:15] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Okay.
[17:15] Jumpman Lane: i dont have the alts name so it aint like revealing alts
[17:15] Jumpman Lane: publicly say i told u if u want
[17:15] Jumpman Lane: i want cheergirl and them to know
[17:15] Jumpman Lane: im not trying to hgorn in on ur drama im just striking back at my enemies
[17:16] Jumpman Lane: tell the world i8 gave u the tip if u like
[17:16] Jumpman Lane: im not worried about blow back
[17:16] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I don't care about you horning in on the drama.
[17:16] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I could do with a little less of it.
[17:16] Jumpman Lane: k
[17:16] Jumpman Lane: i in fact want cheergirl to know
[17:17] Jumpman Lane: i personally never minded drama
[17:17] Jumpman Lane: i want to slap her down at evcery turn lol
[17:17] Jumpman Lane: thats my motive
[17:17] Jumpman Lane: she got  a very good friuend of mine
[17:17] Jumpman Lane: veonica2viuxen devois banned in sl for defending me
[17:17] Jumpman Lane: thats my motive
[17:18] Jumpman Lane: devoix
[17:18] Jumpman Lane: good luck kalel
[17:18] Jumpman Lane: again lemme know if u need any other help of info iu have a knack for getting info from saps like that
[17:21] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): :/
[17:21] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): Thank you, Jumpman.
[17:21] Kal-El (kalel.venkman): I promise I'll make it count.
[17:21] Jumpman Lane: lol
[17:22] Jumpman Lane: np kalel good luck and thanx a bunch
I haven't even had time to really study this other chatlog that Jumpman foisted on me, but perhaps those watching at home can fit the puzzle together:
[9:53] mystic Berry is Online
[9:53] Corsi Mousehold is Online
[9:53] Symantha Oh is Online
[9:53] Kain Scalia is Online
[9:53] WildTiffany Resident is Online
[9:53] Susie Voom is Online
[9:53] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: MystiTool Controller: /1 help
[9:53] Coco Jaxxon is Online
[9:53] JCNY - ICONOCLAST, Classic Diamond Stud Earring (LEFT): '/11 hide' to hide; '/11 show' to show;
[9:53] Ruff Brocco is Online
[9:53] JCNY - ICONOCLAST, Classic Diamond Stud Earring (RIGHT): '/11 hide' to hide; '/11 show' to show;
[9:53] suzy Honi is Online
[9:53] Coke Supply is Online
[9:53] Sky Paris is Online
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52 welcomes you!
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: To retrieve the menu - mouseclick on the glasses or type /71 MENU in chat.
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: To read the help notecard type /71 HELP in chat.
[9:53] MystiTool Implant 1.3.0: MystiTool Implant Controller: /1 help
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: Currently worn on: NOSE (using saved position)
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: Bling OFF
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: Detecting nearby people: OFF
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: Smiling every 15 seconds: ON
[9:53] Kalnins Sunglasses - Aviator RWK v1.52: Chat emotion analyzer: ON
[9:53] JoanHang Jie is Online
[9:53] sissy Easterwood is Online
[9:53] Seka Adamski is Online
[9:53] Vista Questi is Online
[9:53] RavenmanSkwer Resident is Online
[9:54] You decline From Sculpty to Mesh - Lacy Muircastle from A group member named Lacy Muircastle.
[9:54] Vista Questi is Offline
[9:54] Coke Supply is Offline
[9:55] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: CheerGirl Allen (19m)
[9:55] Jumpman Lane: boo!
[9:55] Jumpman Lane: hehehehehe
[9:55] CheerGirl Allen: glad I finally found you
[9:55] CheerGirl Allen: whats goingon jumpy
[9:55] Coke Supply is Online
[9:55] Jumpman Lane: i aint hard to find at all
[9:55] Jumpman Lane: nothin
[9:56] CheerGirl Allen: i hear ya finnaly did it, got Stroker to quit
[9:56] Jumpman Lane: nice avi u pdgraded some
[9:56] Jumpman Lane: i unno a few cyber hugs he'll be back
[9:56] CheerGirl Allen: why are you doingthis?
[9:56] Jumpman Lane: what
[9:56] CheerGirl Allen: you know
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: well didt u sic me on corsi lol
[9:57] CheerGirl Allen: no
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: and chelsea
[9:57] CheerGirl Allen: no
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: sure u did
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: and didnt alfa sic me on some platinum club owner
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: well corsi sicced me on YOU
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: well him
[9:57] CheerGirl Allen: why
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: and corsi pays better
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: why do u think
[9:57] Jumpman Lane: sex gen lol
[9:57] CheerGirl Allen: i really do not know
[9:58] Jumpman Lane: u never heard of briggi baed lmao
[9:58] Jumpman Lane: bard
[9:58] CheerGirl Allen: sure, the Dutch Transvestite who scripted parts of the SexGen engine
[9:58] Jumpman Lane: plus in the midst of all that stroker got snitty but hey pissin me off just escilated things
[9:59] Jumpman Lane: exactly well if u go on tv saying ur rich CAWS of that sex engine and dont share the profits wtf ya think gonna happen lol
[9:59] CheerGirl Allen: I do not know
[9:59] Ruff Brocco is Offline
[9:59] Jumpman Lane: well just look around
[9:59] CheerGirl Allen: but I have seen for the past 2+ years you have been horribly stalking stroker
[10:00] Jumpman Lane: ur cheergal sex crap runs on thier engine
[10:00] CheerGirl Allen: in SL, on Twitter, Facebook... all the social media you can
[10:00] Jumpman Lane: hard to ignore tht
[10:00] Jumpman Lane: bullshit
[10:00] CheerGirl Allen: your twitter shows you have
[10:00] CheerGirl Allen: for over 2 years
[10:00] Jumpman Lane: we've both stirred up drama aganst each other on the internet
[10:00] Jumpman Lane: ]well so does his flickt
[10:00] Jumpman Lane: ur slu posts etc etc
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: second citizen mark douche posts ec
[10:01] CheerGirl Allen: well jason you kinda deserved it
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: hump boy lmae lol
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: heheheh so
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: does he
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: i call it even
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: plus its a misdemenor in jasons stte do all u can do
[10:01] Jumpman Lane: id have only worried if he turned up dead
[10:02] Jumpman Lane: why io tried to save his sappy life
[10:02] CheerGirl Allen: only after you sent it on a downward spiral
[10:03] Jumpman Lane: well hell blame linden lab lmao
[10:03] Jumpman Lane: he does too
[10:03] Jumpman Lane: and the fool is an idiot that taboo thing is quite pervy
[10:03] CheerGirl Allen: i agree, thats why I had no part in it
[10:03] Jumpman Lane: hows he gonna explain tht to the fbi
[10:04] Jumpman Lane: all they see is a semi celebrity they can prosecute and sieze assests from
[10:04] Jumpman Lane: get on tv due to his noteriety
[10:04] Jumpman Lane: slam dunk
[10:04] CheerGirl Allen: so you did allthis to get the FNI after him?
[10:04] Jumpman Lane: add hump boy lame lol
[10:04] CheerGirl Allen: FBI*
[10:04] Wanda Umarov is Online
[10:04] Jumpman Lane: naw not yut lol
[10:05] Jumpman Lane: i think they r after him already tho
[10:05] Jumpman Lane: i unno ask him
[10:05] CheerGirl Allen: ask who?
[10:05] Jumpman Lane: stroker lol
[10:05] Jumpman Lane: yall are pals
[10:05] CheerGirl Allen: how?
[10:05] Jumpman Lane: call him
[10:06] CheerGirl Allen: we are not pals like you think
[10:06] Jumpman Lane: he aint dead yet lol
[10:06] CheerGirl Allen: I do nothave his phone #
[10:06] Jumpman Lane: well call fyre lol
[10:06] Jumpman Lane: or that dude persephone hehehehe
[10:06] CheerGirl Allen: since The Bimbo Cheerleaders Moved from vegas we do not really talk much
[10:07] Jumpman Lane: it aint my fault i didnt tell the tard to csue linden lab
[10:07] Jumpman Lane: i heard he trademarked your vimbo stuff behind your back too
[10:07] Jumpman Lane: yet here u r defending the sap lmao
[10:07] CheerGirl Allen: I am not defending anyone
[10:07] CheerGirl Allen: I just wantto know WTF is all this about
[10:08] Jumpman Lane: if u and the rest of them publicky apologize ill move on to other things caws if he's gone for real its no longer newsworthy
[10:08] Jumpman Lane: just say your the knig of second life like you mean it in the heralds comments opr somethihg hehehehe
[10:08] Jumpman Lane: im not a griefer im not obsessed im just a hired gun
[10:08] CheerGirl Allen: hired gun?
[10:08] Jumpman Lane: god country and slut magazine
[10:08] Jumpman Lane: crap pixel x
[10:09] Jumpman Lane: i explained that part already to u
[10:09] Jumpman Lane: when we were friends your enemies were my enemies
[10:09] Jumpman Lane: no questiones asked
[10:09] CheerGirl Allen: what did I ever do to you?
[10:09] Wanda Umarov is Offline
[10:09] Jumpman Lane: i unno ur playing dumb to pump me for info u already know but its cool
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: something but i forgot
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: oh v2v\
[10:10] CheerGirl Allen: what about her?
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: maybe i cant let u off the hook with a public ap[ology lol
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: i forgot
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: \well she's banned
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: caws u ur bibmbo cheer slags
[10:10] CheerGirl Allen: if you think I did anyhing to have her banned from SL, your wrong
[10:10] Tsai Cheng is Online
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: i forgot
[10:10] Jumpman Lane: i unno what she told me she was sorta hysterical
[10:11] Jumpman Lane: was enough for me
[10:11] Thinkerer Melville is Online
[10:11] CheerGirl Allen: I was not even on SL when she got banned
[10:11] CheerGirl Allen: explain that
[10:11] Jumpman Lane: ii i got was cheergirl nd bimbo cheerleader group chat
[10:11] Jumpman Lane: i wasnt either
[10:11] Jumpman Lane: im goin by what she said
[10:11] Jumpman Lane: shes banned thats a fact
[10:11] CheerGirl Allen: looks to me like your allowing your5self to be manipulated
[10:12] Jumpman Lane: by v2v lol
[10:12] Seka Adamski is Offline
[10:12] CheerGirl Allen: like you said your a hired gun
[10:12] Jumpman Lane: all shed have to do is ask even if she wasnt banned
[10:12] Jumpman Lane: her enemies are mine
[10:13] Jumpman Lane: but why do u care didnt u and stroker squabble over ur trademarks
[10:13] CheerGirl Allen: what trademarks?
[10:13] Jumpman Lane: he ruined his sl by trying to sue linden lab
[10:13] Jumpman Lane: phillip doesnt play round at all
[10:13] Jumpman Lane: what somebody told me
[10:13] Jumpman Lane: im just asking
[10:13] Jumpman Lane: im just doing news
[10:13] CheerGirl Allen: I have no part inthe SexGen Trademark
[10:14] Jumpman Lane: yellow press and all allows me to slant things but u of all people know i didnt have to make anything up
[10:14] Jumpman Lane: well w/e that part aint important
[10:14] Jumpman Lane: unless u lied to me about those redgrave skins for example
[10:14] Jumpman Lane: no lies were involved in the telling of that story lol
[10:15] CheerGirl Allen: what story? what trademarks?
[10:15] Gems Jewell is Online
[10:15] CheerGirl Allen: I can harlly follow you
[10:15] Jumpman Lane: ur bibmbo tradmarks
[10:15] CheerGirl Allen: what about them?
[10:15] Jumpman Lane: somebody said stroker went behind ur back and trademarked them
[10:15] Jumpman Lane: maybe it was a lie
[10:15] CheerGirl Allen: I think itis
[10:16] Jumpman Lane: they seemed to think it was the source of ur recent squabble with him lol
[10:16] CheerGirl Allen: stroker did not trademark The Bimbo Cheerleaders
[10:16] Jumpman Lane: well i couldnt care really why u too squabbled
[10:16] Jumpman Lane: well tell me this why did the fool twitter me suicidl crap
[10:16] Jumpman Lane: why would he think i 'd care
[10:16] CheerGirl Allen: how should I know
[10:17] Jumpman Lane: i tried to save his damn life to avoid a cyberstalkin charge hehehehe
[10:17] Jumpman Lane: but i dont know that fool if he offed him self i'd give a shit hehehehehe
[10:17] Jumpman Lane: so um like what do u want exactly cheergirl?
[10:18] CheerGirl Allen: if he did, I would think that your partly responcible
[10:18] Jumpman Lane: whyy a lurkin round my juro kothari custom dump lol
[10:18] Jumpman Lane: blame linden lab
[10:18] CheerGirl Allen: I came to talk toyou
[10:18] Jumpman Lane: and them taboo producers lol
[10:18] Jumpman Lane: since when u wanna talk to me lol
[10:18] CheerGirl Allen: and figure out why for 2 yearsyou been trying to mess with me
[10:18] Jumpman Lane: caws ur mixed up with stroker
[10:18] Jumpman Lane: and he made good copy
[10:19] CheerGirl Allen: well your information is inncorret as usual about that
[10:19] sissy Easterwood is Offline
[10:19] Jumpman Lane: and all the stuff u told me ur dirty lil secrects made great copy too
[10:19] CheerGirl Allen: I rented a parcel in vegas from him
[10:19] CheerGirl Allen: thats why you hateme?
[10:19] Jumpman Lane: yall were buddies
[10:19] Jumpman Lane: naw i hate u caws v2v is banned
[10:19] Jumpman Lane: hell i dont even hate him lol
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: why should i lol
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: he's great copy
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: im gonna write a book about him
[10:20] CheerGirl Allen: I had nothing to do with V2V getting banned
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: already started but u know that too
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: lol
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: well let me have the chat log
[10:20] Jumpman Lane: if strokers gone and u didnt have anything to do with it really
[10:20] CheerGirl Allen: why so U can harass the people that did?
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: then cheergirl id have no rerason to mess with u at all
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: naw
[10:21] CheerGirl Allen: exactly
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: but im gonna let the werld know
[10:21] CheerGirl Allen: then why are you messing with Me,
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: im gonna publicize their crimes
[10:21] CheerGirl Allen: what crimes?
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: im not messing with you
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: its news
[10:21] Jumpman Lane: stroker trying to off himself is news
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: prok did a piece on it
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: its all over plurk
[10:22] CheerGirl Allen: pork?
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: the herald is doin a piece on it
[10:22] Symantha Oh is Offline
[10:22] CheerGirl Allen: LOL that crazy cat lady prints what ever is inher head... all of it fiction
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: i dont even have an issue out just bloggin and people are interested
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: well no
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: stroker did send me some tweets lol
[10:22] Jumpman Lane: they did seem suicidal
[10:23] Jumpman Lane: i even rejoined tohe bibmo cheerleaders to save his life so that YOU could save it
[10:23] CheerGirl Allen: and that makes you happy?
[10:23] Jumpman Lane: but the3ym bibmbos didnt care
[10:23] Jumpman Lane: naw
[10:23] CheerGirl Allen: yes, I heard you spammed my group a few nights ago while I was out
[10:23] Jumpman Lane: i was minding my business when i read his crappy tweets
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: gal every werd was psted on my site
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: read it
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: if i spammed anything it was HIS twitter page lol
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: not mine
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: only link i sent
[10:24] CheerGirl Allen: guess that was the spam
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: yeah
[10:24] Jumpman Lane: ur really kiddin me cheergirl
[10:25] Jumpman Lane: u dotn know anything thats going on really do ya lol
[10:25] CheerGirl Allen: Jump, I do not care about SL like most do
[10:25] Jumpman Lane: read proks blog
[10:25] CheerGirl Allen: I hardly spend timein this game anymore
[10:25] Jumpman Lane: the whole internet was worried about ur bud
[10:25] Jumpman Lane: u seemed to care about them saps kalel and gle
[10:25] CheerGirl Allen: there os more important things in Life then videogames
[10:26] Jumpman Lane: why for gods sake they are ineffectual now that their enemies are banned
[10:26] Jwheels Carver is Online
[10:26] Ruff Brocco is Online
[10:26] CheerGirl Allen: again... people making mountians out of anthills
[10:26] Jumpman Lane: oh i know lmao i been wranglin with my ex irl
[10:26] Jumpman Lane: why i ant been on hehehe
[10:26] Jumpman Lane: i unno u were all over the place attacking them
[10:26] Jumpman Lane: they r ur enemies fair enough
[10:26] Jumpman Lane: they 'd think u were harrassing them tho dodntch a think
[10:27] CheerGirl Allen: Jumpman, I do not care about JLU or having enemies on Second Life
[10:27] Jumpman Lane: it goes both ways cheer
[10:27] CheerGirl Allen: hell, it's just a game
[10:27] Jumpman Lane: reckon thats what a forum war or flam war or internet war is alla bout
[10:27] Jumpman Lane: cheergirl its a game to sum
[10:28] CheerGirl Allen: don't you think it is a little crazy how people get so insane about SL
[10:28] Jumpman Lane: i unno but if your pal was suicidal then heck he took it a lil too seriously
[10:28] CheerGirl Allen: why doyou keep syingthat
[10:28] Jumpman Lane: im not gettin insane lol
[10:28] Jwheels Carver is Offline
[10:28] CheerGirl Allen: I have never met stroker in the real world, let alone spoken to him on the phone
[10:28] Jumpman Lane: read his tweets seemed suicidal top a buncha people not just to me
[10:28] Jumpman Lane: he meets eveybody lol
[10:28] vanessa Knoller is Online
[10:28] Jumpman Lane: but thats ur business
[10:29] CheerGirl Allen: i have more important things to do with my day then read twitter
[10:29] Jumpman Lane: well u should take some time too lmao
[10:29] Jumpman Lane: then maybe u'd understand that i really havent had much to do with that fools troubles
[10:29] Jumpman Lane: though people seemed to want to blame me
[10:29] Jumpman Lane: \i didnt encourage him to sue linden lab
[10:29] Jumpman Lane: i didn twreck vegas
[10:30] CheerGirl Allen: I can say the same about you and I
[10:30] Jumpman Lane: i didnt even wreck chelseas club jenna lmao
[10:30] CheerGirl Allen: I have nothingto do with V2V, or Strokerz vegas, or Trademarks
[10:30] Jumpman Lane: same about you and me heheheheheh how
[10:30] Geeta Thor is Online
[10:30] CheerGirl Allen: but you seem to claim I do
[10:30] CheerGirl Allen: why
[10:30] Jumpman Lane: v2v claimed it
[10:30] Jumpman Lane: u were gonna share ur group chat with pix share it with me
[10:30] Jumpman Lane: clear your name
[10:31] Jumpman Lane: ill retract everything that i said about u being involed with her banning in every forum
[10:31] Thinkerer Melville is Offline
[10:31] CheerGirl Allen: it would be a TOS Violation to send you a chatlog w\out the other parties consent in SL
[10:31] Jumpman Lane: availbale to me
[10:31] Jumpman Lane: cant retract the redgrave crap lmao
[10:31] Jumpman Lane: caws you prob did tht
[10:31] CheerGirl Allen: that again is all Lies
[10:31] Jumpman Lane: if yall didt you lied to me about that
[10:31] Jumpman Lane: get their consent
[10:32] Jumpman Lane: im not asking you to vioplate the tos
[10:32] Jumpman Lane: they are YOUR flunkies they'd be happy to
[10:32] CheerGirl Allen: I do not think many of them are still on SL
[10:32] Jumpman Lane: well is that redgrave skin thing was all lies cheergirl you lied TO ME about it
[10:32] CheerGirl Allen: the group chat reads like a slandering of everyone
[10:32] CheerGirl Allen: V2V told about 5 people to shut up and fuck off
[10:33] Jumpman Lane: hell i never even botherd to edit the stuff u told me
[10:33] Jumpman Lane: well v2v sure aint5
[10:33] Jumpman Lane: well i unno cheer seems like ur hiding something
[10:33] Jumpman Lane: give it to pix then on the herald
[10:33] Jumpman Lane: or post it in the herald comments lmao
[10:33] Jumpman Lane: tht aint against the tos
[10:33] CheerGirl Allen: I tried
[10:33] CheerGirl Allen: was moderated
[10:34] Jumpman Lane: she mods me too
[10:34] Jumpman Lane: cheer i got no beef with stroker
[10:34] Jumpman Lane: he made good copy
[10:34] CheerGirl Allen: will this BS ever end?
[10:34] Jumpman Lane: corsi was happy caws i t struck back at her enemy
[10:34] Jumpman Lane: when it aint newsworthy it will
[10:34] Jumpman Lane: if he quit nartch ill write the book then its done
[10:35] Jumpman Lane: if u didnt get v2v banned ur not on my radAR
[10:35] CheerGirl Allen: i did'nt
[10:35] CheerGirl Allen: you know who did
[10:35] Jumpman Lane: caws it aint personal
[10:35] Jumpman Lane: no i dodnt
[10:35] Jumpman Lane: ur bimbos
[10:35] CheerGirl Allen: infact I think she was 1 of your sources for the Stroker pillow talk logs
[10:35] CheerGirl Allen: no
[10:35] Jumpman Lane: chyna lmao
[10:36] CheerGirl Allen: why woudl I get V2V banned?
[10:36] Jumpman Lane: so ur gonna throw chyna jinx under the bus
[10:36] Jumpman Lane: i unno yall two did have A LITTLE THING I UNDERSTAND
[10:36] Jumpman Lane: maybe u didnt
[10:36] Jumpman Lane: but ur gonna have to prove it
[10:36] CheerGirl Allen: I cannot prove what did nothappen
[10:36] Jumpman Lane: who could lmao
[10:36] Jumpman Lane: u cant prove a negqative lmao
[10:36] CheerGirl Allen: IDK
[10:37] Jumpman Lane: prove it was chyna lol
[10:37] CheerGirl Allen: you have all the logs
[10:37] CheerGirl Allen: how can I prove that
[10:37] Jumpman Lane: no i dont lol
[10:37] Tsai Cheng is Offline
[10:37] Jumpman Lane: i wasnt onli8ne much less a bimbo jock at the time
[10:37] CheerGirl Allen: nor was I
[10:37] Jumpman Lane: v2v doesnt have the logs
[10:37] Jumpman Lane: u claimed to have em lol
[10:37] CheerGirl Allen: I do not have Chyna's Pillow talk logs
[10:38] Jumpman Lane: post em on some third party site
[10:38] CheerGirl Allen: you leaked thoes
[10:38] Jumpman Lane: that aint against the tos
[10:38] Jumpman Lane: lol she gave em tme lol
[10:38] CheerGirl Allen: I can tell you that, V2V went after Chyna in a group iM... then she started to harasss anyone else that even chimed in
[10:38] Jumpman Lane: she thoughyt itd be fun to set stroker up
[10:38] CheerGirl Allen: thats why V2V got banned
[10:39] CheerGirl Allen: she told at least 5 avatars to fuck off
[10:39] Jumpman Lane: well if thats what happened poor v2v was a lil overexuberant lol
[10:39] CheerGirl Allen: and you know that is totally in her chracter
[10:39] Jumpman Lane: yup
[10:39] CheerGirl Allen: that is whathappened
[10:39] CheerGirl Allen: I came home to dozens of Imz
[10:39] Jumpman Lane: oh i believe you but somebody has to pay for it
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: v2v is my pal and her enemies are my enemies
[10:40] CheerGirl Allen: so ask V2V wo she told to fuck off
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: just like YOUR enemies were my enemies once
[10:40] CheerGirl Allen: thoes will be the people who had her banned
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: shes too distraught
[10:40] CheerGirl Allen: I do not have Enemies
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: she wont even discuss it
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: apparently she lost a lotta L$
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: u most certainly do lmao
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: chelsea
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: corsi
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: kalel
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: lol
[10:40] CheerGirl Allen: I do not even know corsi
[10:40] Jumpman Lane: even that sap gle
[10:40] CheerGirl Allen: Kalulz it a retard
[10:41] Jumpman Lane: and a sap lmao
[10:41] CheerGirl Allen: all I did was find a spy prim
[10:41] Aclama Ampan is Online
[10:41] Jumpman Lane: and a snitch but id say u were enemies tho
[10:41] Jumpman Lane: i couldnt care less cheer
[10:41] CheerGirl Allen: now I am on thier hit list... let me tell you howI stay awake at nights worring about them
[10:41] CheerGirl Allen: same
[10:41] Jumpman Lane: kalel and his turd ball buddies are saps
[10:41] Jumpman Lane: i cant stand tizzy's lil irritating followers either
[10:41] CheerGirl Allen: SL emimies... I have no time for that
[10:42] Jumpman Lane: i dont mind them
[10:42] Jumpman Lane: or the drama
[10:42] CheerGirl Allen: I trust our chat here will not end up on a website?
[10:42] Jumpman Lane: its what makes sl fun
[10:42] Jumpman Lane: but u know that about me i told u years ago lol
[10:42] Jumpman Lane: hahahah why would u trust that
[10:42] CheerGirl Allen: because I am asking you not to
[10:42] Jumpman Lane: i sewear i will not share this chat in second life if you ask me not to
[10:43] Jumpman Lane: why would i do you any favors lmao
[10:43] CheerGirl Allen: in SL or websites
[10:43] Jumpman Lane: naw only against the tos in sl
[10:43] CheerGirl Allen: becuse 1 day I may beinthe position to do you a favor
[10:43] Jumpman Lane: like what kind
[10:43] CheerGirl Allen: IDK
[10:43] WildTiffany Resident is Offline
[10:43] Jumpman Lane: lmao
[10:43] CheerGirl Allen: guess we will find out when that day comes
[10:44] Jumpman Lane: uve done me loads already and dont even know it but then again you prob do know it
[10:44] Jumpman Lane: i dont think thats good enough cheer
[10:44] Jumpman Lane: lol
[10:44] Jumpman Lane: i think ill take my chances
[10:44] Jumpman Lane: i can afford a decentlawyer for a state charge lmao
[10:45] CheerGirl Allen: you worried about getting sued?
[10:45] CheerGirl Allen: ;p;
[10:45] CheerGirl Allen: over a videogame
[10:45] Jumpman Lane: thats civil fuck no
[10:45] Jumpman Lane: id hide my monies in the carib before i paid anybody a plug nickel lol
[10:46] Jumpman Lane: if the turd turns up stinking dead one day and some luckless prosecutor wants to make a name offa his dead corpse
[10:46] Jumpman Lane: people have been sued ove video games lol
[10:46] Jumpman Lane: stroekr done it twice lol
[10:46] CheerGirl Allen: and that turned out how?
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: u know for a while phillip rosedale slept on an actual matress stuffed with 20 dollar bills
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: that what he slep on
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: no cusion
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: no feathers
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: MONEY lmao
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: to make a point
[10:47] Jumpman Lane: i guess stroker didnt know that or figured he'd give him some
[10:48] Jumpman Lane: so r u quittin sl too?
[10:48] CheerGirl Allen: i hardly play this ame much anymore
[10:48] CheerGirl Allen: game*
[10:48] Jumpman Lane: then why are u here
[10:48] Jumpman Lane: why do u care
[10:48] Jumpman Lane: u claim stroker aint ur buddy
[10:48] CheerGirl Allen: to find out why I got over 100 emails this week asking about stroker
[10:48] CheerGirl Allen: exactly
[10:49] Jumpman Lane: caws they thought he was gonna kill himself
[10:49] Jumpman Lane: really read strokers twitter
[10:49] CheerGirl Allen: maybe if I have time after work
[10:49] Jumpman Lane: then read proks blog about his public meltdown
[10:49] Jumpman Lane: ill tell it to u short
[10:49] CheerGirl Allen: prok is totally full of shit
[10:50] CheerGirl Allen: can;t trust a thing she writes
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: naw
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: u can pretty much trust him on this one lol
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: all he talks about is how he called the cops in tampa
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: then in nyc and then in tampa again\
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: to make sure stroker didnt klill himself
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: blame prok
[10:50] Jumpman Lane: he stirred that all up
[10:51] CheerGirl Allen: again, I do not know prok, never met him or her
[10:51] CheerGirl Allen: how can I trist a person like that
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: its on his blog or her blog lmao
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: second thoughts
[10:51] vanessa Knoller is Offline
[10:51] CheerGirl Allen: that is all BS
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: well its the reason u gort them 100 emails
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: naw it aint its on plurk too
[10:51] CheerGirl Allen: ah
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: saps plottin on reaching him
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: reaching YOU lmao
[10:51] CheerGirl Allen: so people are thinking her lies are true?
[10:51] Jumpman Lane: to save him
[10:52] Jumpman Lane: look its simple
[10:52] CheerGirl Allen: I have no way to contact him in RL
[10:52] Jumpman Lane: stroker tweets he's leavin sl
[10:52] Jumpman Lane: blames linden lab and me for him being broke and having to explaine what a pedo and ageplay is to his kids
[10:52] Jumpman Lane: i think one of the twwet is suicidal
[10:52] Bryan Korpov is Online
[10:52] Jumpman Lane: i tell ur bimbos in chat
[10:52] Jumpman Lane: they dont care at all
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: i gotta save the fool so i thinkof contacting the lab
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: but they dont care
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: so i mention it ti prok before i got to bed
[10:53] kely Alderbury is Online
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: read these tweete
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: tell me what ya think
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: PROK thinks the fool stroker is suicidal and tells the world
[10:53] Jumpman Lane: every bofy on second thoughts
[10:53] CheerGirl Allen: I am not going to pour Dihreia on the shit flames
[10:54] CheerGirl Allen: it is none of my business
[10:54] Jumpman Lane: plurk slu second citizen try to reach him you frye anybody to make sure he aint dead lol
[10:54] suzy Honi is Offline
[10:54] Jumpman Lane: i mean thats why and mostly theyve stopped yappin bout it
[10:54] Jumpman Lane: lol i figured u knew thats why u cam
[10:54] CheerGirl Allen: i do not know what state stroker is in in the real world.
[10:55] Jumpman Lane: he told the werld and u act like ur such great pals
[10:55] kely Alderbury is Offline
[10:55] CheerGirl Allen: i came to find in in order to put a stop to the BS with me and TBC
[10:55] Jumpman Lane: there were people trying to reach u to reach him
[10:55] Jumpman Lane: well i thought u guys were closer than u appear lol
[10:55] CheerGirl Allen: no, I am not 1 of his SL daughters
[10:55] Jumpman Lane: i went to the bimbo group hopin ur flunkies would tell u and save the tard
[10:56] Jumpman Lane: and thats just creepy that
[10:56] Jumpman Lane: and prob his problem
[10:56] Jumpman Lane: i cant even cyber my closest pals much less call em my daughters and do it lmao
[10:56] CheerGirl Allen: so will you leave me out of what ever it is your going to do
[10:56] Jumpman Lane: \hes a closet pedo
[10:56] Jumpman Lane: soon as u finish throwing cyna under the bus
[10:56] Jumpman Lane: and publiclly surrender
[10:57] Jumpman Lane: by saying im the king of second life
[10:57] CheerGirl Allen: I have nothing to surrender
[10:57] Jumpman Lane: he did
[10:57] Jumpman Lane: i thought that bit was funny lol
[10:57] Jumpman Lane: then it wont hurt to do so at all
[10:57] CheerGirl Allen: thats like sayinh Michael Jackson is the king of pop
[10:57] Jumpman Lane: werks for me hehehehehe
[10:57] CheerGirl Allen: you can all your self w\ever you want
[10:58] Jumpman Lane: and ill say u bowed down to a true pimp for a while but basically thats it
[10:58] Jumpman Lane: well i have been
[10:58] Jumpman Lane: then he did to great hilarity in his suicide note
[10:58] CheerGirl Allen: I really do not care about what you do in SL
[10:58] Jumpman Lane: its the manner in which im accepting surrenders these days
[10:59] Jumpman Lane: well wont be any more stories like "stroker suicidal...where is cheergirl"
[10:59] Jumpman Lane: sorta did that one yesterday lol
[10:59] CheerGirl Allen: just please leave me out of this fight
[10:59] Jumpman Lane: well i already posted it lol
[10:59] CheerGirl Allen: it is none of my business and I really do not care
[10:59] Jumpman Lane:
[11:00] Jumpman Lane: well no matter
[11:00] CheerGirl Allen: I do nothave time, got to go back to work
[11:00] Jumpman Lane: but seriously if u ddint get v2v banned
[11:00] Jumpman Lane: i wont do any more stories on u
[11:00] CheerGirl Allen: I did not
[11:00] Jumpman Lane: no point
[11:00] JoanHang Jie is Offline
[11:00] CheerGirl Allen: she was my friend
[11:00] CheerGirl Allen: why would I do anything to get her banned?
[11:00] Jezabell Barbosa is Online
[11:00] Jumpman Lane: u know...
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: u guys were on friendly terms
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: im almost even convinced
[11:01] Thinkerer Melville is Online
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: well ill tell u what
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: if strkoer really quit
[11:01] CheerGirl Allen: i got to get back to work IRL
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: im ean doesnty come back
[11:01] CheerGirl Allen: lunch is over
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: well unlucky u lol
[11:01] Jumpman Lane: u almost convinced me lol
[11:02] Jumpman Lane: prove it was chyna and surrender like say i surrender
[11:02] Jumpman Lane: you are the king of second l;ife
[11:02] Jumpman Lane: and ill agree to not do stories on u
[11:02] CheerGirl Allen: jump, I do not care about SL drama... or what you do to stroker or prok
[11:02] CheerGirl Allen: just please leave me out of it
[11:02] Aclama Ampan is Offline
[11:02] Jumpman Lane: t5hose are the conditions
[11:02] CheerGirl Allen: bye
[11:02] Jumpman Lane: thats how ill know u really arent involved
[11:02] Jumpman Lane: cya
[11:08] Coco Jaxxon is Offline
[11:08] You decline Mankind Tracer's Peace, Love & Belief V 60 Sim Mega Concert! from A group member named Kalli Birman.
So what does this all add up to? (Those diamond-studded earings chatting as he put them on were hilarious, eh lol?)
I really don't know.
We are no closer to knowing the *motivation* of CheerGirl to go after the JLU. Nobody puts that much energy into hunting dinky spy prims and calling TJ Linden and making a 10,000 plus thread on Slun without more of a motive than just "I don't like vigilante groups".
There is a nexus between CheerGirl's animus, Stroker's link to her and his friending with the Woodburies, the griefers gone wild, that real-time thug Tux Winkler and...something.
It isn't to hide the fact of what Stroker said -- that was on national TV.
CheerGirl says she wasn't one of the "daughters" -- so that's not it...supposedly, but she sure had a bug up her ass over whatever those spy prims were gleaning on her.
Meanwhile, I've sold three copies of Stroker's bed for $100 a pop -- and I upped the price to see how it would do. I'm on my way to covering my long-distance phone bill trying to get the welfare check on him.
The name Kalel thinks is the alt of CheerGirl mixed up with Bronies and Woodbury means nothing to me and there are some holes in that story which I asked him about and didn't get a response.
I'm for the JLU publishing their wiki, and creating an external police blotter outside of SL where they can print their findings and allegations and others can respond.
I hope Stroker makes a new world or finds a new world or makes an alt and quietly resumes a mo-cap business -- or goes back to unclogging people's toilets if they haven't figured out how to do that themselves with a cut-off seltzer bottle.
Hello Prok
Thank you for this i really didn't see what the issue is between Jump/Stroker/Cheer
It does seem like one person just looking to cause problems or try to instigate stuff between people.
Hmmmm the JLU police blotter.
I think that would turn into a smear campaign fest and flame war even more so.
May i ask who Kal-El said the alt was supposedly? I have my own sources i can verify stuff with.
Posted by: Cathiee McMillan | 09/30/2011 at 12:23 PM
I see no reason to reveal the name of this supposed alt. I have several reasons for doing so. One, I have no second source. It's always good to get a second source. Two, I have no knowledge of this person or any reason to believe that what is sais about them is true, so I have no reason to publish their name. Three, I have reason, if anything, to believe that in fact this person is in good standing with the JLU now, so I can't tell whether this is some internecine warfare or what it is.
If the JLU has an allegation, let them make it.
The JLU police blotter wouldn't be a smear campaign because they'd be forced to make their case when they went public with allegations and not just pass on hearsay or chance encounters at meetings in SL.
And others could then comment.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 09/30/2011 at 01:33 PM
In a post
regarding fundraising efforts for Beth Odets' surgery you complained about a resident attempting to make a profit by holding a clothing sale and donating half of the proceeds:
"I cry foul because Beth's friends and admirers and supporters raised US $13,000 real dollars -- and they didn't raise that from Eshi's methodology. They raised it from people who gave ALL their tips at rock concerts or ALL their proceeds from their dress sales like Ann Otoole or simply a tip of what they could afford, like me, which was symbolic and I take no shame in it. What's important isn't the amount; what's important is the principle of the thing. When your best friend -- supposedly -- has a need like this, you don't have your own hand out scooping up 50 percent of the proceeds. Imagine if I said "half price off rentals, donate for Beth" -- I'd be pilloried. I wouldn't live with myself with the sleaziness of that. So why is Eshi any different? She isn't. Seriously. It's about morality. And it's about standing up for it. If you don't do that, people behave like pigs."
Yet, here you are, on one hand making the claim you were trying to /help/ Stroker by contacting the authorities regarding what you perceived as a possible suicide, and, on the other hand selling copies of his sex bed in an effort to /recoup/ your costs (phone calls) in the effort to help him:
"Meanwhile, I've sold three copies of Stroker's bed for $100 a pop -- and I upped the price to see how it would do. I'm on my way to covering my long-distance phone bill trying to get the welfare check on him."
Specifically, as you stated: "What's important isn't the amount; what's important is the principle of the thing." When someone "has a need like this, you don't have your own hand out." And yet here you are, after the fact, with your hand out.
Anyway, consider yourself pilloried.
Posted by: Elex Dusk | 09/30/2011 at 02:11 PM
Pillory away.
Stroker, a grown man with a wife and family and assets and capacity, has not suffered brain surgery like Beth.
He hasn't suffering anything except loss to his reputation possibly, and only for 15 minutes -- and all of his own doing.
He himself released his bed into the wild, and that means he can't care if someone takes it and resells it.
I'm paying Stroker the ultimate compliment, as I value his all-perms bed at least at $100, and three other people agree.
That's 100 times better than valuing his bed at 0.
Stroker was manipulating the public at some level with that public tweet, trying to get people to react, at least somewhere, and he succeeded beyond expectation. Stroker has all the help he needs, all the resources he needs, to pull himself out of whatever hole he has made *himself*. No one else has put him in that hole, least the brainless and manipulative Jumpman.
My comment about the phone bill is said tongue in cheek because, um, I think I can absorb the...$4.17 or whatever it was to make a few out of state calls.
But my income from this bed will likely total about...$1.82 for weeks on end because other people with it will have far greater capacity to sell it than me, on higher traffic venues.
Sluniverse is busy telling itself that the bed is old, its anims outdated, there are more valuable beds, it isn't a big deal.
Well, whatever. I believe in the free market. When someone puts out an all perms item in world without any instructions as to turning off perms upon redistribution, and is leaving SL and "gifting" the world, I take the gift. And I earn $100 a pop for it. That's how I roll. I believe in freedom.
You cannot police distribution of freebies through browbeating, naming and shaming, community ostracizing, and all these other primitive, medieval, village-mentality methods.
It has to start by turning off resell/transfer. That's all. Anything else is pious posturing by people who merely want power and merely want to control others' behaviour.
From the moment I read Stroker's tweets, I suspected that there wasn't a clear-cut, sincere, dire need there, especially as 20 hours had passed without apparent incident. However, I decided it would only be responsible to exercise due diligence so I did. So few people prove capable of taking action in SL. They are paralyzed in their self-doubts, recriminations, what-ifs. I'm not like that. I took action just in case.
And now I'd like to earn back my phone bill *shrugs*.
There should be more people like me in SL, the world would be a much better place.
Let this be a lesson to you how the invisible hand of the marketplace works, and works well.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 09/30/2011 at 02:53 PM
It's also helpful to know that I'm a person of very modest means with a fraction of Stroker's assets, even if he has fallen into bankruptcy. I'm the kind of frugal person who walks and doesn't take the bus, who turns off call-waiting because I can save $5, and that's $5 more I can give my kids for a special lunch out from school when they're allowed out.
So little things like saving $5 matter to me.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 09/30/2011 at 02:56 PM
virtualized, that was the error...
but SL sold such a seductive pile of BS....
you really need to know who you are before you start creating "avatars" or " fame names" as hollywood, and especially the sex trade in hollywood has taught so many, for so long... but once you hade to move to LA and get all sleazy..
now, one can do it from the ease of a tract house in anywhere ville ...
virtual - reality two words that end up with so many diagnosed with MIPS..;)
Posted by: cube inada | 09/30/2011 at 03:49 PM
I watched the part of the show that you put it up. I found the cosplay crossdressing rather fascinating.
As far as Serpentine is concerned, I think he wanted out for quite awhile and only needed something to kick start the process. So all this occurred.
Whether we all like it or not, SL is forever branded as a redlight district, a virtual Amsterdam. Most should only know that the wildest most people get in SL is deciding to sit on their virtual porch to watch the virtual sun set.
Posted by: melponeme_k | 09/30/2011 at 04:48 PM
So is there any truth to the rumor that Stroker stole sex gen or not. I really am beginning to have big doubts about Stroker there is some damning things said and I wonder if there is some truth to it all.
Go for it Prok, sell his product, he let it go full perm he knew exactly what would happen, he did this to himself. I do not have any sympathy for him I do not mourn his leaving. There are always new and better people ready to replace him, no is indispensable at all despite their own delusions. It's a dark day for stroker wallowing in his shame, i doubt his wife was happy when she realized her husband had fantasy about sex with daughters I am sure that has contributed to his decision to leave SL and to try and go with a bang, more of hiss if you ask me.,
Posted by: karla dorn | 09/30/2011 at 08:07 PM
IMO the sexgen products were obsolete in 2008, the menus are poor and animations are very short, choppy and not very well done by todays standard. He has been riding a very old train and we all know it. The empire fell because lack of updates resulting in no sales of any kind. Nobody would close a lucrative sim. When i see him in his motion capture suit i just have to lol. He was on the cutting edge of 2008 at best. The full perms animations are not even very good freebie to the experienced gridster. Another oldbie who became lazy or complacent and is blaming others for their demise is all i see here.
Posted by: Skylark Decuir | 10/01/2011 at 07:04 PM
when i was new in SL (2005), i distinctly remember the sexgen brand to be the property of one briggi bard, i believe? and i remember corsi was in her employ among others, at the time.
i was always a little confused when suddenly briggi seemed to be out of the picture and stroker was in charge. i never really delved into what went down, though.
stroker *has* always seemed a generally nice, generous and upstanding guy from my minimal interaction with him, though.
Posted by: kaori nakashima | 10/01/2011 at 10:36 PM
Yes, Jumpman is ranting with the same point in my spam barrel. And yeah, I vaguely remember something about this. But it's only one side of the story.
Did Stroker buy this from them or commission them to do this as a work for hire? No, it seems it was a 50-50 split that stopped working after awhile. But if Stroker absorbed the cost of litigation -- which he most certainly did -- and advertising -- which was huge -- then if the knocked them off the 50-50 deal at some point, perhaps it's no surprise?
Again, I don't take Jumpman's version of the story or Briggi or Stroker's, I'd like to hear all side by side with evidence.
Oh, and there's no kaori nakashima in the People List. Are you Jumpman's alt when he isn't talking like he has a stake through is head?
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 10/01/2011 at 10:49 PM
- - - - - - - -
Prokofy asks: Do the Lindens engage in black ops on their customers?
- - - - - - - -
Maybe. Here is a RL experience.
A few years ago, I was regularly performing SL work in a small town college library, where I would always sit in the same spot, using a table facing a wall, enjoying being antisocial. For a couple of weeks I noticed an out of place business casual looking guy (obviously not a student) show up at a table 10 feet or so nearby reading a newspaper which he broght in with him to read
for a short while. I will call this guy Obvious_Private_Investigator.
The final time Obvious_Private_Investigator visited he got a call on his cell phone, and I could hear the caller's voice, and the quiet conversation went like this:
Obvious_Private_Investigator: Hello. I cannot talk now.
Caller: I got an email from Famous_First_Name_Linden, and he says to shut down the investigation.
Obvious_Private_Investigator: I cannot talk right now.
Caller: Do you want me to pay the rent for the office space for next month?
Obvious_Private_Investigator: I'll have to talk to you later.
Obvious_Private_Investigator put away his cell phone, folded up his newspaper, and left. I pretended that I did not notice him.
Hopefully it had to do with something not related to me. I never told anyone that event until now, after reading Prokofy's question. So, do the Lindens engage in black ops on their customers? Seemed like a Famous_First_Name_Linden may have hired Obvious_Private_Investigator to check out my RL whereabouts.
Posted by: Mycroft Mesmeriser | 10/02/2011 at 02:16 AM
That sounds like a fun LARP, Mycroft.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 10/02/2011 at 03:31 AM
i thought the criteria stated one uses an SL name or real name. this is the latter.
and jumpman's alt? i... don't even know what to say to that one, well, aside from no.
Posted by: kaori nakashima | 10/02/2011 at 04:48 AM
If that's your real name, then link to your Facebook page so you can take responsibility for your comments here.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 10/02/2011 at 05:28 AM
i don't use facebook, actually. so i'll be on my way, then.
Posted by: kaori nakashima | 10/02/2011 at 05:34 AM
I wrote a long comment but I'm unable to post it for some reason. Probably gets caught in the spam filter. This is just a test to see if I'm allowed to post comments here at all.
Posted by: Ishtara | 10/04/2011 at 01:40 AM
I think there might be several misconceptions here. Considering the paranoia and hysteria about everything related to sexual ageplay in SL, a reasonable paranoia given the legal situation, it is not surprising that people are quick to confuse *bleep* (starts with i, ends with "est", and triggers the spam filter) play with sexual ageplay. But one does not necessarily have anything to do with the other.
*bleep* play is very common in SL. While it does break a (RL) taboo, it does not break any law if all participants use adult avatars. I didn't see any child avatars in this National Geographic video. While I didn't know Stroker personally, from what I've seen in TV documentaries and SL snapshots the female avatars that he surrounded himself with looked clearly adult.
Polyamorous SL roleplayers and BDSM lifestylers often form RP "families" in SL and refer to their close friends and lovers as their parents, daughters, aunts, cousins etc., without engaging in sexual ageplay involving child avatars. So this is nothing uncommon or unusual in SL terms, and, like I said, perfectly legal.
Even in RL, people often refer to a generous older lover as a "sugar daddy", or use terms of endearment such as "baby" or "sweetie" when referring to their own lovers. An SL "daughter" is basically the same (and, when you think about it, less objectionable than calling your lover a "baby").
The other misconception is that Stroker's online relationships with his adult SL "daughters" somehow taint his fatherly relationship with his RL daughter. These are clearly two entirely different things. I highly doubt that Stroker was living out fantasies in SL that were in any way related to his RL family. Again, the female avatars that he interacted with in SL were clearly meant to represent adult women.
What I base this judgement on is that I've role-played the twin sister of a friend and ex-lover in SL. I happen to have two sisters in RL, but that is completely unrelated. I've never fantasized about having sex with either of them. Establishing family-like bonds with SL lovers serves an entirely different purpose. It simply leads to a higher level of emotional intimacy, and it can help to structure polyamorous "families" into a certain hierarchy. Large polyamorous groups can get really complicated without a more complex and tiered social order than the traditional two roles of husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend.
I just wanted to put that out there. Jumpman's vile accusations of ageplay and pedophilia are as unfounded as ever. As far as I know, these accusations started when Stroker reacted to Jumpy's disgusting, KKK style effigy with his own "Humpboy Lame" effigy. Jumpman was looking for a way to get back at him and came up with the inane claim that the "Humpboy" would represent a legal minor. The little sociopath should have been banned ten times over, not only for his harrassment and defamation of Stroker, but also for impersonating a Linden. By not banning him, LL open themselves to the accusation that they indeed used this creature as their "black ops" guy.
PS: Personally, I think that the commercial resale of freebies is a worse moral offense than consensual virtual incest RP. The resale of the SexGen base is an especially bad idea, seeing that Stroker apparently forgot to ask Craig Altman for permission before he released his animations with full perms. The ownership of the animations made by Briggi and Corsi is also questionable from what I read. If anything can be held against Stroker, it is the release of this freebie.
Posted by: Ishtara | 10/04/2011 at 01:42 AM
"Personally, I think that the commercial resale of freebies is a worse moral offense than consensual virtual incest RP"
Good Lord. So *very* SL.
Incest does not trigger the spam filter, don't be stupid.
Stroker says very frankly on TV -- and others defended him on for this who knew of his "family", that he has cybersex with people he calls "daughters" on SL. They portray young women but are not ageplay, and they are run by adult females who are consenting. Even so, most people find this creepy and disconcerting, and Stroker has only himself to blame for the reaction he got to this "confession".
Trying to backdate it and normalize it -- the usual methods of the BDSM mind-controller types like yourself -- doesn't fly, because people don't remove their basic visceral dislike and disapproval of this deviant behaviour, and *that's ok*.
I'm certainly not giving Jumpman a pass, and I don't think his effigy constitutes ageplay, and I don't think Stroker is guilty of ageplay.
But what you have in common with Soviet and Nazi regimes is the promotion of deviant sex to undermine morality and give the state some hold over people, even as it reduces free enterprise and private property so that they have no recourse from the state. Thanks for outing yourself.
While Jumpman is odious, the Lindens need cause to ban him. Making an effigy of Stroker on a burning cross is disgusting and sacrilegious to me, and one of the reasons why I don't want anything to do with him. But LL, the libertian technocommie hippies, don't have any religious sentiment to speak of, unless you count Burning Man, and they don't care about burning crosses as long as they aren't used to harass gays or racial minorities. Coming from one sex-bed hustler to another sex-bed hustler, they don't care.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 10/04/2011 at 02:38 AM
Well, the three instances of the word "incest" in my post did trigger something. I have no idea if it was the spam filter, but the blog software told me that my post could not be published.
Anyway, I'm relieved that you are aware of the difference between incest RP and sexual ageplay. And I can see why the less deviant and adventurous majority finds it creepy and disconcerting, ageplay or not, but the same could be said about BDSM activities, the Gorean lifestyle, or yiffing furries (probably even about gay sex). All of that is perfectly legal in RL -- including submissives calling their Master "daddy" -- and I see no reason why stricter rules should apply in SL. If anything, there are *less* moral concerns, considering the virtuality of the experience. After all, people even kill each other in online PvP games, which should be a much bigger concern than any form of consensual deviant sex.
PS: Where did you get the strange idea that the Soviets and Nazis promoted deviant sex? o.O I don't know about the Soviets (although I have read articles about Stalin's criminalization of homosexuality), but I know for certain that the Nazis rounded up gays, lesbians, transgender people and other "deviants". Gays and crossdressers were even experimented on in concentration camps by Nazi "scientists", supposedly in an attempt to "cure" them. The Nazis were the epitome of ultra-right-wing, authoritarian conservatives, down to Hitler's frequent invocation of God and Jesus Christ in order to rally the Christian public in support of his policies and war efforts. Please don't be one of the people who are trying to rewrite the horrible history of my country.
Posted by: Ishtara | 10/05/2011 at 06:22 PM
Ishtara, you're really truly vile.
If the word "incest" puts posts in the spam file, how to understand that others don't end up in the spam file with that word?!
Um, I get the distinction, but it's not one that makes me condemn it any the less. It's still reprehensible.
The entire BDSM cult is coercive and manipulative and I roundly condemn it.
Of course the Nazis promoted deviant sex. As did the Soviets. You are ill-read. Indeed the Nazis experimented on people and rounded up gays and forced them to wear pink triangles. But they themselves practiced deviant sex, as did the Soviets, and among their own ranks were homosexuals and they had gay bars. That you would think this is somehow false or has to be suppressed or undoes the critique of them is typical of the strait-jacket thinking that people like you are so guilty of.
Among the legacies of the Nazis is the BDSM cult in Germany and the attempt to normalize violence and coercion.
The Nazis have socialist/left wing elements as well as right-wing/nationalist elements in their totalitarian cult.
Hitler was not known for calling on Jesus Christ. If he called on God and country in some speeches, what of it? He doesn't represent a Christian leader, or Christianity in any organized sense, that's whacky. Nazism had paganism as a form of religion, whatever amalgam of Christianity was mixed with it.
Of course the story of Nazi paganism is now called "occultism" that is supposedly sanctifying negative aspects of Christianity, and is even called a "Holocaust Myth". That's part of the crazy revisionism you see on this subject.
Don't be one of the horrible people who tries to imply that people who believe in God and Jesus Christ and invoke them are somehow related to fascism or Nazis, that's just communist clap-trap.
You don't own history, and people will discuss it, and *your* revisionism, as they please.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 10/06/2011 at 12:54 AM
"But they (the Nazis) themselves practiced deviant sex, as did the Soviets, and among their own ranks were homosexuals and they had gay bars."
That is a lie propagated by some anti-gay authors and organisations in the USA, just like the "the Nazis were atheists" myth. I have extensively studied the history of my country and find this as reprehensible as Holocaust denial, which has also found its way into many pseudo-historic publications. Just because you read it somewhere doesn't mean it's true.
"Among the legacies of the Nazis is the BDSM cult in Germany ..."
BDSM and fetishism existed long before the Nazi era, and were as illegal in Nazi Germany as all other non-standard sexual kinks. Christian right-wing authoritarians in the USA can't stand the thought of how dangerously close they are to the authoritarian fascists of this era, which is why they desperately try to take everything they hate about the liberal left (which was also hated by Hitler btw) and associate it with Nazi Germany. It won't fly. You don't get to rewrite history.
"Hitler was not known for calling on Jesus Christ."
Oh, he was. Just like the right-wing fascists in the modern day USA, he often invoked the Christian god and Jesus. In "Mein Kampf", he bases his irrational hatred of Jews on "Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the temple" and "they killed our Lord and savior". It seems to me that you are the one who needs to do some reading.
Posted by: Ishtara | 10/06/2011 at 01:42 PM
PS: Of course I'm not saying that all Christians are fascists. Nothing against moderate Christianity (although it should make people think that religion is only harmless when practiced in great moderation). But Christian fundamentalism and the manipulation of a Christian public through the use of religious language (think of Bush's "god told me to invade Iraq") are inextricably linked to
right-wing authoritarianism and the legislation of a very questionable anti-LGBT morality.
Throw corporatism into the mix, and what you get is fascism. The Italian inventors of the word also called fascism "estato corporativo", the corporate state. As Mussolini once said "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power". Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti-capitalist. But I like my capitalism with a huge side of personal liberty and a dash of market socialism. The latter is debatable, but the former is a must for any humane and civilized society.
Posted by: Ishtara | 10/06/2011 at 01:59 PM
It's not a lie, and you're some kind of sectarian loon if you believe that.
It's not anti-gay to tell the truth about some of the Nazis. Indeed, the oppression of gays if they were gays among them who were in the closet is a classic case seen not only in Nazi Germany.
Again, among the legacies of Nazism is the BDSM cult. It doesn't matter if it existed long before; it was also within the Nazi movement itself. And the continued justification of violence and coercion as an ideological proposition for a greater goal is indeed a Nazi legacy, and a represensible one.
Christian right-wingers in the US are not dangerously close to murderous right-wing regimes. They don't kill people. They don't advocate killing people as an institutionalized proposition. If this or that leader justifies the death penalty or calls for executing Assange, that isn't an institution position of either the right or Christianity.
Meanwhile, murderous theocratic regimes like the Iranian regime do justify killing in large numbers as an institutional position.
You don't seem bright enough to grasp these nuances and your need to keep arguing about this is somehow embedded in your need for moral equivalency and the sense of shame you have for your own country's past and its legacy in your own lifestyle. That then impels you to do a moral shift of blame to others and a making of them as equivalent.
Again, *Hitler was not known for calling on Jesus*. That's pretty easily established. And if he did now and then as "God and country," in the nationalist fascist vein, that is in no way remotely like Rick Perry having a prayer rally or Obama attending a prayer breakfast.
That you can't tell the difference again, lets us know how depraved you are, and looking for legitimacy of your depravity by shifting attention from your own accountability for violence and coercion and trying to pin it on others.
This is a very old story with the German hard left and with the BDSM cult, in Germany and out. Hardly persuasive.
Bush didn't say "God told me to invade Iraq" in the way you imply. He may have felt that the moral thing to do in a just war was to stop a murderous leader. It wasn't justified in the end, but one comes back to the obvious: the lion's share of killings in Iraq are performed by terrorists, extremists, rebels funded by Iran -- a murderous theocratic regime. They aren't the fault of American soldiers. American soldiers being there may be some theoretical justification for the deadly thugs of Al Qaeda, but in the end, they have only themselves and the regimes backing them to blame. You certainly don't dislodge American troops by firing on unarmed peaceful Catholics at their church service and killing dozens of them, or firing on Muslims praying at shrines, or gunning down people in the marketplace. Sorry, no sale on that one, Ishtara, your lunatic justification of violence, starting with your own lifestyle, and spreading to the giving of thugs like this a pass to take a swipe at America, will never be convincing as it is immoral.
There's a big difference between Mussolini and Goldman Sachs -- again, if you can't see the difference, then you are helping to justify the greater evil. And most people here don't buy your recipes of "market socialism," which is fake.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 10/06/2011 at 04:49 PM