Oh, dear. You hang around SL long enough, you catch the griefers in their lies and out their alts without even trying hard or having to compile silly wikis like the JLU.
Years ago -- in 2007 -- Jim Schack used to regularly harass me. Like in this picture here from 2007. When a PN/Woodbury attack was launched on Ravenglass (and they were in cahoots as this old history with Interlibber's "clandestine" explanations indicates), he would come and hover in the air in his security goon suit with the FIC badge and pretend he was just "observing". In fact, he was there to watch all his little pals, and his own partner/alt, Charity Stohr, attack me with particles and self-replicating objects to crash the sim. He was there to aid and abet, coordinate and egg on, and most of all *endorse* the harassment of me online, even if at that particular moment, on that particular alt, perhaps he was technically "not griefing".
Charity Stohr regularly event-disrupted at the Sutherland Dam as you can see from a cursory Google search of this blog, and Jim Schack would pretend he wasn't involved. However, at some point, Charity did tell me -- pretending to be rolling her eyes and withering me with scorn when I pointed out that she and her "partner" were likely the same person -- that "everyone knew" that she wasn't really Jim's partner, she *was* Jim himself.
In case I was just misremembering this, I googled it, and I found confirmation on this old blog of 2009 in a comment from Charity Stohr:
Ummm where do I begin?
Just because someone likes internet memes or LOLCATS doesn’t mean they organize greifing attacks. Please substantiate claims with evidence.
Woodbury doesn’t develop the Emerald Client and most people here don’t use it, Tizzers included.
Your parallel between someone who annoys people on video games to leaders of the KKK is frankly bullshit. False analogy and poisoning the well arguments.
Emerald doesn’t have the ability to copybot.
I use Emerald and hang out at Woodbury and somehow manage to stay within TOS. My 2 accounts (this and Jim Schack) are both over 3 years old and I have never been banned or suspended. Most everyone at Woodbury has never been banned. True Tizzers was banned, but it was for disclosure not for griefing.
Prokofy is mentality defective. She’s inconsistent in her conspiracy theories, resorts to a soviet version of Godwin’s Law at every opportunity, considers disagreement ‘griefing’, considers someone she doesn’t like in the same sim as her ‘griefing’, she boasts about her favorite logical fallacy (guilt by association) is a valid argument [i.e. Woodbury likes memes, giefers like memes, therefore anyone who likes memes are giefers], falsely assumes I am Jim Korpov because we have the same first name, thought the PN was my personal army (until she realized it conflicted not just with reality, but her own paranoid delusion) …etc. Prok’s blog is the Coast to Coast AM of Second Life and you sound just like her.
I wish you would at least look into what you are talking about before you open your mouth about it. You don’t see me arguing the points of string theory when i know so little about it. Extraordinary claims may require extraordinary evidence, but Prokofy and yourself don’t even provide anecdotal evidence for your claims. It’s sad.
He was wrong about Emerald of course -- no surprise there -- but note what's operative for today's discussion -- *my two accounts*. Right, he matches up Jim Schack and Charity Stohr.
First, Jim Schack was permabanned in the end. He was AR'd by me likely once or twice but his permaban came due to his close association with both Intlibber and Woodbury.
He respawned with all the Jim Korpov, KorpovKorpov etc etc alts -- hundreds of them, all of which griefed me, sometimes by doing things like leaving dead chickens by the Sutherland dam.
For some reason, even though her "hubby" was banned, Charity Stohr remained for much longer, where she continued to event-grief and heckle and harass me. Finally the Lindens got her, as well. I think it was the second round of the removal of Woodbury. She may or may not have been "Mercedes Zepp" -- another creepy little girl with a creepy profile -- they always came in batches.
Charity Stohr re-rolled as Charity Nexen, but then got permabanned again for RL disclosure and verbal harassment of me, remember? This was one of my very rare trips to their sims to get alt names because I was really getting tired of their harassment, copybotting, and trouble-making -- my trip there was induced because some designer IM'd me to complain that Codizzo Hax had copybotted her store, while wearing my group tag. I explained my group was open and they did that to try to harass me. Strange that Codizzo remains in SL, he's a serial griefer on numerous accounts.
Jim Korpov/Charity Stohr appeared also to be the Rev Jim Jesus, this ghastly hookah-smoking creeper on the Internet at large who has also harassed me on Twitter. You have to wonder about the obsessiveness of somebody like this -- but it's the usual profile: male, already past youth, geeky, nihilist, vindictive, creepy, "no life," etc. He's also evidently the person who stole my identity on Twitter several times, making accounts with my picture to merge the Prokofy and Rl streams in a bid to harass me into silence by forced disclosure in my stream, but Twitter removed the accounts, and I had them linked on my blogs anyway, so it was all a fail.
Well, Charity/Jim respawned as "Economic Engineer" the name under which he posts on Sluniverse.com with a tag using one of my disparaging titles for them "Korpov Herpov Derpov".
Oops, but he's forgotten to keep his stories straight through his many years of harassing me -- four, to be exact -- as now he's lying on Sluniverse as if Jim Schack/Charity Stohr and Jim Korpov are two different people who just happen to have the same IP address because they just happen to live in the same town *chuckles*:
One last Prokofy derail!
Originally Posted by Prokofy Neva
they're a passle of losers and lowlifes trying to cover their tracks. Jim Korpov/ Charity Stohr/Economic Engineer and the rest
This goes for the JLU and whoever else is trying figure out who I am/what my accounts were.
I'm not Jim Shack/Charity Stohr we're completely separate people.
Alright continue __________________
Then, because he was feeling extra nervous, Jim Herpov Derpov Charity Hilarity then posted this added "clarification" lol making it worse:
Well, I think I know why she got us confused. Charity and I actually lived in the same town and didn't realize it for over a year after we met each other. We even had the same ISP. My guess is we both commented on her blog she looked at the IPs and thought "THEY'RE THE SAME GRIEFER!!!!!!!!!"
Geez, who has the time to rummage through ISPs and IP addresses? I just have to remember my own griefing attacks from this loser, and remember, oops, he's changing his story. And that a story that involves him suddenly pretending he just happens to live in the same town as Charity, and they just happen to have the ISP, is just laughably fake.
It *is* pathetic. Making your own alt your partner -- a common practice with griefer loser script kiddies -- and then pretending they are separate people -- meh, what an old story. And then pretending that your third alt is separate from these two people -- even more funny!
Well, the third piece of evidence clinches it. Economic Engineer says he isn't Charity Stohr -- and you think, well, maybe he isn't Jim Korpov either?
No, because he is inworld now with the display name "Jim Korpov" (a permabanned account) over his new alt's name "Economic Engineer" as this chat log of an anti-JLU meeting illustrates.
So, if Charity Stohr admits his two accounts, Charity and Jim Schack, are the same person -- him -- and then goes on Sluniverse.com as Economic Engineer and says he isn't related to Charity but they just "live in the same town and have the same ISP" (snort!), and then goes in world now with the hover name "Jim Korpov" over "Economic Engineer," well, Economic *is* Charity.
Boy, these ten-thousand long posts would sure thin out in a heartbeat if Cristiano would prune out all the alts and sock puppets.
Of course, then he'd have to admit that his partner is himself, too.