Creepy griefing effigies at my office in Second Life.
Urizenus Sklar, founder of the Alphaville Herald, used to say that the truth would come out in the comments. Well, maybe. At least some clues do. So what have we got so far?
My guess is that the person griefing now is Tizzers Foxchane, in real life, Jordan Bellino, the infamous leader of the Woodbury University School of Communications presence in SL which at least three times lost its simulators for breaking the terms of service -- griefing, exploits, copybotting, etc.
Jordan -- once described as "90 pounds of boy in 100 pounds of man" now is said to work as the chief operating officer at Intelligentsia, a coffee operation in Los Angeles.
I would not be surprised if @Prokofy created alts and griefed herself to fuel a twisted, meta-masochistic fantasy that she can write about.
I'm flattered that @Prokofy insists on including me in her meta roleplay fiction despite the fact that I rarely log into SL anymore. :o)
Tizzers said on Twitter something about how he is "flattered" that I'm including him in my "meta role play" (snort) but he seldom logs on to SL. That statement in fact isn't a denial that he's the one griefing me -- and the gruesome follow-up that I've supposedly made alts to grief myself (!) merely lets us know it's likely him. And I don't believe he doesn't log in much, because you don''t tweet about SL so often if you never log in -- it's likely not true, because he also shows us this screenshot on Twitter in which he brags about his "metaverse battlestation" and shows a scene that looks like an SL sandbox with colourful objects and characters, although I suppose it could be in Open Sim or something. Say, you never hear about any griefing in Open Sim or Kitely or whatever simply because there isn't anything interesting to disrupt there and get attention, just a lot of other goofs screwing around with scripts and 100,000 prims on a sim or whatever.
Joanna Falmer/Tizzers Foxchase stalking me in Ross, April 27, 2010
Joanna Falmer stalking me in Ravenglass, September 9, 2011
Tizzers always appears with red hair and a kerchief and has animations that spin the female character around coquettishly, and this griefer with a series of names -- RadioFreeRavenglassJournalist, Technocommunist, Technocommunism, DespicableLeader, chefsox, Sovietfarmer are some -- has the identical, typical Tizzers "look" and outfits.
However, the dialogue said by these griefers fits more with the persona of Wut Moorlord, who used to say "Happy Halloween, Prok" regardless of the season when he appeared to harass me. So does this latest griefer. Of course all of these people could be one person -- when you have a metaverse "battlestation," you can run several alts at once.
So the griefer who has been attacking me and my tenants for days on end the last few weeks has some of the exact same memes and styles of Tizzers/Joanna Falmer/Hazim/Wut Moorlord, but I have to say, doesn't feel quite the same.
Of course, they trade off their personas among each other, and point the finger at others or pretend it's not them all the time.
Chefsox -- is that like sous-chef? That's the name of the griefer who created this monstrosity that brings in the Patriotic Nigras motif along with some cannibalism.
So a comment here (not published) saying "Why are you blaming Wut Moorlord" could in fact be from Wut Moorlord -- and it is demonstratively from a Montreal ISP, not a proxy (like most of Tizzers' communications" and also contains an email address for "Bettina Casper" -- who I'm told is a past SL avatar who also had other names.
Some history to mine --
Tizzers Foxchase and Hazim Gazov (partners in SL and partners in crime) originally began griefing me like 4 or 5 years ago, after w-hat and voted-5. There was also before that a particularly persistent creep named Verbena Pennyfeather in voted 5 who owned a sim called Satyr -- he was said to be a wounded Iraq war vet. Aren't they all. He was the first one to preside over the deployment or perhaps even making of the giant effigy of my head spouting my blog, seen here in a photo taken by Schwartz Guillame, one of the w-hats who used to harass me endlessly until he was banned -- Philip Linden banned about 60 of them all at once in 2006.
Giant effigy of my head on Satyr in 2006, photo by Schwartz Guillame, himself a banned w-hat griefer.
Verbena's sim was confiscated and he was banned, and the sim, curiously, renamed Ginzburg. Maybe after some Linden's last name or some inside joke (this was a mainland sim, not an island). All that wander are not lost in SL, so probably Verbena came back on an alt, but who knows, not sure, I never saw anyone who quite matched the Verbena persona (furry female fox or something) after that. Verbena specialized in leaving cut-off bloody furry fox heads on the grass around Sutherland dam, which finally got one furry Linden (Hermia) upset enough to do more about getting these freaks banned.
I'll skip through all the many permutations of the voted 5, the Woodburies, 4chan, Patriotic Nigras, etc. and come to the end of the third realm of Woodbury, still led by Tizzers, when they managed to get ahole of a waterfront parcel in Ravenglass. Originally, that parcel had a build by Lordfly on it. It was purchased by one oldbie; sold to another, who made a punk store out of it, then he was in a motorcycle in real life and his SL girlfriend died in RL, or so we were told, and he then set it to sale for a fantastic sum, and Shaun Altman or Intlibber Brautigan or perhaps even MC Fizzgig (Edward Clift) fronted the money for the Woodburies to move in and create a grief-headquarters.
After Tizzers was banned (on several variations), the two mainstays there were new accounts Joanna Falmer and Yeehaw Ragu. I had a feeling Yeehaw was Shaun Altman, but maybe not. Shaun created the stock exchange and then later supposedly "saved" Ginkos but then reportedly ran off with some people's money and then got banned from SL, for many things, including griefing me, although we were once friends. People who spend that much time on SL usually don't disappear cold turkey so I figured he was on an alt.
Joanna Falmer appeared to be Tizzer's alt, although he denied it, and Wut Moorlord then also entered the picture, not sure who he was, possibly British -- he once said "Hi, Tiz" to Falmer in the infohub, giving away the game. Then of course two years ago, we had The Wrong Hands, which intertwines with Woodbury but isn't quite the same thing, and Tux Winkler (British) who threatened me again and again on his blog because I simply recorded all his antics on, and fighting him and the other goons there led Cristiano to ban me, because they all began baying for me to be banned, because I outed their misdeeds and showed that they weren't the victims they claimed.
Tux Winkler's alts specialized in leaving giant commie cats and red Soviet flags in all my tenants' homes. He then added a picture of me taken from the Wired article about griefers in SL by Julian Dibbell, which I gave an interview for, and which I thoroughly disparaged later. Eventually, the Lindens permabanned TuX Winkler, they deleted the string of alts with names like Unhelpful and then TWH fell silent. I was told repeatedly that Tux Winkler was part of LulzSec, the people committing real-life hacking crimes, i.e. not just virtual world or game stuff but real sites like governments and companies. Tux Winkler was definitely a hands-on thug with very thuggish threats, but I had to wonder if he was really LulzSec, since one of the characters who came to report this to me seemed so contrived, and pretended that they were going to "get him" and were "coming to his house" and were knocking him off line every five minutes. All that seemed fake. Even so, I reported it all to the FBI, just in case. I wondered, when they were silent for so long and the griefing ended whether in fact it was one of those LulzSec people who were arrested in real life. I remember Tux used to brag who he had spent hours talking to Scotland Yard about hacking as if he were some kind of "good citizen" giving them tips, when he was in fact a hard-core griefer.
Perhaps one of them has been let out of jail now, or simply is home from college, or something like that, because they started again.
Griefing often includes a copy of my picture from the Wired interview.
But my hunch is that this time, it had nothing to do with a college schedule or anything in Second Life at all, but in fact was directly related to my public dispute with a British anarchist on Twitter, after the Dublin OSCE conference. I will post that when I have the time to dig through the tweets. But that thug and another thug who both run anarchist or leftwing public forums in Ireland didn't like at all that I refused to accept their coercive recipes for the Internet and didn't fall into lock-step opposing ACTA or CISPA or anything like that in the hysterical way they were.
Right at the end of that public argument, which lasted over several days, the griefer came back to SL -- and also at a time when I published RL blogs criticizing the Kremlin. These things aren't unrelated. The Woodburies make a spoof out of the whole Soviet meme, but there's also some Soviet elements in reality among them.
This time, one of the grief objects showed some Russian -- of the kind of Russian that you couldn't fake by doing a Google translation, which Woodburies or other FIC types would do to heckle me -- this was the grief object of effigies of me, and it said "prok na full" -- which means in Russian "Prok on full perms" -- "na" means "on" and Russians in SL as elsewhere on the Internet.
I began to wonder who the Russian was -- there's a Russian on this youtube with the infamous Arabella Steadham (who provided wonderful griefer soap opera for us all one summer around Emerald's griefscapades, remember?) where Lonely Bird appears; Fractured Crystal, who has kind of a southern American accent, and then there's a voice who isn't indicated with a name. Is that Hazim Gazov or an alt? Or Wut Moorlord or an alt? or? Who?
There's the figure Crawlingin Meskin, who I always thought was the same character as Cam who always did the worst griefing -- he would come with the Woodbury grief posse to Sutherland or Ross, and he'd be the one to release the most particles or crash the sim with self-replicating objects. I think he was American, but perhaps not.
Come to Montreal and I'll fight you.
But other sources put Crawlingin Meskin to be the same person as Hazim Gazov, and to be French Canadian. And in another video, that voice sounds to have the definite speech patterns of the Quebecois in English, including saying "baby" in a way Americans do not (any more). So it seems he is Hazim.
Now, who is Hazim? He has been doxed as one Jean Duplessis, a programmer who works for a company in Montreal -- he often tells people to "come fight him" in Montreal. But doxing can have incorrect facts or be deliberately fake. Hazim was the one who was the "victim" of Emerald, remember? The guy whose site "" was subjected to a cybertake with iframes that was essentially like a DDOS, when Fractured supposedly wanted to show off the traffic of Emerald to Hazim, and made every user of Emerald who logged on into an unwilling botnet attack on Hazim's site. Since Hazim is even more of a serial hands-on griefer than Fractured -- Fractured of course made the rogue viewers and the exploits of Emerald, but generally kept his personal mayhem to the one sim where Emerald had stores and a sandbox, whereas Hazim and Woodbury went all over the world harassing people and crashed their own sims regularly.
There was the strange saga of Woodbury outing the exploits of Emerald -- definitely from the pot/kettle/black department -- and then the curious beholden nature of the Lindens to Woodbury again after that, and their agreement to rent to them after they'd gone through two periods of mayhem and harassment, and been "permabanned" en masse and had their sims taken. They got another round, then the Lindens wised up, or maybe the Woodbury administration itself wised up finally -- they were in on it, at first, or were persuaded to be in on it by Intlibber's double-talk.
Now -- incredibly -- I hear the Lindens have rented to the Woodbury goons *again* -- they have a secret sim with a communist name that is hidden. That may be what's in Tizzers' screenshot. And once again, they don't stay in their lair, but come out to grief.
The other night, a minute-old alt IM'd me with a link to The List. It was to the infamous SL List page which is where the Nicholas Mafia and such dox their enemies. I'm on there -- "you're on there, mate" says this source -- but the page is like from two years ago so it is a very old story. The alt gives me this page then of a guy supposedly named "Cal Black" I've never heard of -- he says he has a message from the owner of the list (but on an alt). The link he gives me makes no sense. I've never heard of this person, I don't know what he has to do with Woodbury or 4chan or anything, but the owner tells me that in fact, this is the guy who submitted my "dox" to The List. I said this was a very old and very irrelevant story now. He logs off.
I couldn't make sense of this person or find any links to anything, except possibly an obsession with older women (he had an older girlfriend), and then possibly a reason for vindictiveness against older woman.
Who the hell knows. Whoever is griefing me now is using the same style effigy that the "Iraq war vet" Verbena once made of me in 2006 in giant form. It's shrunken down now and other textures are added. Nothing in SL is ever new; everything is copied. Even if this isn't the same exact design, it's a knock-off.
They are using the Tizzers outfits, but it doesn't quite feel like Tizzers due to the dialogue. It could be Wut Moorlord and that could be Hazim -- I've never understood why either Tizzers or Hazim or anybody had to so persistently harass me that they'd get up early in the morning, and stay up late at night, to keep doing the same, exact repetitive thing, like a head-banging autistic child.
Of course, next to Ravenglass is a griefing staging area purchased by a Woodbury named Dimitrius who first put up a monument to Soviet Woodbury featuring a Tizzers-built hand, red drapes of Soviet flags, etc. and the brown Soviet gothic stone (not as brown as the RL Stalin gothic, though, but a California dreamin' sort of Stalin gothic).I never see anyone on this lot.
Recently, the entire build was taken down, and in its place, a neon-bright tinker-toy sort of build was put up, possibly signalling the manic phase of this troubled individual, or some other "eruption" or their psychosis.
And I have to say this entity griefing me now is the sickest puppy of all of them, sicker than Verbena, and more persistent than Tizzers with the communist insignia -- and creepy effigies of me naked, naked with another smaller version of myself in a pot, boiling over a fire; naked, and dragging another version of myself along by the foot; or naked, lying dead with my eyes closed, and my glasses knocked off, like Piggy in Lord of the Flies. Perhaps in a bid to prevent bannings purely on obscenity, the latest versions include my effigy with an arm thrown across the naked breasts, on a platter, being eaten by a giant sion Chicken. Lovely.
Sovietfarmer, one of the the latest of the Tizzers/Hazim/Wut etc alts, had this today to say:
[2012/07/24 11:11] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/136ca021-9da8-4da3-ae3f-9bcb999819f5/about has given you this object:
[2012/07/24 11:11] Sovietfarmer: I like Lord of the Flies too
[2012/07/24 11:12] Sovietfarmer: My favorite book
[2012/07/24 11:12] Sovietfarmer: But you are not Piggy
[2012/07/24 11:12] Sovietfarmer: You are the other guy
[2012/07/24 11:12] Sovietfarmer: Banned!
[2012/07/24 11:12] Sovietfarmer: lol
[2012/07/24 11:20] Sovietfarmer: i imagine there would not be much left of civilization if you were to govern
[2012/07/24 11:20] Sovietfarmer: like in Belarus
[2012/07/24 11:21] Sovietfarmer: my notion of society is very different from yours
[2012/07/24 11:21] Sovietfarmer: i'm a firm believer in democracy
[2012/07/24 12:50] Sovietfarmer: Oh God
[2012/07/24 12:50] Sovietfarmer: Dont be an asshole, Cathy
[2012/07/24 12:55] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/136ca021-9da8-4da3-ae3f-9bcb999819f5/about has given you this object:
Join me in Ross - General <icon>Parcel_PG_Light</icon>
[2012/07/24 15:52] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/136ca021-9da8-4da3-ae3f-9bcb999819f5/about has given you this object:
[2012/07/24 16:02] Sovietfarmer: ---
BTW, I keep pointing out to the Lindens that this series of griefers always hands me their grief effigies, like the Russian mafia leaving their weapons at the scene of a murder. So why not remove them from the asset server? Obviously, they keep logging on and find a stash somewhere -- from a permanent secret-sharer like Huns Valen, or one of the Nicholas Mafia leaders, or some other seemingly "non-griefer" type, or merely some furry sandbox with freebie boxes around where stuff is put away to be retrieved to pick up on the next alt. Since each new alt isn't going to go to the trouble to build all these Soviet statues again, why not just remove them? Doesn't that take like two mouse clicks?
Oh, and whatever happened to the idea of the "hash ban" of computer configurations to get rid of people coming on on proxies?
But...It's my estimation that this person isn't just griefing, Woodbury or PN style, but is psychotic, or taking drugs, and could actually hurt himself or others in RL. I think it's Tizzers, but Tizzers with even more of a psychotic break than usual. Anyone who could spend hours and hours gluing hundreds of prims together to make effigies to harass someone for days on end isn't in a normal state -- they are beyond even the abnormal state of the Woodbury goon. They're like John Holmes in Aurora, Colorado.
It's always been my theory that griefers, like mass murderers, ultimately want to be known. They intentionally leave clues to be found. So maybe someone will put them together.
This latest incarnation of griefdom has sent me a giant cube with the name "Hey P : )" with a picture of someone who looks more like a human than an avatar. Who do you think it is?
The pictures you've posted recently (for example ) is the default noob avatar. It has nothing to do with Tizzers.
Posted by: Crow Marionette, Texas | 07/29/2012 at 10:40 AM
Chefsox = one letter short of an anagram of Foxchase?
Posted by: Conspiracy theorist | 07/29/2012 at 12:07 PM
Of course it has everything to do with Tizzers. The point is that the day-old alts that Tizzers (or Hazim, Tizzers' partner) is selecting is the one closest to the old one that Tizzers and Joanna Falmer used to design or buy. A day-old alt is obviously going to use the default newbies at first before getting to the "stash". They may not even last long enough before the Lindens delete them.
Yes, anagrams would make sense. There's a Chefsox on Minecraft, and I believe Tizzers has said something like Cloud Party isn't intersting or addictive like Minecraft.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/29/2012 at 01:40 PM
Have you ever heard of copybotting, Prok? Nobody needs to get to any stash. Avatars, objects and entire builds can be saved on the computer and merely imported to SL in a couple of minutes.
Btw, the avatar is the default avatar that you get if you don't actively choose one of the others. Someone spending a minimum of time in SL would have seen that avatar everywhere. Maybe LL is griefing you by making their default avatar look like Tizzles?
Posted by: Linda Barker | 07/29/2012 at 03:15 PM
Um, yeah, if you are using a rogue viewer, you could save the items to your computer.
But they don't always risk that, and don't always do that because it isn't always a one-click thing.
Instead, they use prims that are like the dumpsters where you can put things in and then click to get them out again, or they have groups, or friends, who simply give them the folders again.
Der, we get it that it's the "default avatar". But there it takes one second to become a rabbit (which they've done in the past) or a robot or a box or whatever. So actively deciding to keep that "default" is a choice, consistent with the preference for red-hair female avs.
After all, you could chose the male av *shrugs*.
Um, I spend quite a bit of time in SL and I see lots of newbies arriving, although I frankly don't often see that av. Most people pick the blonde business people or the other hip ones and a sizeable number pick the animals.
And YOU must not spend any time in SL at all because YOU are not in the People List, Linda !Bye!
Conspiracy, you aren't either!
And Crow, nice try, but you're not either!
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/29/2012 at 03:51 PM
Is that a drawing of you on the wall there, to the left?
Posted by: Suzi Helendale | 07/30/2012 at 01:10 AM
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/30/2012 at 01:54 AM
Are you sure? It definitely looks like that effigy. (to the right, in the monitor to the left, sorry)
Posted by: Suzi Helendale | 07/30/2012 at 02:11 AM
No, I think it's just one of those 4chan memes.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/30/2012 at 03:54 AM
gotta admit... the single setup based on the Wired Article is kinda funny...
in a south park kind of way....
greifing isnt the funny thing.... just the cartooning of Wired editorial style...
silent..a turned back on the digisociety of metahippiehappy dippie shippy dark elf play....
Posted by: c3 | 07/30/2012 at 04:21 PM
Looks like a random picture that someone found on Deviantart:
Google Image Search is great!
Posted by: GreenLantern Excelsior | 07/31/2012 at 01:58 AM
Bellino is obsessed with being center stage no matter what it costs him. He's a sociopath who is so bitter about his own life that he can't stand the thought of anyone else being better off than he is - which because of the hammering he's been taking over the years, is just about everybody.
Prok isn't doing a tin-foil hat routine. Tizzers really is bug-fuck crazy.
Posted by: Aaron Bright | 07/31/2012 at 10:38 AM
And no, you won't find me on the people search either, I am an SL user, but I fear reprisal from Tizzers. He knows who I am in SL, and he'll send his goons after me.
Posted by: Aaron Bright | 07/31/2012 at 10:57 AM
Well, Aaron, perhaps that's a useful insight but since you're not in the People List, we have no idea of its validity.
I'm not sure if this analysis tracks about Tizzer, simply because "bitter" doesn't seem to be an apt description of someone who seems continually dismissive about the seriousness of life and continuously in meta-mode, laughing with arch coyness about the metaverse and for that matter the universe.
It also seems to me that he has skills and talents in demand in Silicon Valley where if anything there is a shortage of programmers and designers willing to work long obsessive hours on start-ups.
I haven't seen Tizzers get a "hammering" but then, I'm not an expert in Tizzers and am not interested in his life. The griefing of me seems both ideological and puerile. And he has help, either from groups he is in, or his partner Hazim Gazov, or whomever.
If Tizzers were more political about his technocommunism, in fact, he'd attack higher value targets like Anshe Chung or other huge rentals. I'm a two-bit mainland rentals agent with el-cheapo rentals. There are plenty of large music venues and malls that other griefers attack to get attention, and Woodbury doesn't attack them, and not because they have security systems.
I'm attacked because I am devoted to an open society and they aren't, I have an open group and they don't, etc. That's all there is to it.
And also "because he can," that's the puerile and infantile part -- relentless and repetitive head-banging like a child.
But this latest round is definitely creepy and violent and psychotic. It's not the norm to make RL effigies of people and endlessly pose them as being dead, beaten, eaten by giant chickens, or appearing as a hybrid human chicken, etc. etc. That suggests the schizophrenia or psychosis is now manifesting, which it can do in the 20s.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/31/2012 at 12:59 PM
Well, Aaron, you can't post here without a first and last genuine SL name. So contact me on email if you have more to add.
But I would encourage you in fact to publicize your name and your relevant information. The way griefers succeed is by creating an atmosphere of intimidation and fear.
I'm not so sure Tizzers has goons to send anymore. I see him acting pretty much alone in this latest round of griefing, or possibly with one other helper. There isn't the mob that he used to command when he had the huge group Woodbury University available to send random avatars to attack me. I don't see groups swarming around as I have in past years.
That's because some of them have aged out of the griefer category and now have jobs in Big IT. That's where griefers go -- Big IT, where they live to grief us in more subtle ways such as the aggravating interface of various Internet and electronic gadgets and apps.
Others may have gotten banned so many times on alts that if they remain in SL and still want to build and sell goods, they have stopped griefing. I know a few like that.
Still others have completely moved on from SL because it's boring and have gone to other worlds or games.
There's no more gang at Woodbury U as there once was. Edward Cliff, the griefer professor, still holds his position as dean in the school of communications, but he hasn't spawned a new generation of griefers as far as I can tell, and in any event I would hope after three bans, LL would not rent to him again.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 07/31/2012 at 02:13 PM
Griefing in Second Life is so 2010.
Posted by: Crusty | 08/02/2012 at 03:49 PM