I'm sorry if there are any little creators whose feelings will be hurt, but it has to be said plainly: the new avatars, just like the rows of ones before them, look like ass and make me wonder if the Lindens hate us.
Could they be hoping to drive traffic to their new shiny by giving us ugly avatars?
Honestly, they are AWFUL. I've tried on a number of them, the males especially and they are just UGLY and STUPID. I mean, my God, look at them outside the haze of Linden fandom and their distorted drawings/pictures of them that don't show what they are like.
The faces are snarling, surly, suspicious -- when they aren't mentally retarded or stoned.
There is just a very bad vibe from these avatars and I can't understand why someone would inflict this on an entire world.
Please tell me this guy doesn't look mentally retarded and/or stoned -- with red-rimmed eyes, likely the latter.
A thug, and a low-IQ thug at that....
Suspicious, snarling, nasty....
Heavy-lidded suspicion or a bad heroin habit.
A scorpion. Yeah, just the sort of intellectually-stimulating and cordial sort of steam-punk look we all would love to have...
Have they not heard of grace, of fine intelligence, of a spark in the eye, of love?
These expressions are all the most surly, drug-addled or mentally diminished that you could come up with. Maybe it's a statement on online life in general, such as Andrew Sullivan has been making.
But it's really God-awful and should never have been allowed in the Library to cause misery to hundreds of thousands of people.
As I write this, I am sitting in a local fast food restaurant as the local high school game let out. The avatars indeed look like all you describe, but then so do the local real life high schoolers.
Posted by: Ahab Qvetcher | 09/25/2016 at 10:09 PM
I think you might be missing the point here Prok. You describe them as;
"look like ass"
"snarling, surly, suspicious"
"mentally retarded and/or stoned"
"low-IQ thug"
"drug addled"
"mentally diminished"
but did it not occur to you at any point that this is exactly who the majority of SL users are in real life? All that would be needed to complete the set is a morbidly obese avatar (easily taken care of with sliders), an animal sex enthusiast (achieved with furry attachments), a BDSM freak (achieved with attachments) and a creepy pedo (any avatar for a basis). All minor variations on these new "more accurate" avatars.
On the whole I think LL have done excellent work here introducing a touch of reality back into a game which so surely needs it.
Posted by: Isometric | 09/28/2016 at 11:48 AM
Those ones are from a couple years ago, and look to be something the lab wants to forget existed. They also use useless mesh bodies that cant be modified, and new people can't figure out. The newer ones are better.
Posted by: Centopath Resident | 10/05/2016 at 08:40 AM