Here's two pieces of work now on the ban and do-not-rent lists:
DaveLovesSusie Writer (2007 birthdate with a name glorifying her virtual husband's name on another account)
Cajunman Resident (barely-filled in alt)
She has already been demanding, bitching about people she imagines are spying on her (they are former tenants' prims), she's been accommodated several times, she has refunded, I ask if there were more problems, then I see her boyfriend paying and then refunding and then she paying again -- so I do the courteous thing and refund him his cancellation fee.
Then I relog several times due to crashes and problems to find she is in a state of panic/rage over unanswered notices (not showing up on the chat record or anywhere so I have to wonder).
[2016/12/15 11:31] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/a0f36f77-3071-4c6c-b2be-89557c53666e/completename paid you L$1242.
[2016/12/15 14:31] Prokofy Neva: Hi, welcome to Ravenglass Rentals, the group to join in Brown to set prims is Ravenglass Rentals
[2016/12/15 14:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/15 14:31] Prokofy Neva: use the group joiner on site or search/groups
[2016/12/15 14:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/15 14:31] Second Life: Inventory item offered
[2016/12/15 14:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - inventory has been saved.
[2016/12/15 14:31] Second Life: Inventory item offered
[2016/12/15 14:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - inventory has been saved.
[2016/12/15 14:32] Prokofy Neva: Here's a gift as a new tenant
[2016/12/15 14:32] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/16 09:24] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): it does not look as if I have resident powers yet
[2016/12/16 09:24] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i can....put things down and i did set my home here...but i cannot ban, eject or check the prim count
[2016/12/16 09:31] Prokofy Neva: Hi, when I looked before you hadn't joined the group yet
[2016/12/16 09:32] Prokofy Neva: so I've got you added now
[2016/12/16 09:32] Prokofy Neva: you may have to relog to switch
[2016/12/17 23:45] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Sat Dec 17 11:38:00 2016)its snowing so is the ground going to get white...if so....dont forget to include my parcel. Thanks
[2016/12/17 23:54] Prokofy Neva: Hi, I am not putting snow in Brown but you're welcome to add your own
[2016/12/17 23:54] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/18 13:28] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Sun Dec 18 15:00:25 2016)that is not condusive to making a community whole...thanks...I will leave it alone
[2016/12/19 19:01] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Mon Dec 19 16:21:38 2016)i have a skybox on my property...and am wondering if it is allowed. I dont want it there....anyone could be a
[2016/12/19 19:09] Prokofy Neva: Hi there isn't any skybox on your land. I am looking at the land menu where all the prims on the land are listed by owner. You have 338 prims, Yuno has 2, kio86 has 2. If those two people are not with you, they can be removed, but 4 prims wouldn't be a skybox. It may be that it seems like this because it is nearby on land that isn't mine. You shouldn't get too worried about "spying" because in SL this is always a possibility and you just have to make up your mind not to let it unsettle it and just take normal measures. You have ban/eject powers, and "avatars can see me" is UNCHECKED on the land so you are INVISIBLE. Nobody can "cam in on your" from outside. Keep in mind as we say in the lease that technically because this is PG
[2016/12/19 19:09] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/19 19:10] Prokofy Neva: the Lindens have a rule that there can't be skyboxes. But they haven't enforced it in years, they don'to bother with this sim. So you may have one or not but there's always the slight risk they could remove it. As for any type of other people's prims, you don't have to worry about them taking away your allotment as in a group prims work differently, you draw from the total on the sim, not just what is on the parcel.
[2016/12/19 19:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/19 19:11] Prokofy Neva: if these 2 people with 4 prims (previous tenants) are not with you, just IM me and I will return them, you can't return group-set prims
[2016/12/19 19:11] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/20 06:30] DavelovesSusie Writer: They are not with me. I tried sending the things back but it did not work. I am not worried about spying. I was just teasing. I watch a lot of
[2016/12/20 06:30] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): but thanks for doing that. that is four is good to have those prims
[2016/12/20 06:30] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): lol
[2016/12/20 06:31] Prokofy Neva: you aren't meant to send things back or otherwise everyone would send back the rental box
[2016/12/20 06:31] Prokofy Neva: other people's prims do not count on your count
[2016/12/20 06:31] Prokofy Neva: in a group prims work differently
[2016/12/20 06:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): haha
[2016/12/20 06:31] Prokofy Neva: you draw from the total so even if somebody puts 50 prims on your land you can still put out those 50
[2016/12/20 06:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): yeah...i used to do that when I was a accident
[2016/12/20 06:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): lol
[2016/12/20 06:31] Prokofy Neva: I will remove them
[2016/12/20 06:31] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): good
[2016/12/23 04:37] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/a0f36f77-3071-4c6c-b2be-89557c53666e/completename paid you L$1242.
[2016/12/23 06:58] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i expect a refund and all of it. I am sending a message to Linden about what I experienced with your rentals.
[2016/12/23 06:58] Prokofy Neva: What are you talking about?!
[2016/12/23 06:58] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i rented the land
[2016/12/23 06:58] Prokofy Neva: I saw you get a refund in fact
[2016/12/23 06:58] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): sent you three messages
[2016/12/23 06:58] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): but it is ok
[2016/12/23 06:58] Prokofy Neva: you can complain all your like to Linden Lab, but they do not get involved in disputes between residents, and you are out of order in any event
[2016/12/23 06:59] Prokofy Neva: I didn't get any messages although mine don't cap but go to email
[2016/12/23 06:59] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): anyone can put a prim down anywhere as long as they have your group on. that is dangerous
[2016/12/23 06:59] Prokofy Neva: well that's my system, and you were made aware of that several times when you complained previously
[2016/12/23 06:59] Prokofy Neva: and that's how it is, and if you don't like it, you can refund -- which you did, but then I saw you paid again and had a boyfriend pay again, odd that.
[2016/12/23 07:00] Prokofy Neva: there is nothing "dangerous" about putting prims down, thousands of tenants do it every day, that convenience far, far outweighs waiting for a landlord to send invitations when they move in or when they have friends over
[2016/12/23 07:00] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/23 07:02] Prokofy Neva: When people threaten me with (pointless) complaints to Linden Lab and all the rest, they go on my do-not-list and publicize list. Since all your requests were dealt with (see the record) I don't know what your problem is. You have ban powers in the group; you can also turn off build if you are bothered by only tenant-level people building -- this is explained in cards given to you when you rent.
[2016/12/23 07:02] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/23 07:09] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i would like to live on that land
[2016/12/23 07:09] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): and
[2016/12/23 07:09] Prokofy Neva: um, no thanks
[2016/12/23 07:09] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i still really did not get the full refund
[2016/12/23 07:09] Prokofy Neva: both of you move on, grow up
[2016/12/23 07:09] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i checked on line
[2016/12/23 07:09] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): well
[2016/12/23 07:09] Prokofy Neva: because you ended your rental early? it takes out a cancellation fee
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i hope you learn how to manage your group beter
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: I already returned a cancellation fee to your hapless alt boyfriend, as a courtesy
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): people deserve privacy better than that
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: no, I manage it as I please, and you can piss off
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): those people trust you
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): it is a shame
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: well go in a humper bunker then dollface
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i owned land
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: not in cheap rentals in General
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): and I own it now
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: for fuck's sake
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i was sent to spy
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: grow up
[2016/12/23 07:10] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): God bless
[2016/12/23 07:10] Prokofy Neva: spy all you like, it's a virtual world, grow up
[2016/12/23 07:11] Prokofy Neva: if you can't live with being INVISIBLE on your land as the best privacy, I think you had better get worry about the HIV that may be on your furniture if someone sat on it
[2016/12/23 07:11] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): i cannot leave your group
[2016/12/23 07:11] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): why is that
[2016/12/23 07:12] Prokofy Neva: that's because you were already expelled and banned from it
[2016/12/23 07:12] Prokofy Neva: you're not in it
[2016/12/23 07:12] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): so i have to keep the damn thing on my list
[2016/12/23 07:12] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): let me call Linden
[2016/12/23 07:12] Prokofy Neva: do you get how SL works?
[2016/12/23 07:12] Prokofy Neva: call away, they don't get involved with idiots who can't grasp they're banned from a group for bad behaviour and threats
[2016/12/23 07:13] Prokofy Neva: do you always run your life by trying to threaten and blackmail people? You're in the wrong world for that
[2016/12/23 07:13] Prokofy Neva: Is there a reason you're in GENERAL seeking PRIVAC Suzannne, do I need to AR you?
[2016/12/23 07:14] Prokofy Neva: maybe you need to learn how groups and log in sessions work on your beloved Firestorm
So this is a person who goes into a rage over a cancellation fee of $50 -- in a world where most landlords don't even offer refunds (there just are too many assholes and too many expenses).
Then she invokes her ability to "call Linden".
She's convinced that I am holding her against her will in my group LOL.
Here's the chat with the bf:
[2016/12/23 04:29] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/49486d88-c2e0-4935-9234-f3934b4110cb/completename paid you L$1242.
[2016/12/23 07:05] Cajunman: i dont think you understand how to work your group
[2016/12/23 07:05] Prokofy Neva: Um, you don't understand how to read note cards
[2016/12/23 07:05] Cajunman: you ejected me but you did not eject me cupcake
[2016/12/23 07:05] Cajunman: i read it
[2016/12/23 07:05] Prokofy Neva: yes I did cupcake
[2016/12/23 07:05] Cajunman: but i am still in the gorup
[2016/12/23 07:05] Prokofy Neva: no you are banned dear
[2016/12/23 07:05] Prokofy Neva: now piss off, you and your paranoid girlfriend
[2016/12/23 07:05] Cajunman: and if you made a person a special role they could eject themselves
[2016/12/23 07:06] Cajunman: get wisdom
[2016/12/23 07:06] Prokofy Neva: I gave you a refund of the cancellation fee and this is what I get
[2016/12/23 07:06] Cajunman: Jesus Is Lord
[2016/12/23 07:06] Prokofy Neva: your gf is upset that people can join an open group and put prims on the lawn
[2016/12/23 07:06] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/23 07:06] Prokofy Neva: grow up
[2016/12/23 07:06] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
I could point out that both of these brain surgeons are likely on Firestorm where the current log-in session and its group are on some kind of hard stop not enabling you to change them until you relog. This is the single biggest problem I have with new tenants. Which is why I tell all of them to relog if they have problems or see a greyed out menu. I wish Firestorm would grow up and realize that people need to change and upgrade groups during one log-in session -- something even Linden Lab realized long ago.
So, on to the ban list with both of you, what idiots.
Also note that "DaveLovesSusie" tells me she was sent to spy on me. Um, really??? That's hilarious! By who? The Lindens?!
Yes, there's more:
[2016/12/23 15:27] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Fri Dec 23 07:50:19 2016)I decided to come back. Hopefully for a looooong time. Please add me again because I join the group but it doesnt seem to give me access to the land. I can put things down though...thanks
[2016/12/23 15:27] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Fri Dec 23 09:41:17 2016)Can you please add me to resident powers.....and where are your vacation lands?
[2016/12/23 15:51] Prokofy Neva: You're banned from one group and will be banned from others as obviously you're a psychotic griefer who couldn't grasp their rightful ban the first time. You seem to imagine you've discovered some "dangerous and terrible" security breach because GASP you can put prims down on open land with an open group. Let me suggest it's quite different than being plowed into by a terrorist in a truck in real life, and you'll be removed, the end, go play in the traffic.
[2016/12/23 15:51] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2016/12/24 10:37] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Sat Dec 24 11:10:49 2016)God bless you and may you find peace in the midst of the terror. Remember Jesus is Lord. I forgive you and thank you for banning me. I dont think you belong to any of my other groups so I am not worried about being banned from those. Most of them are Christians. As for where I a linden one can put down anything unless I allow it. that is security. God bless
[2016/12/24 10:37] DavelovesSusie Writer: (Saved Sat Dec 24 11:15:21 2016)you know, you can go into settings in your group and setup things for the owners only. I gave my tenants rights. And when I rented I usually had a lot of rights that most didnt terraforming the land and such. My husband decided we were to join as a premium I have three accounts.....Bon Apetit
[2016/12/24 10:40] Prokofy Neva: Your husband decides things for pathetic creature. Guess that explains the free-floating anger and crazy that you need to try to impose your rules on others and screech at them when they refuse. Block, ban, pray for soul...
[2016/12/24 10:40] Suzanne (davelovessusie.writer): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.