You'd like to believe that the Lindens' bad actions aren't calculated malice, vicious enabling of griefers, and studied, cruel indifference to everything from copyright to "interfering with the enjoyment of Second Life" (2C of the old Community Standards, my favourite).
Here's a picture of one of my customers trying to drive off the parking lot and ramp on to a Linden road -- once I pull my ramp back not to "encroach" on 16m of Linden shoulder -- a non-terraformed lump of crap and broken road -- He can't. He has to struggle and struggle to jimmy the car around on to the road. The jagged nature of Linden land here means that I have to cut my prim or put multiple stepped prims but it is not enough to overcome the LUMPS on the ground and BROKEN road. This is the reality. Lindens who don't log into the world don't see this.
Today, the Community Standards (last edited August 2017) no longer have letters for individual elements, you can read them here.
But there is this:
Any act of violence toward a user’s avatar, including an act of intimidation or bullying such as repeatedly shooting or pushing, will not be tolerated. Creating or using scripts that singularly or persistently target a user and prevent a user’s enjoyment of the Service is also not allowed.
Disturbing the Peace/Global Attacks
Linden Lab aims to provide users with an enjoyable experience on the Service. Please be mindful that your actions may cause slow server performance or may inhibit another user’s ability to enjoy the Service. Examples of prohibited attempts to disturb the peace include, but are not limited to:
Manipulating scripts;
Repeated transmission of undesired content;
Spawning items;
Continuously resetting scenes (as applicable in Sansar);
Disrupting events or user conversations, such as through the use of repetitive sounds, causing echo effects, or unmuting your mic when it should be muted;
Spamming, such as the repeated posting of advertising or self-promotional content;
Posting interpersonal disputes or personal negative commentary publicly when such communications should occur through private channels of communication;
Flaming, such as hostile or disruptive posts intended to incite an angry response or to encourage other users to violate Linden Lab’s policies; and
Abusing Linden Lab personnel or moderators (as applicable on a forum operated by Linden Lab), such as re-posting content that has been removed, suspended or locked, or posting content that questions a moderator’s decision or competence (as applicable on a forum operated by Linden Lab).
So they amount to the same thing as the old "2C' and they are actionable, you can abuse report under "targeted behavior intended to harass" and include these types of behaviour and the Lindens take action.
In the case of this closed thread, while we don't know the manual the Linden moderators use, we can backwards-engineer this to say that "Posting interpersonal disputes or personal negative commentary publicly when such communications should occur through private channels of communication" is the crime here. Note that many people who have wild ideas about "pasting chat" which are misinformed and wrong should look at the letter of the law here: it doesn't say "posting chat, period". You could post "my friend told me, 'there's this cute lil' dress on sale at Belle Epoque' and it wouldn't be grounds for removal UNLESS a Linden decided it was unfairly advertising one store. If you wrote, My friend has given me great advice, 'Familia Primero' (Family First)', she isn't going to have her thread closed for "illegal pasting". The Lindens are concerned about pasting interpersonal disputes -- and that could be literal pasting out of private chat, or for that matter, public chat, or rephrasing of disputes, or anything of the kind. They imagine (falsely) that these could be solved inworld between persons -- but of course they can't when you are dealing with rape RP assholes with big Tropico ideas AND with Linden fanboyz who run roughshod over the forums. The deck is stacked as we all know.
As you can see from this thread and from my blog about this, a rape RP asshole with big ideas about how he will impose his own version of Tropico (the computer game with the tag "You Rule" where you get to be a tyrant) with himself as a wrangler of a fleet of "self-driving cars" that will perform the functions of a "road repair crew" has decided to harass me in world with a fake claim that my "encroaching" prims somehow caused his motorcycle crash. They didn't, as they are only overlapping slightly some 16 or 32 m of Linden road SHOULDER and not on the road, and not interfering in the road or traffic.
He may or may not have understood it, but THAT he came to me FIRST inworld with a totally fucked thing and said THIS which I put on the record on my blog, outside of SL (which I did not put in the thread on the forums) -- which I get to do, as the Lindens do not police chat outside their servers:
Saved Fri Feb 23 16:13:37 2018)You have an object, "Vehicle Parking Lot 24x24 with 8 spaces-entrance & exit", which is encroaching on a Linden road at Grote(178,235,84). Please take care of that. In addition, there's something there which is knocking vehicles off the road at the region crossing between Grote and Electra. This is causing trouble on Robin Loop, a popular road. Please check for encroaching invisible prims. Thanks.
[2018/02/23 16:53] Prokofy Neva: No, I won't be doing that. My road addresses a problem the Lindens won't deal with which is a) horribly uneven ground in that area b) horribly broken rocks and c) horribly broken road. So you call up your Linden friends and address that in order to do...what? Run your unmanned vehicles in SL? Er, what is your purpose here again? I don't have any "invisible prims". The Lindens' road is broken. See above, unless you are broken and incapable of comprehension. The end.
[2018/02/23 16:53] Joe Magarac (animats): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/02/23 16:54] Prokofy Neva: PS I don't have any prims at all on the line between Electra and Grote. Oh, I know, some other clueless git put prims there, a roadside. Not me. He set them to my open group,. Could I remove them? Possibly, but why? They are just road signs that he put out for some RP thing he was doing and it's not that big a deal. Run along now and play in the traffic.
[2018/02/23 16:54] Joe Magarac (animats): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/02/23 22:33] Prokofy Neva: Keep your rape bondage RP on your own sim, buddy, and do not take it to the roads and try to coerce other people into doing your bidding. You will find that you get a very heavy pushback when you try to use your RP on non-consenting people. Be gone. We all see what you're doing here.
[2018/02/23 22:33] Prokofy Neva: block
[18:59] You have blocked this Resident. Sending a message will automatically unblock them.
PS - the prims from the guy RPing "road trip" some months ago are gone. I don't know who removed them. I was going to, but then I saw they didn't really bother anything, so why not have signs/street lights as an RP thing? It seemed harmless. Likely he removed them or more likely a Linden returned them from my land.
I do this pasting of chat, when people threaten me and tell lies about me, in keeping with my profile warning that "your abusive chat is permission to publish it in single-party NYS" is something the Lindens cannot cite me for as their virtual jurisdiction does not extend into the realm of real-life.
Note again: I'm not given any disciplinary notice about the forums; I didn't paste chat on the forums; actually this creep didn't, but he referenced an inworld dispute, and that was enough. I do not give a fuck if he references an inworld dispute and misreports it, but then I want the right to fight back with the facts and not have the thread shut down by blinkered Lindens. And if they do shut it down, I put it on my blog. This is our ONLY remedy in this abusive, unjust situation.
Of course, they can always ban you for "any reason or no reason" and their fatuous, vicious and nasty little fanboyz may start ARing you inside of SL for what is on your blog outside, and make it stick. Let me say that the day it does, most mainstream media or anyone looking at this, even tech alternative media, will grasp that Second Life is not suitable for business, non-profits or education as no one then knows what their speech outside of SL about SL or LL or anything may become punishable inside of SL, which is wildly creepy.
So I have never, ever known the Lindens to attempt to discipline, warn, or punish anyone INSIDE of SL for what they write OUTSIDE THEIR SERVERS, even pasted SL chat. There's always the day they may start it, and start it on me, if they find that enabling griefers to harass me endlessly isn't working to get rid of me. But it is important to point to their juriprudence of at least 14 years.
In that thread, others and I tried to explain the OTHER things going on with that area's bad road repair. What was stopping road repair there? Some residents may have brought it up informally with Michael Linden over the years -- I don't recall speaking with him about that road patch, as I was more concerned about another thing there, the idiotic Railroad enthusiasts agitating the Lindens to build one of THEIR SLRRs in an old road bed of a resident system called WARR (approximately, as it made war on all of us even those of us who cooperated with them at first!). There's a crazy forums thread on that, too which I'll find when I have the time or you can.
No tickets were filed on this Robin Loop problem -- because we worked around it? Because it was not a priority? Because it only became one due to OUTSIDE AGITATION (like the cadre organizations' OUTSIDE AGITATION in real life, you know?), but I filed one just now. I'll report on its progress in due course.
Let's review what Jagix said, however, as it is all false:
The Governance Team was dispatched earlier to fix the patch, smooth out some of the cracks, flatten out some of the terraforming, and remove some encroaching objects. Because the issue is resolved, and this thread has gotten very heated, I'm going to lock it.
In the future, please report this type of issue using our in-world Abuse Reporting system. That is the best way to get eyes on it.
But all that happened was that my parking lots and prims, which made a small ramp over the Linden shoulder were returned, as the OP agitated as did a griefer. Sigh.
I now will have to spend an hour trying to replace at least my parking lots and now have no ramps out of my property unless I wish to risk encroaching again, setting up hostile assholes ARing me, and Lindens with the scope of a pin prick on this situation salivating like Pavlov's dog and returning OMGODZORZ an encroaching prim.
While the road remains actually NOT REPAIRED. Come and see it please.
A new alt with a name similar to one of the new alt griefers impersonating me and spamming crap to people on sims came and informed me he AR'd me for "encroachment". No doubt some other busy bodies from the forums also AR'd me, not the OP, but didn't file tickets with the Lindens to repair the road.
But it was put there to enable my customers to drive out of land I pay tier on to a poorly-built Linden road where land is not smooth and strange rock clumps hinder movement. The land could be smoothed and wasn't. The clumps could be removed or sunk, but weren't. Prim drift has created obvious cracks. They are not fixed. These could be re-aligned or sculpty or mesh plus prim put here. All in all an astounding performance from a Linden. Stone Soup! A fake thing that has been filled with ideas and ideology but isn't true.
Most astoundingly, Jagix claimed that GOVERNANCE -- not Moles, not Support in any kind, not Mainland Lindens (Moles seem to be semi-retired now) came to fix the roads. Huh? They do that now? Maybe poor Linden roads are now only considered a "Governance" problem merely because residents complain, as they do about griefers, so the problem is on their side?
It's always possible that Jagix was told by Governance (?!) that they were fixing it, and Governance was told by...Moles? Support? Mainland Lindens? that it was "fixed" but there was some, erm, "miscommunication here".
But honestly, I am completely unimpressed and completely skeptical. I actually don't see any Linden activity here. The same cracks, the same clumps, the same crazy lump land. If they came, maybe they did some tiny thing, but all I think happened is they removed my ramps. That would figure. Again, see for yourself.
What can you do about a situation like this when a Linden has shut down legitimate free speech on it, and favoured a hostile rape RP asshole (much as they did the odious Angel Fluffy back in the day, when Jeska Linden allowed him to gut, ruin, and force closed the democratic features vote request system -- a marvel to behold) AND lied about -- wittingly or unwittingly -- the results?
A thread when this totally ridiculous asshole keeps going on about motorcycle types and his system that is going to check all the sim seams and report on them -- although no one needs this, on one asked him to do that, and in fact, the road problems were solved in Grote until he came along. No one in 3 years has likely filed a ticket because they would just get back on their vehicle if it crashed
The problem was NEVER, EVER caused by my "encroaching prims" which themselves were only a workaround to a dysfunctional Linden problem.
Knowing that Lindens were really diminished in their ability to do roads as they once did when they fired Moles and Michael Linden was let go, I didn't bother them.
I suppose a variety of things could be done now:
- Rallies to abuse-report Governor Linden -- we once did this with this ridiculous road on pylons that the Lindens built on their sea near Cub and Wakeley, completely ruining the view on 4 sims for people who spent a lot of money on the auction. They took it out. But that was then, this is now. It was hard enough with the assholes they had in charge then like Adam Linden
- Rallies to AR the spamming cars. They never have people in them -- we'll record that. They are often out of theme -- we'll record that. We'll make our voices heard. Reporting the cars for spamming has never really been done and should. The Lindens are ideologically welded to the spammers and spamming, their fanboyz keep telling lies about this on the forums, but they are able sometimes to see reality.
- Tickets by land owners in this area to fix the road.
- Tickets by any actual drivers who use this road frequently -- and we know them, we see them as the real people on this road -- I know them because they buy milkshakes, take free vehicles, join a group so they can place prims and drive off the ramp or hang out in the area and play game or boat on the pond -- you know, real users, real livers, as distinct from Tropico rape RPers.
- A thread on the forums that records the actual spam cars and overcomes the fictions told them by people who never log on, who don't live on the mainland, or who run them themselves as Tropico fantasies or tech uber alles fantasies. These people need a reality check, as do the Lindens.
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