UPDATE: Latest griefer impersonator: Ravenglassinformationbot3
Their Kremlin-style disinformation message:
[18:45] RavenglassInformationBot3: (Saved Thu May 17 17:10:46 2018)Tinkerbell is a nasty griefer who is exposed on my blog here: http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2018/05/rental-dementia-our-dolphin-need-not-leap-when-we-are-not-here.html -- I don't rent to griefers like him, I expose them aggressively across the grid! Griefers should take this as a warning. Prokofy Neva, Manager, Ravenglass Rentals. A high-quality and drama-free rentals business. Questions about renting? Contact me here: Prokofy Neva
UPDATE: Latest griefer alts removed by the Lindens -- which you delayed because you AR'd me instead of them. I've been in SL 13 years. They haven't been in SL even 13 days, most of them:
o DochNovojJery Resident - badly spelled Russian phrase that means "Daughter of New Wife"
o TheRussianBot Resident
o DeloLeninaZhivjot Resident
o taktikaLenina Resident -- it means "Lenin tactic" in Russian.
o ProkofyDeneuve Resident
It sends me its spam:
(Saved Thu Mar 08 17:42:42 2018)Rent from Prokofy Neva's Ravenglass Rentals today! In business in 13th year with Mainland communities. Self-service rentals, open group to start building, no waiting, refundable! FREEDOM! SL's greatest rental service! Contact Prokofy Neva to get your rental today. (Note: I'm a bot owned by Prokofy Neva; any questions should be directed to Prokofy Neva, not me, as I don't speak "human.")
[16:12] DochNovojJery: Rent from Prokofy Neva's Ravenglass Rentals today! In business in 13th year with Mainland communities. Self-service rentals, open group to start building, no waiting, refundable! FREEDOM! Note that hecklers, griefers, high-maintenance whiners and clueless gits aren't welcome. Your abusive message is permission to publish your chat! Come to Alston to check out our properties and get your very own CHEAP cottage from only 1000L/week! (NOTE: I'm a bot. My main account Prokofy Neva is currently suspended (Linden abuse of power), so contact Telehub Ross or Henry Hutchence for help with the rentals)
Ask yourself if a real person in business for 13 years in SL would spout crap like this, unlike a day-old alt? Or ANY ad like that?! WHO DOES THAT?! GET A CLUE!
I will be abuse-reporting anyone who sends me hateful messages as they can't grasp this is NOT MY BOT.
Some brighter people like Eli Schlegal get this? Some people like Rosso Vespucciano appear to be lying as I show no record of him as a tenant.
[09:13] Eli Schlegal: You're very good at pretending to be Prok. So much so that you might be a little obsessed
[15:43] taktikalenina:
[15:42] Rosso Vespucciano: Sorry I realised that too late. And although Prok was the worst landlady I ever had and a total asshole that I would NEVER rent from again, I have never encountered a bot acting in her name.
[15:48] taktikalenina: Rent from Prokofy Neva's Ravenglass Rentals today! In business in 13th year with Mainland communities. Self-service rentals, open group to start building, no waiting, refundable! FREEDOM! Your abusive message is permission to publish your chat! Come to Alston to check out our properties!
[15:49] taktikalenina: (a copy of the current message)
[15:56] taktikalenina:
[15:54] SilviaMinor Resident: I just blocked the bot. May be I should do the same for the owner. She is apparently a crazy troll.
[15:56] taktikalenina: 90 % true material, some exaggerated use of actually true material, 10 % false material
[15:57] taktikalenina: and you'll win an election in SL
[15:58] taktikalenina: Philip Trump is running for Linden
[16:07] taktikalenina:
[16:01] Freddie Chester: i shall write to the council
[16:01] taktikalenina Resident: the council, Fred?
[16:02] Freddie Chester: the sl high council
[16:03] ThursdayNext Resident: lindens takti. Its called reporting abuse. You'll just end up in the cornfield for a week for first abuse of spamming
[16:04] taktikalenina Resident: i pay them too much for that
[16:04] Freddie Chester: ok to the sl supreme council ... there is no higher power .... apart from the NRA
[16:04] ThursdayNext Resident: *laughs* prepare to be surprised then :)
[16:05] taktikalenina Resident: um, i've been in SL for 13 years, cupcake
[16:06] Freddie Chester: you can call folk cucake ... it's racist
[16:06] taktikalenina Resident: i can call you what I like, dear
Also the bot is sending its chat to Henry Hutchence, which is how we get this:
[16:12] DochNovojJery: Rent from Prokofy Neva's Ravenglass Rentals today! In business in 13th year with Mainland communities. Self-service rentals, open group to start building, no waiting, refundable! FREEDOM! Note that hecklers, griefers, high-maintenance whiners and clueless gits aren't welcome. Your abusive message is permission to publish your chat! Come to Alston to check out our properties and get your very own CHEAP cottage from only 1000L/week! (NOTE: I'm a bot. My main account Prokofy Neva is currently suspended (Linden abuse of power), so contact Telehub Ross or Henry Hutchence for help with the rentals)
[16:17] DochNovojJery:
[16:12] Kreb Ansar: I see DochNovojJery is a 1 day old bot with the main account already reported, why cant Prokofy Neva learn to do his/her business properly?
[16:15] Kreb Ansar: Oh and Prokfoy is a notorious griefer/troll. A woman named Catherine Fitzpatric who trolls on the forums too.
[16:24] DochNovojJery:
[16:21] BazZerfire Resident: and his main account is suspended for what he calls linden abuse of power
So yeah, Kreb Ansar, the usual creepy "Dom":
Dave ( Kreb Ansar )
I am a gentleman Dom, firm and strict, who likes the D/s relationships, and nude submissives / slaves.
And you know what we think of such people -- not much, creepy totalitarians spreading their awful ideology outside their bedrooms. This is a good example. He'll get AR'd for exposure of RL information, you don't get to do that in SL, even if outside of SL, an avatar's RL name is known.
People like that would sure hate having THEIR RL name exposed, given what they are in SL. Ugh.
As for "Linden abuse of power" -- that's just some ridiculous deliberate garble. The real reason is for "encroachment" as explained here and here.
Another round with the usual clueless assholes that can't use common sense and logic to understand that a) an avatar that joins a group and spams you is not a "bot" because actual scripted agents or "bots" in SL don't have the intelligence to either find a rentals or themed group and join it. Watch their chat and you will figure out it is not a bot.
We're told bots can collect friendship cards and make a nonce group and spam that group through the conference call function -- so protest THAT to the Lindens. The category to use is "Targeted behavior intended to harass"
UPDATE: Yes, we've had lots of discussion showing how yes, you can have conference calls without friendship cards -- cards known as calling cards that normally require CONSENT in response to a FRIENDSHIP REQUEST. That's a fairly new development -- that is discovery of viewable code and exploit of it to harass people and the mere fact that "you can do this because you can" is not an excuse for Linden inaction. In fact, they're "looking at this". And we all know that conference call annoyance is not just about this particular "use case" of a griefer impersonating me and using this exploit -- yes, I'll go on calling it an exploit -- as a form of VANDALISM.
Nobody likes racist spam about some creepy rentals guy who sounds like a Trumpkin -- but it's not me in any form, just an impersonator.
But they also don't like getting dance club spam EITHER. So weigh in on this thread.
Could the Governance Team just get a LOT more curious about how this is done and stop it? It's not about me.
In addition to the exploits -- yes using calling card code for purposes NOT intended and SPAMMING is indeed an EXPLOIT -- or using illegal third-party viewers likely used, Linden Lab needs to stop these griefers at the root by removing the latest Tizzers Foxchase/Wooodbury/Whatever island (griefers tell me it is Winterfell, which I seem to remember was somebody else's sim, but maybe they bought it on the open market with alts or new RL cutaways who the hell knows -- there are reports that they are back once again and all the fake word salad they mix up (see here) is so much griefing, lying bullshit.
LL could also just make it OPT IN to be part of a calling-card conference, you know, like you OPT IN to have someone be able to map you, have your perms, etc. OPT-IN is a concept of civil society, LL. Use it more. Not OPT-OUT but OPT-IN.
So let me repeat once again:
o I do not use bots. These griefers do not belong to me
o I don't spam stupid asshole comments to groups. Who does that? Who in business in SL for 13 years would EVER do that? Who would EVER think they'd get customers that way?! Could you get a FUCKING CLUE people?
o Note that these attacks have gone on for months (years, really, but this latest round for some months). Dozens of alts with names like "Mohammed" pretending to be Muslims (they are not) or using variations of the name "Prokofy" or "Ravenglass" as if from my business (they aren't, I don't use my name or my business name on day-old alts, please, again, don't be FUCKING RIDICULOUS). Or using the Soviet/Russian theme. Dozens. All banned. Every single one. Not ME banned. But THEM. Could you use logic and common sense and grasp what that means? That people impersonating me are the griefers -- and you should AR them. That I am not the griefer or "owner of these bots" (not even bots) of course, that's ridiculous.
o My name is Russian (Prokofy) but I'm a) not Russian in real life b) only speak Russian and work as a translator and c) that's why I'm being harassed in RL and SL, for my RL work. Creepy, eh? Linden should be way more concerned about that than they are.
o Criticizing the Lindens also leads to these attacks, funny coincidence, that.
o Yes, if you send me abusive IMs imagining that I am wrangling these fake "bots" you will be publicized because you need to learn not to do that. There's no other way to teach you.
Here's the chat they usually send me -- note the clueless gits spouting bullshit about me they've picked up from somewhere -- but some of them are griefers themselves:
Saved Wed Feb 21 23:01:33 2018)Your name is Tyrone or Doris, and you're an ordinary resident? Rent from Prokofy Neva's Ravenglass Rentals today! We're in business in 13th year. We value conservative family values! Build your own cottage! Weekly senior club! Artificial chicken farm! Note that hecklers, liberals, chicken killers and clueless gits aren't welcome. Your abusive message is permission to publish your chat! Contact us here Prokofy Neva to get your very own CHEAP cottage from only 1000L/week!
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:10:17 2018)
[20:08] NightingaleShadow Littlebird: I love you russian bot, give me your children
[20:08] TheRussianBot Resident: will you marry me?
[20:09] NightingaleShadow Littlebird: YES!
[20:09] TheRussianBot Resident: where?
[20:09] NightingaleShadow Littlebird: Let's do this!
[20:09] NightingaleShadow Littlebird: Right here, right now husbando
[20:09] TheRussianBot Resident: can you marry a bot?
[20:09] NightingaleShadow Littlebird: You can in japan, and I'm a filthy weeb
[20:09] TheRussianBot Resident: i don't think Putin allows it. he thinks it's gay
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:15:27 2018)
[20:13] Hawkstir Resident: a 1000 a week oh my that is cheap?????????????
[20:14] Norma Darkrose: right now that is to high for me
[20:14] Sharon Ariantho: its a terrible price hahaha
[20:15] Sharon Ariantho: and where would i go to kill chickens?
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:25:57 2018)
[20:25] LilyanaRose Resident: i rented from that guy before.. h's an asshat.
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:29:03 2018)
[20:28] ChipinDells Resident: fuck you russians its all your fault trump got elected
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:30:50 2018)
[20:28] lilkitteh Resident: Go suck a big fat whale dick. PUBLISH THAT
[20:29] Seminole Resident: Take me off your mailing list or I will get angry :P
[20:29] TheRussianBot Resident: Jew!
[20:29] Seminole Resident: Tomahawk
[20:30] TheRussianBot Resident: Hat!
[20:30] lilkitteh Resident: Eat a bagel you Russian ass crack
[20:30] TheRussianBot Resident: Cow!
[20:30] lilkitteh Resident: MOooo
[20:30] TheRussianBot Resident: Horse!
[20:30] lilkitteh Resident: Neigh
[20:30] TheRussianBot Resident: Cat!
[20:30] TheRussianBot Resident: Crazy cat lady!
[20:30] lilkitteh Resident: Meow
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:45:25 2018)
[20:44] rogerthornhill Resident: This is actually a hilarious spoof if you know whom he's referencing
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:48:47 2018)
[20:47] rogerthornhill Resident: Prokofy Neva is a crazy AF SL landlord who is obsessed with conspiracies, still has Sion chickens and is very drama prone
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:59:14 2018)
[20:56] Dex Eberhardt: I want to punch whoever keeps sending this
[20:56] Vampiriclord Resident: uhmmmmm, go fuck yourself?
[20:57] Vampiriclord Resident: i agree dex
[20:57] TheRussianBot Resident: Do you agree with a clamick?
[20:57] 99travis Resident: who is this
[20:57] TheRussianBot Resident: Prokofy Neva
[20:57] QuinnDarkrider Resident: Abuse report (help/Report abuse). Then Block.
[20:57] TheRussianBot Resident: Why?
[20:57] Exidy Resident: Reported to LL for spamming.
[20:57] Saradivina88 Resident: hi
[20:58] TheRussianBot Resident: Um, spamming, hardly
[20:58] IrefulWolf Resident reprograms the Russian bot into a Russian ass twerker.
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:59:17 2018)Come to Berlin!
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Thu Feb 22 00:24:36 2018)[21:23] TheRussianBot Resident: Slavery isn't cool.
[21:23] TheRussianBot Resident: Rent from Ravenglass Rentals!
[23:04] TheRussianBot: (Saved Thu Feb 22 00:25:22 2018)[21:23] TheRussianBot Resident: Sowing division in America since 2007.
Just as an aside -- amazing how the average American had to get WAY up to speed about Russian intelligence methods and tradecraft due to the DNC hack! They now understand more than anyone has understood in 25 years about this (in the Soviet era, there was better education).
One good thing about the Russian hack is that it has educated a generation of people really fast about the Kremlin's awfulness. The Mueller indictment helped. Of course there's all kinds of jamming, disinformation, whataboutism going on from the same disinformers -- but by and large, people are getting it -- the Russians hacked, they interfered, they set people against each other like this griefer bot from the group that has been harassing me for over 10 years has been doing using Russian-style methods, hello.
Re: LilyanaRose Resident - yes, she's a tenant and a clueless git unable to read lease cards, group charters, FAQs, my profile, or anything:
[2017/09/02 23:31] Lilyana 'Lil' Harbinger (lilyanarose) paid you L$1260.
[2017/09/05 18:50] Lilyana 'Lil' Greymoon (lilyanarose): Hello Prokofy. I'm sorry to bother you.. i rented a parcel and am wondering if there's a way i can get the rights to it?
[2017/09/05 18:52] Prokofy Neva: Hi, I added you to resident powers in the group
[2017/09/05 18:52] Prokofy Neva: switch to the title resident (Deacon) to access ban media etc
[2017/09/05 18:52] Prokofy Neva: this may require relogging
[2017/09/05 18:52] Lilyana 'Lil' Greymoon (lilyanarose): oh great ty :-)
[2017/09/12 07:26] LilyanaRose: (Saved Tue Sep 12 06:47:40 2017)Hello Prokofy.. are you aware that everyone in group is charged 5L by the group rights every week? You hae pay group liabilities and dividends checked for everyone..
[2017/09/12 07:27] Prokofy Neva: Yes, I'm aware as I've had that system for 12 years, and you have been notified of it 5 different ways. It's part of your rent.
[2017/09/12 07:28] Inventory item 'Latest Group Liability Info' offered
[2017/09/12 07:28] Lilyana 'Lil' Greymoon (lilyanarose): i see. thank you
And.....my latest to her
[23:52] Prokofy Neva: You won't be renting from me again, dear. Not with the lies you have spouted about me.
[23:52] User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
Goes on the Do Not Rent List
So more nasty interventions from clueless gits:
[2018/02/21 23:04] Viktoria Felisimo: (Saved Thu Feb 22 00:03:42 2018)Ya tebya lyublyu
[2018/02/21 23:33] Prokofy Neva: http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
[2018/02/21 23:04] matronicon: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:40:06 2018)Could you please stop your bot from messaging people on my piece of land? It's Croix, http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Croix/69/243/65 and I'd really appreciate it if you could make it stop. Thanks.
[2018/02/21 23:31] Prokofy Neva: Could you try to use reason and common sense to understand that these "bots" are griefers, unrelated to me, and you need to AR them to LL, not harass me with this? It's a technique of griefing to smear people like me. I've been in business for 13 years. Meanwhile dozens of them are banned, not me. Get a grip. http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
[2018/02/21 23:31] Rayna Fairport-Moonflower (matronicon): User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
Here's one I found especially aggravating, as I have not only purchased items from this merchant for years, I've had many a pleasant conversation with her in world, she has made these wonderful 1950s lamps that I suggested, bought, and advertised, and so on. Why people like this imagine a griefer is "yours" and never think a day-old account must be an impersonating griefer is BEYOND me.
[2018/02/21 23:04] Plato Novo: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:26:15 2018)Hey Prokofy, I'm getting spam from "TheRussianBot" which says you are the owner of that account? I never signed up for any spam, joined a group, or clicked a subscriber related to your rentals. Please remove my name from the list. Thank you.
[2018/02/21 23:28] Prokofy Neva: Hi, could you PLEASE get a clue? Try to use logic and reason, Plato, Good God on a crutch.
[2018/02/21 23:28] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/02/21 23:28] Prokofy Neva: http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
[2018/02/21 23:28] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/02/21 23:29] Prokofy Neva: Why would someone in SL in business for 13 years ever use such a ridiculous insane bot? It's an impersonator and this is the method used to grief me. Abuse report THAT ALT, not me -- like the last 2 dozen of them? Watch as THEY, not ME are removed from SL? Honestly, I cannot understand why people are so FUCKING CLUELESS. It's a *method* used to smear people, and you should know better
[2018/02/21 23:29] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/02/21 23:29] Prokofy Neva: Shame on you.
[2018/02/21 23:29] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/02/21 23:30] Prokofy Neva: I don't use bots -- and this avatar isn't a bot. Do try to use logic and common sense -- how does a "bot" join a group? It can't do that. Use logic and common sense, again. And how can I "remove" someone from an impersonating avatar? I can't. Abuse report it, and move on. Try to help instead of being clueless.
[2018/02/21 23:30] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
So Plato Novo? I will not ever be buying from you again. I don't care if you apologize once you realize what a total asshole you were for imagining that I would send you crazy "bot spam" like this. The normal thing to do -- and about 20% of the people who get this realize this -- is to write and say, hey, I got this wild thing that says it's from you, is it? I can't imagine it could be!
That you couldn't see your way clear to me and had to write me a fucking prissy message about removing you from my spam list (!!!) -- well, it speaks volumes. So I am done. No matter my great admiration of your work, and my many nice and fun talks with you, that's it. Let is be a lesson to you to GET A FUCKING CLUE.
And people wonder how Russia was able to hack America. IT's because Americans are SO GODDAMN STUPID.
Saved Wed Feb 21 23:40:06 2018)Could you please stop your bot from messaging people on my piece of land? It's Croix, Croix (69,243,65) and I'd really appreciate it if you could make it stop. Thanks.
[23:31] Prokofy Neva: Could you try to use reason and common sense to understand that these "bots" are griefers, unrelated to me, and you need to AR them to LL, not harass me with this? It's a technique of griefing to smear people like me. I've been in business for 13 years. Meanwhile dozens of them are banned, not me. Get a grip. http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
[23:04] glitterandneon: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:41:33 2018)Hey don't have your bots send mass chats to people at a show. That is pretty inappropriate and really not cool
[23:23] Prokofy Neva: Um, I don't have any bots. It's a griefer impersonating me. Abuse report to LL and get a grip http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
The ability of a "bot" which of course isn't a bot but a human with a malicious browser or abusive script to scoop up the names/calling cards of everyone at a concert and then spam them -- now Linden Lab, how are they able to do that? Can you be a LITTLE CURIOUS about how that is done.
This one was particularly smarmy:
[23:04] Ani Aunerfal: (Saved Wed Feb 21 23:41:28 2018)Hello! I'm an administrator at Sculptyworks in the clockwork region. A few times now you've sent mass IMs which have involved several of our users. I want to try again in a professional manner to make it clear that you do not have permission to send advertisements of any sort to our sim or the users within. I hope we can resolve this without a report becoming neccesary, but as I have attempted to resolve this with you with no response in the past, I will bring the matter to linden labs next time. Thank you.
[23:24] Prokofy Neva: No, I have done nothing of the kind. These are griefers impersonating me, get a grip. Report that day-old alt to LL like the others in recent months and stop defaming me http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
[23:24] Prokofy Neva: And don't tell me you haven't gotten any response, that is utter bullshit, I send every single person who harasses me with this misplaced bullshit a statement explaining this http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2017/11/a-reminder-that-no-i-dont-have-day-old-racist-griefers-spamming-ads-for-ravenglass-.html
[23:25] Prokofy Neva: Do tell me how a person how has been in SL for 13 years and is not banned from SL and runs a business could POSSIBLY have bots like this.
[23:25] Prokofy Neva: Try to use logic and reason
[23:25] Prokofy Neva: Try to understand it is GRIEFERS and Abuse report THEM so the Lindens delete them like they did the last few dozen. The end.
[23:26] Ani Aunerfal: There's no need to be so hostile. Thank you for the information.
[23:26] Prokofy Neva: No, I"ll be as hostile as I fucking please with your witless communications to me you smarm bomb go abuse report the griefer not me and watch what happens, walla, they are banned not me, do get a clue
[23:27] Prokofy Neva: blocking
This is your clue never to buy from Sculptyworks, whatever the hell that is.
It's also utterly false that this person ever contacted me. I have records of all IMs. Let's not be liars here, too, you smarm bomb.
o The Lindens need also to get rid of proxy log-ons. I've raised that issue numerous times. They have witless crypto-anarchy ideological tenets about this that make no sense. I'm told that it is technically possible to enable, say, a private island sim to have a list that would bar those log-ons, just like you would say, a spammers' list. But they don't like to make bans of this nature that a) might affect their alts and friends b) might somehow ding small categories of people they purport to care about, like, oh, Iranian freedom fighters or transgender violence victims. The reality is that Iranians don't log on to SL if they ever did in 2009, that was very fleeting; transgenders is a more serious and real category, but let's remember that most in SL in fact use Payment Information on File, even Payment Used, and have alt names as an SL avatar, but don't log on by proxies you know? Unless SL plans on releasing their identities or not securing itself against hacks, they are safe, no?
And to make people like me endure griefing by smearing impersonators like this -- and I'm not the only one -- that happens way more often than the putative inability of a victim of violence being unable to use a proxy to log on to SL. I seriously do not believe in this use case; if it really exists, it is dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and the logging on of Tor/proxy etc abusive assholes like this should be stopped, the end. PS they are the copyright thefts and child pornography criminals as well.
Fancy hash-mark and MAC banning and all that can be done way more than admitted because again, these old-fashioned putative use-cases of "dynamically changing IP addresses" (please) and "students in a dorm all logging on from one computer" (please, is this the 1990s? Everyone has their own tablet or laptop now. Stop it, LL!)
There's also just policing the latest island purchase which is easily matched to all the alt movements. If I as a dummy can figure this out, surely LL with more tools and data available can. But they prefer this to go on, for whatever reason.
A couple of days ago I filed a report on Tizzers. I'm not sure if anything was done. If not, then I might file again. Below is the report I filed.
Tizzers is back.
I have heard that Tizzers is back. But I don't know his name. I have heard that he is holding parties in a sim called Winterfell.
This is the blog that I found out that Tizzers is back. Read the comments, and the next to last comment.
Here is the last part of that comment.
Tizzers hosts parties in a sim known as Winterfell these days, where people dress up as Potteresque schoolchildren. Rumor has it that Prokofy is widely mocked for her writings at these parties.
That was the report I filed. What groups is he spamming in? I don't see the IMs I'm in. I even belong to some spam groups. What I see a lot of is begging. One person that is in the Republican Party group is a member of Wrong Hands. He sounds like a leftist, but is in a Republican group.
Posted by: Frankie Antonioni | 02/22/2018 at 05:32 PM
Honestly, you "girls" demonstrate too obviously that you are griefers too, and enablers of griefers even if you aren't.
I will publish ANY and ALL chat that is abusive as a deterrent to bad behavior, the end, go away.
The bad behavior on display is YOURS and HERS!
I don't appreciate you harrassing my friend Lil here. I don't see any evidence of any "lies" from her part. She only expressed a subjective opinion which she is perfectly entitled to hold, namely that you BEHAVE BADLY. In fact businesses days are routinely given feedback, for example on Google and all sorts of sites. Your feedback was bad because you left a bad impression. Deal with it, and do something with your behavior toward your customers instead of abusing your customers like this. And no, you MAY NOT publish her or anyone else's chat without their permission, and you may in fact be banned from SL if you do it. Being on SL is not a right, and it's against the TOS to publish people's chat without consent.
Posted by: Stana | 02/22/2018 at 06:55 PM
This is pretty stupid, as the chat indicates that all tenants and visitors are notified FIVE WAYS:
Thank you Stana.. and I have reported to LL for the TOS breach.
I like how he also doesn't tell people that anyone in group, even your guests.. will pay group fees.
This guys a piece of work. I've blocked him inworld because he Ims me every time he logs in, hurt over what i said to his bot when he came into a No Soliciting area (Sailors Cove) and mass IM'd everyone in the radar range.
Posted by: Lilyanarose | 02/22/2018 at 07:04 PM
This is stupid -- the bot keeps sending me chat, and also these idiots like Lilyana contact me directly. I've blocked him and many of them and AR'd them. If you are authentic -- and I figure you'e not, you'll AR them too.
The fact that Prokofy even knows what you said to his bot somewhere in local chat or IM is in fact undisputable PROOF that it's his bot. Prokofy, you should apologize for your abuse of a customer and for your annoying bot, and just stop this silly game of yours.
Posted by: john.finchy | 02/22/2018 at 08:06 PM
Once again, LL -- thank God! -- has no jurisdiction outside its servers. People abuse reporting a post on a blog outside of Second Life truly will get nowhere.
Believe me, I've seen some particularly zealous and controlling Lindens try to get away with this by raging about what someone has put on a blog or implying that this is going to "get" them in SL but they're wrong about that.
If they *do* start zealously policing outside their servers and *in this specious way* then they merely illustrate that their platform is not suitable for business, non-profit or educational work.
Because anyone would then be able to make specious and abusive use of this in bad faith and make it impossible for normal people to use Second Life.
I'll take the time to play out examples on this another day when I can -- for the feeble-minded that can't grasp this, but it's truly havoc to allow bad-faith AR's like this outside of SL.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 02/23/2018 at 01:14 PM