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In June 2005, Fitzpatrick received a notice that she was banned — permanently — from the Second Life forums. The official reason for her ban was "trolling," or being abusive to other members, but Fitzgerald says it was because she was being too critical of Linden Lab. Following her ban, a Linden Lab chat log surfaced on the Internet in which the Lindens plot a way to silence their biggest critic. "Prok [Fitzgerald's user name] never 'technically' violates the Community Standards," wrote one Linden. "So change them," another replied. Another spelled it out more clearly: "Ban Prok."

"When asked about the Lab's banning of Fitzgerald, Rosedale — who fields emails from her with some frequency — doesn't apologize for giving her the ax. "I do think it is reasonable," he says, "just like running a kindergarten.""



You know you have serious issues when some bdsm rape loser in second life comes off as the coherent level headed one. Cool rant though lol

Annie Carducci

I hereby officially warn you on behalf of the 1st Police Battallion (SL) that you violated an order not to disturb an event at Cacho Nootan Tango, for the SECOND time with your bot. I must now give you a FINAL warning that a report to Linden Lab is imminent. Also, must I point out that publishing chat is prohibited under the code of Cacho Nootan Tango as well as Linden Lab's TOS and will also lead to a report.

Kany E

This Rolling Stone wrote:

"In June 2005, Fitzpatrick received a notice that she was banned — permanently — from the Second Life forums. The official reason for her ban was "trolling," or being abusive to other members, but Fitzgerald says it was because she was being too critical of Linden Lab. Following her ban, a Linden Lab chat log surfaced on the Internet in which the Lindens plot a way to silence their biggest critic. "Prok [Fitzgerald's user name] never 'technically' violates the Community Standards," wrote one Linden. "So change them," another replied. Another spelled it out more clearly: "Ban Prok."

"When asked about the Lab's banning of Fitzgerald, Rosedale — who fields emails from her with some frequency — doesn't apologize for giving her the ax. "I do think it is reasonable," he says, "just like running a kindergarten.""

Claudiafiora  Campese

I'd like to make a remark about one conclusion you draw:

" Certainly absolutely no vehicle in any way in any fashion is hampèred by my little ramp there -- how do I know that? Because all the live-long day the driverless cars come through, spamming my neighbourhood completely "

I suppose you mean those little cars and boats that provide tours of thè mainlands of Sansara and Heterocera. Well, the point is: these vehicles are clearly non-physical. They are not hindered by obstructions or bad curves. You can easily check that by trying to block them with your body. Neither you nor the vehicle Will be damaged. On the other hand the complainer 's motorcycle is likely physical, so it CAN be blocked . Your conclusion is not valid.

Driverless, non-physical vehicles can be obstructed by settings in the parcel owner's setting, like no-object-entry, no-script , etc. Unwise settings, in my opinion, that only cause , rather than solve, the annoyances that you describe.

By the way, I like those little cars. They look cute and they provide nice guided tours of thè mainlands.

Prokofy Neva

No, they look like crap and are out of theme on 99% of sims on the Mainland, no one needs space pods on every other kind of sim, whether suburban, retro, ranch, modern, whatever. None of those are "space age".

No one needs tours, either. They don't have people in them. I never, ever, ever, see anyone using them and I look at many more sims for longer periods of day than you, with your biased view in favour of them merely because the tech set thinks they are wonderful for load-testing -- as if we didn't have a live population of real people using their avatars for load testing? And because they never met a scripted thing they didn't like.

It's not about "settings" even if they can be "optimized". It's about arrogant assholery thinking you can use all of SL for your Tropico tyrant game, and about the Lindens enabling that.

Funny how the Lindens removed AnneMarie finally. Maybe because of, um, "settings". They kept the pods. But it's merely a matter of whom they friend.

Furthermore, I myself have physical vehicles of all kinds. As do my neighbours. We drive on these roads constantly. We do not experience the motorcycle upsets that this idiot is whining about, even on motorcycles.
So my conclusion IS valid, derp. You just don't have enough experiments on this road to make any conclusions whatsoever, and therefore are the latest asshole to sound off with arrogant bullshit, that's all.

His one-time experience with his particular vehicle is not at all a justification for the Lindens to remove their invisible prims, although I'd like them to remove the road completely as I've indicated on the forums and use their idiotic "right of way" to reroute THAT road instead of leaving their "unfinished railroad" to terrorize this area with the prospect of blight.

Prokofy Neva

Let's have the link to this article and read the whole article, it's helpful : )


The next paragraph after the ones selectively quoted is this one:

On October 29th, 2006, Fitzgerald claimed that the Lab had done the virtual equivalent of insider trading: telling select barons of an impending hike in land prices, which would allow them to snatch up land at lower fees, before the plebian owners could get their share. Rosedale himself admitted his wrongdoing. "We probably made a mistake there, trying to get feedback," he said at the time. "We should just tell everybody everything."

Hmm, sounds like there is a role for "contrarians" -- critical bloggers -- you know, like real life, you know, someone like Matt Taibi who I find totally repugnant but whom this commenter probably loves for his critique of capitalism.

I don't at all oppose capitalism. I'm not a socialist. I'm a Catholic. I'm a liberal. I'm for social justice, which is not the same thing as socialism (which is why socialists hate it). Naturally, in a liberal democratic society under the rule of law, you regulate but don't kill business as say, Russia or China would and ask these authoritarians posting would no doubt like to see.

And hmm, who is still in Second Life? Me, not Philip. Oh, well! I thought Philip was great, he had great ideas, he did this incredibly hard experiment pretty well and fast, he may have been too hide-bound with some of his tech ideologies, but he was ALWAYS someone you could talk to normally and ALWAYS thoughtful and a LISTENER. Perhaps he was a poor manager but I'm not even sure about that as he inspired his staff. Now Philip started another virtual world. I haven't been able to get into it, I suppose my computer doesn't have the chops, eventually I will, it has many nice features and mainly his enthusiasm and staff which recommends itself from his Second Life resume, whatever my critique.

Furthermore, um, permabanned? This article came out in 2007, at the height of the business enthusiasm (read: public relations' firms enthusiasm, which is really a different thing and why it failed).

That was, let's see, 11 years ago? I wasn't "permabanned" at all -- it was Torley who banned me for legitimate questioning of Corey Linden's copyleftism and extremism technocommunism on the site and on the forums, as well I should, I had very valid reasons for questioning his enabling of the illegal reverse-engineering of the platform because it coddled griefers and copybotters. I know he had some fundamental argument with Philip. We never quite learned what it was. Maybe it was over Corey's extremist belief in open sourcing everything. They ended up open sourcing the browser, a mistake in my view. Everyone uses Firestorm which they backdate then to an acceptance of this decision but I'm totally unimpressed, as Firestorm has its roots in griefer viewers, no one has ever proved that it doesn't scrape data and exploit it and more to the point, it undermines SL rules like granting the ability to return group-set prims which it shouldn't override.

AS SOON as Torley -- who can be a total tool as many know -- was removed from forums moderation, I was put back on. Was it the next year? Soon after. That's why I'm on it TODAY and have been FOR YEARS? Hello! One of the stupidest pieces of disinformation around.

Claudiafiora Campese

"You just don't have enough experiments on this road to make any conclusions whatsoever, and therefore are the latest asshole to sound off with arrogant bullshit, that's all."

Gee Prokofy, I did not make ANY conlusions at all ! I did not say that your prim was in fact blocking anything. I just criticised your logic. You based your conclusion upon the mere fact that "non-phys" vehicles aren't blocked. The fact that you rode phys. vehicles yourself, is something I couldn't possibly know after reading your original post.

And what's arrogant about my post? I just pointed you to a fact that you might have missed. We cannot know everything.

Regarding the other issue: Why would you deny people the right to use a PUBLIC road the way they want, as long as they don't hurt people ? All these innocent little cars do is quietely travelling over public highways and waterways, and give some info (in a whispered voice !) on the things encountered.

Do take one of these tours some day ! You will be surprised, I promise ! The mainlands are, regrettably, going down in favor of private islands, and they can use any support they can get. These tours are a valuable contribution to that.

Prokofy Neva

Take your idiotic "police" roleplay elsewhere, Annie Carducci you're a total failure.

First, this isn't my bot as is explained in another post, get a clue?


Second -- really important for swaggering police assholes to grasp? -- Linden Lab does not have jurisdiction outside its servers. Therefore you cannot "abuse report" speech you don't like outside of SL's servers.

I can and will go on pasting chat on my blog which is my right.

This pasting of abusive chat does not violate any "privacy" -- it is chat said to ME in one-party New York State, which means that either or both parties may publicize the communication. That's important.

Because it is ABUSIVE AND THREATNING chat based on totally idiotic insanity by assholes imagining they are above the rule of law. The ONLY recourse we have other than trying to AR them back (which "goes nowhere") is to PUBLICIZE their bad behavior. THE ONLY RECOURSE.

You are warned on my profile that if you do that, you will be publicized; if you imagine that a rule within the SL jurisdiction prevents me from publishing outside, you're mistaken.

If somehow LL begins punishing people for what they say in any form outside of LL -- criticism of LL, quotation of chat that is quoted for the purpose of exposing harassment, threats, blackmail -- they will have proven themselves unfit for business, non-profit and educational use -- I have never seen them do this in 13 years in fact as they aren't stupid and don't overreach. Some individual Lindens try to overreach but they get nowhere.

Claudiafiore, your repeated posts are a total fail.

The reason one individual with a mad tyrannical Tropico idea to inflict spam cars on the public should not use PUBLIC ROADS is because they are PUBLIC. The PUBLIC is not them, you, or any other tyrant. It's the PUBLIC. One, your notion that they are "not harmful" is just biased, subjective bullshit. They ARE harmful as they BLIGHT THE VIEW, ADD NEEDLESSLY TO SCRIPTS ON SIMS, ARE OFTEN OUT OF THEME (boats in the air, trains on the water) and ARE NOT USED.

AGAINST: The PUBLIC is NOT USING these cars. I never, ever, ever seen ANY use of them. The fact that contrarian assholes get into them once in awhile and claim they are "fun" doesn't undermine the basic point that individual assholes should NOT get to take over the public domain just as in real life they can't do this.

There are free vehicles all over (I supply some right at this site in fact where this incident takes place) and people can get a free vehicle, or buy a nicer one, and travel on their own without spamming the Mainland. The Mainland is not improved by these driverless cars -- they're blighted.

Indeed, I've sat in them on occasion to see how witless they are -- I've gone in them and seen NO OTHER PERSON USING THEM ANYWHERE. I see them jammed up on properties around me, in fact.

Again, your notions of what physical vehicles do and don't do is not based on actual use of this area for years such as I have and many others, so piss off.

Criticizing "logic" without any proof is just insanity, even if dressed up as "tech talk". Seriously, piss off.

Prokofy Neva

@Kany E the name is FITZPATRICK -- Rolling Stone got it right.

No, I didn't violate the TOS, in fact my criticism of Corey was legitimate and was on the forums for a time until Torley got angry at its thorough critique of the viewer and "permabanned me". The hilarious thing is that the SAME question I asked at the town hall INWORLD to Corey himself was one HE ANSWERED.

Meanwhile, a griefer made an avatar with a name similar to mine, with one letter off or something, and began spamming and harassing the town hall. So *I* was kicked off world and not allowed to be present during the townhall. These gimmicks are deliberate and work on stupid prejudiced Lindens. The record shows that I didn't do any "spamming" or anything of the sort. PS talking in chat during townhalls is what everyone did, and hardly spam; what this Prokofy impersonator did, however, was spam. It wasn't me. These are tiresome stories and Torley is a tool.

Claudiafiora  Campese

"Thè PUBLIC is not you, them, or any other tyrant".

The exact opposite is the case: Thè PUBLIC is me, and them, and any other "tyrant", and nice people like yourself as well. The public road are there to be used by everybody, "in theme" or "out of theme".

Just like in real life: When I 'd encounter a guy dressed as Donald Duck in the streets of Napels, hè would be out of theme there too, but hè would bring a smile onto my face.

Let's be happy that somebody puts some activity to those public roads. How much traffic do you expect on a typical mainland highway WITHOUT these unmanned cars? Maybe 2 cars a day? An always empty highway, that s what I would call out of theme.

These cars do have several good purposes, even if they are not being ridden much: they make an otherwise meaningless piece of asphalt into an actual road, they can help in testing SIM crossing software, they are useful AI project, etc. And when you see something on the road that you don't like, keep in mind it is public space. YoU like certain things, you dislike others.

Let thousand flowes bloom!

Prokofy Neva

No, Claudia, you're being an asshole. PS I see you have child avatar groups on your profile so that helps explain it : )

There are plenty of REAL people on these roads that I see because I log in and go to lots of sims and you don't? So we don't need fake cars that are spam, unsightly, out of theme, and just generally annoying.

I find certain contrarians that themselves are highly "alternative" think that it's "the norm" to encroach on the public space when it isn't. This is only Linden laxness and extremity of idealogy.

The road does just find "as is" as many of them are scene, as built by the Moles and they already HAVE meaning from real people who drive their vehicles on them.

No one needs "useful AI projects" in the public space, keep it on your own sim you pay for. No one needs "testing" of sim seams after 14 years of this product, honestly, this is just a totally bogus cover for people like yourself trying to muscle others.

So piss off, keep it on your own sim.

Claudiafiora Campese

I am honoured by your vist of my SL profile, but I am puzzled by your remark on child avatar groups. I am 39 y.o. , and I have no interest in hanging out with children in SL, although I love them in RL.

Your debating style sometimes involves leaps of thought that are over my head. What have "child avatar groups" to do with my opinion on use of the public room? Please point out the connection.

I just like scripting, and I have contributed to some path finding projects; that's how these cute little cars and boats drew my attention.

The public roads are meant for public use : you, me, everybody; this implies you will sometimes meet a person, or an object, that you don't like. If you might feel personally attacked or insulted by it, the Abuse-Report system is at your disposal. Otherwise, just turn your back to it. There must be tons of things out there, that are more to your taste.

Live, and let live.

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