Remember this? You would if you were a child in the 1950s.
You may know doobeedoo Littlething. I always had admiration for her, she ran several gatcha stores and her tastes in gatcha were similar to mine, her displays were nice and easy to get around and the prices, while not super low, were reasonable. I chatted with her now and then, she always seemed like a normal, savvy SL merchant. When she had a horrible inventory loss, such as I suffered, I sent her some extra stock to get started as a friend of mine did and others. That's what you do.
But now, surprisingly, she's behaving like an unmitigated asshole over a stupid lack of comprehension on the part of her friend who also opened a gatcha store in my rentals. So I have no choice but to boycott her and urge everyone else to -- you don't have any recourse but that when someone threatens to damage your reputation -- and in fact does so, with total bullshit. Skip over the he said/she said and come to the more substantive issues affecting any store: does the CATEGORY matter? I always change these categories out of habit from when search was different but I honestly don't think they have mattered for years. And in any event, the "crime" of leaving a parcel in "rentals" and not changed to "shopping" couldn't affect a search in search/places anyway -- that I can see. Let's see if anyone has FACTS on these issues.
So the story is as follows -- dobeedo Littlething, who I have known and shopped at for years in her own stores on other sims unexpectedly comes and rents from me in the sim of Patagonia. I was surprised as she has her own island or part of an island or land, and always had, but then she refunded, after not being there for long, although setting up a store. When I asked if she had problems, she then said she was helping a friend. This friend first tried to put up a store on residential land so I had to tell her to move (the info cards make this clear but no one reads them -- she then went to an area where I don't mind having a store especially a tastefully-laid out gatcha store that I myself would shop up that isn't going to be laggy like (potentially) breedables. Everything seemed fine.
One thing that became clear is that her friend -- I don't think she was an alt -- wasn't terribly bright. I don't think she read info cards and didn't absorb information given to her. Whatever, as the record shows, I was polite and instantly did anything she asked.
Yes, I went to help her immediately when she asked. My rentals are self-service, but you can ask me for help. When I give people resident powers I explain they can change the land description. The cards say this multiple times as well. She seemed to grasp some of this but not all -- she changed to resident powers obviously because she changed the name of the lot to her store name, put a description of her store, and even a texture with a kitty cat. But she didn't grasp that the land was in search ALREADY (from being in search...for her to find it in the first place) but she couldn't see that because OF A GLITCH IN SL. I wish they would fix this. It's an endless cause of misunderstanding, grief, and annoyance and has been for 14 years, but the Lindens don't care.
She also couldn't realize that she could set her own landing point. This is told tenants multiple ways but they ignore it often.
Basically, the owner of the land and the officers can see the checkoff box for the land being in search. But someone with only tenant role or even resident role in the group CANNOT see that check. It SEEMS as if it is not there. So I checked, made sure it was in search, and sent her a note explaining the glitch and asking her merely to check her store name in search -- that's how you find out if it is really working! It used to be this could take as long as a day to appear -- now it is much faster, sometimes even immediately but certainly within hours.
The other issue I didn't notice -- because again -- these are self-service rentals where I give people to make their own ads -- is that the CATEGORY still said "Rentals" and not "Store".
In my experience, most people use search/places to find things with key words or the name of the store, and it doesn't matter whether it says Rentals, Store, Hangout, but let's say it is helpful to have it in Store.
You just...toggle it to store. But she couldn't do this, imply because the power is not given out -- the overwhelming majority of people don't care about this because it doesn't matter, and if they do, I change it. She wouldn't tell me that was a real (or imagined) problem for her so I DID NOT KNOW.
The ONLY way I found out this category thing was an issue for her was by talking to dobeedo who also made much of it. Strange that, as she is a seasoned person in SL and should realize it doesn't matter -- search/places does not have rentals as a category and it therefore doesn't even show up when checked; shopping is nice to have but people don't search in search/places with that extra most of the time, they just put in the search terms. The exact name of the store will show up regardless of the category; the store will show up if someone just is searching for gatchas IF they have traffic. That I never guarantee -- traffic doesn't make sales, sales make sales, so work on search an ads because traffic gimmicks don't work.
Instead of just asking me to change the category, she sent me a somewhat incoherent IM as you can see below, not mentioning the categories issue at all, not realizing she could set her own landing point either, although this is explained three ways to be redundant -- on my profile, in the FAQs sent when you rent, and in a sign in my office -- and expressing the belief her prims were being returned.
Nobody would want customers to come to her store and just start returning merchandise randomly but that wasn't happening and couldn't happen; her stuff got away on to other non-group land from where it was returned by autoreturn -- that seems most likely. When you find stuff in the air -- usually do to rubber-banding or glitches in SL in general -- then it will land on other lots sometimes and return.
Whatever, you can't know if you aren't asked -- her main concern seemed to be a belief that someone was returning her prims and this capacity would be globalized and make havoc at her store. Which wasn't true.
Nevertheless, this is what I seriously investigated because if true, it's a global problem not just for her or me and my rentals but anyone in Mainland rentals or any grouping of land. The Lindens don't care about return problems as I've exhaustively reported but I do check this periodically at the level of "Can Firestorm users return group-set prims with resident powers in my group" because people claim this is possible every now and then.
Each time I check this thoroughly, I find it is NOT possible. Recently Whirly Fizgig burned an hour testing this EXHAUSTIVELY with me. Maybe it is possible on some kind of viewer? But not the SL Viewer or Firestorm. Except...sometimes maybe it is? When?
From exhaustive testing today once again -- I got a tenant with resident role and a friend with no group role to come and try returning things and they couldn't -- I found:
o You can return things if they are in SHARE. People don't realize sometimes they've done that; certain old Linden things still have share on them from the LL habit of putting everything in the Library in share back in the day; sometimes even I forget I've done this for a tenant to move and return things. I got landscape back the other day and thought, hmm, why??? Firestorm??? But it share as I discovered when I took it out of Lost & Found. Because I put it in share for a tenant to return if they didn't like it -- duh.
o You cannot return things if they are not in share and set to group.
o If they are NOT set to the group and you are a group member with resident status you CAN return them - non-group-set prims happen more often than you realize.
o And there is one more tiny exception -- if you have been handed Householders role in my group -- some long-term tenants can return group-set prims. There are so few of them and the circumstances for the use of this power is so rare -- like a car or plane wrecked on a lot taking up prims -- that it's an unlikely but possible explanation -- but again, only if the prims landed on OTHER LOTS. Not FROM that tenant's rented lot.
dobedoo complained to me that "my tenant next door" returned her prims. Well, her prims strayed from her lot, by accident somehow, and they got returned either if not group-set, from non-group land or by another tenant with householder powers because they were on his lot, not hers. That's all. I checked, and that seems to be the most plausible explanation. It does not seem to be the case that any random tenant with either tenant or the higher resident status can return group-set prims.
THAT prims stray I proved when I landed in my office, next door to this friend of dobedoo's, and found one of her gatchas set to sale and floating in the sky. Again: a fellow tenant with resident status COULD NOT return it. I thought at first, oh, she has it "see in search" is that the reason? Nope. IT COULD NOT BE RETURNED EXCEPT BY ME, THE OWNER. Had a "Householder" been nearby -- I think there are no more than 4 or 5 of them in all my groups -- they could have as well as a courtesy. Nobody who is TRUSTED with that power would abuse it -- it's when your stuff gets OFF your land.
So I tried to sort this out with kateyes -- she just couldn't absorb it. I can see when people are timid, not bright, not willing, not whatever and can't think or talk things through and just want to say "bu bye" as this one did (LOL). Um, ok, buh-bye, that's how it's spelled, but I get it.
But clearly, she wouldn't have been upset about things returning unless a) she was told this "problem" by doobeedoo OR b) she experienced it repeatedly and I can't believe that. Since there are no householders, no officers, and not even me to do this on that sim, what happened? Maybe it landed on a neighbor's property NOT in my group and got returned? Maybe it wasn't set to the group? Maybe it was just some odd server glitch? She didn't have the bandwidth to find out, and maybe that's too much to ask of a tenant, but I do expect, when I've gone to solve people's problems that they don't just refund without asking for help.
Normally, when someone refunds and I ask them politely once if they had problems and they don't or can't answer, I don't bother them again. Why would you? People come and go, they don't want to explain, that's their business.
BUT WHEN AN ACCUSATION IS MADE THAT YOUR GROUP AND MAINLAND RENTALS IN GENERAL ENABLE PRIM RETURNS BY ANYBODY, IT'S NORMAL TO QUESTION, INVESTIGATE AND WORRY. People who aren't in the Mainland rentals business don't care about this -- they just make their own groups on an island. But we on the Mainland HAVE GOT to care -- it's a big bug.
It's too bad that this person couldn't have stayed in her nice, cheap rental where not only everyone coming to my office would shop -- a nice boon of being next to it -- but I would even myself -- couldn't grasp the small fact that her category problem was fixable by a one-second one-click action on the land menu, and her return problem was fictitious. Her hasty refund lets me know she was propelled in this, and that it was fueled most likely, and that most likely doobeedoo said OMG my prims were return too don't rent there. Stupid, but there you are.
So here's a full publication of the transcripts. Any person of good will can see that her imagined drama queen bullshit of "talking to somebody some way" or even talking to her "some way" is simply thin-skinned insanity. It's common in SL to have this kind of not-very-bright drama-queen bullshit; I just wouldn't expect it from doobedoo -- but now I know that's how she is.
Once again, when you fuck with me by THREATS and promise to REPUTATION damage by "not recommending me" -- which is an obvious admission of bad-mouthing in general -- I fight back. I publish the facts, and reasonable people instantly get it. I urge boycotts; I practice boycotts. It's all we have in SL where there is no free press and no independent court system.
Note that even though kateyes wasn't very bright about this and all-to-willing to suspect sabotage, and doobeedo was unnecessarily irritable and stupid about it as well, though she knows better, I was willing to continue to shop at their stores. Why not? Mainland rentals aren't for everybody. They have good stores. But not now after her final comments. They are ignorant, stupid, and vicious.
I hate SL stupidity, driven by unwillingness to learn or hear the facts; unwillingness to have even a modicum of good will; all-to-ready willingness to suspect, hate, narrow the eyes, and become mean as a junk-yard dog.
Note in particular that both these customers were given clear, repeated information that they themselves could change the land menu, description etc. If every single power granted is not spelled out, it's because it's too long a list -- that's why you send notecards, put it on your profile, and put it in your office on a sign, you know? I'm 100% positive that this new efficient better landlord didn't sit and IM these ladies long lists of powers NOR give them "100% powers". They just think so because of set and setting.
[2018/06/21 10:47] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/16f22cdd-eade-4b63-a03f-85a05a7646a8/completename paid you L$1400.
[2018/06/21 10:49] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): may i get rights please
[2018/06/21 10:50] Prokofy Neva: Hi, you have to join the group on your own using the group joiner on site or search/groups
[2018/06/21 10:53] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): joined
[2018/06/21 10:54] Prokofy Neva: Hi, I'm talking to doobeedoo, the area you rented is residential only, not for shops, so if you want a shop you will have to refund, and take another area, I will send you the list
[2018/06/21 10:55] Second Life: Inventory item 'COMMERCIAL AND STORE LOT RENTALS' offered
[2018/06/21 10:58] Prokofy Neva: the cancellation fee will be returned manually
[2018/06/21 10:58] Prokofy Neva: AFK
[2018/06/21 11:09] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): you there?
[2018/06/21 11:11] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): need that deposit so i can rent next door
[2018/06/21 11:12] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): Furness (144,239,48)
[2018/06/21 11:16] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): ty ty
[2018/06/21 11:16] Prokofy Neva: I added you to resident role in the group
[2018/06/21 11:16] Prokofy Neva: switch to the title resident to access ban, media, change parcel description etc
[2018/06/21 11:16] Prokofy Neva: this may require relogging
[2018/06/21 11:16] Second Life: Inventory item 'Ravenglass Rentals Quickstart' offered
[2018/06/21 11:16] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/16f22cdd-eade-4b63-a03f-85a05a7646a8/completename paid you L$1350.
[2018/06/21 11:17] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): ty vm
[2018/07/17 19:58] kateyes Wingtips: (Saved Tue Jul 17 19:07:16 2018)i need land so can show in search. can i get land divided from others so they cant return my items and be able to set my landing point ... pretty please
[2018/07/17 20:10] Prokofy Neva: Hi, I can easily put your land in search but I don't know what you mean by "so they can't return my items and set my landing point". Only other people with resident powers in the group could set a landing part on a parcel in the group, and it's a rare occurrence, they're not going to bother. As for "returning your items," you can't return group-set items unless you are owner or officer in the group. I think Firestorm may enable this in some way, or some third-party viewer, as I see it some time, but it's also rare. But that's not something I can control. Generally, no one can return prims once they are set to the group. If you are saying "Can I have my own group on your land," that's not possible on the Mainland without owning the land and paying tier to LL. So I will put your parcel in search but the rest I don't see why you need it or what the issue is.
[2018/07/17 20:14] Prokofy Neva: Ok your parcel is in search, but due to a glitch in SL, you can't see that checkoff in the box unless you are a group officer, but look it up in search/places and you should see it soon. You yourself set the landing point, switch to the resident role in the group to do that
[2018/07/19 14:38] Prokofy Neva: Hi, I saw you refunded and I'm sure it must have been annoying after you went to all the effort to lay out your store. But I DO NOT UNDERSTAND what your issues are. No one can return your items set to the group UNLESS you yourself put them in "share". Only rogue viewers can do this and I don't see that as an issue. As I said, setting your landing point you can do and setting in search you can do. Please explain to me why you believe people could return your items.
[2018/07/19 14:40] Second Life: Inventory item 'Reply' offered
[2018/07/19 14:41] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): i didnt realise ty bu buy
[2018/07/19 14:51] Prokofy Neva: Not sure what you mean -- what didn't you realize?
[2018/07/19 14:51] Prokofy Neva: I sent an answer yesterday that yes, you could be in search and yes, you could set a landing point
[2018/07/19 14:52] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): bu buy
[2018/07/19 14:52] Prokofy Neva: anyone can leave my rentals for any reason or no reason and I provide refunds unlike most landlords, but if there is some larger issue where they think something like "prims can be returned" I want to figure it out
[2018/07/19 15:46] Prokofy Neva: hi so sending back one of your store items that got away from you and was in the air above my store (next to that lot) -- first had two tenants with resident status, one without any group status try to return (they're on Firestorm) and they couldn't. I can only because I'm the land owner. Good luck in find a new place!
[2018/07/19 16:41] KAT EYES (kateyes.wingtips): IM NOT LEAVING Due to anyone else I got a very good deal and I have all my land rates that I wanted to thank you very much but it was a decision that I had made no one else
Of course, if you believe in that, you believe in the tooth fairy, because...a simple thing like changing the category of your land menu, which you ask to be done if it seems you can't, would be instantly fixable. I'd like to credit to this person the good will I wish I could have gotten from her, but it's a sure sign of either unwillingness to absorb information or stupidity or ill will fueled by another when you can't sort out your FREE search/places ad GIVEN to you in a cheap rental by just ASKING the landlord or even just examining the same menu you worked the day before again. The power to change about land settings is given with the resident status in all my groups. When you click and see the options, you instantly see that setting a landing is possible, even if you failed to read this on the cards.
[2016/10/07 18:15] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$25 for [Toiz] 4. raindrop rug.
[2017/11/30 19:22] Prokofy Neva: OMG I heard you had a gatcha inventory loss like I did, I lost 15,000 items, probably half gatcha, many rares, same thing, all the folders deleted in trash even though I never put them there, I ranted and raged with the Lindens, only got a year's free subscription out of them
[2017/11/30 19:22] Prokofy Neva: going to send you some gatchas now
[2017/11/30 19:22] doobeedoo Littlething: yea i cried 4 days
[2017/11/30 19:22] Prokofy Neva: I am still finding the losses, I was just bereft
[2017/11/30 19:22] doobeedoo Littlething: omg itll take me 4 everrrrrr
[2017/11/30 19:23] Prokofy Neva: I have slowly started to rebuild, I dont even know what I lost
[2017/11/30 19:23] doobeedoo Littlething: ya im same
[2017/11/30 19:24] Prokofy Neva: I put my folders now all separately off "object," before I had them a different way, don't know if that matters
[2017/11/30 19:24] Second Life: Inventory item '{Petite Maison} Winter Banner: Cranberry' offered
[2017/11/30 19:24] doobeedoo Littlething: ya i renamed mine do not fukin delete
[2017/11/30 19:24] doobeedoo Littlething: aww tytyt
[2017/11/30 19:24] Second Life: Inventory item '{Petite Maison} Winter Chill Gacha: Cupcakes - Choco Berry' offered
[2017/11/30 19:24] Second Life: Inventory item '8. GA - Savannah - Raspberry' offered
[2017/11/30 19:24] Second Life: Inventory item 'i { DH } Gacha! Flower Garden Chair *Berry Rose*' offered
[2017/11/30 19:24] doobeedoo Littlething: aww hun ty soo much
[2017/11/30 19:24] Second Life: Inventory item '20. (luc) Berry Crystal Wreath, White (decor or wearable)' offered
[2017/11/30 19:25] Second Life: Inventory item '{anc} friedwildberry. ''model of the berrylife'' 3Li RARE' offered
[2017/11/30 19:25] doobeedoo Littlething: aww ty sooooo much
[2017/11/30 19:25] Prokofy Neva: Model of the Berry Life is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE thing and I went back and won two, so please have one
[2017/11/30 19:25] Second Life: Inventory item '{anc}/ friedwildberry. 16''droplamp/hanging'' fog' offered
[2017/11/30 19:25] Second Life: Inventory item '{anc}/ friedwildberry. 20''droplamp/wall'' fog' offered
[2017/11/30 19:25] Second Life: Inventory item '.:Bee Designs: Kitchen Decor Gacha Cupboard RARE' offered
[2017/11/30 19:26] Second Life: Inventory item '..::THOR::.. Rising Sun Counter ULTRARARE' offered
[2017/11/30 19:26] Prokofy Neva: go ahead and sell them if you want
[2017/11/30 19:26] doobeedoo Littlething: ty soo much sweet
[2017/11/30 19:27] Prokofy Neva: I am trying to be Zen about this
[2017/11/30 19:27] Prokofy Neva: but my God it's thousands of dollars, real dollars
[2017/11/30 19:27] doobeedoo Littlething: y a i was goin nuts
[2017/11/30 19:28] doobeedoo Littlething: then i cred'
[2017/11/30 19:28] doobeedoo Littlething: theni wtfs my self
[2017/11/30 19:28] doobeedoo Littlething: lol
[2017/11/30 19:28] Prokofy Neva: bc not everybody even with the copyable has redelivery
[2017/11/30 19:28] doobeedoo Littlething: egsaclllyyyy
[2017/11/30 19:28] Prokofy Neva: it really took the shine off SL
[2017/11/30 19:28] Prokofy Neva: I had so many nicely decorated places and I would pick them up in folders and change them at least the stuff in world was still out but 15,000
[2017/11/30 19:28] doobeedoo Littlething: ya i was not happy but so many ppl donated gachas n lindens blew me away how ppl have been
[2017/11/30 19:30] Prokofy Neva: well I hope you will recover, it's awful and I have to tell you for months I am still finding what I lost
[2017/11/30 19:30] doobeedoo Littlething: mmhmm me 2 i trynot tu think aboput all the kitty stuff i lost thats my fav
[2017/11/30 19:30] Prokofy Neva: : (
[2017/11/30 19:30] doobeedoo Littlething: ikr
[2017/11/30 19:31] Prokofy Neva: well I had to put down my RL kitties recently and honestly, SL kitties are not a substitute
[2017/11/30 19:31] doobeedoo Littlething: omg
[2017/11/30 19:32] doobeedoo Littlething: ttas fuikin awslee hugs u so hardd i have 9 rl kitty i know how it feels
[2017/11/30 19:35] Prokofy Neva: I hate having to make life or death decisions about them but I sat up all night with one howling when medicine wasn't working and nothing was working and the other wouldn't eat, they were 18 and 19
[2017/11/30 19:35] doobeedoo Littlething: yea we had tu do it last year its jus heart breakin
[2017/11/30 19:36] Prokofy Neva: well I'm getting used to it
[2017/11/30 19:36] Prokofy Neva: I have my SL kitties but they are different!
[2017/11/30 19:36] Prokofy Neva: not as smart!
[2017/11/30 19:36] doobeedoo Littlething: uh huh i fell ya
[2017/11/30 19:36] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/about has given you this object:
[2017/11/30 19:36] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/about has given you this object:
[2017/11/30 19:37] Prokofy Neva: thanks!
[2017/11/30 19:37] doobeedoo Littlething: xx
[2017/11/30 19:37] doobeedoo Littlething: who told u about my fuk up
[2017/11/30 19:38] Prokofy Neva: my friend Cocoanut Koala
[2017/11/30 19:38] Prokofy Neva: she has a gatcha shop
[2017/11/30 19:38] doobeedoo Littlething: aww bless her
[2017/11/30 19:38] Prokofy Neva: I've known her since TSO
[2017/11/30 19:38] Prokofy Neva: she rents from as well
[2017/11/30 19:38] doobeedoo Littlething: yeas shes a sweety
[2018/06/21 09:20] doobeedoo Littlething: hiyas im interested in what land rights do u get if i rent land from u
[2018/06/21 09:23] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$350.
[2018/06/21 09:23] doobeedoo Littlething: ok i rented could u chainge land name plz\\
[2018/06/21 09:31] Prokofy Neva: Hi, you change your name yourself after I give you resident powers
[2018/06/21 09:31] doobeedoo Littlething: OK TY LOVE
[2018/06/21 09:31] Prokofy Neva: ok I added you
[2018/06/21 09:31] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/06/21 09:31] Prokofy Neva: relog if on firestorm
[2018/06/21 09:31] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/06/21 09:32] Second Life: Inventory item 'Ravenglass Rentals Quickstart' offered
[2018/06/21 09:32] doobeedoo Littlething: User not online - inventory has been saved.
[2018/06/21 09:33] Prokofy Neva: the search/places ad is included in the rent, you can't see the search checkout due to an SL glitch but it should be on, you add your own name, texture etc. Music also. I sent you the info card.
[2018/06/21 09:41] doobeedoo Littlething: ty sweety
[2018/06/21 10:50] doobeedoo Littlething: got u another renter
[2018/06/21 10:50] doobeedoo Littlething: kateyes wingtips
[2018/06/21 10:51] Prokofy Neva: great!
[2018/06/21 10:52] doobeedoo Littlething: zxxx
[2018/06/21 10:52] Prokofy Neva: the thing is that's not a store area, it's residential, what you rented can be a store as it is roadside
[2018/06/21 10:52] doobeedoo Littlething: oh nuu
[2018/06/21 10:52] doobeedoo Littlething: she wants shops
[2018/06/21 10:53] Prokofy Neva: well then she will have to refund and go to another area with shops
[2018/06/21 10:54] doobeedoo Littlething: ok ya best hit her up lol
[2018/06/21 11:00] doobeedoo Littlething:
[2018/06/21 11:00] doobeedoo Littlething: is that commercial
[2018/06/21 11:01] doobeedoo Littlething: or i can build her a skybox mall at 4000 meters
[2018/06/21 11:12] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$10.
[2018/06/21 11:12] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$5.
[2018/06/21 11:13] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$10 for 09 - 8f8 - Storyteller's Burrow - Street Lamp BAG.
[2018/06/21 11:13] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$10 for 06 - 8f8 - Storyteller's Burrow - Gate BAG.
[2018/06/21 11:13] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$10 for 14 - 8f8 - Storyteller's Burrow - Plate Collection BAG.
[2018/06/21 11:13] Second Life: secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename paid you L$5.
[2018/06/21 11:14] doobeedoo Littlething: heehee i won Ravenglass Prize 19 + 25 Extra Prims
[2018/06/21 11:15] Prokofy Neva: haha ok just take them, I will write it on your box
[2018/06/21 11:15] doobeedoo Littlething: k lol
[2018/06/21 11:16] doobeedoo Littlething: kat wants teh plot next door but she didnt get a full refund
[2018/06/21 11:17] Prokofy Neva: No she has it now, it takes out a cancellation fee, but I wrote her that I would return it manually but I had to go AFK
[2018/06/21 11:21] doobeedoo Littlething: fab thnx i will recomend u to more
[2018/06/21 11:24] Prokofy Neva: thanks
[2018/06/28 13:37] Prokofy Neva: Hi, I saw you refunded in Zephyr. Did you have any problems there? BTW I am sending an LM to the Ravenglass docks which I recently renovated, that's my cheapest stall I think.
[2018/06/28 13:38] Second Life: Inventory item 'Ravenglass Rentals $20 Ravenglass Hall Market' offered
[2018/06/28 13:38] doobeedoo Littlething: oh i have a huge plot of land all ready i have a mall i just got that plot cus i knew kaT WAS LOOKIN BUT SHE GOT A BIGGER 1 FROM U
[2018/06/28 13:38] Prokofy Neva: oh ok I saw yes
[2018/07/19 14:41] Second Life: Inventory item 'Reply to kateyes' offered
[2018/07/19 14:41] Prokofy Neva: Hi, do you understand what this is about?
[2018/07/19 14:41] Prokofy Neva: she didn't answer me, and maybe she didn't get my answrs but I'm not getting the issue
[2018/07/19 14:42] Prokofy Neva: it's always better to own your own land, and have your own group on an island, but that's more expensive -- but a group mainland rental really gives you just as many powers and you can set things as you wish pretty much. The "returning items" is a mystery to me
[2018/07/19 14:43] doobeedoo Littlething: eh???????????????
[2018/07/19 14:44] Prokofy Neva: read the notecard
[2018/07/19 14:44] doobeedoo Littlething: i dont understand
[2018/07/19 14:44] Prokofy Neva: your friend kateyes asked me to make it so her land is in search (easily done) and she has a landing point (she can put it in herself) and then said so people can't return her stuff
[2018/07/19 14:44] Prokofy Neva: that I don't get
[2018/07/19 14:44] Prokofy Neva: you can't return group-set items
[2018/07/19 14:44] Prokofy Neva: unless they are in share
[2018/07/19 14:44] doobeedoo Littlething: i had stuff returend to me too
[2018/07/19 14:44] Prokofy Neva: I do see some browsers that do this occasionally but they are griefer browsers
[2018/07/19 14:44] doobeedoo Littlething: by a neighbour
[2018/07/19 14:45] Prokofy Neva: were they in "share"?
[2018/07/19 14:45] Prokofy Neva: were they set to the group?
[2018/07/19 14:45] doobeedoo Littlething: lol no
[2018/07/19 14:45] Prokofy Neva: if they aren't group-set, they can't be returned
[2018/07/19 14:45] Prokofy Neva: I can demonstrate this to you, it's a coding in the group, a permission you give or don't give
[2018/07/19 14:46] Prokofy Neva: if they are not in share, and set to the group, Firestorm cannot return them -- I've tested this a zillion times because it also seemed to me that sometimes people did this, but when they did it was because of share or not group set
[2018/07/19 14:47] doobeedoo Littlething: well i aint silly lol been on a long time i never set tu shair and it was some chick who returned them
[2018/07/19 14:47] Prokofy Neva: how could she do that?
[2018/07/19 14:47] Prokofy Neva: come here, and I will demonstrate it to you, you are no doubt on Firestorm, I'm not
[2018/07/19 14:48] doobeedoo Littlething: i dont need lessons lol than
[2018/07/19 14:48] doobeedoo Littlething: thanx
[2018/07/19 14:48] Prokofy Neva: doobee, I'd like to see how on earth someone can return a group-set prim
[2018/07/19 14:49] Prokofy Neva: as I have tested this before when this claim was made, but who knows, maybe Firestorm changes and enables this because they don't care
[2018/07/19 14:50] Second Life: Teleport offer sent to secondlife:///app/agent/41d7eb9f-a0e9-4503-98d7-d84990066a01/completename
[2018/07/19 14:50] Prokofy Neva: just come for a sec and test it
[2018/07/19 15:01] doobeedoo Littlething: im working man
[2018/07/19 15:05] Prokofy Neva: not getting what this is really about, thanks for referring a customer, sorry it didn't work out for reasons that mystify me, I will still shop in your store
[2018/07/19 15:14] doobeedoo Littlething: yea im sorry i cant help u i dont know anything about it but i do know i have stuff sent bk to me and id liek to help but im workin at mo maybe later
[2018/07/19 15:14] doobeedoo Littlething: mayble just a sl glitch ??
[2018/07/19 15:16] Prokofy Neva: Have tested it with Whirly Fizgig who hs endless patience for testing this stuff and we could not prove it in any way if share was not on, and if it were set to the group but if someone has this fear based on what you are telling them there's nothing I can do, I recently had two things come back because -- guess what, they were in share. I forgot I had put them in share for a customer. Same with things not group set. Maybe a glitch, and even so, I view it as a non-issue. Fortunately in my rentals people get refunds and can come and go as they please.
[2018/07/19 15:16] doobeedoo Littlething: ikm not telling any1 anything???
[2018/07/19 15:16] Prokofy Neva: she's convinced someone is going to return her stuff
[2018/07/19 15:17] doobeedoo Littlething: well did u tell her no 1 can
[2018/07/19 15:17] Prokofy Neva: you are reporting that your stuff was returned by a fellow tenant somehow
[2018/07/19 15:17] Prokofy Neva: yes I have told her twice, but she keeps saying "bu buy" and no sense in being annoying, she has her fears, maybe an island will be better
[2018/07/19 15:17] doobeedoo Littlething: i know she wasnt happy with her show in places ? and it was in rentals
[2018/07/19 15:17] Prokofy Neva: but she didn't put it in -- this is something she can do herself -- and I put it in for her finally
[2018/07/19 15:18] Prokofy Neva: she herself has to do all this -- change the land menu -- these are cheap, self-service rentals. I help people if they have problems, she puts it in store, etc, this is all doable in one second with one click
[2018/07/19 15:18] doobeedoo Littlething: i should of stayed in the group i guess and did it ,,no point now tho..its only 1 tennant i wouldnt loose sleep over it
[2018/07/19 15:18] Prokofy Neva: it wasn't sinking in, she didn't have the patience, whatever, I understand, I am online all the time, I went immediately and put her thing in search, but maybe it got left in "rentals" -- but I had told her she herself can change the title, the description, the landing point etc
[2018/07/19 15:18] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2018/07/19 15:20] doobeedoo Littlething: well i can assuere u she didnt leave becouse of me
[2018/07/19 15:45] Prokofy Neva: well FWIW I just had a tenant with resident powers here testing in fact on a thing that was floating above my office owned by kate set to group and "see in search" (which is not worth bothering with any more) -- prims get away from you due to SL glitches as you know, so this was a chance to test -- and she could not return that or any other group-set prim without search or anything UNLESS it was in share
[2018/07/19 15:46] doobeedoo Littlething: dude i dont knwo why u keep coming to me and plz quite the caps lock bs im nto yur twennant i didnt leave due to anyotherreason than i got the land 4 her tu start with talk tu her its becoming nasty and u really dotn want to go there with me
[2018/07/19 15:48] Prokofy Neva: dudess, since you've made a blanket claim that seriously impacts group Mainland rentals and not only for me, and it's hardly only about one customer, I'd like to find the truth of it -- or not. It's not about you or her, she has left, got a refund, and even got her stray stuff returned. FWIW is not "all caps," it's an acronym. Bye doobee! Do be a do bee, don't be a don't bee.
[2018/07/19 15:49] doobeedoo Littlething: no wonder she left
[2018/07/19 16:06] doobeedoo Littlething: you have hastled me for near 3 hours over a 1 of your tennants leaveing i spoke with her and her reasons had fuck all to do with me she asked you for more rights udidnt give them to her her landwas show in rentals her landing point would not set and ppl could return her stuff weather u want to acceptthat or not,but continuesly getting up my are is bangout of order i will not recomend u again,your rude and out of order they way that you speek to ppl and if u spoke to her that way im not shocked she left,,she has new land with a new landlord who is nice helpfull friendly and gave her 100% rights.... and im sure as hell he wont get in her friends ims if she leaves ,
- She was immediately given resident rights as all tenants are, and cards explaining them
- She used them! She herself obviously put in her description and texture.
- She didn't absorb the fact that she could set her own landing rights although most people figure it out even if not reading or absording because they see THEY CAN when accessing the menu. But when she asked for this, it was explained to her in an IM, in person.
- She never mentioned the category issue, but that, too was fixable. That right isn't given in the group but I can change it and usually do when putting a parcel in search. On the regular SL viewer, in my groups, you cannot put a parcel in search because the power isn't granted (it costs money when done so it is not given out). You can't change the category again, because people change rentals to stores and put them in search and violate the rules by putting a store in a residential area, especially the cheapest subsidized areas, and I see no reason why my cheapest land for residents should be available for your business, and you make more money off that parcel than me -- especially if I subsidize it. I have slightly more expensive commercial lots for that. But in this case, she was on an approved lot for commercial use with the pledged free search ad.
- No one could return her stuff. I tested that. On her very stuff LOL. I have witnesses to this. If her stuff returned, it was going on stray lots NOT my group, which makes it return. THAT her stuff strayed was visible to me when I found one of her items set to sale in the air above my office. It happens. SL doesn't work perfectly. The assumption of bugs and ill will is misplaced, especially when EVERY interaction you've had with a landlord up til then was prompt and did exactly what you asked.
[2018/07/19 16:06] doobeedoo Littlething: \goodnight
[2018/07/19 16:07] doobeedoo Littlething:
That screenshot notes that the item in question is called "Object". Not the name of a gatcha thing or anything titled. Is that an indication that maybe it wasn't set to group? Parcel owner return merely means autoreturn for non-group items. doobeedoo really has no proof that she herself had the group tag on while putting out this object at her friend's store. She may not have.
[2018/07/19 16:08] doobeedoo Littlething: i opologise it was left i did not klnow or i would opf took it
[2018/07/19 16:34] Prokofy Neva: Don't be ridiculous. Nobody hassled you for three hours. I explained to you the fallacious ideas that you had. I haven't spoken to you in some inappropriate way and I didn't speak much to her at all -- I went and helped your friend, gave her cards, explained that she herself could put in the landing point and change the description if she switched to resident. She obviously did do that much as she changed the name, description, and title and put in a texture all by herself. She can't put in the checkoff for search -- but I put that in. She had merely to switch from rental to store. If that didn't work, she could have asked but it should have. She got helpful friendly service. But she was in a panic about something else --a belief that her prims could be returned! Which is NOT True. When people threaten me with reputation damaging over bullshit, I fight back with publicity. If I would have been happy to shop in your store until now, with this last message, that's off, and you get an active boycott.
Once again
You are given rights in Ravenglass Rentals and related groups to do everything you need for a store. This is not "100% rights" as no landlord gives you the right to sell that land you are renting, or put in a search ad you haven't paid for or been offered, so I don't know what she's talking about there.
But you have the right to:
o Set home to here -- that comes INSTANTLY with tenant status which is OPEN and you get immediately
o Set prims -- that comes INSTANTLY with tenant status which is OPEN and you get immediately
o Set landing point anywhere or nowhere -- that comes AFTER you are granted resident status and you yourself switch to that status
o Return non-group prims
o Change title of land and land description
o Add picture
o Make other changes to about land -- that includes turning off build, fly, object entry etc. Some people don't like the fact that open membership enables building anywhere. I find this to be WAY more of a boon for tenants than a bane, but if they don't like it, they can shut it OFF. Many uncheck everything of that type, even "everyone scripts" and leave only "group scripts".
o Add Experiences
So what does this boil down to?
This customer did not realize she could set her own landing point -- it just didn't sink in.
Even when her land was put in search, she didn't seem to absorb the information told her -- and the explanation of why she couldn't see the checkoff.
Yes, her category was wrong but a) that doesn't matter for search/places AT ALL b) it's fixable by asking.
Let's dwell on this point for a minute because it's the one area where I'm happy to concede I didn't change it for her as I would normally (but it wasn't a typical store lot). It truly doesn't matter, people. Look at search. How do you search for things in search? There isn't an option "Let me search for all parcels checked 'store'." SL search does not work that way.
You have people, groups etc and then you have SEARCH/PLACES. That search pull-down has an additional sub-option of categories on the left-hand side -- but what difference will it make to a) a search on a store name itself (none) b) a search on key words (likely irrelevant).
Same for Classifieds.
Land & Rentals is a further elaboration that you would have to check the radio button for to get "rent" or "buy" -- "store" is irrelevant.
If the theory is that the change to "Shopping" in the subset of Search/places away from "Rentals" (which isn't there and therefore doesn't show up) would raise your listing higher in search, well, hmm.
Just out of curiosity, what IS the use case for when the CATEGORY of land would matter? Well, a search of only "Destinations". Hangout gives one thing; store another if you use that as your search word only.
But using it in a category pull down additionally to search words doesn't matter.
Try it yourself. Search Search/places with the word "gatcha" using "all categories" or "shopping". You get nearly the same results.
But a search/places you are looking at with terms like "rugs" or "hair". Yes, you CAN indeed further refine your search on the left with the pull-down of categories. But why bother? Who does that? I don't think that is typical behaviour. Perhaps someone would like to comment.
More to the point, look at that categories list on this photo please. RENTALS is not even on it. Shopping is. Since people can argue furiously about such things especially on the forums, let's look at a screen shot.
Here I am at that very lot in Furness, looking at the categories list. It's in Rental's for rent.
But...when I go to the menu for Search/Places if I make a classified, let's say, "Rentals" as a category doesn't exist.
Let's change the name to "Ravenglass Kittycats 4Ever" -- it doesn't show up right away. But what you see -- there isn't any "Rentals" category at all. That's why IT DOES NOT MATTER. You could switch it to shopping, but that doesn't do anything. You could call it Parks or Hangout or Shopping and the only problem is that Shopping will be a crowded category for gatcha anyway. But if you have traffic won organically and people really do like your store you will show up higher.
Let me time how long this takes to show up in search these days -- sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow but I really can't see the category as affecting anything. Prove to me that it does.
Anyway, an associate is lost in SL because they were stupid and irritable. The record shows I tried to help, and tried to get to the bottom of their problem. More and more, it becomes not worth it, although I do get some who appreciate it.
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