I gave a rule in areas that only cost 0.66/prim -- which is subsidized, in the land preserve, where I am trying to offset costs and keep nice wooded areas open to the public -- that the limit is one per person.
Most people abide by this. Some rip me off, however, by overprimming especially in the sky -- the cheapest seats attract the cheapest characters.
Others rip me off with alts. Or they say "their friend" is moving in but they keep slipping up and trying to pay the rental cube themselves, or putting out furniture under their main's name, and no one can really believe they are THAT much a friend to do that LOL.
They imagine these alts are impossible to tell, but honestly, you don't need to use illegal tools that scrape people's URLs (I don't, and LL bans people for this) to figure out alts.
2018-06-01 21:24:00 705be49c Source: Tathrah Resident
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 4 L$180
2018-06-01 21:23:46 346a089f Source: Tathrah Resident
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 4 L$180
2018-06-01 21:11:33 ac738e37 Source: HollyRaea Resident
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 1 L$100
2018-06-01 21:11:12 4b3e6b9c Source: HollyRaea Resident
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 1 L$180
2018-06-01 21:06:51 c66bce58 Source: Xavierena Resident
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 6 L$180
2018-06-01 21:06:39 36d72ba7 Source: Xavierena Resident
Region: Carlisle
2018-06-01 21:04:33 942e2710 Destination: Xavierena Resident
Object Pays
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 1 L$150
2018-06-01 21:04:31 438b418e Source: Xavierena Resident
Region: Carlisle
Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 1 L$150
Normally, I wouldn't bother publicizing a pathetic creature and her alts like this ripping off an old lady in a rentals LOL. I mean, supersad, you have to rip off a subsidized newby thing instead of just getting a house yourself for the same or a little more of the rent you are using on four or five alts.
But some people make these families because they delight in deceiving people or they have multiple personality disorder or whatever. I get it. It's ok. Just don't inflict it on me and rip me off.
See, even after these are ejected and they are told no alts, and stop ripping me off, another one tries. It's compulsive, obsessive and sick behavior.
Hence Lexdysia.
Not dyslexia, get it?
But also like Quinlexia -- the fourth member of the family in Carlisle.
2018-05-09 16:02:05 | 13e10497 | Destination: QuinLexia Resident Object Pays Region: Carlisle Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 4 |
L$100 |
Who is part of the family of the first 3 above and who was seen on that past date paying right at the same time as the others, that's how you tell.
If somebody staggers their payments over more time intervals is that going to work to hide their alts? No, because you can still tell any way after being in this business as long as I have been.
Even so, a fifth alt goes back to the same place:
2018-06-10 06:55:27 | 98871cd6 | Source: Lexdysia Resident Payment Region: Carlisle Description: SL Public Land Preserve $50 No 1 |
L$50 |
I sent her the card, "Your Alts," I refund her, and I figure she would leave in embarassment.
Wouldn't most people?
Again, the issue isn't that she has alts, and I know them all -- who cares? Alts are a person's business. But if you have a rule LIMIT ONE PER PERSON and somebody moves in THEIR FOUR ALTS to prevent anyone else from accessing this cheap rental -- taking up an entire house, essentially where they are meant to have only a room -- then I eject them and a FIFTH shows up -- hey, done. It's my rule -- and my right.
Then you get this (I welcome these alts one by one at first because I don't see they are alts right away and don't have time always to check)
[2018/05/12 15:14] Prokofy Neva: Hi, welcome to SL Public Land Preserve! I added you to resident powers. Switch to the title "Conservationist" in the group to access ban, media, change parcel description etc. This may require relogging
[2018/05/12 15:14] Inventory item 'SL Public Land Preserve QuickStart' offered
[2018/05/12 21:51] Lexdysia: thanks
[2018/06/10 17:05] Lexi (lexdysia): why was I ejected
[2018/06/10 17:06] Inventory item 'Your Alts' offered
Now, more than a month later this:
[21:56] Lexdysia: as long as you are in SL, I will be watching you
[21:56] Lexdysia: every second every day
[21:56] Prokofy Neva: I'll be watching you too cupcake
[21:56] Lexdysia: I did nothing to you
[21:56] Lexdysia: but now I will
[21:57] Prokofy Neva: What an asshole you are being, you lied and grabbed extra rooms in a place that said one per person by using alts
[21:57] Prokofy Neva: who does that?
[21:57] Prokofy Neva: what an ass
[21:57] Lexdysia: cupcake
[21:57] Lexdysia: I
[21:57] Lexdysia: did
[21:57] Lexdysia: nothing
[21:57] Lexdysia: to
[21:57] Lexdysia: you
[21:57] Prokofy Neva: no, you ripped me off in an area that was designed for ONE PER PERSON derp
[21:57] Lexdysia: I
[21:57] Lexdysia: did
[21:57] Prokofy Neva: stop being an asshole
[21:57] Lexdysia: noting
[21:57] Prokofy Neva: goodbye
[21:57] Lexdysia: to you
Note, she doesn't say "Why, those aren't my alts, why the very idea!" We all know they are her alts and she merely tried again because she's sick. It's a compulsion.
Instead she says tries to intimidate me with the idea that she will be "watching me" (um...really? In a virtual world? Even in RL? And? Do you realize that if you harass people in SL, ultimately LL will punish you and in RL, the FBI can also investigate you. So don't be stupid and do that.
And why would you need to? You got kicked from a rental that costs... wait for it -- sixty-seven cents in real life US coins a MONTH?
To be sure, this one had another 0.66 rental on another sim, but generally I let people take more than one IF they are on different sims. Of course, it's greedy and rips me off in its own way, but I generally don't care if the sim isn't full. But when I have a lodging house with 5 rooms and you take 4 with alts and they only cost $50/75 prims? No, you're going on your way. And you come back and rent again with another alt right away? No, that's not on.
I shouldn't have to explain these things.
With a profile like this, you wouldn't think somebody would start a vendetta over being caught double-dipping, would you?
Payment Info
Payment info on fileBiography
Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.
"Oscar Wilde "
If you work for SL, read my picks.
Second Life Birthdate
January 20, 2016Linden = Bully
Barbarossa Ferry Terminal and Infohub, Barbarossa (183.887,49.6198,23.4698)
Twomanycolors (Colors) came to SL because of bullying in her real life. Her name is based on the song above (True Colors) to bring awareness to bullying. She was bullied out of SL by Kimberly Silverblade + alts. Colors had a premium membership and sent abuse reports to the Lindens but later found out that the same person who bullied her was also working for Linden Labs and the reports did nothing. The land around her land was bought by Kim's alts . She left SL with many hundreds of dollars in items that she bought including the abondoned land.
If you work for SL and don't know about Kimblery Silverblade, help me to let the upper management of Linden Labs know. You can find Kimberly Silverblade and some of her alts by clicking the teleport button.
If you DJ, play the song below to bring awareness to this bully.
This is the kind of deranged thing you find in SL. It's common online to see people who rattle on about being victims of bullies be bullies themselves -- and stalkers and creeps.
Nobody can "bully you out of SL" unless you let them. You block and ban you. You abuse report them. The end. They can't come on your land, they can't do anything to you. Forget about them. If you continue to play cat and mouse and engage, it's your sickness.
Is it possible that someone working for LL could be related to bullying? Sure, I've seen it myself.
Is it possible that someone could be working for LL and be involved in THIS sort of petty nonsense this person claims?
Why would you care if someone bought land, had alts, etc. etc. and they may (or may not) work for LL?
SL is a HUGE place where you can buy your own land and things if you want. You need not live next door to the Kimberlies of the world -- if the story is even true.
Barbarossa is Linden land.
Kimberly Silverblade, alt of a Linden or not, didn't leave SL, she's here. Here's her profile:
Just say hi already.
I manage the Sweetgrass/Regal airport, a great southern airport.(see picks).
I like the physics engine and building friction machines. Call me if you wanna know more.
Mount Paektu, holy mountain of revolution. Kim Jong-il
“The Puritan through life's sweet garden goes, to pluck the thorn and cast away the rose”
I hadn't been to the Barbarossa Ferry Terminal before I don't think. It's in the Blake Sea. It's a Linden build by Naughty Mole and others.
I don't know the back story to any of these people, but it doesn't matter. I don't care about you, your alts, your accusations against Lindens, what I do, when you threaten me, is I publicize your bad behavior. The end.
To each what one what she deserves. After unleashing a barrage of Islamophobia on the forums, on Twitter, during office hours and so forth, you get some pushback from people who who dare to say "no" to intolerance and rude behaviour. Which you clearly deserve. It's astonishing how you manage to squeeze in your Islamophobia in pretty much every conversation you have, even in a trash virtual world. Which just proves once again how the international crime of Zionism IS racism.
Posted by: Ali Farhad Karimi | 08/09/2018 at 12:32 PM
All of this is bullshit, of course, as these anti-Islamic spams of groups aren't from me, but from griefers impersonating me.
BTW, the anti-semitic canard that "Zionism is Racism," which has been disproven in a hundred ways, has been repudiated in the UN. In the 1970s, with the help of Soviet disinformation and agitation, this was put over, but by the 1990s, under Kofi Annan, this was repudiated and denounced.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 04/11/2019 at 10:06 PM
Sounds like a lot of second life drama over a small number of lindens. I would suggest that everyone put their big boy and girl pants on and just delete it all and forget about it.
Posted by: Jim | 12/01/2022 at 12:30 AM
"Jim," why do you think it is, that you had to find this post and make a comment on this subject? You're either the same stalker, or someone the stalker has harassed, or someone merely harassing me anyway, so it's in the line of duty.
I don't delete posts. I put a correction in them if I am persuaded it is necessary.
It's not necessary here. The lady boy can put on his own goddamn pants. The end. Fuck off.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 12/02/2022 at 12:59 AM
Four years ago, you have mistaken me for someone else. You made up a story and insulted me in your blog when all I did was pay you rent. There is nothing else to this story except for what you made up.
I don’t care what your policy is. You made a mistake therefore you will correct it. I also said that when the alt troppicolori is deleted your ability to make a decision is over. Whatever you think I did the punishment was not worth 4 years of humiliation and me breaking shit in my house. FIX IT. Now it’s the end. (Troppicolori is still online but I asked to have her deleted 2 days ago.)
Posted by: colors | 12/03/2022 at 07:42 PM
No. Fuck off.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 12/08/2022 at 09:40 PM
I can approach you with a sound mind knowing that I gave you the opportunity to delete the page. I know who you are and my revenge will come with your illegal sims. When you think I am not there, I will be.
Posted by: Colors | 12/09/2022 at 06:01 PM
Not a single thing this person has said exhibits any soundness of mind, and "knowing who I am" isn't hard to do because I'm a public figure in both SL and RL and link the two handily. I don't own any "illegal sims" -- what ever that means! -- and it's quite possible that some *other* poor soul in this crazy person's target, who is imagined to have "illegal sims" will find themselves harassed because from other indications, involving another crazy account harassing me, this entire thing could be a case of "mistaken identity" regarding *me*. No one who had their alts exposed in 2018 in a blog post that was noticed for five minutes and forgotten would keep up a vendetta for nearly five years over nothing. Finally, nothing that any one does in SL can cause another avatar to "break everything in their house" nor can they "fix" that problem which indicates mental instability or ignorance of technology or both.
So I believe I've called this correctly, and once again: Fuck Off. Block/ban. Anyone who threatens damages against me or any other person on my blog is blocked from further comment. The IP address and its location is reported to the FBI Internet Center.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 12/11/2022 at 01:45 PM