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Adeon Writer

"No, Gachas aren't lootboxes, not at all"

I do disagree, but could you explain what makes them different?

Prokofy Neva

@Adeon Writer I have you blocked inworld because you're an asshole on the forums

No, I'm not going to explain again what I repeated at least three times in the 150 page thread. You can go look there, and if you can't be arsed to do so, go chase your tail.

Adeon Writer

Yikes. Sorry if I ever insulted you. Didn't intend.

Prokofy Neva

That's exactly what's wrong with you, Adeon. You're an idiot. You don't change, and keep acting like an asshole, because you think the "problem" is that you "insulted" me and I was somehow "hurt" or "upset" about being "insulted". You can only see it in those terms, which merely maintains your own sense of superiority, and your contempt for others. It shines through. You argue and argue just to get attention and be contrarian -- and again, you're an ass. I have you blocked on Twitter and inworld for good reason -- you're an annoyance, always pretending you're having an interesting argument when in fact you're just being an asshole to goad other people, the end. You don't need to be on my blog. I ban people under a specific policy: if they incite damages against me in RL or SL, or if they become chronic annoyances.

Frankie Antonioni

I emailed Adam Frisby at Sinespace, and I asked him a few questions. Here is his reply.

Hi Frankie,

Unfortunately, I have to reply that we have similar controls on gacha's - we believe the regulatory environment no longer permits those kinds of products to be sold in virtual worlds where there is a chance that the user may "cash out" the value.

We do operate a split currency system which allows us some more latitude - our non-premium currency, 'silver' can be used for gaches, gambling and other activities, provided that no mechanism is instituted to allow users to exchange these for any 'real' currency or products; however we have to restrict these from sale in our 'gold' currency due to legislative requirements, and the fact we do not hold a gaming (gambling) license in any territory.

Camping is perfectly fine however, and no - VR goggles are not required (we generally optimise more for non-VR users). Sinespace is not part of OpenSim, while I was involved in OpenSim heavily, the Sinespace platform is a new architecture entirely; resultingly that does also mean that scripts unfortunately cannot be transferred at this time.

Hope that helps,



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