The opening of the new Corsica Embassy of Bellisseria was an important occasion in our little virtual world of Second Life, and I knew I had to show up for it and ask the key question: why did the Corsica Embassy move out of the lovely Campbell Coast, founded by BJoyful and friends, to the hard-scrabble working-class neighbourhood of Timescape?
Amb. Jack Vincent of the Bellisserian Embassy in Corsica. His system name is "idlingwastrel" and he has a small t-shirt shop on the MP and is the host of a number of tiki type clubs.
Jokes went round about how the men at this event got a group discount renting tuxes at Mo's. Boo Rojyo is second from the left.
The women, as often is the case, were much better dressed and I was glad to see that they understood that "black tie" in our modern times doesn't mean just the black bow-tie for the gents and little black dresses for the ladies.
When I showed up at the opening in my new L & Co wool suit with the yellow tie and my BREATHE Kenzie Boots and a Deadwool Fedora hat with a "press" tag from my new newspaper, the Metaverse Mercury, the question I asked after the speeches were over, was "Why did the Corsica Embassy Move?" And then I added:
"Was it because Timescape is a cool name for a sim?"
Abnor Mole making an entrance to the Embassy ball.
I think so! When I first heard of the impending move, I went to see what was "up" in Timescape and found a weird construction site of a partly-finished mall, claim date September 16, 2011, traffic 49, and this message:
The construction that is going on here is already complete, and, in fact, has always been complete. You just can't see it yet because you're stuck in a linear time zone. Take a red pill or meditate or something.
There was also another one of those cheap, badly rezzing malls owned by a man named "Moriz" with bunches of gimmicky sales items (I've hastily rented two stalls!), and across the street, a wry commentary on the creative land chopping of certain land barons with unscrupulous practices using a photo box of a sliced melon.
Earlier, at these strange AFK music Saturdays at CC -- which are actually held not in CC proper on the Mainland, but on Winning Witte's island estates with a clone of the CC build, I asked him, as owner of most of the sim where the old CC Embassy rested, why it had moved. He said, "Ask Boo." (BTW, there's another funny thing that happened with the old Embassy -- I'll tell you about that later.)
"I Didn't Move It"
I didn't get an answer at all at the event itself. Jack, the newly-minted "ambassador" of Bellisseria to Corsica said, "I didn't move it." Later, he IM'd me to say he was busy with a lot of IMs, and would get me a statement later.
(I imagine that if/when it comes, it will be as bland as those statements I used to request -- and eventually get -- from the State Department about Turkmenistan. "We support the development of energy solutions for all newly-independent states" -- without adding the bit about "especially if our oil companies get a piece of the action". PS, they never did, and had to leave, because China, Inc. came in and bought the pipeline and actually paid Turkmen workers more than their own government did, and fixed their appalling labour conditions -- China is actually a progressive force in a place like Ashgabad. But Belli on the Mainland is not.
Remember, the movie to watch is Trumansville, not Stepford Wives, and also listen to Pete Seeger's cover of a famous song.
Commercial Opportunities
There's more than a little of an analogy with US/Central Asia, as the purpose of these new Bellisserian "embassies," as Boo stated in a BBB newsletter, is as follows:
We now have 1,024 square metre plots of land on each of SL's mainland continents on which to build permanent Bellisserian Embassies. As a Bellisserian institution, we want to reach out to the rest of SL. Bellisseria is gradually expanding to connect the mainland continents in new ways and we believe that all parts of SL have an important role to play. The strictly non-commercial /residential-only covenant in Belli should give rise to commercial opportunities on the lengthening border with mainland for example.
I'm still trying to figure out what "commercial opportunities on the lengthening border" actually means. Starkly put, it means that those residents who managed to secure themselves across-from-Belli Mainland parcels that they hoped would be "connected" some day, will have a windfall in their sales/rentals/airport businesses -- more visibility, more foot traffic, more search boosts, more sales. (That would not be me; let grandpa put in his teeth and tell you the story of Snafu some day.)
That coastline has long ago been "spoken for," and the "waterfront behind" long ago abandoned. Flying around looking at some of the businesses, I can't really see a direct BBB connection, although I do see at least one airport baron in the mix. But I asked in this thread -- how does this really play out? Individuals and companies chafing at the Belli restriction on commerce, using workarounds like landmark givers, events, direct tipping and strange sales of DJ streams -- and most importantly, formation of social groups, open and closed -- will now have a more direct passage to Mainland proper where...they what? Charge for yacht slips and airport berths? I'm not in the airport business because it's rationale isn't clear to me -- we can fly and teleport in this world.
But WHATEVER the connection to commerce is -- which isn't only about literal vendor sales but about reputational enhancement -- it should be made explicit so we understand who rules our world and how.
Fabulous Outfits
To be sure, I totally get how fabulous it is to dress up in a 1930s pilot outfit and pose around vintage airplanes -- and I have one of those, too, from the Lux Aeterna folks line L & Co, and I always don it when I go to work on my land in Campbell Coast -- it seems like necessary protection. I'm not sure I could fly even an SL airplane -- I have a flying chicken vehicle only, and I once made a Baba Yaga mortar and pestle flying vehicle that is so speedy that it is uncontrollable, and crashes at the first banline. I should take it out to those empty Belli seas.
The stark landscape of Timescape across from the Bellisseria mission.
Checking the Prims
To backtrack a bit, I first got a tip that Abnor Mole (note spelling and pun yuk yuk, which actually I didn't notice for all these years until some forums diva pointed it out to me) had built the Corsica Embassy in Timescape. But a preliminary visit in hopes of writing a curtain-raiser proved this to be a false lead, which is why you need a free press, to try to check these stories out. The main build is a store made by Barnesworth Anubis with the word CUSTOM appearing on it -- I need to ask if he made this custom for the BBB or some other customer. There's also various landscaping put in by Boo and by Dark Sunflower, and a nicely designed gate (Dark is good at designing, and if you have trouble realizing your vision with your BBB stamp, as I did, she will take it and work it for you).
I would have put in the late keke's "Off with your heads!" Alice in Wonderland gate sign, but that's me.
I didn't detect any prim that had the name "Abnor Mole" on it, unless, like Rodney Linden's bear which has a prim made by Tizzers Foxchase deep within it, it is "hidden". I really don't think it was plausible that busy Abnor Mole would take time to build a BBB embassy, or even a lesser-ranking mole -- not when this "independent group" has buildings and flowers in storage from their many activities and can plunk them down.
It Was Only Our Imagination That It Was Our World
But Abnor DID come for the ribbon-cutting with a prepared speech to paste into chat which was as follows:
[2021/11/19 12:02] Abnor Mole: It is a great pleasure to have been asked to open this embassy.
[2021/11/19 12:02] Abnor Mole: Ever since the Great Time Out when Corsica was separated from Sansara and Heterocera to keep the Corsicans from fighting with them over over the prim mines of ANWR, it has long been a dream for many years that they would again reconnect. Bellisseria has become that connection... reaching across the voids to once again bring our brothers and sisters on the mainland together in harmony.
[2021/11/19 12:03] Abnor Mole: To further solidify those ties that bind us (no, not those ties... you're thinking of Zindra) we hereby dedicate this embassy in the hope that residents from all across this continent may explore new horizons and experiences. We hope that the new Ambassador from Bellisseria will help the residents of both continents get to know each other better and will foster close friendships between them.
[2021/11/19 12:03] Abnor Mole: "Your world. Your imagination." is an ideal that has always been a founding principles of Second Life and of the Second Life community.
[2021/11/19 12:03] Abnor Mole: Jack Vincent is one of of many volunteers who has committed themselves to the the SL community. Volunteers like Jack transform "Your world. Your imagination." into "Our world. Our imagination.". We wish him all the best in this endeavor.
[2021/11/19 12:04] Abnor Mole: Please join us in wishing Jack every success in his role as Honorary Bellisserian Ambassador.
[2021/11/19 12:04] Abnor Mole: And from this point on, the residents of Corsica may direct all IM's asking "How do I get a house?", "Why can't my Bellisserian friend turn on ban lines?", "Can I buy more prims in Bellisseria?" and "What is a Covenant?" to him. Thank you!
Abnor Mole hands the keys of the new Bellisserian Embassy in Corsica to Ambo Jack.
I found this rather poignant -- LL hasn't used the "Your World/Your Imagination" slogan for years and years, and took it off their website because it gave people the wrong idea that the land was really their property somehow (various failed lawsuits, or lawsuits settled out of court leaving miscreants who tampered with the auction web page code still in the game, proved that "virtual land" is basically a fiction. If you leave SL, you can't take it with you. Which, come to think of it, is a lot like real life when you die...
Moles' Imagination?
Maybe Abnor still Believes, or maybe he didn't get the memo, or maybe his superiors said it was ok to use this slogan now that we are really in a domain which is the Moles' imagination, not ours, although broadly speaking, Bellisseria is the suburban fantasy of many ordinary people in RL -- and that's more than fine.
But Bellisseria is developing an edge that some find creepy (and not only me) precisely because it seems to involve -- yet again -- a formula where "some pigs are more equal than others". Abnor may be reflecting in a joking way the actual pragmatic reason LL bothers with residents' groups -- to offload the tremendous burden of the Customer Service State on to volunteers. (The imposing evidence of this Linden practice is the Volunteer HQ build by Lexie Linden in Tenera, now evidently unused, and her gone from the LL staff, and her group of 6,000 (!) volunteers). I'm glad of that Greco-Roman type build that seems like a Parthenon, because I now have a faux Greek community called Silva Beach right across from it -- which I chose for that "Linden protection."
So what do you mean, favouritism, Prokofy? There you go with your conspiracy theories again. But...more than a few oldbies raised their eyebrow at the appearance of the "society wedding" of Bellissseria, where a lucky couple (Linden alts? Mole contractors? We're told "not") got to have their wedding serve as the opening of the Lindens' new elven-themed community centre in Fantisseria, replete with Patch Linden serving as Best Man. There was a Limited Edition BBB Stamp and a wedding flower as limited swag. When I arrived to pick up same, the festivities were coming to a close, and there wasn't yet sign of another development that arched even more oldbies' eyebrows -- a large statue of an Elf and a Mole labelled "Patch Statue."
You know, I have never seen anything like a resident wedding with a Linden in attendance, much less serving as a kick-off of their controlled living experience -- but that's the least of our problems, I assure you.
Giant Statue of Patch
And as long as I've been in SL (18 years), the only statue of a Linden that has ever appeared approved by the Lab is the one of Ebbe Linden -- and that was eminently appropriate because he died in RL -- and was the best CEO we had. Philip Linden (Philip Rosedale), the founder, never got a statue. Perhaps we paid Ebbe the best compliment -- taking him for granted. It's a shame that people focus on his ultimately short-lived and too-early Sansar experiment with VR goggles -- because actually, the longer LL stays out of the goggles game, the better positioned it will be in the Metaverse, long-term.
Patch hasn't died, fortunately, and I think he deserves a statue for the singular and seminal accomplishment of creating Bellisseria which, at the end of the day, is what the customers wanted. As a long-time student of the FIC (Feted Inner Core, or privileged residents in with the Lindens), I would say that their publication of the "society wedding" on the forums, even with all the qualifications and the limit of 44 on the sim, meant that it was sort of open to the public. I have always said of the FIC that the problem isn't a privileged class of people -- every society has them. So fanning of the Lindens and Moles, Linden/Mole love in return, statues no doubt devised by the Moles themselves as appreciation of their Fearless Leader -- these are all "normal" in a way and aren't a big deal.
But the problem with these things is always the lack of transparency of their economic advantages and reputational advantage (always convertible to business profits in SL) which are gained from proximity to power. To be sure, if I ever get e-married, I doubt Patch will serve as my best man -- or yours -- but I will try to book him for my SL funeral. He gets busy.
More to the point, I think it's valid to care about another "Blake Sea" enterprise in the making, where the few get windfalls with Linden help and the many can't even get near the properties which are all under ban lines. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
And then there's the question of services. Abnor was at the ball for about 27 minutes, and then said he had to "get back to work". There were then reports that he was "dancing with zombies" at a Bellisserian event. Again, this is why you need a free press, to check facts. In fact what he was doing wasn't partying at all, but going to remove griefers from a party who were likely taunting the party-goers from the safety of Linden land around the venue -- Abnor has said the Belli sims have 60% of land devoted to "Linden protection" -- or perhaps an event on a public space like the Fairgrounds. Looking at the Belli sims where I am actually located, I would say there is actually more Linden protection, in fact, but on other sims, possibly less. More than some later Mainland continents, that's for sure.
And that set me wondering how people in Bellisseria can get the Moles, especially the Mole-in-Chief, to come running to get rid of their griefer problems, when we on the Mainland spend days -- weeks -- years trying to get them settled.
And the answer is -- especially when you ask to use the Fairgrounds, or other public venues, you will get that service -- because the Lindens are bending over backward to make Bellisseria seem like a nice grief-free place. I'll leave aside the time, when I was walking around the sim near Neural Networks on my alt who happens to be Black and has artificial limbs, and was pushed into the water off a dock by a gang of Italian speakers. I don't think that's the norm in Belli. Still, there is nowhere to ask the question about service priorities -- Tommy Linden, in charge of Governance, who I once blogged about hanging out with the Woodbury griefers on their sim (and not on a mission to remove them), has ruled that Governance meetings have to be ceased. There is no reason to have these meetings, as residents can find out about the way to file ARs from the Knowledge Base. The rest is not our business.
The Purpose of Embassies is to Sell Premiums
What's curious is that there are people found on the forums among the fangirlz who think that the purpose of these Bellisserian embassies aren't to sell premiums and to get Mainlanders who are loitering around weird construction sites and crappy malls on Mainland, or fed up with ugly obelisks and grief prims devaluing their land, to buy premium and move to Belli.
Of course that's what it's about, and it's fine to say so. The Lindens can only be proud of their Belli product and their means of getting more people to buy it. If it comes at the expense of older customers, well, that's how Silicon Valley works.
The contortions people get into, trying to justify this blatant but justifiable grab are fascinating, including from Nika Talaj, People's Merited Forums Poster, a computer professional in RL with understanding of vast complex systems she herself has managed and therefore a Linden peer, who denies the purpose is to sell more premiums and says the purpose is: "to export some of Belli's community cohesiveness and services TO the mainland, thereby civilizing it a bit."
Dear Christ on a crutch. I don't think even her Lindens would put it that nakedly.
Of course there are those of us who have been "civilizing" the Mainland since before she or even Abnor or Patch were born, at least on their mains. And...what community? The 300 people who played the pumpkin game? Belli has tens of thousands, and the BBB and its related groups aren't a fraction of them.
So...The question in my headline really gets to the heart of the matter. Why, indeed?
What Happened in Campbell Coast
The "filet" approach to land management -- Winning Witte's cut-up of Campbell Coast. Photo by Feorie Frimon
Campbell Coast, where BBB founder Boo Royjo was actively involved and where he remains as a tier-holder and airport manager under the new management and majority tier-holding of land baron Winning Witte, was rocked with scandals and depredations on a number of fronts in the past month. The original founder BJoyful, battling health issues, had to give up the business, and the artists and musicians and solid Mainland citizens she had gathered around her were split about what to do next.
I was not among the founders and only heard of CC when Apple Fall announced he was giving away one of his RL painting replicas for free there. Like other aficionados of middle-brow faux New England furni, I came running, and found the sim took FOREVER to rez. I had to come back several times before finally figuring out that the easier Campbell art walk to have was up in the sky, where I bought a number of reasonably-priced art works that got turned into motel art in my rentals, unbenownst to their high-brow creators. C'est la deuxieme vie, mes amis...
So apparently many/most of these sensitive artists fled CC when Winning, a crass Boston Irish type (and we shanty Irish know our betters among the lace-curtain Brahmin), came into contact with people like Boo, who lives in what my enthusiastic New Jersey acquaintance calls "Paris, France, Europe" after her one trip abroad. To distinguish it from those other places named Paris in the US, like Paris, Arkansas, of which there are many.
"Just look at his profile," one artist griped to me, pointing to the Green Day video link on WW's bio. This is why I told WW he should have put a link to the Shins for that crowd, which gave him a good laugh, and now that I think of it, this other Shins tune might have been better...
WW set about doing things you have to do to make land pay in SL, and it is seldom pretty -- houses too close together, scene-changing skyboxes with ugly domes, stores with second-rate fashions...People want aesthetics, but are seldom willing to pay for it, and it does cost money -- recurring subscriptions with tier levels every month.
And land-cutting. See, that's what WW was known for six years ago in SL, for those of us with longer memories than the size of our hands -- cutting, farming, "hold-backs," "donuts," and all those cut-throat land shark tactics. He then got out of the business, and came back in the pandemic and started up again. I could see him cutting and holding back on other sims like Adscita; few CC residents realize their new owner spent some time in the Cornfield for land cutting even as he was preparing to do it again in CC.
Funny, I had given him the benefit of the doubt, and said he would treat CC as the jewel in his crown, and not cut; other land dealers disagreed for me and set their watches to when he would begin cutting.
Which was soon, because in an October 22 newsletter to the group, WW said that land in the "hinterland" of the lovely Campbell Coast as it was dubbed was going to be set to sale for low prices, and abandoned on October 27 if it didn't sell. WW has an abandoning alt named Pansophical who does that dirty work so that his rep isn't tarnished. I actually caught him in action doing that on another sim. So now he'll make a new alt. What can you do?!
I hastened to make a post warning people on the forums -- unfortunately, too late for some, who got caught.
WW did this because he had to. On its own, this lovely community did not pay for itself, and it had to -- or he couldn't justify tiering it. Too few people admit that about SL, and don't take seriously the cost -- they fantasize that land is an "investment"; they see themselves in Lady Bountiful roles helping the commuuunity. But unless you want to pay for this hole in the Internet month after month, stay in your sandbox. Or adjust down your square meters accordingly.
It was unfortunate that BJoyful herself was IMing people like me who bought land in CC in the past, telling us of these new rock-bottom prices - 0.4/m which is very deadly in the Mainland setting as anything can come in and ruin 4 sims' views. I didn't bite, because I had already bitten, and had 4096 m2, which included a 1024 I had traded for a Laserlight parcel under the funicular which was hella laggy. I kept saying they should put that thing on demand, not run it all day like the damn pods, but whatever.
Long before the Winning cut-up debacle, I was cheerfully given the opportunity to trade within CC, possibly because I was a more valued customer than another CC buyer who was denied a trade, and then created a huge grief poster which makes my "Be Back Soon" picture look like a tame micro NFT. I had no idea that CC experienced Refrigerator-of-Ravenglass level of griefing, but it has.
Photo by kitten mills of build by Jolly Nova.
Museum a Death Knell?
Fortunately that grief-bomb which apparently is Greta saying "How Dare You?!" went away quickly. Its deployer is actually still a land-holder in CC. Along the way, as Winning took over CC, a Museum of Campbell Coast was created, which some complained seemed to ban them (possibly only a temporary measure while they dealt with griefing?). I found this screenshot so very SL:
Photo by Uli Jansma
It reminded me of Bulatov, you know the one?
Actually this one, for Belli:
This emotional announcement by the Museum curator, Female Winslet, in a thread that went from bad to worse with the usual self-pitying drama, was calculated to send the message that CC was dead, and now needed memorializing -- even as some of the original founders including Boo and artist Owl Dragonash as well as kitten Mills, the builder and landscaper, were very busy trying to make it work. It certainly was frustrating for them.
I think the Museum got off to a good start by putting up a map of how CC was when it began, which is instructive in many ways. For example, you don't see Sevenfold there, an abandoned sim that got acquired later, and which was a bad buy and a bad move in my view, but whatever, it's all airport, forest, caves, Cheese Man and Glastonbelli now, tiered by a group founded by Redwoods' Cranston Yordstrom with 5 members, which I hope for their sake doesn't include WW as the tier holder, or Boo is going to wake up some morning with air plane parts in his L&F.
There were also memorabilia from happier days and events with genuine community spirit. It's important to keep up the effort and put in tip jars, but founder Female Winslet of course would, like many calculating forums poster, wept that she is a misunderstood Lady Bountiful who has done so much for the commuuunity and went into a furious diatribe against me, who had actually praised her Museum idea. That's because I said a place like CC needs people to donate time, talent, and treasure -- and most of all tier. And artists don't do that. It has rightly been pointed out that they fled even when charged $150/200 prims, which is a ridiculously low price in that world. Some drifted back, and it seems there is a commission arrangement along with the regular rentos.
Winslet objected that she did all that sort of tier donating and support, but it was actually for an airport on another sim, not CC per se. Yes, she has suffered a car accident and injured her hand, and that has compounded her misery and outrage. But you know what? Everybody has a story. Everybody. If you are feeling sorry for yourself, talk to BJoyful about her struggles, through which she has always remained cheerful.
There it is again, airports...I never paid attention much to airports, although I noticed that they have generally blighted the beautiful Blake Seas in ways which I find hard to understand can possibly be good for business.
Airporting the View
Meddledown on the Blake Sea, with Kuhnke adjacent. Airport by Grappo, the Meddletown owner; sign by WW.
For example, I could tell you about Meddledown, a sim that sold for a fantastic sum on the auctions (I'm told US $8,000 which seems impossible to be true; I think that's the figure for 5 sims or something that became available when a long-time Blake Sea holder fell ill in RL. But Blake sims do go inworld for the equivalent of US $2000 even, so it's not utterly preposterous). This sim owner then didn't seem to rent out any of his very reasonable yacht berths, and then put up an airport, which hasn't rented either but which is part of the whole airport craze these days.
That blocked the view of the good citizens of Kuhnke behind it in this beautifully designed by overstuffed rental WW put together -- and that's a story for another day, but let me point out that currently, the 3D chess mass is still underway there, with both Winning -- the land baron holding the tier there for weeks -- and now Clyde/Blue 9, another baron, racing to the bottom to see who can cut up the smaller square and sell it for 0.2/m on the Land & Rental list, which they do to stay on top, and draw people to the sim, who will then buy the slightly more expensive 4096, which might be $3/m -- or so the theory goes.
Given that WW likely paid something like $32,000 on the auction for that "water behind" sim in the greener lowlands of that very austere and largely abandoned realm of the pink mountains of Nautilus, and tiered it only for 2-3 months, he likely did not-so-badly from selling a few of the 4096s and the smaller lots, and holding back some to sell for a huge price later when people will want to "buy the view" back from Blue9's customers...To be continued.
Removing the Context of Campbell
So all that and more is why likely Boo wanted to move Corsica out of Campbell, which despite everything, still looks pretty good (especially because loyal citizens like Bijoux Barr undertook to tier 1/2 and 1/4 sims and save it), because it would have associations in people's mind with a bad land baron chiseling expedition. There were quite a few people showing up in the forums to my thread, which I had cautiously worded when I got the news of impending doom on Oct. 22, because I didn't know all the people and could only warn one or two.
They bit hard on the land baron poisoned apple, then had to abandon out of the situation where all the roads and easements suddenly went to sale in bulk lots for also very low prices -- inviting the doom and devaluation of ad farmers. Even ad farmers aren't always stupid enough to buy ad farm land in the middle of a landlocked sim covered with forest, so I waited until they were abandoned, and asked the Lindens to cut out just the pieces around my land. The indefatigable Bijoux bought some big chunks of it, I asked for one more abandoned parcel, and then I tried not to peer out past my Pleasantville, where for the first time in my life, I tiered and built a road -- first and last, because it really is a stupid thing to do. The Lindens should build them. What can you do, however -- the Lindens didn't put any roads in their later continents in many cases setting up this inevitable conflict generator. We were lucky we had them in Sansara and Heterocera.
And come to think of it, it may well have been the Lindens/Moles who put a word in Boo's ear about the inadvisability of framing the Embassy anywhere near the wreckage of WW's land-cutting antics. They know exactly what's up with him, even if other people find it difficult, and actually, the bottom line is that they don't care, as he is still here. If anything, they should put him on the payroll to help encourage migration away from the Mainland, where these cut-ups happen, to Bellisseria, where they can't.
Ugliness of Mainland as A Bellisseria Advertisement
So again, I think the recipe is simple: take the embassy out of Campbell, which is associated with bad land baron stories and uncertainty now, but which -- conversely -- also STILL looks nice, and therefore doesn't serve as an advertisement for "why you should move to Bellisseria" -- au contraire, it's an ad for CC and why you should rent, or even buy, and have more freedom and prims -- thanks to the willingness of your fellow residents to tier roads and make nice forests and things for you.
Timescape -- don't you love that name?! -- sends a different message. Here be dragons! I want to get some land in that sim -- in fact land right next to the newly-baked embassy is available -- but I'm too busy "saving the view" on my core sims to take that on.
IF that is the motivation -- and it's as good a reason as any -- it won't be the first time the technique was used. Desmond Shang used to post Victorian drawings of people with funny lines like "Edward, you worm! Take me away from this madness of the Mainland to Caledonia". Kalyrra Heart used to consciously buy microplots by ugly Mainland to deploy her islands business ads -- and help uglify it herself! -- to drive traffic to her island rentals. My pointing this out is why she bans me from her sims to this day.
"Community Connections"
I'm skeptical when people say that these ambassadors are about building friendship and consocial activities (I think that odd term actually shows up in their literature), where we will all walk shoulder-to-shoulder into the sunset, hopping a pod to slum it for awhile on Mainland and check our vehicle businesses there, before heading off into the sunset to Belli, where peace, calm, and immediate Mole service awaits.
Of course that's exactly what Boo is saying right now on the forums:
“The BBB is COMPLETELY independent in it's actions. The BBB is a volunteer group, solely here to help bring community connections, and fun, to the residents of Second Life.”
If you believe in that, you believe in the tooth fairy, and speaking of fairies, you can pick up my Winter Fairy Transport box at the Honorary Consul of Titania's residence in Porridge Pot, the first "embassy" game in fact of Mainland and Bellisseria lol. It's free now, but will soon only be available for $50 first at Mieville's Thanksgiving event and later at the Christmas event as a prize in the game there.
I rightly responded to Boo's hardly credible claims of independence as follows:
Then why do you need to meet with Lindens and Moles? Why do you have a Mole cut the ribbon on your new embassy? Can you tell us that you did not clear your list of ambassadors with Moles or Lindens? Why can only residents with Bellisserian passports join the BBB Users Group?
Why do members of your group have Patch Linden as the best man at their wedding? Why can't Operation Mainland stamps be placed at Mole sites, and only BBB stamps can be placed there? I mean, the questions are endless, and I personally don't care about the answers to a lot of them, but to claim the BBB is "completely independent" just doesn't hold up, Boo. And if you don't see that now, I assure you that you will in the future. If anything, you should develop a position that explains why you need the Lindens/Moles' cooperations, and why you think you have gained it exclusively. There may be good reasons for this. "There Can Only Be One" isn't one, in my view.
What exactly is your concept of the "commerce" to be encouraged by the Mainland/Bellisseria coastal connections?
And PS why did you move the embassy of Corsica from Emyniad to Timescape?
Conceptual Art Project
Originally, as I told Boo myself in a conversation last summer, I thought the whole BBB thing was a conceptual art project. Perhaps it still is. But, as the Russians say, "the appetite grows in the eating." Playing player government with the Lindens is likely thrilling, and more and more ideas then are dreamed up to get that thrilling proximity to people who actually make decisions about how the world is built. The Lindens have gone through all kinds of iteration of that kind of "special relationship" in their history -- I remember at one time, they had "focus groups" of power players that they flew to San Francisco all-expense-paid to discuss development with them.
Can even those of us with a certain amount of stake in SL, or merely to whom it is dear, be able to friend up the right BBB socialites, trade the right recipes, fly at the right airports, and attend the happening DJ parties in Belli to influence them and then possibly Moles? Can we attend those wonky Linden office hours with the geeks or the tedious note-taking sessions of Concierge? (That's all they are, as Concierge has less power than Moles in Bellisseria now to make the earth move literally, much less VP of Product Patch Linden, or the actual code-cave Lindens who can "yay" or "nay" anything they like. I bother with these channels occasionally; I think public discussions are also useful.
Timescape Green Dot Pile-Up
I'm reporting from Timescape, where I saw a pile-up of 32 dots, and thought it might be an Embassy party I wasn't invited to (everyone in the BBB Users Group got an invite to it, and only about 30 perhaps attended, hardly a sim-filling event.
Say, could that regular pile-up be the reason for the re-location to Timescape?!
I picked up $7L at the mall from the Xploder to cover my reporting trip expenses, although I'm down 50L renting two booths for a week to see if my stuff sells, and to see what else goes on in this fascinating microclimate.
I landed in fact at the tacky mall next to the Embassy -- and saw various Spanish speakers chatting and those not AFK grouped around an Xploder -- the only way for some people to get cash in the game. They stand around there and trade time for money, socializing, and then hopefully resisting the temptation to buy clothing in the booths also deployed there. The owner uses this technique to build traffic, attention on the map, and notice in search -- it's a technique used by many such enterprises.
Can THESE people be drawn to Bellisseria -- people filling the Mainland with their green dots now? Likely not, as they are likely too poor. If they can't spend US $4.00 merely to buy 1000L, yes they are likely in the poor countries of the world although they deserve to have SL as fun as any of us. Merchants like the mall owner make it possible for to have a Second Life in fact -- and make it possible for smaller merchants -- like me! -- to sell things to the public who are not good enough or connected enough to get into the major shopping events -- which, BTW can run to fantastic sums for the booths ($2000, $5000, more).
Can any one of these people just pick up a free vehicle at the BBB office, join the Bellisseria Parade group, and join the travel caravans? I don't see why not; you don't need a premium to have fun, and I don't think the Belli matrons would exactly kick you out -- and they don't have the power to remove you from Linden water. Still, you might not be made to feel comfortable.
Like this non-English speaking Timescape area man who wandered into the Embassy, and could only say "Come to on!" when I tried to talk to him. I don't think the BBeebs actually blocked his entry, but I don't think he was encouraged to try the canapes, either.
That's me, underdressed for this occasion, but overdressed from my usual garb, in the background in the fedora.
I'll leave the other ball-goers to figure out who the Agency member under cover is at the Embassy, although I will note I did see a strange plainclothesman deployed on the road possibly as "security".
So I have just received an IM from Jack Vincent (idlingwastrel) at press time, but it is NOT an explanation for why the Corsica Embassy moved. It's just a thank you card for attending the ball.