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Feorie Frimon

I’m one of the 67 that read this blog! :) (I’m sure it will be more than that in no time)
-Feorie Frimon


Someone read my mind.....

Prokofy Neva

Did you know that there is a rez area now in Ramelshtam Forest for trains? It wasn't there before. I don't know whether it went in before or after this blog appeared. I assume before, right? I go there a lot but just yesterday I went to get the Mole pumpkin and saw this cute little trolley car parked at the station. I asked if you could rez there now and she said yes, there were now FOUR rez places. She gives rides to people, I think just in her own capacity as an RP thing and seems to keep a schedule. Boy, that could get dull. She wasn't a bot, either.

So four is more than two, but not enough at all, given how much RR there is. I tried to drive my train over hill and dale from my Belli house on to the tracks but it just didn't work.

The Moles said in a thread somewhere that they didn't want random rezzing because it could cause crashes. They are making a system where you have to stop at traffic lights, get shunted to the side, etc. like a real RR. Since I've gone on the RR sometimes and not seen a moving dot on it for many, many sims, I'm not sure what use it gets, but they felt two was plenty for the longest time. I should be grateful that one of them is near my Belli house, this very Honorary Consulate of Titania.

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