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How do you live like this

You really spent the last 20 hours being this mad writing this much about stuff you don't understand. Bruh Take a vacation.

Prokofy Neva

Do they not teach English in North Carolina any more? I don't think "mad" is the word to use on this matter. Trust me, you'll know when I'm mad : )

I'll take this opportunity to remind people of the rules for my blog:

1) You must use a Second Life name, a recognizable blogger name, or a RL name, and that's not "John Smith".
2) You must not incite damages against me or any other person in SL or RL.

Stress is gonna mess you up one day

Clearly they do, and you're just trying to make some asinine allusion to someone being uneducated because they live in a particular place. This entire thing is about how you got your feelings hurt and can't get over it and you should probably reflect inwardly on that. Only person that's going to be mad about this in a day is you.

Frankie Antonioni

Hey Prokofy, how come your not in search? This is the first time I heard of Contraption.

It looks like the first poster, and the third poster are the same. So this is to the first, and third poster. Why don't you use your SL name when you post?

Prokofy Neva

How could you not have heard of Contraption? they are the premier content people of SL. You really should check them out since you're into Doctor Who and all that.

I've hidden my account because a) I have to take care of a sick relative and can't be online this week as much b) I am deluged with griefing and harassment. You can contact Henry Hutchence if you need assistance.

Back soon.

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