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So I understood from someone who worked at Linden Lab that the account Danger Linden on Twitter actually belongs to their one-time senior director of product. Apparently his boss thought they should just deny that the account was even his in 2012 for some unclear reason, maybe because they didn't think his interactions with you went well, or as some internal joke/"prank". But he continued tweeting mundane LL stuff until 2016 and the account was subsequently acknowledged as his on LL's internal network.

Dorothy Schaf

Mark McCahill discusses his role in inventing the Internet and even mentions you – and his interest in the sociology of playing around with you and the woodburies in SL. (He was not really interested in or impressed with SL from a technical standpoint)



I do not appreciate you coming to spam everyone in MY store with your Trump propaganda.

I reckon you business must be a huge failure if you have to resort to that. Perhaps try your hand at something else? Perhaps people are put off by the orange clown you worship.

Prokofy Neva

You must be a griefer yourself, Anne, if you believe that day-old alts or people with fake names like "RavenglassBot" are related to me. They are created merely to discredit me and agitate people. I don't spam anyone anywhere, least of all in any store. I occasionally message *my own* groups. I do not publish hateful propaganda anywhere; I did not vote for Trump and abhor everything about him. Perhaps people are put off by your stupidity in not bothering to check any facts whatsoever. Put your full name and your store name if you stand behind your remarks.

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