By Prokofy Neva, Virtualtor
Photo by Patch Linden of himself and Squeaky Mole for Valentine's Day 2023.
My own little flounce out of the Backstage Fantasy Faire over their AI art policy -- and more -- which I dissected here barely had a chance to become Xitter fodder before another blockbuster story broke which so far appears to be an elaborate smear.
By appearing on the respected liberal Medium site where many journos go when they flee persecution at the New York Times or the Washington Post, the blog post titled "The Reality of Second Life's Ageplay Problem" could appear as a credible investigative work. It is by a totally unknown Robert Bartos who has no bio or explanation of who he is. The claims instantly made the rounds of several groups I'm in and was ridiculed as fake precisely because of the anonymous author. Possibly some or all of its allegations are true, as they are consistent with things that do indeed go on in SL but at this point we would have to say nothing of it is confirmed and no one has lost his job. Linden Lab should investigate the charges, with all the server-side information they have and which we do NOT have.
My hunch is that the person who wrote this Medium post is not American, from a number of clues in the text (repeated and specific references to EU laws which don't apply in the US and do not have equivalents). And they also have their own axe to grind but we can't tell what it is. [Note: an earlier version of this post mistakenly noted a religious concern from this author; in fact, the invocation of religious sentiments harmed came from ANOTHER author on this same story, see below at the end--PN].
I personally find a story like this as decidedly above my pay grade to try to investigate, in the realm of stories like "let's investigate the GRU assassins' unit in Europe". I don't have the funds, connections, lawyers, muscled protection, and skillz to do what is required on a story like that so I don't -- and in our little world, the "ageplay" story might as well be the GRU assassin story (and they can inevitably be related as fake stories are the GRU's hallmark). I recall from a few past blogs on this subject years ago that the ageplay lobby, obviously connected to RL criminal groups, have reinforced and weaponized themselves for ages and have numerous means of persecuting journalists who try to take on the topic -- usually by claiming they are guilty of the same thing. It's an impossible topic. Whatever is true about it inevitably drags in reams of conspiracy crazies on the Internet. This is not my fight.
I do want to say for the sake of the Second Life community as a whole that for now, there is very little that can be confirmed in the story other than the presence of a region called "Isle of Tharen" which is adult-rated and has a grunge city with the DRD gothic castle and other similar buildings. I sent an alt over and found that the objectional builds and furniture described in the story, if they ever existed, are not visible now. The dozen or so avatars on the sim aren't visible and appear to be bots for "traffic enhancement." I didn't make a thorough meter-by-meter search through the sky -- someone else will do that.
I have long been one of Patch Linden's biggest critics and as a result he refuses to answer any notecards or IMs -- understandably. I've criticized him in recent years for things like having his friends stage their wedding on his shiny new Fantasseria community center sim to launch it -- something that seemed patently FIC-y in ways that even the old FIC didn't demand in their day (the FIC are the "Feted Inner Core," as I dubbed it, the cool kids with privileged relationships -- and contracts and perks -- with the Lindens). Worse, he had the Moles put up a statue of himself on this sim which really seemed over the top -- the only other statue of any Linden in SL (although there are sims named for Omidyaar and Rosedale) is to Ebbe Linden, who died in RL.
Then there was the peculiar interlude last year where Patch first embraced the creepy bonniebots, who were slammed for intruding on people's privacy by aggregating and amplifying and weaponizing existing public information made available by LL -- closing down thread after thread criticizing the bots -- then gradually defanging them bit by bit so that finally most (all?) the objectionable features were removed from their site -- which still exists, along with the fleet of numbered bots that feed it info. I couldn't understand why Patch went so avidly for these creepy "pet play" avatars whose kink is to brutalize animals in BDSM "play". Maybe they tie into this story.
Most recently, I criticized him -- along with others who were even more ferocious -- for the lame Exhibition Welcome Area which put in not one but TWO child avatars which I felt was really stepping on a rake again and inviting bad press from mass media. The decision to put in "Boystown" -- which falls on the eye as ANOTHER child avatar problem, although it is an adult-rated sim without children -- is just asking for trouble. Has Patch become so desensitized to the optics of these issues that he no longer sees them? But he's not sequestered within SL -- he has to go out and deal with various outside companies and media. I don't know who does PR/media outreach nowadays (if there is anybody at all with the stature that the now long-gone Peter Linden used to have). This last episode tends to lend credence to this latest Medium-mediated scandal but once again, I don't see anything actually credibly represented, starting with the author himself. That doesn't mean "where there's smoke there's fire" -- there well could be. But better journalism than this has to be done on the story.
I have had the distinct impression even before this story broke that Patch had fallen silent; he stopped posting on Twitter (where he never had a major presence) in October 2023; he has not been making many announcements of interviews, and if I had made any prediction for 2024 last year, it was that he and maybe a few other long-time leading Lindens would be let go to "pursue other projects" as the simple result of a time-worn phenomenon: new owners come into a company, they keep the old owners' chief foremen around for awhile because they know how to turn on (and off) the lights, but as soon as they master those routines, they move them out so they can have their own people they are more comfortable with.
By that time, even the most suck-up types will have quarreled with their new masters over something so it stands to reason. LL had been acquired in 2020 by "an investment group led by Randy Waterfield and Brad Oberwager," the latter who appears in SL with the namer OberWolf Linden if I'm not mistaken, and who made his fortune in organic snacks and a job app -- lives next door to Philip Rosedale in RL and they have been to Burning Man together and apparently are good friends. Philip returned in 2022 and is still present inworld with a sim where he occasionally has meetings (like one on his pet theme, "universal basic income") -- but my impression is that he no longer consults for LL or at least is not mentioned as doing so. BTW he's now also on the board of MidJourney.
(And PPS LL should try to get someone to update their Wikipedia page, very out of date, and also fix with a Google bomb their search returns, which consist of the outdated Wikipedia entry plus an April fool's joke that Meta took them over.)
Just using the usual Google searches and searches inworld and pecking around groups and profiles, one can find out a little but the first thing wrong with this story is that the author is an unknown; his picture does not show up in Google Image Search or Amnesty International's; who knows if it is authentic (people are already calling it "AI generated"). There isn't any journalist by this name, whatever accountants or unrelated people you might know. I did find one Russian-language allegation on Twitter that someone by this same name "Robert Bartos" was himself a child predator, and had an Instagram -- left two years ago -- with creepy, suggestive pictures -- true enough, and no, I d0n't feel I need to link to any of this. And that would be of a piece -- Bartos himself tells of at least one character in this drama himself implicated in child pornography trying to charge others so he can distract others from his own crimes -- and there's nothing to say Barthos himself isn't engaged in precisely this gambit.
I can see why someone may want to hide behind a pseudonym with an explosive story like this, but it simply undermines credibility COMPLETELY. Making serious charges like this, if you want to remain anonymous, you go to the proper authorities and then remain cooperative but quiet. Either this person failed to get action from the authorities (in California?) or he feels they need incentive, so he published the story, perhaps hoping to put more pressure on LL. LL will not tell you want they are doing about this and my bet is that their lawyers will tell them to SAY NOTHING.
Meanwhile, several Twitter accounts, most unattached to any recognizable RL (or even SL name) have popped up, with their own creepy child avatar or cub avatar type pictures in the profile, to cluck about this terrible article. One claims she brought these allegations to LL already and got no response. I think as a manager I myself would default to wondering if this is an intra-furry community battle where one is trying to sic the Company on another as a type of weapon -- a very old SL story. They aren't to be believed with their anonymous and child-like profiles, especially when you get the usual moron jumping in to say "oh noes, anime cartoons aren't at all like children blah blah blah". You can see the tropes and the pitfalls on trying to cover these stories are legion, and really, you can only leave it to LL (which may take no action); prosecutors in California (?); or serious media with proper resources who aren't going to bother.
Just some random impressions I had:
o Where is Abnor Mole? He is in charge of the Moles, who are contract employees performing content creation, building, and forums moderation chores (and possibly more). What does he say about this? AbnOrmal is himself heterosexual and married to a Japanese woman, by his own report, and lives in Australia apparently. To my knowledge, he is not associated with any suggestive or sordid sexual connotations like other Lindens and Moles. He usually takes no prisoners on controversies - I remember he was annoyed at being pulled out of a long vacation weekend to look at some forums drama, and once I found he was shown by the system as having made some retort to my comment -- no doubt a caustic one -- but another Mole had removed it LOL. You can be sure Abnor, who is a Second Life Lifer, will have been looking into this intensively and trying to either disprove it or play it down for "the honour of uniform". He should be asked.
o Where is Soft Linden? He himself is a furry with a constantly refreshed Xitter stream of consciousness of his own plus reposts, much of it highly inappropriate, favouritist, sectarian, and weird in my view for a Lab employee (as distinct from a resident) to be posting, but he's allowed to persist with all that because it neither violates Xitter policy (old or new) or apparently LL employee guidelines. He's also a Second Life Lifer (older than me!) and is in charge of security. If ever there was something that threatened the entire life of Second Life, it's this story which could in theory lead to some authority somewhere (especially in some more authoritarian country outside the US or state in the US) to blocking the website or freezing some operations.
o Where are the other Moles? Some of them are quoted as complaining about an oppressive workplace atmosphere of sexualized jokes (about gay male sex). They could ALL lose their jobs if some board member or boss decides that the whole system of contract workers has to be dumped and the company must move to full-time, benefited, vetted employees. I've seen this phenomenon happen in other companies in my field even where I've worked where suddenly management dumps all the 1099s -- hired in droves to save money and management time -- and a demand goes out that anyone in a program has to work on site -- something people are increasingly unwilling to do since COVID. In any event, whether public or private, if they value their jobs and/or virtual lives, they need to get on this story to either refute it or redress it.
o Are Squeaky Mole (aliases noted in the article) and Patch Linden in fact married in RL? We haven't verified that. They may be shown together but then any Mole or Linden could be posed together for this or that event. I had never heard this but then I really have stopped paying attention to Lindens and Moles for years unless I need a sim restarted. The less you deal with them the better. If you need them for your Second Life, I think you're in trouble. If they are married, and Patch even brought Squeaky to the US (apparently from the Netherlands, if the law referenced is accurate) or somewhere in the EU, then even without the ageplay overlay to the story, wouldn't you have to question this sort of nepotism? At least to ask some questions -- and have some guardrails -- about conflicts of interest. BTW proof that they are married would come in a marriage certificate from their state with their RL names which are credibly linked -- best by themselves -- with their avatars -- not what you "heard reliably" in your furry group.
Husband-and-wife teams have long been tolerated by the US State Department in the Foreign Service, which is even enlightened enough to allow husband-and-husband teams now at some posts. Foreign news bureaus often have couples like this as well. Instead of being seen as nepotism, the practice is seen as beneficial to stability and helpful to get one person posted to a hardship location to go there, if there's a job for the spouse, too. In some ways a virtual world is a hardship post! Obviously nobody at the Lab found anything wrong with this. Handing Squeaky the job of being in charge of Quality Assurance to Patch's VP of Product does seem to be something of a self-interested loop and not the ideal form this accommodation should have been made but we don't know their thinking.
o I'm not satisfied that any of those claims of their relationship and their involvement in constructing an elaborate "family" are true or have the implied connotations they do. People make families all the time in SL, I see it constantly among my tenants. It's not necessarily an "ageplay" marker and is innocent more often than not. If I find a child avatar in my rentals and they have adult furniture in their rental, or adult "Daddy and Me" type groups in their profile, they get evicted instantly, and they get an abuse report instantly. I often find they are literally gone within 12 to 24 hours. I sometimes think people like that are parachuting in to try to get me in trouble for content on land I own. So I make sure they get gone quickly and apparently LL itself is highly interested in this as well. I've never had to ask twice with these types of ARs. Governance may take nine months to get rid of a grief prim on physics stuck between my lot and a no-show neighbour's, but this sort of content harms their reputation, exposes them to litigation, and they generally take action.
o While recognizing that people make families as a "thing" in SL, I still have to wonder about the claim that Patch and Squeaky (let's say they really are husbands) would want to spend their hours after work hanging around on a sim with questionable furry cubs making a "family" and doing "family stuff." I guess my default here would be that if I were a full-time Lab employee having to toil in the vineyards of SL sims all day -- either on my computer dealing with their issues, or actually inworld trying not to crash off them at some event -- the last thing I'd want at night is MORE of this. Most people come to SL AFTER their RL job or busy day doing RL things as relaxation -- even those working virtual jobs are doing it as a second job often after RL jobs, family, chores etc. (like me). It just doesn't track for me that Lindens for whom SL is their job would want to STAY in it -- if anything they are accused of not spending enough time in world (and you feel some of them disdain it).
To be sure, there are Lindens with alts who spend time on their alts whom people have come to know -- perhaps this is all possible and known but I think we need credible sourcing on this from outside the furry hothouse so we can be assured it's not some elaborate vendetta. And it's true, Patch can be a fanatic admirer of SL -- I once found him in the middle of the night -- my time and his -- collecting stamps in the BBB stamp game (like me). I know he does go to a lot of events and is even made something of a mascot at them, having to be dunked, or kissed, or put in selfies sometimes of questionable taste. But creepy little "families" at night when he has a RL husband to do RL things with in RL? Tolerating questionable content from his hubby when their very jobs are at stake and they are amply familiar with the policies? Not buying this on the face of it.
o Yes, we have to make the tiresome caveat that certain vocal child stars in SL make it known loudly that they are not all engaged in criminal behaviour -- yes, some of them go on G sims, yes some of them do nothing more than make a garden. But I have found in general that child avatars are trouble in SL. Often they are griefers who find it edgy and cool to push the limits and see what they can away with -- but those types are often broken personalities abused in childhood who tend toward ageplay anyways. I make a point of banning child avatars in any form from my campgrounds because "camp" is something that many of these creepy kids want to "play" to enact out childhood traumas or fantasies.
I didn't mention this aspect of Fantasy Faire in my critical post the other day, but every year, FF allows Loki Eliot and his crew to put up some sort of children's scout camp and to RP scouts with quests and roaming around the grid. To be sure, I've never seen anything objectionable coming from him at FF or any other event, or any social media account, or any forums or blog. That's why I'm inclined to wonder if the allegations against him, too, are a smear. Again, the linkages of the objectionable accounts outside of SL claimed to be him, to the avatar inside SL are not solid.
o The allegations that Squeaky Mole (on another name) maintains an alt fursona on other pornographic sites and inworld are the most serious charges of the article with the most gotcha screenshots, but given that people take cartoon-like characters from all sorts of movies and stories and game sites, it's possible someone could have the same fursona and even name and be unrelated to the same Squeaky Mole of Linden Lab. Child anime/hentai images are very widespread among furries -- and for that matter, griefers. That link therefore has to be better established. There are airy statements about Google searches or sources inworld or known profiles -- but Google searches are different for everyone, the profiles now are either recently scrubbled or were always innocent and we just can't know. These links and claims need to be independently and solidly replicated. A name change to something that sounds nearly the same doesn't need to be a smoking gun; it could be just a desire for something different.
o The companies noted such as Imagine Moda making Tweenster (ugh) stuff are definitely creepy. I can't think of a *good* reason why you "need" to make a pre-teen or underage teen boy's suggestively-articulated Speedo-type bathing trunks. I think all of this should be gone from the MarketPlace. Pretending it is normal just doesn't fly. To be sure, the author has presented the screenshots context-free. This particular creator makes a host of clothing, mainly for adult men but also young adults or teens and the majority of the outfits are not suggestive. What stands out for me is that the "tween" bathing suits are more suggestive than those for the adult male, which indicates trouble. But then after you have established this content is objectionable (and it is), you still have to link it accurately to the Lindens/Moles referenced and that is sketchy.
I hadn't realize that on top of everything else objectionable about him, Casper is alleged to be in the ageplay racket and a furry as well. I'm the only one who stood up and criticized Casper's vast data-scraping biz in SL. For my troubles, he put me as a permanent "sample griefer" in his teleporters (and apparently his ban systems) so that ever after, I could face sudden bans and ejections from stores that I had shopped at for years if they bought his system. I thought that Linden Lab's decision to purchase his systems was driven by a simple business objective: just as they get a piece of every MP sale (10%) and see that as a potentially lucrative revenue stream that will free them from dependence on sim "sales" or rental of server space, so they would like to get a piece of every rental by at some point insisting that only a company-owned rental system can be used (like there is no other shopping site now you can go to and have content delivered within SL; originally the site was SLExchange and purchased by the Lab).
Now another hypothesis has been put forward, that Casper is part of the Patch-created "family" and nest of sims claimed to have ageplay activity (Robert Bartos, who may or may not be very involved in SL, left out one suggestively-named sim near "UwWu Family" called "Sausage Land" -- both are closed to outside TPs and require a closed group membership or access list. In fact, that he left out "Sausage Land" makes me wonder how solid his in-world investigations really were). I didn't realize at first last year that Casper was "aqui-hired" when LL bought out his company -- and it's not clear they bought out EVERY system of his, eithers. I suppose it's not surprising that he turns out to be a friend of Patch's and/or Squeaky's and that helped sell his biz to the Lab. Obviously, all that needs to be looked at, with or without any furry ageplay undertow or overlay but it's not like LL is some giant corporation where things just don't come to notice to management in some remote tower. It was likely known and approved because the Lindens have ALWAYS hired their friends. In the early days, the first Lindens were nearly ALL hired from the resident base of beta-tester regulars. It was only in later years that they actually began to recruit from outside companies like Microsoft or IBM.
UPDATE: An interesting effect of this unproven story is that many merchants are switching out of Caspervend; asking openly on the forums for alternatives; or pleading with customers not to boycott them if they still use Caspervend because it is too hard -- or at least too time-consuming -- for them to change out of. All the years Casper had me as a generic ban inside his products after I asked him some public questions about his use of all the business data he had from SL -- no one chimed in with me, and no one mentioned anything about him being a furry or a cub or involved in anything troublesome. Casper was the easiest person for people to react to because he his business is so public and widespread AND the Lindens bought it out (something that no doubt caused jealousy among competitors) AND aqui-hired him and made him a Linden. Some people are leaving furious notes under @LindenPatch on Twitter reacting as if the allegations are proven -- they are not. I asked @LokiEliot directly if he had a response -- I haven't heard back and no one else is asking him. On the forums, a very tentative exploration into this topic got shut down immediately (I don't know by whom), leaving me to leave Aesopian video links on "What are you watching" lol.
The unproven theory put forth by the author re: Chase Zaks, that he himself is a furry criminal suspect looking to shift the blame to others by concocting smears, seems plausible but then he is still online, inworld, and not banned. One would think the Lindens would still ban a character like this, once they caught on to the entire shtick. His elaborate profile with all his documented illnesses and problems may have led their lawyers to take a soft touch, I don't know, but there it is, he's not banned.
None of the people mentioned in the article are banned; they are all in the People List on search; many are online.
If any of this is true, it won't be surprising to me, precisely because of the past objectionable calls (like with bonniebots and the Welcome Area) and just the general climate of nepotism, favouritism, and behaviour and dress always veering towards the bawdy. It would be of a piece. I could see how people could get desensitized to this content, think it's all a joke or in "good fun" and even if they are charged to remove it elsewhere, feel they can indulge in it themselves -- by the same logic that griefers use, which is that "we are above everyone else" AND "we can dictate the culture everyone else is forced to accept."
Even so, this story has not even begun to be investigaged properly by real investigative journalists, and hasn't even been done at an Alphaville Herald level with more outside sources and solid connections.
If ultimately it turns out to be sadly true, I will say that some of it comes from arrogance and a sense of entitlement and being "above the law," but it's also about the fact that while norms for behaviour between heterosexuals have been established and refined and reformed over centuries, LGBT+ -- which has come out in the open only within the span of my lifetime -- has not had hardly any time to establish these norms. I have found in RL that certain LGBT colleagues cluelessly tell outrageous stories at staff parties of both gay and straight people, or make inappropriate suggestive statements to other staff or even donors, and don't seem to realize "that's not what we do here." There is the challenge of gaining tolerance and acceptance from the majority -- yet recognizing that decency in certain work and social situations is required, and that it's not oppression to accept this. I think these norms take time to be set -- but set they must be. We associate sexual harassment at the workplace with mainly older, white, heterosexual men. But there's no reason that it can't be a woman or a gay person as well.
For 21 years, Linden Lab has manifested all the wacky "California ideologies" out there and more, and I've constantly taken to task their lurches from techno-communism to techno-libertarianism to "cosmic engineering" and "transhumanism" and every alternating "tech bro" and "woke" fashion of the day. Companies in Silicon Valley always feel they are above us all and above the law. They get away with a lot.
But they shouldn't be allowed to get away with this at all levels, and they need to act pronto, whether they have been smeared in the present climate, or they are part of what makes up this awful climate itself.
Even so, every bit of this has to be replicated, proved, linked and then there has to be adversarial defense enabled by the parties involved for due process to be served. The fact that they all still have their jobs and this story seems to be at least several months old lets us know maybe there isn't a solid proof of it. But maybe it's just taking a long time.
UPDATE: I'm not interested AT ALL in debating little furry cub anonymous creatures on the Internets about this subject -- they can take it to Twitter or their own blogs. I also don't feel the need to keep updating this blog -- it's not my story, I merely commented on the need for way more professional investigative treatment of the Medium post. I am NOT the author of the Medium post and I link my avatar to my RL identity. Do you? Then shut up. The arguments ones hears boil down to "well those who know, know" or "you don't get around much evidently" or "Prokofy is a crazy cat lady" -- and I'm sorry, those doesn't fly.
As noted, I mistakenly ascribed the "religious" speculation to Bartos -- in fact it's another author.
This other article is even more speculative than the one by "Robert Bartos" and can be seen here written back in May 2023 by someone with the handle "PuppyDaddy" (!) -- and that's just it, too many people commenting about this story as if it were true are *themselves* the very types that the stories purport to expose. So they have ZERO credibility. THAT phenomenon lets us know that a very likely scenario for this scandal is that it is a war among furry clans using ageplay allegations as a weapon.
It's PuppyDaddy, not "Robert Bartos" who launches into a conspiracy-theory rant about the sentiments of Christians being harmed by an Easter Egg hunt on the sims of Kapor and Rosedale (named for the founder and one of the first investors) and even the term "Easter Egg," meaning surprises hidden by coders in games, is somehow conceived of "offensive" to believers. One wonders how religious somebody named "PuppyDaddy" can really be, to get into a lather about what Christians may find insulting -- or another area with doors, which he finds may reference Judaism. The "gayness" of the hunt is said to come from the fact that it has a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of it. The "Jewish theme" is supposed to come from doors also mentioned in the Torah with symbols on them and "six genders" -- a concept that itself seems to have been interpolated with modern values on to past Talmudic writings and is debatable. I don't have time for this.
This post is definitely on the loonier end of the spectrum of this topic claiming that people's desire to become furry avatars is rooted in transhumanist philosophy. While that may be true for some, it certainly isn't for many -- I doubt some could even explain what transhumanism is.
I don't want to get into a line-by-line exigesis of this wacky post -- nor any other. Defending child predators isn't my cause; spending hours attacking them isn't either, precisely because I came to suspect long ago that some of the people involved in this witch hunt business are themselves predators wishing to disguise themselves. People busy going around the grid looking for ageplay content to root out are....looking for ageplay content, you know? That's not what I wish to do. If I see it on my land, out it goes, pronto. I urge everyone else to do the same. I don't have a lot of confidence that LL can sort this out, but it's not my job to do it. When a gaggle of child avatars and furry cubs of unknown provence show up to denounce other furries, I have to wonder if this entire thing isn't concocted. The end.
The below bit from your article about religion... where is this in the article? I read the whole thing, and saw no mention of religion...
"My hunch is that the person who wrote this Medium post is not American, from a number of clues in the text. And they also have their own axe to grind, possibly of a religious nature -- there is a very weird bit towards the end where he claims that the ancient sims of Kapor and Omidyaar have an Easter Egg hunt and game-style "Easter Eggs" on them, a terminology he finds "offensive to religious believers" -- a number of times he invokes the offenses to Christian or Jewish religious sensibilities by SL content placed by Lindens -- and this is difficult to take seriously. I have been in SL 20 years and I never heard of the gay "Easter Egg hunt" but if there is such a thing, I can't believe it could possibly be offensive to any but the most strict born-again anti-gay types -- and even they would have to prove this was "gay" just because it had rainbow -- with a pot of gold."
Posted by: What are you talking about? | 02/26/2024 at 02:03 PM
Except, you reference tweets and that's not the base of them at all.
"Meanwhile, several Twitter accounts, most unattached to any recognizable RL (or even SL name) have popped up, with their own creepy child avatar or cub avatar type pictures in the profile, to cluck about this terrible article. One claims she brought these allegations to LL already and got no response. I think as a manager I myself would default to wondering if this is an intra-furry community battle where one is trying to sic the Company on another as a type of weapon -- a very old SL story. They aren't to be believed with their anonymous and child-like profiles, especially when you get the usual moron jumping in to say "oh noes, anime cartoons aren't at all like children blah blah blah"."
You reference Overseasister, you shared the article with their own experience in SL. You reference Dolly_Waifu, who is a respected blogger and shop owner, and then-- you reference DepressoSL, who is responding to the local fucking nutjob Prokofy, who confused Overseasister's twitter pic-- of an anime character who is an adult-- as being a child and trying to undermine the actual importance of the article and their experience.
You claim Robert should have had more links, you should have had less if the context of those links was going to go right over your head.
Posted by: Uhm | 02/26/2024 at 06:21 PM
OH YOU ARE THE LOCAL FUCKING NUTJOB PROFOKY, this makes total sense now.
Posted by: uhm | 02/26/2024 at 07:08 PM
1) I'm not interested in debating this piece with a bunch of anonymous furry cubs who themselves are part of the problematic culture.
2. I was mistaken about the religious reference and corrected my post here -- the bit about the rainbow and the doors comes from ANOTHER author on this subject, in an even earlier post of May 2023:
I added some comments on what I view to be an even loonier piece at the end here.
3. Again, people who are anonymous in virtual worlds -- especially people who THEMSELVES are children or cubs -- especially people who try to waste everyone's time that they are "only little people" and "not children" and people are "confused" about their pictures blah blah. They are NOT the people I wish to debate this topic with. Look up the term "waifu," look at the culture it comes from, look at the pictures that often depict it, and stop being ridiculous.
4. In fact, I'm turning off comments because I'm endlessly harassed for no reason merely for calling for an end to anonymity by those who make claims -- I'm not anonymous and I'm linked to my RL name. I'd advise you freaks to do the same if you want credibility.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | 02/26/2024 at 07:16 PM