Koinup gave me a reason to start up Flamingo Court/Motel of Last Resort again, first episode here.
It's got a great storyboard interface, but the typeface really sucks -- too small, too hard to read, as if they really don't care about captions, only screenshots. There doesn't seem to be any way to chose the fonts, which is a must. Maybe they'll add that later.
The pictures can upload 5 at a time, which is great, saves you that endless one-by-one loading on a blog, and the captions edit in place.
I love the way you come on there and it says "chose a world" -- they have World of Warcraft, The Sims Online, etc.
I used to clutter Zing ("free picture storage for life"), Picture Trail, and Tripod with these episodes, and even grab the Sims Family Album pages and post those up, it was so easy to make stories and props in the Sims because you could log on multiple sessions at once and run more than one character; you could freeze game action in place to set up stills (possible in Second Life, but not completely); you could also have an instant album-maker with captions that would reshuffle. Koinup seems about as good as it gets though (because other comic strip makers I have heard of are for Macs).
I really want to find a way to make comics and graphic novels faster and better -- the captions are often the hardest bit, and then of course ordering the snaps. I hate the way the new viewer 1.8.4 puts the pictures with a new name, "Snapshot : Taken by..." so you can't find it at first. Hunting for "Snapshot" no longer works; has to be "Snapshot : " with that space before the colon.
Some other people up there at Koinup seem to have mainly diaries. I know there's Tateru's comics but I wonder if there are any other current ones.