Our neighborhood includes a big building known all over the world, whose employees travel far and wide trying to do good. It's the UN, and if you live on the North side of Waterside you can see it out your window. A lot of people who live at Waterside are in fact UN employees, so it's part of the family.
And on August 19, 2003, we lost some members of our family in the terrorist attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, which was housing the UN compound at the time.
At least 23 people were killed in the attack, perpetrated by terrorists who used an old Soviet bomb. Among them were 14 UN staff members and the UN's top envoy to Iraq, Sergio
Vieira de Mello, who also served as the UN high commissioner for human
rights. I wrote about his life at the time in an article, "A Humanitarian in Harm's Way." The bombers were "enemies of the civilized world," U.S.
President George W. Bush said at the time; regrettably, the terrorists associated the neutral UN with the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
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