Not funny -- and disgusting. I've been revolted watching how the hard-left bullies are harassing Komen, a breast-cancer organization that has decided to disassociate itself from Planned Parenthood. And now Anonymous has evidently hacked it -- those totalitarians who will not let anybody do or say anything on the Internet they don't like. They are as rigidly hysterical and shrill as the ayatollahs.
The meme here -- that Komen is somehow "running over poor women" is despicable. Just because Komen doesn't want to assist women with abortions doesn't mean they are harming the poor. Quite a few affluent women seek abortions, for one thing. And the really destitute poor do have options that the working poor like me without health insurance don't have. It's really fake propaganda to claim that because one independent nonprofit foundation wants to pursue another program and a different agenda than your favourite "progressive" group that they are "harming" others who are also in an independent nonprofit foundation.
What is outrageous is how the anti-SOPA type Internet mob scene has started up the drumbeat against this organization -- all the lefty gurus like Beth Kantor egging it on in more subtle ways but with the same "message" -- kill anybody who disagrees with the "progressive" agenda, and that includes those opposing abortion.
This social media guru blog was typical of the reaction of the lefty gurus who help bake their ideologies into social media when they do this -- they claim somehow Komen did something wrong in their "media strategy" when what they REAAALLY mean is that they did something wrong merely in defying the "progressive" agenda and not sticking with Planned Parenthood.
If they are really about choice, they have to respect the CHOICE that this free and independent non-governmental foundation made not to get involved with Planned Parenthood while it was under investigation over abortion funding issues.
That is its right. Don't like it? Find another organization or form your own or donate to one of your choice. I also think it's worth taking a closer look at those "health services" that Planned Parenthood really provides. I never see them REAAALY offering such a thing as an ad in the Village Voice offering free mammograms or pap smears.
We all know they're for birth control and abortion referral. And that's the law of the land and that's their choice. But if it is not ours, why do we have to be BULLIED and hacked and harassed into CONFORMISM with the hard left?
Hell no, we won't go!
Further thoughs:
@streetwiseprofessor talked about the harassing of those who oppose "progressive values". Then he said "orthodoxies." Indeed, that's precisely the term. "Smelly little orthodoxies," as Orwell put it.
It's astounding, how self-righteous, shrill and even hysterical the left gets on these cases. All the "Saul Alinsky" methods as the conservatives call them are on parade (and they do have a point).
So they bully and heckle Komen with the notion that they are doing something against their conscience -- "running over poor women" and leaving them in a lurch -- to try to shame them into caving to "progressive" demands.
I have a pack of jackals telling me to "get my facts straight" about Planned Parenthood -- that indeed they do provide generic health care services for women. Well, that's just not true. Perhaps technically they do. But they don't advertise that and it's not their mission -- their mission is to PLAN parenthood -- duh. That means birth control and abortion referral. They should be honest about this and quit the fakery. I'm fairly certain, just based on their profile, their ads, the experiences of others I know, that if I call them up and say I need a mammogram, if I'm not of child-bearing age and birth control material, they won't take me and will dump me or refer me to something else. I'll experiment when I have some free time.
The other "Saul Alinsky"/direct action sort of method is to shame the target with "hypocrisy" charges -- find something else they do that is "inconsistent." Why, you don't drop donations to Penn State, and they are under investigation over the pedophile case. Why, you don't drop donations to Bank of America and they are investigation for...what again? Won't it always be something?
Answer: because those cases aren't related to their mission. Abortion provision is. They get to chose their causes and their moral posture -- just like the shrill, moralizing "progressives" get to.
If the "progressives" want to have some perfectly calibrated politically-correct group, they can form one. But like those who can never be happy with "socialism in one country," they are never happy until they have "uravnilovka," levelling and homogenizing of everybody else to their level, otherwise they are insecure.
Then they sneer that the left raised $1 million for PP because Komen dropped them. Good! Pay for the things you want that fit your ideology, and leave other people alone to do the same.
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