We saw how the Anonymous "anti-rape" activists in the KnightSec and JustSec ops talk to people online who call out their vigilante tactics -- disgraceful. This persona "calaaa" is willing to come to me in real life and stomp me with her stiletto high heels, hates me, and rages against me because...I said that with their antics around Steubenville, she and her comrades are dispensing revolutionary Internet justice and heedless of due process under the rule of law.
With Anonloverz still whistling for his other junk-yard dogs to come and harass me on Twitter and linking to my private information on Twitter, somebody with the "lovely" name of Luxecunt shows up, and this is how she talks -- right out of the Bolshevik "distort language" Newspeak guidebook.
First, a threat:
#JusticeSec Lux @luxecunt@Anonymity47 @faceyet @catfitz well if they wanted our attention they got it #ExpectUs
Then, the deliberate corruption of language to cause cognitive dissonance:
#JusticeSec Lux @luxecunt@catfitz why don't you educate your ignorance? Cunt is loosely translated to mean goddess or queen of numerals... #boom fucking moron
Oh, so my failure to adapt the Newspeak notion of the nasty swear word "cunt" is just my "lack of education" and failure to get initiated into the, um, goddess cult *snort*.
Because I'm "ignorant," I'm a "fucking moron". This, from the people who wilted and wept because I called them "fucktards". Why? Because I deliberately do that as the strongest possible condemnation of people who try to install authoritarianism on the Internet, taking choices away form other people, harming them with hacking and doxing and destruction of plurality of systems.
#JusticeSec Lux @luxecunt@catfitz I can't make up mythology, dumbass! Look up the origin of the word and educate your ignorant sheep like mentality.
Let's see now. I spent a great deal of my life study religions of the world, philosophy, myths and such. Er, I don't recall that connotation of the word.
#JusticeSec Lux @luxecunt@catfitz you are part of the problem! Continuing the propaganda of these beautiful word
So...what we're to do now, under the new Newspeak regime installed by Anonymous, is to use shocking words that still are viewed as shocking and awful by most people, even if occasionally used casually by the young, and convert them into "beautiful" connotations, but all the while telling people who won't go along with this totalitarian plan that they are "sheep" and "fucking morons". See how this works?
It's the kind of logic an abusive husband uses on a wife he has in thrall with domestic violence, telling her she's ugly, changing the meaning of values and words. It's the kind of logic an abusive authoritarian regime uses, telling the intellectuals they are loafers if they don't drop their dissent and critical writings and "bring in the harvest" or calls them "parasites". This is Bolshevik talk.
Then Ms. Cunt (ugh) whistles to her bag man:
@luxecunt@SeraphimNero you're #opantibully right? @catfitz is bullying anons and spreading anti anon propaganda http://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2011/02/on-anon.html …
She runs tattling like a good little KGB police informant and wants him to "do something". She keeps flailing herself to insult me:
@luxecunt@catfitz wow, you aren't even intelligent enough to realize I am a female. #fail #epicfail
Well, hon. If I didn't know before, I do know : ) Running to some thug higher up in Anonymous to harass me more?!
Unfortunately, this higher-up thug in the actually very rigid hiearchy of this cultic subculture is too busy -- I'm too much of a small fry for this important vor-v-zakone:
XeroGhost @SeraphimNero@catfitz I can't rage on you, it's your blog, opinions, views freedom of speech. #Done @luxecunt
So, in the inner revolutionary justice councils of Anonymous, a troika is held instantly and I am let go -- this time. Indeed, that used to be the classic Anonymous division for action -- if somebody was just a blogger who criticized them, somebody who sounded off about them or even somehow who critiqued them more systematically, but not for a large audience, they would leave them alone and not "dox" them. "Doxing" -- the entire site hacked -- was for Gawker and Adrian Chen who get 15,000 or 90,000 hits on a story, not 1,000.
"Doxing" and full-bore harassment and stalking was for more influential and resourced people -- the kind of harassment Breitbart's Lee Stranahan is getting now from JustSec.
So Mr. Xero, with the creepy Chuckie doll face on this profile, tells me scornfully:
XeroGhost @SeraphimNero@catfitz Calm yourself, stand down. You're nothing Big on anyone's radar. @luxecunt
Whew, that's a relief ROFL! Then is Anonloverz going to be disciplined for his "excesses" against civilians?!
Can I put you all down now as affirming that while you *are* vigilantes, you won't use your vigilantism on those who point out that you are vigilantes?
I'm not much of a student of Anonymous because you'd really have to have a paid academic position with lots of free time to become one, and sadly, those who are researchers like Gabriella Coleman are utterly in their thrall, completely and giddily seduced by them. (I've just downloaded her free book which she demonstratively offers for free *and* pay, and of course I'm not going to pay her; AJ Keen is somebody I would pay after getting a review copy of his book for free.)
Stranahan seems to be one of the few journalists critical of Anonymous, but regrettably, he tries to reason with them -- telling them that he agrees with them on CFAA -- as if you could make a common coalition with these thugs. On Twitter, he'll object, when they outrageously harass him with all their weird word salad and lies and distractions, that he actually agrees with them on CFAA.
Either Anonymous has adopted a strategy of creating more female personas for JustSec to try to play the anti-rape game better, especially if these personas can claim they personally experienced abuse, or in fact they have attracted real females -- females who haven't adapted yet to the rigid military/mafia-like hiearchy and ruthless hazing/discipline that goes on in this sub-culture -- hence this funny transaction where @Luxecunt whistles to @SeraphimNero and then gets a reject.
#JusticeSec Lux @luxecunt@catfitz @faceyet apparently @seraphimnero doesn't want anything to do with this battle leave him out of it. You get the cunt instead ; )
When it was pointed out that this was rather a typical subserviant role of a female to a male in a hierarchical organization, she said:
@catfitz no, unlike you I can stand on my own. But I have the privilege of having an #AnonFamily behind me for support. #ExpectUs
The refashioning of the meaning (saying it comes from Kunti, Kundalini, etc.) is now as we can see a fad on the left although we see it is disputed by Snopes.
All of this is sad. It reminds me of a "progressive" woman I know who was raped by a Black Panther back in the day, but kept silent about it so as "not to hurt the movement". How much of this has gone on in JustSec? JustSec has spilled out to real-life actions with people taking busses out of state to join others in outside demonstrations and actions and meetings -- so it's like marches on Washington in the 1980s and so on. Right now as we speak, the red wheel is being reinvented and the same-old, same-old is being repeated. Who are the Horowitz's who will convert to conservatives 40 years from now and expose Anonymous? Who are the women who were raped fighting the rape crew who will come forward with tearful exposes for Vanity Fair or Rolling Stone?
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