This sad little person who has been harassing me and joining in an Anonymous operation to dox me, intimidate me, and heckle me endlessly has a Twitter feed that reveals the twisted and contorted mind of these current Anonymous followers. It's also a feed that reveals the vulnerability of these young people emotionally to such a cunning and duplicitious movement. It's sad -- and disturbing, because you can see we are dealing with something like mass hysteria as numerous people act on perceptions that have been manipulated by propaganda and escalate the hysteria further. This is how totalitarian movements succeed.
I think the atmosphere of the Anonymous movement itself is really toxic to a troubled young person like this -- and deliberately so. It preys on their sense of victimhood -- real or imagined -- and amplifies it and makes it hysterical until it then converts into bullying itself and obsession with everything in the universe being "a bully," and then anyone who legitimately questions the tactics and hysterics themselves becomes "a bully". This person may or may not be a real rape or abuse victim -- they're Anonymous so there isn't any way to tell -- and/or this troubling self-hurting behaviour may be real or may be concocted -- it's just not possible to tell. But by externalizing their "house of pain" on the Internet, they've exacerbated their ailment into full-blown Media-Induced Psychotic Syndrome (MIPS).
Partly the media and the educational systems are to blame for this hysteria around bullying and the elaborate victimology to go with it. Despite the exaggerated forms this is taking, nevertheless I'm a big believer in trying to respond to bullying and stopping it in reality, both online and offline. I'm just not getting how Anonymous, which wrote the book on bullying and has perfected it to a tortuous science online is the one to lead the charge on this.
Young people getting caught up in the Anonymous hate furror around this have to become more questioning and more critical about this cultic movement if they want to be effective. Pro tip: if you've joined a movement that is constantly bullying people by pretending *their many targets* are the bullies, and this list of "enemies" grows longer and more strange, you might reconsider. Who are your targets? Do you really know anything about them? Why target journalists or bloggers critical of Anonymous' vigilantism? In fact, why target *anybody* in this vicious, collective fashion? If you actually have some *facts* about someone suspected of a crime, bring it to police or other authorities, and blog about it and get the mainstream media interested, but don't turn to a vigilante campaign. There's no need for it. Why? Because "none of us is as cruel as all of us," as the slogan of this "lovely" outfit has phrased it for years? Or because one of you is more cowardly than all of you?
I haven't bullied this "hausofpain" -- I quite properly called out the utter hypocrisy of their screeching about the porn said to be associated with Lee Stranahan -- which may or may not be true because he has been critical of Anonymous and doxed by them. I called out the hypocrisy because 4chan is far, far worse than anything they've found on Stranahan, and they are absolutely no ones to talk.
Below, you'll see my first few tweets to these strangers on the Internet to whom I merely made a valid comment.
HausofPain contacted me first. It turns out he/she had spent hours Google witch-hunting Lee Stranahan and then finding that he had allegedly had pornography on DeviantArt, and then concluding that Anonymous and Steubenville should know about this because this would prove he was unfit to cover the story of the Steubenville rape.
This "hausofpain" is a young woman (from claims in her profile and other tweets) who spends long hours hunting for pedophiles and then turning them in to authorities. It's a strange activity, but I've seen other young people do it, although usually they tend to be boys/men. There's something odd about people who fanatically hunt pedophiles -- they seem to become like them. That's why I don't make a crusade of this issue -- it's just too creepy to follow. When I uncover them in Second Life, I immediately report them. I've been endessly bullied and harassed by some people notorious for trying to get simulated child porn in SL legalized (it ultimately was deemed against the TOS, thank God). I know that Anonymous has made the crusade against child pornography to be one of their reputational laundromats. It's good that some groups work on this issue which is an outrage; Anonymous has zero credibilty on the issue; in fact, in SL, I've found some of the creepiest male "ageplayers" trying to simulate child pornography in the Anonymous spin-offs there. Maybe that's why they have this weird obsessive campaign?
In any event, this poor person who reports that their father kicks them off the Internet (making their claim to be 21 years of age likely false) decided to go after Stranahan, even planning to make prank phone calls to him. Then he/she decided to chase pedos, and then somehow reacted to me pointing out that Anonymous was utterly lacking in credibility going off on Stranahan over "porn".
How? She hadn't followed me before, but perhaps she followed Stranahan, and I directed an @ to Stranahan? I know I followed him for some time on my Prokofy account, and debated him a few times on their stories which I didn't buy; but I don't follow him on catfitz because I'm out of space.
In any event, that interaction, however it occurred, whether I first contacted "hausofpain" or she contacted me or it was a "cc" -- I'm not quite sure how, is what led this troubled young person (unless it's a persona for a more sophisticated Anonymous operative, which I have reason to think it may be) to begin obsessing about me day and night -- pounding pillows about me, endlessly discussing me, stalking me, vandalizing my Wikipedia, participating in the spreading of the doxing of me, etc. etc.
The record easily shows the story, so anyone with the patience and the tools can go back and see who contacted whom first. But my comment directly or in a cc to "hausofpain" was a legitimate remark of a blogger, pointing out that anyone dissing Stranahan over his supposed porn was hardly credibly, given Anonymous' long association with violent porn on 4chan.
It's to get rid of that association in the public mind that #JusticeSec was conceived, among other reasons. That's why I -- having a long memory about this longer than that of most media and tech bloggers (and more honestly about it) has been targeted.
Why? Because I said that Hammond, whom she/he supported, was a violent bully, and therefore she and Anonymous are too because they take people's rights away on the Internet.
DDoXing *is* violence. Hacking *is* violence -- Hammond had a history of violence and went further than mere "protest" during the anti-Stratfor hack.
Curiously, hausofpain claimed I deleted this tweet and documented it on her cell phone to somehow play gotcha -- she ran to a few Anonymous operatives to complain about this tweet as if it were an "offense," and one that I wished to hide.
But I never deleted tweets unless I see they are dupes or have a broken link -- I always let them stand. I'm too old a person to have regrets about what I said earlier. I stand by this tweet which most definitely is not deleted.
Hackers and doxers and vigilantes take our rights away; they take away free speech; they take away freedom of association; they take away due process, which means the right to face your accusers in a court of law with an adversarial defense and the right to discovery; they take away so many things that it takes your breath away. That people keep giving them a pass and pretending they are the righteous is wrong.
CatherineFitzpatrick @catfitz
@caylaaaa_x3 @hausofpain Like those hardcore porn pages on your home base, 4chan, right big guy? You guys are such fakes.
@catfitz @caylaaaa_x3 in this day and age Anonymous has little to do with 4chan In fact I have only been on the site once!
CatherineFitzpatrick @catfitz
@hausofpain @caylaaaa_x3 Doesn't matter. You spent years steeped in hateful vengeful porn against women, attacking women online & still do
And for those tweets and a link to my blog of concern about the vigilantism around Steubenville, because this disturbed little sad Anon kid ran to her elders in this vicious cult and screamed that I was a bully; because this is a vengeful and riotous revolutionary movement trying to spread through lies and propagagnda, I began to get a storm surge of hatred and vilification by Anonymous operatives that has included doxing my private information and those of my relatives, posting a threatening video of me, and continued harassment on Twitter, with attempts to hack my email and sic "frienders" on me on Facebook. Lovely bunch.
If hausofpain is a young and new recruit and has no clue about her own movement's history, she needs to get one because she's associated with an awful mess. She seems curious enough to wonder about whether Anonymous harassed the family of a boy who committed suicide, but it's absolutely true. Everyone who has followed Anonymous for more than the few months that most people seem to have these days knows about An Hero. In fact there was an avatar in SL who griefed everyone named Hero An.
Scientology itself has cultic elements and elements of crime but the way to address that is through the criminal justice system, not an authoritarian cult hacker movement that seems more concerned for fighting for turf with another cult than really freeing the Internet for people.
Just because that link is from discredited Scientology doesn't mean the story isn't true as those of us who followed this know about it from the time it happened and there were news accounts (Google then); here's a good summary.
Just because some Anonymous claim they aren't associated with 4chan anymore doesn't mean a damn thing; of course they were associated with 4chan and this has been documented, including by me, for years.
2m CatherineFitzpatrick @catfitz
@hausofpain Your vandalism of this heavily vandalized entry of mine in Wikipedia has already been removed. Stop it. …
I have no respect for bullys its not funny #stopbullying
I wonder if this person realized I edited their wikipedia and called them out bc they were being a bully But I wasnt mean about it
May screw with a bullies wikipedia page tmrw Idk yet still mad at them
Its sad how most bullies fail to see error of their ways and change yet I am friends with a guy who used 2 pick on me he changed
If all you do is harass&bully people who dont agree with you you deserve to be doxed lol
All this anger I have 4 one bully is not good I have been bullied since preschool and have had enough I hate it
Ok lol I just found a random sheet of paper in my room where I wrote "remote desktop connection"and nothing else WTF
what I wrote was something like (insert bullies name here)is a bully&harrasses people who dont agree with her on her wikipedia
I edited this bullys wikipedia&she deserved it maybe she will think b4 posting lies about me&others on her blog #4thelulz
extremely upset somebody bullied me+posted lies about me&others online so I found out they had a wikipedia page+edited it 2 say they bully
I joined the cause to #StopChildAbuse! Please, join me and help us by donating your tweet here #DT @helpspreadthis
how much do you want to bet @catfitz is republican apparently she claims the gay rights movement are bullies as well
if you seriously bully people because they are #anonymous or they support anonymous you need 2 get a life @catfitz
its one thing if you are a writer and want to write about child abuse I have a problem with it being glorified on #teentrouble reality show
@IHuntPedophiles @hausofpain Pro-tip: if you don't want to be exactly like creepy child pornographers yourself, don't be #Anonymous
unfortunatly I am still in college and have to go get ready for school shall do more hunting later <3
- #OpPedoChat twitter pedos I found please RT we need to get these offline (btw their are animal abusers 2)
One Child Abused ~ One Child Too Many. Please join our campaign to raise awareness: Donate a tweet #DT @helpspreadthis
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#OpAntiBully girl claimed her friend commited suicide found it was prank+bully follows victim which is suspicious
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some random person tweet me a adult website link I go 2 their twitter 2 see who they are&see this tweet! wtf?ninja smex
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I was actually trying to draw Spiderman but I messed so I turned my drawing into some angry Alien creature! I like it
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#drawing I did I'ts called "Rainy Night In The City" not perfect but its supposed 2 be like that.
Help #StopChildAbuse - Buy an awesome T-Shirt and $7 goes to help an Abused Child. Ends 1/28/13 #DT @helpspreadthis
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this site claimed a girl killed herself& I knew that wasnt true I remember she was a convicted murderer. stop #lies
- … wtf this person claims this girl killed herself but I saw that girl was a murderer in news a couple months ago
I fear for humanity when we have sites like this that make cutting seem like a trend and is making fun of self harm
4:50 PM - 23 Jan 13 · Details Flagged (learn more)" data-mentions="HuffPostCrime">
Steubenville Rape Case: Attorney For Ohio Football Player Trent Mays Files Motion To Delay Trial via @HuffPostCrime
Good Grief! We're doomed Charlie Brown. Peter Robbins, Charlie Brown Voice Actor, Arrested For Alleged Stalking
this guy alleges somes anons made fun of a guy who killed himself. Idk if they are really anons thenn … #OpAntiBully
Naruto Uzakami (the name of an anime boy hero whom this professed girl has taken as her Twitter name) is supposed to be the Saviour of the World. But this young person on Twitter exhibits all the broken features of the broken child-raising placebo called the Internet, that exasperated Dad can only attempt to cut off to try to get homework done. Hausofpain worries what her parents would think if they found out she was active in Anonymous. It's my sincere hope that this young person's conscience, still shining through despite her ensnarlment in this cult, as well as her parents' consciences, will save her before she saves the world...
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