Here's Michael Anderson, one of my nemesises on Facebook, a documentary film-maker who covers Central Asia: "Michael has been the Central Asian correspondent
for Denmark’s Radio (Danish equivalent of the BBC), covering
events in the former Soviet Union since the late '80s. He has produced
numerous documentaries for Al Jazeera English."
This is the kind of person I run into all the time in my region of work and study, Eurasia. People who seem to "get it" about the awful regimes of Central Asia and even Russia, but who Blame America First and completely distract from the real dynamics of history and politics in the region -- more related to Russia and China than the US -- and of course their own governments' complicity and/or indifference in the EU.
So here's the kind of debate you get with these kind of people steeped in anti-Americanism -- throw in a Canadian who lives in the region who can hate America and call critics like me "Nazis" but admire Guriyev -- go figure. And then you get a Kyrgyz exile who lives in America, who owes America gratitude, but who buys the anti-government line of Glenn Greenwald.
In the 1970s and 1980s, most of the Soviet emigres who came to this country shared its ideals and supported either Reagan (negotiate from a position of military strength with the Soviets) or Carter (emphasize human rights and be prepared to boycott over mass crimes like the invasion of Afghanistan). There were almost never cases of the sort of rabid anti-Americanism you get now from people who were formally supporters of US policy.
How to explain this? Well, for one, US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan just never got support, including from people like me. But at least I understood that the real problem in these regions was Iran, terrorists and the Taliban -- I didn't have the illusion that the deaths of people killed by *those* forces in these countries were "caused" by the presence of Americans. The hostile forces remain and keep killing even when we've left or are leaving. Who will they blame then? Will they finally have to face the facts?
I think there's another factor for Europeans, Canadians, and Eurasians -- they need a bonding factor, they need to belong, they want to feel themselves part of an edgy world elite that is not viewed as a client of any state. So anti-Americanism fulfills the role of binding them and giving them a hate target that instantly puts them on par with the established elites of the US and UK. It's a class marker, if you will, like ridiculing Palin or Wal-Mart.
I think for dissenters in Eurasia, it helps cover up the fact that they didn't challenge their own governments, but fled them. The dynamics are different these days. But I also blame indifferent and callous US government officials who don't concentrate on education of people whose education we pay for and whose refugee status we sponsor, and leave it to Marxists in universities or hostile NGOs. And of course the US silence on human rights violations in Central Asia for strategic reasons while they relied on them for the NDN supply route is something I've endlessly discussed on my blog Different Stans.
In any event, the results of these policies are stupid and ugly and now not easily undone.
Sometimes I think an efficient way to get these Blame American Firsters to stop whining and sneering is to cut off all their study and business visas for a time. Would that concentrate the mind wonderfully, that they couldn't come here and study and run businesses while they bash on Facebook? Of course, America will never do that because its values are for free speech and freedom of movement of people. But 90 days, would that work to reverse the trends? You rant about being spied on and you think (wrongly) America kills and tortures most people in the world (instead of Iran, Sudan, China, Russia, Pakistan, etc.). Maybe don't come here then? Would that help?
Of course if the US State Department were to do this, it would lead to only MORE outrage and Blame America First. It wouldn't likely work.
So I think the only thing to be done then is to keep debating people like this when they turn up in your feed.
October 24 at 4:06pm ·
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