So that
@markamesexiled bragged abt sex w a 15-year-old pregnant Russian girl is just my "wierd issue with Mark" https://twitter.com/paulcarr/status/409815919913754624 … -
@LouiseMensch@MarkAmesExiled in his book http://books.google.com/books?id=Er0eM6BsXggC&pg=PA153&lpg=PA153&dq=%22When+I+went+back+into+the+TV+room,+Andy+pulled+me+aside%22&source=bl&ots=N9POLkFnz3&sig=2ZLj8LJ5UwOWDXliTRA9_choeRs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bgOlUuqJB4_IsAS3ooDwDA&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22When%20I%20went%20back%20into%20the%20TV%20room%2C%20Andy%20pulled%20me%20aside%22&f=false … see also http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/beast-in-the-east/Content?oid=902762 … -
@LouiseMensch@catfitz@MarkAmesExiled Actually, no, it was a satirical piece from the Exile. Not true.@catfitz knows that. A lazy smear -
@paulcarr@LouiseMensch What's lazy is your willingness to believe it's satire.@MarkAmesExiled has never said it was. -
@catfitz@louisemensch@markamesexiled I believe it's satire, because I know it's satire because I'm Mark's editor, you fucking halfwit. -
@paulcarr@LouiseMensch Um, I know what the eXile is *dumb-ass* Russia is my field, I worked in Moscow. Now stop dodging this.-
@catfitz@louisemensch You and Breitbart and every other fucking nut tries to use that same paragraph to scare Mark's editors. NEVER WORKS.-
@paulcarr I have nothing to do wBreitbart. That par is in his book, and exemplifies him. He also describes forcing a girl to have abortion. -
@paulcarr I'm not in the business of scaring editors, you fuckwit. I've been a long admirer and even subscribe to your now failed pub. -
@paulcarr All of Anon went wild over Steubenville & you all dutifully applauded despite their vigilantism. But one of your own? Cover-up@catfitz@louisemensch It doesn't strike you as odd that the only person to ever accuse Mark of this is… uh… Mark in that one column?1:21 AM - 9 Dec 13-
@paulcarr Here's another story about this from that time http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/beast-in-the-east/Content?oid=902762 … Mark has never said this was "satired". Anywhere. -
@paulcarr If he is claiming this only now, that's just plain fucking scary. But then, we know how powerful asshole journalists get their way -
@catfitz It's not "another story", it's the exact same quote from the same page of the same book. -
@paulcarr The point is that he is not the only one to write about this, dumbass. Everyone in the field knows he himself bragged about it -
@paulcarr Now all of a sudden, we're supposed to believe it was a lie? Why? He never gave any indication of that whatsoever.
@paulcarr Instead of calling a woman on Twitter a "fucking nut," u shd just ask@markamesexiled whether it was satire. He's never said that.
@catfitz@louisemensch You've raised nothing in good faith, you've been trying to smear Mark over his coverage of Greenwald. -
@paulcarr@catfitz@LouiseMensch That woman detests Greenwald, and has all kinds of loony notions he/Snowden directed by Putin. -
@MonaHol@paulcarr@catfitz@LouiseMensch I just saw the Edmonds piece, feel the@ggreenwald porn lawyering point was pretty weak -
@TylerBass@MonaHol@paulcarr@LouiseMensch@ggreenwald I don't care about porn lawyering. Porn is legal. Sex w 15 yr old isn't. -
@catfitz@louisemensch Hopefully anyone reading your twitter stream will quickly realize you are insane, and obsessed with Mark. -
@catfitz I have nothing else to say to you. You keep reposting the same paragraph/book in different ways as further evidence. -
@paulcarr Because they're true. Ask Mark. He doesn't deny. Then I'll be happy to accept your contrite apology. Truly. I think you mean well.
@catfitz I've asked Mark. I'm his editor. He lived under my roof in Vegas. But you know him better based on a para in a satirical book. Ok.
@paulcarr He never said it was satirical. Why believe this now? And this is the first you're hearing about this? You must be biased. -
@paulcarr Remember how the CTO of Business Insider got fired for merely telling an off-colour joke about rape? so even if this is satire... -
@paulcarr I'm actually not for people losing jobs over their speech. I'm for apologies and distinguishing right from wrong, however.What an appalling interchange.
Why is it always so hard with these Silicon Valley assholes and their misogyny? You would think with all the incidents and all the scandals, they would at least learn to behave outwardly and not pretend this ok.
All of Silicon Valley was in an uproar over the CTO of Business Insider because he cracked an off-color joke about rape and made a few other misogynist remarks on Twitter. He was not only fired, Anil Dash demanded a meeting with him and then told him "you'll never get funding in this town again."
And here's a creep who tells us in his memoirs --- which are never identified as "satire" as Paul Carr claims -- that he had sex with a 15-year-old Russian girl (actually a mother of a 3-month old baby) even knowing she was under age, and even knowing that the legal age of consent in Russia was 16 (it was later made younger, age 14,but that changes nothing).
Even if this were satire, why is it ok? why do I get called a bunch of names and told I'm crazy, instead of Paul saying "I think it's satire, I agree it's pretty awful stuff but I like Mark's style" he insists I'm the problem.
But here's the thing. This incident -- and the one right after it where he forces another Russian girl pregnant with his baby to have an abortion -- tell us of the awful character of this man.
And that's why he doesn't have much credibility when he goes after Glenn Greenwald, who was once a porn lawyer and of course is helping a traitor destroy American security (and Europe's, too), or goes after Pierre Omidyar for funding the new media venture with Greenwald.
I'm all for criticizing Greenwald and Omidyar and I do. But Ames' claim that Omidyar is responsible for farmer suicides because he funded a credit scheme for the poor just isn't credible. He doesn't interview anyone or find documents or any facts at all proving this link. He just acclaims it as true as a smear. The thing is, Ames hates big corporations, rich people, and capitalism in general. He's a real little Leninist, as his love of the National Bolshevik Eduard Limonov is emblematic of that.
Since I knew Edik while Mark was still diapers, I've always found Limonov to be a manipulative fraud. Like Zhirinovsky, ultimately he works for the secret police, even if he doesn't literally, by creating magnets and inciting people and shuffling them off to jail as examples.
Nothing I've read of Ames --- and I'm a subscriber -- convinces me that he has done anything but bloviate in his gonzo journo way -- which he thinks if it's hardcore enough, passes as a substitute for investigation.
Carr says Ames lived with him -- I was wondering how on earth he ever brought him on. I don't know the back story, but it seems to have coloured his judgement.
Here's what I know.
I do not deserve to be called names, called a fucking idiot, declared insane, declared "obsessed" with Ames merely because I point out that he bragged about sex with a 15-year-old Russian girl, and that's uber creepy.
Paul Carr should acknowledge that -- whether true or fiction, it's bad. If true, it really is awful that he is part of a cover-up and a denial.
I don't think he should be fired, but I think Carr as the editor should say it was wrong, he gets why people say it's creepy, and he should apologize over it.
Of course, he's done a lot of apologizing masking as enthusiastic stiff-upper-lip boosterism for his failed mag, which now has been rescued by Sarah Lacy.
Sarah should care about this incident involving the rape of a young girl. It doesn't matter if she is drunk, or already a mother, or Russian and it "doesn't matter". It's legally and morally wrong. All of these tech journos went on and on about how wonderful Anonymous was in calling out the rape in Steubenville, heedless and even exculpatory of their terrible vigilantism that only got in the way of justice.
And they make excuses for Mark Ames?
Because he's one of theirs?
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