The Daily Caller is continually such a disappointment and I've stopped getting their news and forget to read it unless a Google alert comes in from a key word leading to their page.
Although at first I thought they might be actually bring a critical look to things like Frank La Rue and Soros' support of him, and "net neutrality," the problem is they are just in too deep to the technolibertarian perspective.
They celebrate Snowden and his courtiers far too much -- a function of that perspective.
Today, there's gushing coverage of Greenwald's book tour and talk show appearances and his claim that there's an "impressive bi-partisan" coalition fighting for change.
That means...Ron Wyden and....who was the other guy?
BTW, I'm kicking myself for not finding out soon enough about his Cooper Union appearance because I might have mangaed to ask a hard question and also just watch the dynamics.
My answer:
Greenwald engaged in his usual distracting tap dance. He thinks people are required to prove that damage was done -- by standing up and painting a target on their backs, and provide aid and comfort to the enemy?! No agency is going to do that, thank God, no matter how much he goads them.
Meanwhile, I'm going to ask the same of Greenwald -- to prove it. He has not provide A SINGLE CASE of actual "mass surveillance" - like Soviet propaganda, it's all about "the masses" and all about hysterical hypotheticals about the "imperialists".
How about ONE CASE of wrong doing that shows a systemic, deliberate determination to harm individuals. That wouldn't be "LOVEINT" -- which isn't a systemic issue but employee malfeasance. That wouldn't be spying on a law firm that does business with an authoritarian state because it was spying on that state -- that's not determination to harm Americans. Nor is finding out the porn habits of foreign jihadists any determination to harm someone not for cause.
So let's hear it. Where are those cases like Martin Luther King, Jr, Glenn? Where? Where's your own file or the file of any of the dissidents of America?
Here's an instructive exchange on the issue of why the NSA doesn't tell you about the damage done.
I still think they could do more, and keep pointing to existing events in the real world covered by the media where Russia got advantage, i.e. in sabotaging US-German relations. That's already obvious, and doesn't require revealing anything more or appearing to be weak. It's out there.
There should have been an answer to Appelbaum's infamous 30c3 speech with the Sears Roebuck catalogue of NSA gadgets that were leaked.
Note that Cisco is...penning a letter. Meek. Good! Because there really isn't anything wrong here, and Cisco should cooperate in pursuing criminals anyway. This is basic, basic stuff. Call me when Cisco files a lawsuit against the NSA for actual damages. They just pen these letters so as to have something to say to the hordes of fanboyz ginned up by TechDirt and such looking for blood.
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